WZ-111 Walkaround and Commentary

Hello everyone,

a rather interesting video by EU server player Chickentikka (respect to your English!) about the WZ-111 heavy tank, standing in the Beijing museum. Plus there is a peek inside, nice!


46 thoughts on “WZ-111 Walkaround and Commentary

  1. Nice!
    WZ-111 is an excellent tank in the game imo one of the best T9 heavys. I kept it after researching the 113.

    • He already mentioned before he’s EU….so I don’t think you’ll get an answer from him. SS should really read the comments more often :-P

    • I’m not him,but I played on China Server before. Players there seldom plays low teir.
      And the tier 8 are just full of type59+others.
      And you can’t get in any battle under tier5(!) I once tried to get in with my valentine–after 20min, I gave up.

      Btw. I then decide to play on ASIA server, then started my life of seal clubbing :D

      • Im pretty sure my question somehow translates into completely different meaning to your language, doesnt it? :D
        How MANY play there, not WHAT.

          • Woras is asking for number you see in upper-left corner of garage screen. Next to server name.
            It shows how many players are currently online (in your server / all servers ).

            Sure you need to have access to China server garage to see the number.

            • Well… Back then in Vietnam server, We didnt have that number thing. So I guess maybe the chinese one dont have it neither :|

              • we do have the server but i havent played on the chinese server recently. but trust me the number is huge.

  2. Isn’t Chickentikka said in the comments of the earlier post, that he’s from the EU server? Or was it just a troll?

  3. If i was in China, you wont see the video on youtube ;) because it is banned there

  4. I love the WZ 111 1-4 its a great tank and its way better in comparison with the IS-8 it has a great turret and i would love to see more off these tanks on the battle field

      • Since I haven’t played with neither 113 nor 121 I have neutral feelings towards both tanks (though I’m grinding both of them at the moment)
        I think the 121 has outstandingly good dpm compared to its gun (i.e usually if a gun has punchy alpha it rarely has good dpm, well this is not the case here)
        while 113 is just a mixture of is7 and is4 and a pile of elephant dong(nuff said).(but that advertised almost insta bounce UFP seems quite nice) Still, i’m w8ing to get it and either be mad at the tank or get the enemy mad at me 3:)

        • I don’t think the 113 has anything to do with the IS-7, it doesnt have a 130mm, it doesn’t have troll all-around armor, it doesn’t have that low hp, the 113 can be compared directly with the T110E5 and possibly to the IS-4 due to the shape, but almost. I kinda like it, I don’t have many battles in it yet but I like the 122mm because it’s accurate, fires fast and it’s somewhat reliable, if only had better gun depression…

  5. 113 can keep up with mediums and can provide a lot of fire support and tanking ofcourse. On the other hand the 121 has a huge gun, but it has worse acceleration than the 113(I know wtf?). So it can go with other HTs. Both have good armor
    A friend of mine has both of them and he said: “Those 2 tanks should switch class (HT to med and vice versa)