Straight Outta Supertest: Object 260 and T28 Armor

Hello everyone,

you asked about the Object 260 and T28 Concept armor layout, so here it is. Notice several things:

- the mantlet of Object 260 is only 250mm thick, unsloped and there is nothing behind it
- Object 260 roof is extremely thin
- the T28 Concept miniturrets on each side are only 101mm thick

(note that the T28 Concept gun traverse is 30 degrees on each side with cca 4,5 degrees of gun depression)









34 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: Object 260 and T28 Armor

    • Meh, I’d go for this miserable T 28 concept because it epitomizes all that makes me sad about WG, now imagine that, a hard-line follower being sad and disillusioned.

        • If that T28 concept is real, then so is the carved wooden phoenix I had when I was little.

          It isn’t even a blueprint drawing with any kind of information, the WTE100 is more real because at least that has the E-100′s chassis (which we have info on) and wasn’t something a bored intern carved one day.

          Seriously though it really just looks like a concept of what someone thought “the future of tanks” was to be, rather than any concerted effort to make a real tank design. Like the difference between the stylised ’50s and the Saturn V.

          • Actually, the T28 Concept is based on a wooden mockup that was made during the design phase of the T28/T95 project…so its still far more real than the WTFE100 which is just WG doodling on a napkin.

  1. Angled T28C will be really hard to penetrate, expecially when hidding turret weakspot, for me it would be really nice as alternative way to the normal T28.

        • Which means that you expose your 101mm side armor…not really better than being shot in the miniturrets…

          • If you do it right, you’ll expose it at a great angle. Much better than getting shot in the miniturret.

      • haha lol whoras…. you are wrong. you can hide with using a corner easly. because weak spot not @ front. they are @ middle. they cant hit because they cant see weak spots… r2d2 cant hide beceuse they are @ front section..

        • Can you not see the three 60mm tumours on top of the tank? The armour’s a gimmick no decent player could be fooled by.

    • I dont think so. Those “bells” on sides are quite big weakspots.
      Its like KV-5s R2D2 on both sides of vehicle.

      • They don’t look that weak… They’re rounded, so they’ll be much bouncier than the kv-5′s r2d2, and the armor around them appears to be 101mm thick. That should be plenty for a tier vii. It looks comparable to the AT-7.

  2. A 100mm weakspot so far to the back? Quite managable with 30 degrees traverse. And 100mm rounded armour is still strong for a ‘weak’ spot.

  3. You cant hide the turrets on the T28 proto, because there are turrets on both sides lol

    • The standard IS-7 has 150mm frontal armour, the extreme compound angles make it very strong

  4. Hey guys? Look at the turret!!!
    –How to defeat Obj 260 Frontally–
    Step 1: Shoot at lower angled part of turret.
    Step 2: Watch as shot ricochets into hull
    Step 3: Profit

  5. The wooden mockup of the t28 did not have a fucking flat front SHOOT ME HERE plate.

    Funny how WG takes a wooden mockup and they still model it differently.

  6. Pingback: Info ze supertestu: Pancíř Objekt 260 a T28 Concept

  7. I would be more worried about the shot trap than the 250mm thick mantlet.

    It should work relatively well considering HEAT mechanics; all the premium rounds will fail when they hit the mantlet, and most of the AP and APCR capable of reliably penning the mantlet are not really that accurate.

  8. WTF do they make gift tanks basically T10`s with T9 guns?

    I understand making Premiums not as OP as reg tanks but gift tanks should be 100% as powerful as regular tanks as they are in such small numbers they cant hurt the meta.

    I mean I understand not making them OP machines but look at the M60, it is better than the M48 in all ways except camo and it isnt game breaking at all, not even close to it.

    All gift tanks should be bad ass for there tier, they certainly dont make big creds, all they do is train crews.

    But 907+260 are almost useless as they have T9 guns and 260 is more like a T8 gun.

  9. Also T28 concept did have plans made for it, they just were not posted when Hannicut wrote his book.

    In the end the MG tumors where most likely gonna be hydraulic just like the B17 belly guns.

    In other words they should be 1 shot hitbox`s.

    WG needs to get on it about 1 hit hitboxes already, so many weakspot on US tanks would be one hittable and then do nothing as that part would be gone with no real loss of function.