Chaffee Races Trailer

So, WG EU portal finally made a post about the Chaffee races. That’s nice – although they did cut the original race KTTS so much they completely removed the joke from the video (yes, it’s not supposed to be serious). But… why don’t we get this trailer too?



(yes, the lady in the audience with the button is Ola) – well, there are English subtitles, but we don’t need them, do we? :) Hmmm… hhy don’t we have an Ola-like character on EU? That Turkish chick was nice for example. Oh and there’s this on RU portal:


EU really can’t into PR in a 99 percent male game…

40 thoughts on “Chaffee Races Trailer

  1. Here Ola is a 100000% male name, kinda like Steven in how little it’s a girl name.

    p.s that racer dude really looks like Will Wheaton!

  2. She is not Ola, but Olga to start with… And that Bring back T-50-2 is just… Wargaming y u do dis.

  3. this really seemed like it was an american advert, with the rock music, the cars, the explosions…etc…but it was more cheesy….hence you could tell it was ruseks trying to be western :P