Source: VK Wotleaks community
Hello everyone,
as you already know, the special event, that’s allegedly to come in the future is a Chaffee race on the modified Port map. Here’s an award you are going to get for this mode, which is in Russian called “Smertelnye Gonki”, which means something like “Mortal Race” or “Death Race”.
That’s a very nice looking medal!
I’m really looking forward to this.
same here.
i hope it stays as a permanent game mode.
I hope it’s like mario kart with all the boosts and ramps :D
I prefer Blur in such case of race games.
These game modes are never going to be permanent. Didn’t you get the memo?
Hopefully they dont…is this some kind of raceing game?
Not for me. “Chaffee is dead baby, Chaffee is dead” it was one of my favorite light tank. Yesterday got 1200 pure experience in tier 8 battle – was №1 in our team. new version on common test – absolutely other tank with same name. So for good memory of real Chaffe – I will sell it before 9.3 release and new version of it looks like act of necrofilism for me.
P.S. It looks too irrational – but I really love Chaffee – bee with very sharp and poisoned sting. And new version – it same bee but 40 years older after several apoplexy. And sting is rusty and poison is ineffective at all.
Walker Bulldog nope?
The new Chaffee will only meet up to Tier 8 and will be faster. Mostly fine, really, still considering keeping it and grinding the new tree with fresh crew.
I have a question: race Chaffe will have crew of 5 as stated before, so will we get to keep them like in Karl mode? I really could use american light tank crew.
The karl crew was converted to comamnder of Leichttraktor. You can look for karl comander.
Tankageddon – The Death Race 2014!
(yes, nostalgia rush after the TDR 2000…)
gonki…i thought that meant “chaser”…
Best setup for chaffee, to go faster?
Equipment: Torsion Bars, Vents, Toolbox.
Consumables: Cola, large repairkit, large medikit.
Useful crew skills: BIA, CluchBraking, OffroadDriving.
am I missing something?
Large Medkit will be useless since the tank will not be able to kill each other, I think.
Get 105 Octane Gasoline instead of large medikit.
torsion bars dont increase speed. they just increase load capacity and susp durability but not speed. better fit one if you like stuff like bump/dune jumping.
“Death Race 2000″ medal with Carradine’s mug would be waaay cooler.
when i hear death race i acutally thought death run as in THE death run gamemode from community-run valve servers =/