Hello everyone,
today’s advent offer for EU server includes:
- T34 + slot
- enhanced gun-laying drive
- rammer
- stabilizer
Price: 54,03 USD (43,29 EUR)
Hello everyone,
today’s advent offer for EU server includes:
- T34 + slot
- enhanced gun-laying drive
- rammer
- stabilizer
Price: 54,03 USD (43,29 EUR)
no surprice – next WG bullshit
Yes, worthless shit again. No good offers yet, wondering who comes up with this crap and, therefore, should be fired with extreme prejudice. By a firing squad.
Do you have a mental problem, they are not forced to give you shit. You’re more suited for a firing squad with that retarded mentality.
Nobody’s forced to give you anything, but the holidays is a sales promotion tool, if they want to sell, they at least should make decent offers, tempt us to spend money. None of that present in these offers. And you should buy yourself a sense of humour.
Still no KV -5
Really weird that, they almost always stick it in somewhere.
I feel like WG are trying to rectal feed me.
It’s the 17th already.
SS, you screw up just as much as WG recently. ;)
But yeah, no surprise there regarding the “offer” in the calendar. I’ll rather wait for the Tier 8 Prem discount if I even decide to buy any of them at all…
Idiot offer like always
Must be a coincidence that the T34 is missing from the WOT EU web store’s “Vehicles”-section… Who wouldn’t want to compare these “advent” prices to the original prices… So retarded to let people think these equipment are worth some money when you can easily grind them. Good to see WG bullshitting players again.
Well at least it doesn’t come with a ‘free’ camo net anyway.
The T34 itself is 12k gold, so you could get that with a 10k + 2,5k packages bought from the online shop, and spend €45,75,-, and grind the equipment yourself. The T34 is a more than capable creditsfarmer.
Meanwhile with x-mas discounts coming on from the 25th, the T34 will be discounted 15% towards 10,2k gold, meaning you could get a 10k and 500 gold package for €38,- and pick up this tank, with some gold as leftover for a summer camo or whatever.
If youre looking to buy a T34, get it on discount.
When are we going to get the T-34-85M offer like US and RU servers, or did I miss it?
EU server will get it with a gold + equipment bundle worth 150 €. Mark my words.
These offers are aimed at new players who have not yet found out how the economy works and think buying a god tank will make them unicums. The sort of players with less than 150 games who drive up to your KV2 in a new Ram II and sit there dinging shots of you while you take full aim.
and then stick their gun in front of yours by accident so that when you shoot the HE splash actually does more damage to you than to them… lucky.. sods..
It looks like WG again is treating us like idiots – T34 is in the same price alone… so you get 3 items as “bonus”… but we have premium discount round the corner and 50% off on this equipment next week.
I don’t even bother with math but I am guessing it will be cheaper to wait. Or maybe it is the same? Either way, another day off the big thing… the advent calendar.
Will there be anything interesting… there are still few days left. ;)
Yes WG EU really tries to ripoff its customers.
T34 costs 12000 gold and will be on sale on 24. with -15%, so it will cost 10200 gold. 10000 gold cost 35,79 euro, the slot 150 gold (0,5 euro) and you need 200 gold more (0,7 euro). So you pay 6 Euro for egld, rammer and vstab. that is extreme! They cost ingame 800k credits (discounted on 24.).
Yeah and if you buy it with discounted gold you save even more.
Where and when do you buy discounted gold again?
At least its the right equipment set up….
Seeing all these great offers, I wonder what they have planned for the 24th :D ( red curtain )
Aaaand 24th special offer is: Sexton I.
ehm.. Sexton I with garage slot, spall liner, optics and enhanced suspension. You will also get 3 automatic fire extinguishers FOR FREE!!!
All this just for 20€ ;-)
It will be something great for sure, like tier 2 tank with mountain of gold for €200.
total fecal
Wow what a rare vehicle… Next time bunch of gold + fun lowtier comes up, I’ll grab it and wont look back.
There specials are like the store that always has a going out of business sale, but never closes.
Yawn……..During the first few days I used to go and look at their “offers” first thing in the morning, but with so many very poor offers, I just wait for FTR to mention them via Facebook. Nothing to see here, move along.
I wonder if anybody even buys these “special offers”.
Sadly, yes, otherwise we’d actually have decent “specials”.
Is it me or is this shit just complete bullshit?
WHO the F do WG think they are dealing with FFS? I am 53 and not unaccustomed to doing some math myself THIS IS NOT an OFFER its a con wait till the 24th get from the in game if you have Gold even if you don’t have gold buy some and get it then its still cheaper
If this was a British Co. I would complain to the authorities
Then you must be pretty immature and empty-headed for a 53 years old.
You can’t just walk in the supermarket during Christmas and expect to get good, expensive shit for free without even buying a single thing?
Wargaming is a company after all, and you have to be somewhat happy they’re at least coming up with a Advent calender.
If you like the offer, go a head and buy it. Don’t like it? Don’t buy it and carry on with your life instead of acting like it’s the end of the world.
C’mon, it’s not that hard…
Majority is not expecting anything for free. It’s just the fact that EU calendar is a total flop and fail. The discounts are shit, and while we get to pay real money for these Löwe and T34, for example, in RU server they get -30% off these tanks from INGAME SHOP during the one day offer.
Gold is bought with real cash, and won as a reward from a various things, why the fk shouldn’t those calendar offers include ingame shop ???
I wonder how will they ever be able to implement roaming to this game if the methods are so different between servers.
It doesn’t really come as a surprise to me that the Russian cluster does get better promotions and stuff, since it is or used to be their major source of money as far as I know. And since the current struggles with the rubble ratio compared to dollar, it’s shouldn’t be really seen as that much of an unrighteous action towards EU. But hey, that’s just my opinion!
And if you ask me, these offers aren’t as poor as they were last year. If you’ve been around long enough, you might as well remember the outrage caused by that calender. This year they’re at least somewhat kept the wishes of the community in mind, since they’re selling some stuff we couldn’t get our hands on for long time. Yes, maybe those packages are overpriced, but it’s not up to you to decide what you get after all.
Just my two cents, take it or leave it.
Have you seen the new year gift on the RU site?
Pz 2 Ausf D
1 Day Prem
5x All Nation Specific Rations
OMG the same as EU, unbelieveable
It’s the same on EU…
> 5x All Nation Specific Rations
Thats 450K of credits you get for free. They can keep their tier2 shitwagon, but i’ll gladly take the rations!
And still no Grosstraktor , no t 34-85M no KV-5 no New year gift tank bundle like on all other server . feed up with WG at the point that i hope wows will fail, i have been looking for this game for years but they annyoed me so much with there crappy post, then they give beta keys and dont give them to people here since day 1 , Wg are seriously twat that have no idea how to conduct a buisness.
and still they earn shitload of money, economic tards
I wouldn’t give beta keys either to a person with such a vile and toxic attitude.
What’s the point of giving people like you access to WIP projects if you aren’t even capable of doing anything other than talking ignorant shit?
i m talking shit about the company that talk shit to their customer , if you like being feed shit then eat it but keep that for yourself
Oh and where’s the evidence for that ‘talking shit’ part?
And if you don’t like the company as a whole, then why are you making use of their services anyway?
Ps.: would you be so kind not telling me what to do, you little, egocentric princess?
did you read a Q&A answer or customer service answer recently ? did you see how much they said will come and how much we got ? Well i m just telling you if you love to put your pants down for WG or others crap dev. good for you but don’t come give lesson to people that stand for things. If you want to pay and stfu do it but dont come here trying to say that everyone should do like you.
Well it IS a shitty company and if their game wasnt so damn addictive everyone would be running for the hills.
Look at the things SerB did.. Can you even imagine a European or American senior representative doing such things? It’s just completely retarded. For the € price of one tank the average Russian shitter can buy a goddamn house over there.
You must have a degree in exaggeration…
Firstly, I’m not saying I’m a WG fanboy at all, I’m rather neutral.
Yet you don’t see to grasp that WG doesn’t owe you anything. It might be that, or you’re either thinking way too shallow and simplistic
And I’ve seen that list indeed, but did it state anywhere that it was 100% certainly sure we would get them in 2014 or were those ideas just prospects?
And where did I state that every one should act just like me?
You’re just so toxic and vile you don’t even realize the shit you manage to produce behind your desk
Fun tip: go read the WoT EULA/TOS. It will probably make you feel better
…so, today i saw 1st WZ111 fighting on EU servers, so OFC i was curious how the fellow made it so fast (after 2 days), had to grind it like crazy i thought..but no, he bought it for 70 euros…people are CRAZY:)
i saw 4 in one battle late last night………………………….just lolled
43€, thats rather steep to pay in one go.. I wish they would sell it in 12 tokens for € 9.95 each..
24th dec….type 59 for 1 meeeeeelion dollars anyone?
18-22 december 50% discount for prem accounts and gold. only ru server