New Function on Wot-News: Recommended Tanks

Hello everyone,

I’d just like to inform you of a new, experimental function on wot-news, programmed by Edrard in cooperation with the WN8 rating guys. If you are into rating and all that, you probably know that one of the wot-news functions is to check your WN8 rating on this page:


A new function was added to this table – a list of recommended tanks under the “WN8 Suggested Tanks” button. If you press it, you get the following screen:


This is a list of the tanks that you should play (or shouldn’t), if you want to increase your WN8 rating. Basically, it shows the vehicles in your garage, that have the best (and worst, on the right side) rating increase (or decrease) per battle. You can use it as a tool to pad your stats improve your rating in order to be a better player. Enjoy!

106 thoughts on “New Function on Wot-News: Recommended Tanks

        • LOL ! The site tells me I should play my VK 7201 K more :D
          Oh, and I should definately steer clear off my IS-7 (?!) 0_o

          • Unsurprisingly it tells me to play my IS-6 more lol. Not to mention my KV-5, T34, FV4202, and STB-1. Surprisingly it tells me to not play my most played tank, the PzIV H. Well, i guess some of the results are a surprise lol.

            And here i was hoping it was a function that would suggest new tanks for you to play lol.

      • Sort of does. I played my T67 extensively, and it has quite a high expected damage value for tier 5, but I constantly get above that (677.17) and thus my WN8 for a day can be almost 3000. Same with the T-34, though people seem to suck with it, but it’s easy to do at least double your own HP in damage, so same happens with WN8.

        • WTF? I too play the shit out of my T67(T49) and do extremely well but it say to steer clear of it. What is this based on? Fuck that site man.

      • But in WN8 68% of rating is influenced by damage dealt per battle.

        WN8 is heavily base on damage dealt more than any other rating system.

        For example, WN 7 is equally influenced by damage and number of tanks killed per battle.

        • The recommended tank function is stupid. It just tells you what tanks you have the highest WN8 which you can get from other websites.


          This website does much, MUCH, more like list total medals and I am 8th on the NA Server in Kamikaze’s and I am a much better player than everybody above me except Tazilon and he was a one-trick pony and was only good in the VK2801 playing it when derp HEAT was OP so I consider myself a better player than him too. He also quit the game to protest WG because he thinks they are selling weapons to terrorists in the Ukraine, LOLLLL.

          I would be 24th on the RU server and I am very close to jumping past many of them to the top 10.

          Cool Beans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        • I have a lot of tanks in my garage. Six out of the top 10 recommended for me are arty. Bert is way down the list, but still top 20.

          I gather from this tool that I need to play arty in order to stat pad.

    • Exactly. My first impression after reading the title was that this will be exactly like you are saying – based on the player performance suggest him tanks that he has not played yet… That would be worthy something.

        • Of course it could be predicted, at least to some extent.

          If two players have played the same tanks equally good and player one plays a tank that player two does not have, good or bad, most likely player one will perform similarly.

        • But I guess it can give you a hint in which type of tanks you perform better. For example on the given screenshot you can see that SS is doing well in german TDs. If he would be in need of buying a prem tank it may be a good idea to by JT 8.8 maybe ;)

          However if you have at least a touch of intelligence, you know what type of tank suits you best.

          Moreover in my case it shows that I’m best in m41 arty which I haven’t played since arty branch was extended to tier 10. And I am quite sure that I am way better in playing MTs or LTs than in damn artys :P

          Concluding: It can be useful for nobrainers who don’t understand their own capabilities ;) I’m sure that statpadders with WN8 over 2k know what they need to do to increase their stats even further anyway ;)

        • It cannot be predicted with certainity, but it most definitely can be predicted enough to give decent recommendations. There’s actually specific data mining methods and algorithms that come to mind, like for example the one that Amazon uses to recommend items to people.

  1. meh, i treat a statpadder like any other noob, cause you know… they are! stats may be good, but they suck at playing!

    • Yep, because 15 retarded shits like you would beat FAME, EFE, KAZNA etc with ease, right? I bet you are the only non-noob player on the server that doesnt suck at playing.

      I hope that there will be camps for braindead animals like you one day. World will be a better place.

  2. I drive Bulldog.
    Ingame WN8 mod shows normal 2-3k WN for battles.
    While noobmeter, wotlabs show my recent WN by 1-3k WN more :D
    Now how to know what to drive? :D

    • Ez. Fuck the stats and play the bulldog for fun. Usually if you are having fun with the tank, you are likely to have good stats with it.

        • Fear for the 9.5 nerf :( lets hope its gonna be some t57 ht-like one, that doesnt cripple the tank completely, probably most fun to play tank in ze game now

        • Do around 4k damage with it and it’s 24k WN8 O_o and still not an Ace. I nearly fell off my chair.

        • I don’t think it’s OP. It’s balanced with tier 8 tanks. Problem is that other LTs are underpowered and indirectly nerfed since 8.6.

          • By the way stat padding is problem of low expected WN8 values, not a problem of tank being OP. I think I can influence battle with T32 even more by combined damage, spot and stopping (sometimes pushing) power.
            Problem is, that tank is too slow to deal amount of damage required for 2000WN and expected WN8 are quite high, cause it’s hard to completely fail with this tank.
            I mean bulldog has high skill ceiling and same problem is with high tier mediums. For me, best statpadding tanks are Pattons, Bulldog … why not. Interestingly Fatton is first and I struggle to keep my winrate at 50% solo in it, while WN in 1600-2000 range is not a problem. T67 is a different story – almost three stars on gun, 65% recent win rate and barely 2000 wn8 recently.

          • 100% agree. Other lights are just shit, this one here and the LTTB does at least have some battle value.

  3. Interesting, apart from the fact that my suggested vehicles are the ones I have already sold long time ago :)

  4. Yey, more pathetic stat padders that do not play this game for fun, or for discovering new tanks, but instead inflate their stats by playing the same tank over, and over again… To be honest I do not see much of a point of this functionality. Most people are aware in which tanks they perform good, and in which badly. This will be just an easy mode for them.. If you are underperforming in a particular tank, and it is not a POS tank, then there must be something bad with your gameplay, and you should try to improve it, not to switch to an OP tank, or a tank that suits you and think that you are a good player because you do well… But hey, we’ve all seen these people with 5k and more games in Hellcats, or T18, or the current rising star after the nerfs – Cromwells…
    What is the point?

  5. Ha, it recommends the M7 Priest which indeed has my highest WN8 score. But nearly all of those battles were when it was a tier 4 seeing tier 8 so the avg damage was much much higher etc.

  6. Or just use – it tells you all stats on all your tanks, including the ones you have best win8 with.

  7. Its funny. It recommend I play the PzIVS a lot more, but I have an appalling win rate in, and that I don’t play so much my beloved Pz 38(t) that i love to play, but I should just use my T15 instead.

    Statistics vs Fun?

    Fun every time!

  8. Worth trying out:
    1st T29, ok, thats a great tank
    2nd Panther II, ok I liked that too
    3rd T25 AT, OH GOD NO! I hated that tank, I’m glad that I sold it, nooooo

  9. ROFL, it suggests me to play Lorraine 40t, Sturer Emil, T28 and Chi-Ri. Yea, definitely the best tanks to enjoy playing. ;)
    The thing is, that you can pad your WN8 (and Performance rating from by being good in the tanks, that others do not play, do not like and in which they suck. And that is quite easy for good players, who can use any tank strongest side to his advantage.

    But is that to be considered fun? That’s another question..

  10. Would be nice if the calculator didn’t bring in all the old stats into calculation from the tanks I played 2 years ago…

  11. I like how that function says the TOG II* and Tiger I are worth trying out, as I already have and had them respectively. :P

  12. let me start by saying that I still don’t understand how these statistics work and I guess other people don’t either. Sometimes people tell me I am a great player because of my stats. Other times I am a tomatoe… Anyways, looking at the new feature puzzles me again. I see for example my S-51, in which I have 60% winrate I should not play, while IS-3, in which I have 40 % winrate is a tank I should play…. huh?

    • WN8 does not give so big shit about winrate. It is more interested, how you perform in that tank compared to other players, especially – how well you do the damage. :)

    • It’s simple. Majority of bad players play Russian tanks because it’s “easy”, they suck in them, and thus bring down the expected values. Same goes for my beloved T-34, which I don’t mind at all.
      (By tanks I mean real tanks, not SPGs)

      • Depends on which tanks you talk about. some soviet tanks are so rare, you can see only unicums and very good players playing them. Best example here is propably the Su-101, I’ve seriosuly seen very few bad players playing it, most of the time it’s the guy ending up with around 5 kills.

  13. I use the last 1000 games on noobmeter to get an assessment of how I am doing and which are my best tanks to play. It would be good if that was a feature on this calculator.
    XVM could do with that as well— what the point of seeing the overall average when the player could be playing like a boss and still average rating because they has shit stats when they started for any number of reasons.

    • problems the server load: For overall stats you only need to store the resent results when checking the stats of each player. For having last ~1000 games you would have to store multiple data sets to calculate the changes of those 1000 games and depending on how often your tool checks the stats and how much a player plays, you would have to store lots of data (And its not like you can have the data from “Last time” and wait till he has done 1k games, you would need every data set to calculate progressive changes )
      For a side like noobmeter its not that big of a problem, as profiles are only checked, when someone enters the name on the site. For xvm on the other hand, they check every single profile of every singly acc.

      • It could be calculated weekly or every two weeks on a rolling basis on players who have been active that would be close enough. Players with under 1000 games the average would do.

  14. @Silentstalker

    Nice article, but the description is wrong at one point: the suggestion does NOT show you the tanks you have in garage right now only, but ALL you have EVER owned. So it is a good hintgiver regarding which tank to rebuy, too.

  15. Just spend 110 000 xp by grinding the m46 patton stock, and the turret is still missing. website tells me it’s not worth it… Bad luck bryan

    • For me it’s the other way around :)
      But even with 80% winrate and KPD of 9.4 it still has “only” 2500 WN8. I think that expectations are really high on this one.

  16. WN8 is broken. If you play OP vehicles and they will get nerfed and you will sell them you will get skyhigh stats (Hellcat). If you play UP vehicles, then you will sell then and they will get buffed, you WN8 will be absolute trash (vk45). This whole stats for every vehicle is good idea on paper, terrible in reality. Not to mention ability to “pad” your stats. Only things that are good are low points for defence and WR, which were way to “pad” in WN7 and EFR. Hope WN9 will be better. For now I recommend “Perfomance rating”. Unfortunaly XVM does not support that.

  17. Thanks for the website.

    I am 8th on the NA Server in Kamikaze’s and I am a much better player than everybody above me except Tazilon and he was a one-trick pony and was only good in the VK2801 playing it when derp HEAT was OP so I consider myself a better player than him too. He also quit the game to protest WG because he thinks they are selling weapons to terrorists in the Ukraine, LOLLLL.

    Most of the players above me solely seal club at lower tiers and some of them are REALLY bad and do nothing but RAM tanks while for me it is more a “side job.”


  18. What a pile of shit.
    How insecure do you have to be to consciously pad WN8? The metric only has meaning pre-padding. If you are padding, you increase the speed at which your XVM camo disappears, and make it uncomfortable to play lesser tanks that you need to grind, or need to learn.

    It is better to focus on ACTUALLY IMPROVING. Your WN8 will naturally rise, and you don’t have to worry about padding or playing crappy WN8 tanks.

  19. If you want to pad just drive low expected damage values tanks and voila. That’s mainly medium and light tanks, specially LTs with good guns. However it’s really easy to see whether your wn8 is because you’re good player or just because you’re padding in those tanks. It’s btw stupid that it shows TDs as tanks that i should play since TDs have ridiculously high expected values even though most of the lower tiers actually sucks harder than regular tanks.

  20. “…programmed by Edrard in cooperation with the WN8 rating guys…”

    Strange how I didn’t hear about it until now…

  21. So, KV-220 for me :D
    And E-75, in which sadly I did just 48% win, but still did my part

    Tiger H is apparently my worst tank :(

  22. Really, this shouldn’t go on your overall WN8 per tank but on your recent WN8 per tank. Basically all it’s telling me is not to play tanks that I played mainly in 2011, which as a result have much poorer stats than more recent games.

    • very true, it should at least have an option to filter by time, e.g. last month, three, six month, whatever.

  23. G.W. Tiger with a stronk 49% WR is on first place o_0
    OK lets sell all the heavys and meds…

  24. So the “Recommended Tanks” function says to drive my Tiger I and Lowe more and my SU-122-44 less (no really, it only listed those three vehicles)…which is what I’ve already been doing seeing how I haven’t driven my SU-122-44 in several months.

  25. Worth trying out: ARL v39!!!!
    Yeah, thats what I’m talking about. I loved that thing. Maybe I schould buy it back.

  26. Well with my Dinoputer, I have always had very low FPS, and played more Arty than anything else because of it. (though I am well on my way to unlocking everything in the game. )
    For the last 6/8 months, I have been playing a lot less arty and watching my scores slip, as I work to complete lines and gather Tier 10s.

    Tired of the slip, as of the last week or so I have been running a lot more arty, with a huge jump in stats.

    What does the program say to run for me, high tier arty, lots of it, plus my AMX 13/90 (my highest win8 battle 12738 win8, is in it), and my tier 5 T-34 (never would have guessed that one. ).


  27. That’s it, everything getting sold and T28 proto, Panther 2, T69, IS-8 and 13 90 getting bought back.
    Actually forgot how much fun the T69 was, considering I refused to use premium ammo on it for some reason. :-)
    I like this feature.