Referral Program Now on EU

Hello everyone,

so, the referral program is now active on EU server. The guide how exactly to do it can be found here.

So, anyone interested in “earning” in my favour? :) A recruiter can have 50 recruits in total after all! It’s not clear whether you can actually invite your own alt (or a reroll), but I don’t think there’s any real problem with that – WG doesn’t care whether you are a totally new player or not, as long as you actually play actively.


74 thoughts on “Referral Program Now on EU

  1. Does the “if the friends get in total” account only for XP gotten in a platoon?

    Also, shame on you SS, using this portal for self-promotion

  2. hahaha this will be so hard….and,enough for me to get lost my nerves with this game i dont wanna reffer my friend to lose 2

    • or you can tell your friend to play on that account, when you reach it, then you switch positions and voila, you both have the tank.

  3. Added BONUS, My EU account that I created back when you needed one for WOT REPLAYS got a email for 25 GOLD per day in the month of DECEMBER as long as I won 5 battles every day I play. So if one of you EU guys want to come up on a decent reroll account it’s could be worked out.

  4. step 1 : find a mate
    step 2 : both dont play for 60 days
    step 3 : play together
    step 4 : profit

    Am i missing something ?

  5. Time to play with friend that left the game few years ago ^^

    I’m your man if you want SS. Be inactive 60 days, the I invite you to come back and platooning with you to get the tank. Are you ok? :p

  6. How are they going to combat the wave of new bot accounts, created SOLELY for this program? This is going downhill fast…

    • Being in the Top10?

      If bots make it there regulary, I’ll relish the thought of them taking over the tomato soup.

    • What do you mean how? they are banning bots as we speak. The result will be more bots for WG to ban.

  7. Is that even a real premium as in , its get extra credits ? Because if not I don’t see why people want it so badly, the stats that were posted previously were pretty bad.

  8. WGAmerica said you can make an alt account, but dont get caught otherwise you risk getting banned. By caught i guess they meant detecting the same IP. So basically just change your IP in the time period you are farming. Then you can switch back.

      • Yea i know. I’ve been a part of it in the past. And i only meant change your IP, if one wants to be 100% sure enough he wont get into trouble.

    • That’s only because WG NA does not allow multiple accounts, this however does not apply, to EU, EU and SEA.

  9. “A potential Recruit can receive no more than 10 active invitations to the game.”

    Does this mean his/her xp counts to 10 different Recruiter’s pool at the same time, or only the last one gets the xp ?

    • Good question. But I suppose he/she can accept just one invitation. Maybe WG wanna get emails to send promotion spam to people who don’t play WoT.

      • The XP only counts if your in a platoon with said person at said time.
        So I am guessing 10 people could invite the same person, but that same person would only build up XP with the people who they platoon with.

  10. What about december events “David versus Goliath” and “Cease fire”. Are they quite different then “Winter Wolfpack” and “Quality time” or it’s just names different?

  11. Hey SilentStalker ! I would love beeing your recruit !

    I’m from France (so EU) with 11k battles (here is my noobmeter )

    I have all tiers except 10 (just need 80k XP on Lorraine) (“muh 11k and no tier X” because one of these mad people who grind all branches xD)

    MY COMPUTER IS BROKEN for a certain time, I think for 60 days

    So if you wanna : Alpha_007 from [JVC], can’t wait for killing EFE FIRE and TESLA with you ;)

    • ButI play on Blitz, do you have to be inactive on all WG games or only on WoT ? If it’s only for WoT it won’t be possible :’[ But still OK for platoons :B

  12. Aren’t pyramid schemes illegal? LOL. They are asking us to spam our friends like WGhova’s Witnesses.

  13. Wargaming EU fail…. with my Dutch version I got this:

    Porta un Amico: il Programma Reclutamento
    Congratulazioni! Sei diventato un reclutatore del nostro Porta un Amico: il Programma Reclutamento.

    So a notification about the recruiting programme and a free Italian course with it? :P

  14. I send invite to my new acc, i play 15 games and my xp earned is on 0? When i go to recruits it say that my new acc is accepted and he is in recruit progress, but why 0? Or results are updated later?

    • Some of it is blurry as to what is and is not counted… But yea, the rules do have a clear statement.

      What bonuses are available?

      Both a Recruiter and a Recruit can earn various rewards and bonuses if:
      They play in the same Platoon.
      They win battles.
      Both are among the team’s top 10 in experience earned.

      If these requirements are fulfilled:
      The experience earned by the Recruits goes to the Recruiter’s experience pool, where it accumulates.

      If you look at the x3/x2/x1.5 bit carefully you can probably see that its worth platooning proably after your invitee is on a tier 5 tank.

      “x3 XP – during the first 24 hours after the time of the Recruiter and Recruit’s first battle in the same Platoon in Random Battle mode.
      x2 XP – during the next 7 days.
      x1.5 XP – until the Recruit brings 350,000 experience to the pool.
      x1 XP – from the moment 350,000 experience has been added to the pool by the Recruit, but after the x3 and x2 other multipliers expire experience will be rewarded at the normal rate. The experience earned by the Recruit will keep accumulating in the Recruiter’s experience pool.

      So that way you can get the bonuses on higher tiers, wasted on the low tiers (in my view at least).

      • You need to play in platoon if u want bonuses, but you dont need to play if u ant to get a tank, i see that in rules

        • I think the tank is consider a bonus.

          Other players have stated that non-platoon exp is not showing up on the webpage that shows how much exp has been earned.

          The video says something along the lines of “If you don’t want to platoon, don’t worry, you can still get this if a new player buys a tier X tank”..

  15. Well it doesnt say anything about the mentioned fact that your recruit has to buy a Tier 10 tank in order to benefit the recruiter with the special tank. So no matter what. Your recruit or recruits have to gain 1 million xp to make the recruiter happy. Lmao.

  16. When I play alone I need more than a year to get 1mill exp and in that year I think of quitting this game at least a 100 times and I do make 4-5 one month pauses. Now, do you really think I’ll find someone who is willing to play with me all that time? I mean, I will find several people but it would take us 4 years to get that much of exp because, you know, all of us have a life! One million exp in a platoon for a tank that’s not even something special… Ridiculous!

  17. mainly to double profiles and in this way WOT is trying to make a joke because of the impossibility of playing …..

  18. If anyone wants to be a recruit, I will be more than glad to invite him/her back to the World of Tanks. Just PM me on
    Besides, if there are new players that want/s to be my recruit/s, contact me. Thanks.