Straight Outta Supertest: T-55A NVA DDR

Source: VK Wotleaks community

Hello everyone,

as announced earlier, T-55A appeared on the supertest as a German tier 9 reward/event tank. It’s official designation is “T-55A NVA DDR”. The designation reads:

The T-55A is an improved variant of the T-55 tank. It differs from the T-55 by the absence of the AA machinegun and improved WMD protection. Roughly 1800 T-55 and T-55A tanks were exported from USSR to DDR between 1962 and 1970.


Statistics for 100 percent crew:

Tier: 9 MT Reward
Hitpoints: 1700
Weight: 37,5 tons
Engine power: 580 hp
Power-to-weight: 15,47 hp/t
Maximum speed: 50/20 km/h
Terrain resistance: 0,767/0,863/1,438
Hull traverse: 50 deg/s
Viewrange: 395
Radiorange: 761,3

Armor – hull: 100/80/?
Armor – turret: 200/160/65

Gun: 100mm Kanone D-10T2S
Penetration: 201/330/50
Damage: 320/320/420
DPM: 2600
Reload time: 7,384s
ROF: 8,126
Accuracy: 0,326
Aimtime: 2,01s
Depression: -4,3
Turret traverse: 48 deg/s

Armor and more pics below.







97 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: T-55A NVA DDR

  1. Finally, I’ve been waiting for you a long time ago, sweetheart.
    Even though its a bit worse than its soviet counterpart, but finally a decent med to train our german med crews (apart from that radioman) :)

        • T-54
          T-54 Lightweight
          T-54 Mod. 1945
          Type 59
          T-55A NVA DDR
          How many clones of the one tank do you, SerB, want do make!?

            • Don’t worry, there’s still room in entire T8-10 EU tree for all them license copies.

                • About the T-34-1:
                  “In 1954 the Chinese government considered the possibility of launching production of the T-34-85 in China. At the same time, Chinese engineers proposed an alternative project: the T-34-1. While based on the T-34-85, the T-34-1′s transmission compartment and suspension were to be rearranged, reducing overall weight and giving a lower hull.”

                  About the T-34-2:
                  “The T-34-2 was not an upgraded modification of the Soviet T-34 tank, but was a totally different vehicle. Chinese engineers conceived the T-34-2 as an analog of the Soviet T-54. Later the U.S.S.R. passed the technology of T-54 production to China, and the T-34-2 project was discontinued.”
                  Which means it’s not a T-54 copy/clone, but a similiar competator.

                  About the T-34-3:
                  “The T-34-3 medium tank was to be a modification of the T-34-2.”

                  Only the Type-59/WZ-120 are T-54 clones and the 121 is an upgrade on the T-54 clone, like the T-62A is an upgrade on the T-54.

                • They’re a halfway point between the T-34 and Type 59. The Chinese basically looked at pictures of a T-54 and developed a tank based on those, in the same way that the Japanese developed the Kikka jet fighter at the end of World War II by using incomplete blueprints of the Me-262 as a reference.

            • OK, Type 62, maybe too, WZ-131 and 132 – it’s a question, but T-34-1/2/3 – NOT. they are not T-54 clones.

              • Ugh, that’s hard to tell because they were meant to be a copy of T-54 with the all the available (inferior) technology china had. They did end up as more-less different tanks but that’s because chinese tried to make the same tank from what they had. Type 59/WZ-120 is a legit clone because it was actually licensed by USSR and 121 was merely a response to soviet T-62

            • it looks like a weaker type 59 lol Types a tier 8 and has better stats then this tank has xD im a lucky 59 owner :p

          • Hey, hey! Stop right there! 121 is not a T-54 clone! There are too many differences like the T shaped hull and huge-ass turret ring. The turret itsel has a different profile both to fit huge gun, crew and be more deflective to shells.
            It IS inspired by T-54 but saying it’s a clone is a HUGE misunderstanding! It was made to compete with T-62 and Chinese had to cope with their limited technology.

            59-16 isn’t a clone either, it has alot of tech substitutes due to lack of technology.

            As for the rest, yeah you’re right.

    • Nice tank, I agree SS, another 54 clone. Still want my Panther F with out side skirts Serb.

  2. T-55 such a sexy tank

    to bad i wont own it because im not a pro player or part of a pro clan

      • You clan guys are so funny. Since I started using XVM it’s interesting that the players who I thought were pretty good, who were in famous clans, were actually about 20 points under me. I just don’t like running with the assholes that most clans seem to attract.

        Surprise surprise, it’s not about skill, I don’t want to have to be in the same virtual room as people like you. That’s what keeps me out of a clan.

        • Social skill is also a skill.

          And the way you make you prejudice against clan known with your statements made it obvious that you didn’t have much of it.

          Fact is that there’s a clan for everyone, even asshole like you.
          (since EXN0M exists huehuehuehuehue)

      • Did i seriously just read that comment, you think its funny to say that, dont you. well you dont have to live with it every day, and you have no idea what its like. i dont like MLP either, but i dont go saying that its for people with the misfortune to have a mental illness. that is highly offensive, and who the fuck do you think you are to go saying stuff like that. yes, ASD is waaayy more common than people think, but it makes life almost unbearably horrible and just having to go a day of having to interact with people is physically exhausting, so idiots who go and say things like that who have no idea what they are joking about just pisses me off. i agree, i dont like MLP, but i dont go blaming mentally disabled people for having to look at it.

      • Disease? You think Aspergers is a disease? firstly its either genetic or situational (ie not spread by a the vectors of a true disease), and secondly it doesn’t detriment the ability to function in society, true they may be socially awkward, and enjoy colourfull miniature equines, but it does in no way make them diseased

        • Oh to be so clever. It is a little bit more than just being socially awkward. But I guess it is fun to troll. LOL

          • Usually does, sometimes doesn’t. If you know PHJ, he once mentioned in his Q&D (Q&A) that he has aspergers but I wouldn’t have noticed.

        • unfortunately, actually no one knows the cause of aspergers. it seems that scientists have things that are more important to research, like if computer games make people go on psycho killing sprees. but your right, its most likely genetic or mutation based. however, autism is a more researched field, and i think we do know the cause of autism at least. mental illness (or if your the NZ ministry of education, mental disorder) is a better name for aspergers/autism.

        • you have no idea what your talking about. if you could live my life, you would know its a little bit worse than that, you know, just a little, not like your brain works in a completely different way, and there is nothing about ASD that makes us like MLP or cartoons of the sort, and statistically we fall in line with the “normal” population of viewers/non viewers. i actually know more “normal’ people who like MLP than people with ASD who like MLP. so yeah, its totally because wot leaks is trying to be ASD friendly but using MLP backgrounds, that totally why they did that . no, no other reasons at all………

      • If I could reach through the screen and punch you right in your fucking mouth, I would (don’t you DARE compare Aspies to Bronies – there’s no correlation whatsoever)

      • Lol the troll in this comment.
        Guys he’s being a troll and an idiot. Don’t give him the attention he wants. He probably doesn’t even know what those terms mean.

        I always thought MLP was for more depressed people anyway. Never met an autistic or aspie who likes MLP…

    • Isn’t the Russian word for armour ‘bronya’ or something? Maybe there is some weird intercultural reference going on.

  3. Hmm reward tank?
    Do we, who where born in east germany, get one for free? As a reward?
    Would be nice:-)

    • everyone can get it u just need to start learning looking at map think ur next move and master ur tank driving skill

    • Yes, that’s really too bad that you suck at the game and can’t drive special tanks.

      • i have a type 59 im special already and the type 62 i sence jelousy. Also the type 59 is alot better then the t-55 type gets in t8 to t9 matches. T-55 gets into 9 and 10 battles While type has a better reload speed. So type 59 is a all round better tank

  4. Now please gief TR-580. At least it differs from all those T-54/55′s (not complaining, i love T-54/55′s)

    • TR-580 – (Tanc Românesc Model 580 – Romanian Tank Model 580) Romanian production variant of the T-55 with a new hull and stretched chassis with 6 road wheels and metal side skirts. It has a combat weight of 38,2 tonnes. The TR-580 still uses the 580 hp engine of the T-55 (hence the name). It was developed from 1974 and 400 were produced between 1977 and 1981.[7] The tank’s official designator is TR-77-580 (Romanian tank Model 1977 with 580 hp engine) but initially it was simply called TR-77, M1977 or M-77 in the West

      Why would you want that?

  5. WoT haven’t got enough T-54 like tanks, said no tanker ever.
    P.S. I still dont get those water marks on the last tank model pics

  6. Which nation symbol will it have (you know, like the red star for russian/chinese), will it have a red star or an NVA symbol?

  7. Pingback: Info ze supertestu: Východoněmecká T-55A

  8. Say they want to avoid filling the European tree with clones of already existing tanks…

    Add and/or announce a T-54 every mother fucking month.

    Well played.

  9. It’s about time the T-55 finally appeared in WoT. Also, love that infrared searchlight on the turret.

  10. I like it. I don’t care it’s a T-54 “clone”, but I would like it to be russian, not german. Why? Because russian mediums lack a proper hightier crew training platform and this one would be very nice. Germans already have Panther M10 and shortly will have Panther with 88mm. Meanwhile russians have what? Matilda IV which is POS.

  11. Hopefully, WG will get smart and add in it’s symbols into the exterior tab for everyone. I’d love to be able to change that god awful red star on my soviet tanks for the lovely looking NVA roundel.

  12. Lel problem is they made T54 so OP they wont be able to top it with the actual superior tank.

    In RL the 120mm would be dogshit slow, with a terribaddie gun.

    The T55 would be like the T62a except with current T54`s gun.

  13. The only difference between a T-54 and T-55 is the T-55 is NBC capable. So unless nukes are coming to WoT, IMO this is a waste of resources. To me this seems silly that WG wants to kick out another T-54 variant. They must be running out of ideas for CW rewards.

  14. would’ve rather seen the PTA go to tier VIII, as a premium, the Leopard 1 go to IX and yes I know I am asking a lot here, a new Leopard 1A4 version be created and set at X…