53 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: Inca Path Map

    • 80% of WoT maps are 3 corridors. Boring as fuck

      On other topic, WG said that they are working on bigger maps. So how about making an actual biger map for supertesters instead of small shiz like this one ? (It looks like 800×800)

      • I believe they also mentioned introducing specific small, straight to the action, maps tailored to low tiers.

  1. I’m getting bad vibes when I look at this layout. It looks like it could be another El Halluf.

    Maybe if they move the spawns from behind the hills to being across the central field from each other (right next to what I would assume are small villages on either side of it on the East side of the riverbank), it might be a bit less campy, but then again that might make it another Steppes or Malinovka.

    Basically, it’s a poorly-designed map. Just scrap it and start over.

      • What is it with you people and world of corridors, I would like to get the map rotation you are having because every single time I press battle I get Malinovka or the stupid new Prokhorovka! If WG listened to people like you the game would be one big NOPE!

        • Instead WG listens to people like you and all maps play in exactly the same pattern because someone can’t comprehend open areas.

          • The problem with these open areas is that they’re just completely flat and exposed, with virtually no cover or terrain of any kind, thus turning them into killing fields. Point and case: the field on Malinovka.

            • You go across the Malinovka field often? Because I never do that.

              Oh wait. Maybe that’s my problem. I need to Yolo rush the field in every tank…

              The map os big enough that you can work around the field.
              It is not like it is the only feature of the map.

            • Players still fight over/across Malinovka field?

              I thought the northwest team gets to own the field while the other team gets to have the hill, which usually ends with the northwest team winning (if they do take over the field that is) because the cap is by the field, far away from the hill.

  2. Looks horrible to play on imo, especially if it is only 800×800.

    Not designed for any tactics whatsoever, just go to the corners and peek a boom each other /sigh.
    Light tanks and turretless td’s might just as well suicide on this map.

    ps Yeah, Green spawn looks like a perma lose if the reds have a clue.

  3. its just the 1st look of map so im pretty sure it will get reworked and if it dosent then yea fuck noobs becose WG makes EVERYTHING noob friendly maps RNG…. MM soon i guess

  4. they should really follow the example of kharkov and the redesigned pearl river in other words campy maps with 3 corridors are usually boring thats why people like kharkov so much each time you play it you dont know whats going to happen which helps in making the games interesting.
    we dont need another prokhorovka were people camp the 1-2 line while leaving the rest of the map open. then theres the crossfire bullshit on that map too where you cant be aggressive in any position without being shot in the flank it word up to tier 6 max after that its a campfest and is no fun to play. i say tier 6 max because after that tanks get view ranges above 380m and then they dominate this map without any opposition. then theres arty which breaks the map completely the only way to find out where the arty is located is to get shot at by them and that often results in you being a 1 hit kill.
    please follow the examples of kharkov and pear river dont give us another prokhorovka two different versions of the same map is bad enough.

        • Prokh and Salient are great maps with 5 lines of approach, a role for every tank type, and room to manuever. It (they are the same map) is one of the few maps where hard turreted meds and heavies (with HP) don’t automatically dominate everywhere, which is the emerging meta.

          • I was just giving Woras the TL;DR version of DEANOGTO’s comment because he’s a lazy ass that can’t be bothered to read a couple of paragraphs. XD

  5. North spawn wins 60% of the time, because if it comes down to it, they can defend from A2-3 easily while being arty safe, and a couple other solid tanks (E3s) pointed south will prevent them from being flanked.

  6. Looks like a copy of Sacred Valley with slightly another layout (upper corridor and lower corridor). Basically next member of World Of Corridors family. So it seems that the New Map Improving Model is evolving to New Map Improving And Creating Model. Bad.

  7. League of Legends with tanks!!!!! Every single fucking map looks like League of Legends map. Left, right and middle. AW will not kill WoT, WG will ruin their own game with shitty maps eventually, just give them enough time. Seriously, they need to fire entire map department asap.

  8. closed paths in the corner, open field in the middle, inappropriate hills, just like most maps.
    jungle maps are welcome, please make tropical island as well :p

  9. South coast without the coast?

    Has there EVER been a tank battle in either North or South America?!?
    Hardly historical….

  10. I’d like to see a moderately open desert map with lots of dunes, not sure how arties would affect such a map though.

    • Sand River.

      How about that old and unused Mexico map that was shown a couple of days back? It’s a desert map too.

  11. The center flat zone will make all the difference, I have the feeling that this map’s game-play will be different.
    Looking for the public test already!

  12. This map looks like an 8-year old made it in the sand at the beach with a football field down the middle.

    CORRIDORS anyone?

  13. This map looks grossly unbalanced. North has a mountain you can’t shoot through right by the base, south does not.