Hello everyone,
once again it’s the time to thank the contributors, it’s you who keep FTR running after all! This time, following people donated via Paypal:
Woddak (France)
Allan R. (New Zealand) – special thanks for repeated contribution – much appreciated!
Diego L. (France)
Maurice W. (Hong Kong) – thank you for large contribution mate!
Thank you, guys. I appreciate it, I really do. On today’s example, you can see I am not exactly 100 percent. Doing my best to keep up, but somehow it’s harder and harder. We’ll see how it goes, but thanks for all the words of encouragement you guys are sending as well, sometimes it helps a lot.
The best way to help me and FTR is via the Patreon service
This is the Patreon account of For the Record. In case you read this for the first time and feel like contributing, here is an explanation what it is, how it works and how to contribute. You can find a list of all those, who pledged and help to keep FTR running here.
Thank you all!
You can pay me to take over for you..I only demand 200 euro/week
Flaming about evil Russia inclusive?
Putin is a pale dwarf
Hired :P
Large contribution from Honk Kong, strange ? NOT SO MUCH !
I’m a reader also from HK.
And spell my country properly, don’t be an ass.
Hun Cun?
Vsun chuivchai? :D
get it right Hong Kong is not a country, a special region part of China, dont be the typical British dog
Hong Kong is a country, dumbfuck. I live there and while it’s listed as a Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong, it has it’s own government, laws, and again, is a country.
Get fucked, mainlander scum.
Hong Kong is still China, the language and culture is the same as well as the geographical area.
fuck ur mum, hong kong british dog,
totally a hong kong retard, learn history and let ur grandmother wip ir ass
“Thank you, guys. I appreciate it, I really do. On today’s example, you can see I am not exactly 100 percent. ”
They day after you announced about “limited” FTR – boom, bunch of articles.
“Doing my best to keep up, but somehow it’s harder and harder.”
Did somebody told you to slow down? :D If not – then I do.
“Doing my best to keep up, but somehow it’s harder and harder.”
That’s what she said.
yeah I know, too easy =D
But better keep things light and stupid, especially when shit gets tough!
Hmm, yes, there wasn’t a noticeable slowdown when FTR went to “Limited” mode. If you need to spend less time here, FTR would still have plenty of content.
just some encouragements from france, thanks for your time and work, it’s a pleasure to follow you on FTR ;)
i know we never met or spoke to each other but it doesn’t matter ;)
The same sentiment here…appreciate the hard work and dedication…and if you need to take breath,mate,no one can knock you for that.
Best of wishes for overcoming what difficulties confront you :)