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Winter Ruinberg
Lost City
Mittengard (aka The Pit)
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Winter Ruinberg
Lost City
Mittengard (aka The Pit)
I love winter ruienberg :)
that’s because you’re an idiot. Just adding SNOW to a map does NOTHING for the game play. Make tanks slide or loose traction on ice, have falling snow pile up and be able to use as temporary cover (taking shots reduce the snow pile) or have random guest of snow REDUCE visibility. Shit like that make maps different and challenging, not just adding snow which is nothign more then making the map WHITE
I like it why call me an idiot?
if a person results to insults it means they lack an argument
learn to read retard, I listed my argument. Just because you’re a simpleton and easy to please a distract, does not mean the rest of us are.
Look there’s a squirrel
What was so special about the current Ruinberg on Fire then?
All that fire and darkness were game play elements, evidently.
Totally not a skin. For real.
Wow, someone has a penis in his bum :D
Look son a retard. Get a life muppet. Move out from home and avoid any more ass rapes. Pathetic little moron.
Fuck off the Internet dude, you did not learn how to use it properly.
SACEUR, Are you f*cking kidding me? Yes, adding white to a map doesn’t make the gameplay any different, but if someone likes the new look it doesn’t mean they are idiots. Also, there isn’t really any arguments in your first comment, just some random rant.
PS. Yes, I get it, we are in the internet where you can be rude to people, but still, your behaviour is sub-standard.
Part of that will be introduced with new motion physics.
“have falling snow pile up”
Because 15 minutes of falling snow definitely make a snow pile big enough to cover a tank.
Well, they could, but the snowfall would be so big that you’d have to bump the enemy to see it anyway.
It dies more than make the map white. It reduces the bush cover significantly. Now if they added snowbanks, they could change the cover points while remaining kind to snipers, passive scouts, ambushers and artillery.
By temporary cover, I really hope you mean visual.
And the map is pretty, that’s, according to #pcmasterrace, one of the most important aspects of a game.
And personally, I rather like maps to be nice to look at, and not just “I go here and kill things”. Aesthetics are a thing, and humans like them.
Nice manners, mate. Really.
Don’t be a dick.
The fact that you can’t see OTHER reasons that people might like a map (IE: aesthetics) makes YOU the simpleton. If you don’t see the benefit of a new version of a map, then you aren’t the target audience for it.
Wow, saxsan just said he likes the new map and that guy started insulting him. He didn’t even say “I like new innovations on ruinberg”, he just stated that he loves new look. Totally reason to insult and whine. I smell either a 13 yo kid or 16 being bully in school. Grow up SACEUR.
I love it too!!!
yes map looks nice :)
I like it too
winter: looks great to me
lost city: stick figure
the pit: OCDs love it
I hope thats just another Ruinberg for Xmas. Dont really need more map clones….. right?
Winter Ruinberg is forever replacing Ruinberg On Fire..
Last two maps are only for low tiers or?
Lost City will be use as a E-Sport map, not for normal gamemode. I Think Pit will be for lower tiers.
Perhaps interesting for some guys here. On WG-News you can find a few more screens and stuff for Patch 0.9.5 (Fv4004 Conway, Achilles and Challenger Avengers)
@SS: Delete the comment if its not ok for you linking to my site.
Hey, beim Challenger Avenger, hast du das Falsche Bild für die Kanonen Statistiken, da steht nur die des Achilles ;)
Edit: Hat aber leicht andere Werte?
Wow, I wish my laptop rendered that good. I would like to see a few more paths along the sides of the bowl in Mittengard. Is “Lost City” inspired by any particular place? It seems like it needs cacti, not deciduous trees.
Winter Ruinberg: looking better than R. On Fire..
Lost City: thank god it’s only for E-sports.. it looks boring being symetrical..
Mittengard: I have a feeling high view range tank sealclubbers will have a party on this map…
FCM36Pak40? :3
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Whats the deal with two bases on Lost City ? It doesnt look like standard “one base for each team”
It’s developed for E sports, meaning it’s for Team Battle mode
Em ok but I still dont get it. Why one base is way closer to one team starting point while second base is far away from second team starting point (and basically between two starting points)
Oh, they managed to make Ruinberg worse. There’s no room for lights or tanks that rely on camo at all anymore on that map now. Fuck this shit. Remove it already.
Coming in 9.6!
Fiery Ruinberg:
Mirror Ruinberg (aka Ruinberg with the Field in the West)
Ruinberg (aka Ruinberg in the Early Spring when the Snow Hasn’t Quite Melted Yet)
LOL. What about flooded Ruinberg or Ruinberg before the Ruin?
rofl – except.. it could be for real :-p
Winter Ruinberg looking very nice, other maps too. Can’t wait for 9.5 patch.
Tired of the snow fuck snow
Lost city: e-sports exclusive, couldn’t care less
Mittengard: better province
Ruinberg: snow is nicer than darkberg on fire, but it doesn’t change the fact that the north has an advantage when supporting the city from the field
Omg! If that PIT map will really be that small, then I am gonna sealclub the shit out of my FCM 36 PAK 40!
Round starts – instaspot all of the enemy team, bang – Scout and Patrol Duty in the pocket, and win in 2 minutes ;-D
i dont get all the hate with Ruinburg On Fire. i liked the map. it added some contrast to all the “bright” maps. heck it was nice to have a different look on the same map. did it add something new? no and it didnt exactly need to. Ruinburg On Fire should have been left as it was and the time that went towards develping the winter version could have been better used working on maps that have actual problems like the town in Sacred Valley.