Hello everyone,
Russian videomaker Amway921 made two interesting videos recently (well, about a week ago). One shows the new upcoming CW reward (Object 907), the other the American premium tank destroyer T28 Concept, that will be available for individual missions.
Object 907 – it is said that it has relatively thick armor, it has Object 140-like mobility (okay-ish), but the gun sucks and the tank is nasty only when running gold ammo.
T28 Concept – here it’s worth noting that the T28 is not a premium tank (doesn’t gain more credits). It’s actually relatively mobile. It’s something like a Tortoise a bit. The gun has good traverse (30 to each side) and is okay, but the armor has two big weak points (the “miniturrets”).
Object 907 gonna be a gold digger, while T28concept only ,,for fun,,
wtb t28C :3
T28 concept rocks… I am in love! :)
I can already see how you would love to get penned into MG turrets :)
Try out tortoise. Armor nowadays means nothing :)
60 fps youtube videos….so smooth…so smooth…
Dont know about you, but it fucking lags same as 30FPS.
SS look on ammo on obj 907 he has only 45 ammo when obj 140, T62a, obj 430 have 50 ammo :/
“Object 907 – it is said that it has relatively thick armor,”
yep except for a turret that gets overpenetrated by a tier 5 gun (20mm on top 30mm above gun…), so stopping to aim or trying to do some hulldown play -> auto death. :P
Most likely this is going to be the worst of the 3 reward tier 10s(If it doesn’t turn out its softstats/hidden stats like camo are illogical high). If I wouldn’t already own VK and M60 I would definitely go for VK (although I prefer mediums, but obj is crap and m60 to much of copy paste of m48. VK on the other hand is fun to play and more or less unique)
Well, if you want to play weaker version of E100, then by all means play with your VK.
With M60, you atleast get a copy of a tier 10 medium tank.
Let me guess, you never played nor own a VK? Its in no way a weaker version of E-100, but how should a tomato realize that.
Who cares when VK is still 2x better than M60? And it doesn’t require separate crew. With VK I win battles with one hand. It’s ridiculous how strong heavies are in current meta.
Object 907 has 200mm effective front that can’t be really angled due to rounded shape. Can’t call that good armor :) unless it got changed from what we can see in tank inspector. Worse DPM, crappy gun that needs gold… meh.
SS, are there any hints on what kind of stuff we can expect to do to fulfill IMs?
I remember the drawings when they came out and if WG keep to the armour profile the skull cap on the turret is very thin and could be subject to overmatching or even HE.
220 is bad at all, it’s just people would rather spam gold than look for weakspots or wait to attack the tank from the sides or rear. 220 for me is enough anyhow.
It’s also quite maneuverable for it’s size, so I would love this tank as it is.
IS maneuvrable because is played with ventilation, rations and has all skills/perks unlocked
I like the T28 concept from this video
One more review of the tank from Jove.
So let me get this straight…the T28-C will have the benefit of being a tank that can be used as a tank destroyer crew trainer….but will not get ‘premium tank’ status…? As in no XP or credit modifier? That doesn’t make sense to me. Are there other ‘premium tanks’…that are not really premium tanks in this same sense? And what would be the logic behind this?
Exclusive tank.
For a collection.
All the CW rewardtanks are. Its because they are rewards for missions and mostlikely those new tanks wont be one time event missions but permanent and wg wouldnt want to permanently hand out real premium tanks. Without the bonus credits ppl still need to buy real premium tanks.
T28 concept had a smooth rounded frontplate. WG made it completely flat. Fucking idiots.
Someone should ask Storm about it. It’s possible that the company they have do the models for them screwed up and WG hasn’t noticed. It’s not uncommon.
T28C should’ve have the 286degree traverse you get on the T28P, but nope! WG logic.
yeap because the internal part of the gun would no way clip with the rounding or oven get dmg while shooting and hitting the hull…
Again…putting a very good player in a tank with gold consumables and 9 skill crew members isnt a true indication of how the general public will see these tanks…
As much as I like and appreciate the fact that he’s showing off these tanks for us, I don’t think I’ll be watching any more of his videos simply because he’s one of those ‘pretty good at WoT but a total asshole’ types. Just watch the T28C replay he shows, near the end when there are only a few tanks left on the enemy team. What an asshat.
If you want to do more damage or get a higher score, play better to begin with, don’t block peoples shots and run them into walls just so you can get the last shot on something.
I guess I should know better than to expect teamwork in WoT, but most of the time it’s just people not working together, not people actively working against one another.
(And no, I just don’t want to watch any more stuff like that. Makes me sick. Not a SJW saying ‘he’s not getting any more views by -this- guy!’ As if that would make a difference, lol.)
Watching that T28 play was disgusting…
You can tell what type of player he is by the way he purposely tried to block allies from killing kv-3, and he drove the ARL 44 into the wall so he could get the E-25.
Good tank,
Player? Not so much