E-25 Removed from the Shop

Well, I guess we were right all along, weren’t we… :)


TLDR: E-25 removed from Shop. Bla bla OP bla bla too many of them. Bla. Buy it in 100 EUR bundle after that. The vehicle will still be available

- until 22.12.2014 in the ingame shop
- until 15.1.2015 in the premium store

After that, it gets removed.

I mean… seriously? Announcing that you are removing a vehicle from sales because there are too many of them and then leave it in the sale for several more weeks, knowing that thousands more will buy it? Yea, that makes total sense. Is it just me, or is Wargaming lately really shifting towards more and more obvious moneygrabs?

Edit: oh, right, forgot. “Removed from the ingame shop” – 22.12., 30 percent discount on tier 7 TD’s starts on 24.12., we wouldn’t want you to get it for gold on discount now, would we…

159 thoughts on “E-25 Removed from the Shop

  1. not realy lately, type59 was removed in a similar fashion, i remember a promotion video about the type59 and how good it was, that is was the best premium tank and all that, and then it got removed a month later

  2. well, I wanted to buy an SU-122-44 from my hoarded gold, but looks like its gonna be an E-25 instead

  3. Yeah right,

    Let’s remove it, but just before the discount on premium tanks kicks in.
    I was waiting for the discount on 24-12 to buy it. Now they may stick it up there ***.

    Typical stronk wargaming policy i guess

      • ..yeah, i was waiting for the 24.12 discount too (to buy me the 1st premium tank, the E25..), so F U WG, nice christmas gift indeed…

    • You won’t be able to buy it on discount with ingame gold, but in Prem Shop for real money it will have that discount. At least some options.
      Anyway, I got mine long time ago and have enjoyed it since then.

        • discounts work in in-game and in premium shop (usually)… only price difference is in the garage slot.
          In in-game shop you can decide wether to buy another slot (slut) or not.

          But im not 100% sure

  4. This made sense like, 5 or 6 patches back where BS (Best Stalin) camo reign king.
    Now? Make a huge influx of money and people playing paper sniper with no alpha, in the corridor meta. Right around the time they introduce a certain meh-ish premium tier8… :D

  5. On the other news, E25 gets removed from ingame store and gift shop.


    I`m one of the lucky ones that owns this little beast already for several months, latest WG moves indicate there is a little crisis in cash revenue.

    1. E25 gets removed for purchase.
    2. Ingame credit specials are getting scarse, thus improving gold sale.
    3. WGEU Advent calendar is nothing but a bad attempt of milking whales.
    4. Cash increase for purchasing gold on WGRU.

    • RU income is in freefall due to exchange rate. In the last three weeks only rubel lost 35% of its value to EUR – meaning the 30% increase WG did beforehand is still not enough. All in all I presume their income from RU server shrunk to roughly half in the last two months (combined from worse exchange rate and price elasticity).

      Now this is the point where the the bald fatso bites them in the ass – they need money but they can’t get any from RU due to rubel worths now about less then the paper it’s printed on. US is uninterested in WoT. And they alienated EU with their ‘glorious russian world power supremastic communist awesomeness’ rhetoric.

      If their terrible ‘specials’ like the ones in the advent calendar fails I presume we will see an actual change in their tone (and offers) pretty soon – currently we are the only ones that are actually capable of providing them income. It’s a different matter that most of us don’t want to do this anymore.

      • It is probably not as bad as you think.
        If they pay for the Russian servers with the Ruble then not a big deal, they cut the price to the Russian players by 30 or 35% in the Ingame Store (Priced in USD), so even during these huge discounts they are pulling in the same as they were before (a lot of people couldn’t understand this point over the past few weeks).

        If they pay for the Russian servers in USD then they might have a problem. But keep in mind too that WG has been offshoring most of its money and that will be in a currency that hasn’t fallen. In essence, Their years of stored money has just gone through the roof (Locally at least).. So any debts they have for Russian property or loans can now easily be paid off if they wish. Without knowing how and where the money flows in WG then it is hard to say if the Ruble slide has been harmful or helpful. From what I have seen I dare say it has been helpful to WG, but horrible for the RU Players.

        • Um, what?
          WG is a maltese company. Their revenues are in EUR. If they got 100 rubel income from the store at the beginning of the year it was 3 EUR. Now the same 100 rubel is more like 1,25 EUR. Russians suddenly won’t spend 2-3 times as much to compensate for it. Likewise they won’t buy the same nominal amounts of goods on 2-3 times the price. Don’t be ridiculous, exchange rate changes to any company importing goods to russia translates nearly 100%.

          Falling exchange rates are only good for companies exporting from russia since their revenues will be in stronger foreign currency while their costs are still in the weak rubel.

          • That would be true if wargaming was exporting goods to Russia. They are not however, they are essentially a Maltese company operating in Russia, a huge proportion of their costs are in rubels. Server costs, staff salaries, energy bills everything. This would not be the case if they were simply exporting to Russia and your point would be valid. As it is all it means is if Wargaming has to change rubles to euros they will get less, but if they are remotely sensible they will keep it in the Russian business instead preferably by reinvestment. Right now wargaming should be moving to buy anything they had their eye on in Russia, be that properties, IP, etc. Profit for the year would obv be less but they would come out of it so much stronger than especially domestic rivals it would be well worth it.

        • It actually could be worse than you think – yes they are based in Cyprus with partners worldwide BUT looking at recent activity with the parent company they were delisted/trading halted by the Cyprus SEC due to not filing appropriate paperwork. H**P://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=142267608
          While the product has merit – I think this is prime takeover fodder for MSFT or another biggie that is sound with $ and wants to get a toehold in the f2p arena.

    • If wargaming was remotely worried about income they would not be removing their most popular ptw optanks from the shop would they. They would be putting type 59, mini maus et all back in the in game shop at some ridiculous gold price.

      Also if it was exchange related they would hardly cut off a source of euros/dollars would they. Wargaming has a load of Euros/Dollars in the bank, and a customer base some of which pay in euros/dollars (unlike many Russian companies). Wargaming are suddenly much better off in domestic terms, especially in comparison to their domestic rivals many of whom do not have an international customer base. Globally their position is weaker, but domestically it is probably an advantage for them.

      • thx, but better to spend gold than cash, as you always can get some gold, but cash is different story. I mean you rarely get it for free :))

  6. Is there any relation between the free falling currency in its primary market base and WG’s increasingly rampant commercialisation?

    Nah…just coincidence lol

  7. Well.. I guess they just want to make a little more money before it all goes to shit and they lose a lot of players to AW…
    At least they listen to there players.. even before the game actually came out.

  8. Man, you hate WG so much, it starting to be so annoying.. I guess it is better tell everyone “Hey, E-25 is too OP, we are removing it NOW, so fuck you and have a nice Xmas”.

    I think it is pretty fair step to tell everyone, it is going to be removed from shop and give a chance to buy it in last days.. Nothing wrong, if they profit on it, no one forcing you to buy that tank..

    • nothing wrong..hehe..
      wg told in the article: sorry too much in the game.. but buy it more please :DD
      but nothing wrong..

      - faceplam-

        • +1

          Now what I don’t understand is, if you people don’t like the way Wargaming approaches certain stuff, why are you playing this game anyway?
          This blog has more or less turned into a factory of hate and toxicity if you ask me…

          • The blog allways revealed the things going wrong in WoT or at WG – and that’s a lot!
            But maybe you prefer to dream on in your never-nerver land where WG is managed by philanthropic unicorns with rainbows comming out of their arses.

            • But then how is that different from any other company?

              Personally I think WG are doing it right, removing it and giving some warning, however I think it’s giving too much warning.

            • “The blog allways revealed the things going wrong in WoT or at WG – and that’s a lot!”
              That wasn’t really the case when I started visiting the blog if you ask me.
              Only lately this ‘putting emphasis on negative aspects’ has become a bigger and bigger thing.
              Are you all too oblivious to the fact that highlighting these fuck ups and whining about the company isn’t helping the situation at all?

              I’m not a WG fanboy at all, if that is what you’re thinking. I prefer to retain neutral. WG isn’t as bad as some of you might think though. It’s not really like they’re mocking all of you guys for fun or anything. There are worse companies around!

  9. Can E25 earn a nice amount of credits?

    Earlier on I wanted to buy Jg 8.8 but with these recent events.. I was leaning towards discounted E25.

    But now it gets removed before the discount and I don’t know if I should buy it :|
    How many credits can it earn per “regular” round

    • With prem around 60k profit, my max was like 96k at 1500+ base xp.. It worth even for full price IMO, it is special tank with special gameplay unlike other premiums.

    • I had games where I tested it out and fired nothing but premium and still made about 20k .. without premium.

      TL;DR: With regular shells, do two-three times your hitpoints in damage and earn 40~k without premium.

      If you run premium account, you can get about 60-70k for a good game.
      I have both JT88 and E-25, no premium account. JT earns more, definatelly. But not by that much and games in it are damn slow although often pretty funny as I tend to use it as a breakthrough tank (hulldown, corridor, DPM).
      E-25 games feel much faster, an ELC mated with a StuG and prodiced this. sixth sense, camo skill are a must, combined with a camo net and binos, enemy tanks have to get closer than 350m if you just sit in the middle of an open field with camo net up to spot you, if you have a bush, 200m till they spot you. If you get unlucky MM you can passively spot in pretty frontal positions.
      Both tanks are DPM monsters for their tier and if you catch an enemy who is paying no attention to you, he dies quickly.
      JT88 is more slugish, but can turn relatively quickly and sometimes even tanks like T-44 have trouble flanking me. Use those 250mm of armor at the superstructure, tier 8 tanks will have trouble penning even with gold, tier 9 tanks with high pen can force shots through there, but it happens in like 1 in 20 battles. Note that the IS-6 won’t pen your upper hull even with gold if angled right, so eat those ruskies!
      E-25 is amazingly fast in both km/h and credit earning, at tier 7 the only tank it struggles to fight is the T29 as it can’t pen the upper hull plate with AP most of the time. Armor works against 1 in 10 shots that are fired at you, don’t rely on it at all. Spot, move back 15m behind the bush, shoot. 6th sense is a must, get it asap.

      • Thanks for the inpunt :D

        I don’t have a premium acc and was just wondering to buy myself something to earn credits as I accumulated a nice sum of gold over 3 years. Since the day E25 came to the game I recognized ELC in him.. so it was kinda a must beside FV304 lol

        Yeah, I think I will buy him :)

    • Really depends on how you play it… If you have a good understanding of the spotting/camo system and pick your fights, you should be able to do very well in it. Sadly it’s similar to the ELC AMX in that most people just yolo in it and effectively waste the tank.

        • Just buy the damn thing! I have it and the income difference to jtiger 88 ( I call it crap tiger :p) is around 5k credits per game for a standard account, about 10k for prem account. The only premium tank I don’t regret buying at all. :)

          • Bought it ^^

            Usually I earn around 25-30k with standard account.. and I don’t, its okay for me :P

            Although still crappy crew, no rammer or vent, so it can be only better :3

  10. it’s a fun vehicle but for some reason i suck in it big time… i don’t know when to use the speed when to use the camo when to use the ROF… it’s like a mix between TD and scout.

  11. I greatly appreciate the effort you put into running FTR but I’ve been noticing that most (if not all) articles/news pieces related to WG actions are now accompanied by vile sarcasm. I have the impression that you’re trying really hard to bash WG even when it is not really necessary. Surely, they fail all the time and we all hate them for that but your comments takes away some of the pleasure I used to get from reading your blog.
    I do know that, obviously, you can do what you want as it’s your website and I’m by no means meaning to offend you but I’d really appreciate if you could let the readers form their own opinion rather than blindly tell them what to think.

    • +1
      a little more positive or neutral attitude would make this blog more enjoyable to read.
      but don’t worry, I’m coming back for the leaks nonetheless. :P

    • Agreed. I understand SS as he is clearly thinking about this from a player/customer perspective, but you can easily at least once put yourself in the shoes of WG and these decisions would be obvious then. Everyone from us would do the same, if you would have any needs to get actual income from the game.

      All of the actions, WG are taking in this E-25 case is purely logical:
      1) Take it out from the shop in first place, because it is OP and to many players in the future may play it. Everyone knows that.
      2) Inform players about such an action because otherwise you will get enormous shitstorm (remember the SU-76i case?). This would be 10 times worse!
      3) Remove it from the ingame shop before it gets an ingame discount so thousands of players wouldn’t buy it for the free gold, they have racked up in time.
      4) Leave it in the Premium shop for some days later, so not many but still reasonable amount of players would spend real money for it.
      That’s it – profit! I would do exactly the same!

    • Very true post. It is SS’s blog and his choice at the end of the day, but in recent times it does seem to be more anti-WG then seems fair and this feels detrimental to reading the blog.

      It’s a good site so Silent Stalker shouldn’t be taking this opinion to heart, but I feel a more neutral attitude would be better for the blog. Also I have no issue with fair criticism (and praise), but as said being too negative doesn’t read well either.

  12. “Wargaming is lately shifting towards more and more obvious moneygrabs.”
    Fixed that for you.

    • what is wrong with “Is it just me, or is Wargaming lately really shifting towards more and more obvious moneygrabs?”
      I can’t seem to find an error here…

  13. Well fuck you WG, I recently bought 30d premium + 7000g bundle just to buy E25 in discount. I´m not paying full price for that, nor paying again in premium shop.

      • The fact that it’s getting removed guarantees that it won’t get the nerfbat like the Super Pershing did, unless the Type 59 actually did get a post-shop removal nerf.

    • Great then – live without it! Just remember – after a year or two do not be one of those guys who will beg for it in forums and ask to give it to players even in more pricey bundles than it’s original price. ;)

      • I’m not one of those ppl. Just bought my first tier X after 6K battles and I wanted to buy my first premium tank too. E-25 would be great because I am starting Borsig line, now I have to think again about what to buy, JT88 doesn’t look to be such fun to play.

  14. Good lord, so many people here thinking WarGaming is a bloody charity – get off your red communist cloud, it’s not a charity and will never will be. I bet half if you mouth frothing puppets would rage just as hard of WG would literally remove it today. Without warning.

    They are just giving you an oppurtunity to get it now while it lasts, how is that a bad thing?

      • Check your facts man!
        After the artillery nerf, many people traded their SPGs in for tankdestroyers.
        The result was an increased popularity of tank destroyers and WG was even feeding this new movement with new TDs such as the Waffentraegers.
        Now if you ask me, having a team consisting for 75% out of cozy-campy tank destroyers isn’t any better as having 6 artillery per side.

        It has nothing to do with having something against tankdestroyers, it just needs to be, just as artillery, rebalanced in general.
        Too many too powerful machines break the game and remove the fun factor as a whole.

        • Except that TDs can’t fire over cover.

          Or fire at targets outside of the draw distance.

          But hey, keep putting TDs & clickers in the same bucket, like every baddie does.

          • Yet TDs have generally better armor, better mobility, better RoF, better overall statistics, etc..etc..

            And from what can or do you conclude I put them in the same bucket if I may ask you?

    • +2

      and yes, i wanted to buy it on discount too, i have been saving all the gold i got here and there for it.
      I’m glad they told us now so that i can make as decision based on it.

    • No one in their sane mind expects charity or free stuff – but pretty much EVERYONE in their sane mind will look for a fair bargain and will feel insulted by an obvious rip-off

  15. Sigh, was hoping to get it someday in the future when i hoard up enough gold. Seems it is not happening.

  16. I have one..it is far from op. It is extremely fun..but not op. The su12244 is far more powerful as a prem td.

    • Oh stfu scrub. As solo and for 300-1800WN SU is beast.
      For platoons and skilled – E-25s eats your SU platoon for a snack.

      • E-25 eats everyone for snacks in a Special MM stronk pluton because it is much more tactical then the SU ever wishes to be.

    • su-122-44 is more op then a e25. those 25s have no armor and if spotted they are taken cared of. i always see them get focused fired. the su is a completely different manner, it has a gun that hurts and has armor i hate those tds. far more then i hate a e25.

  17. “Is it just me, or is Wargaming lately really shifting towards more and more obvious moneygrabs?”

    Well yeah especially with these milking calendar offers but still better than Gaijin:

    “Hey look we released the new long awaited USA tanks but wait! You can’t play with rank 2 or higher tanks unless you purchase the M3 stuart starter pack!”

    For wt butthurts: Yeah I’ve seen that the game mentions you can sign up for closed beta and missions. And also the pack costs 4 euro which is not too much but that’s not the point, the point is the moneygrabs for testing. It’s same as if WG would ask money for test servers to try out the new contents. It’s obnoxious for me.

    • Well, I play WT but I don’t care about tonkz, only planes. Also, they need money, more than ever, because they’ve got a lot of stuff to fix around… :)

  18. Don’t fall for the “OP” BS. E-25 was a great vehicle when it was released, but afterwards, there has been NUMEROUS map changes + new maps introduced that made E-25 struggling to find a place and role. It’s a camo sniper, and can double as passive scout… but there’s exactly three maps where scouting is relevant (campinovka, prokhorovka, fiery salient) and maybe a few where camo sniping is even possible (possible doesn’t mean relevant! for instance, you can camo snipe at el haluf, but what’s the point? The game is decided in the upper corner of the map, almost entirely). There is also a good deal of maps where you pretty much can’t do anything else but hit targets frontally (Pearl river for instance) and even with full APCR you will struggle to pen Tier8 heavies that way.

    Long story short: E-25 is nowhere near OP. I sold mine a while ago. I don’t regret it, not even when the tank is being removed now from the shop – I had fun in it once, but then Severogorsks, Pearl Rivers and Hidden Valleys came en masse and Murovanka/El Campuf were murdered and turned into brawlmaps for HTs. Which killed a whole lot of fun and it even started to be annoying as hell.

    DO NOT BUY E-25.
    Signed, 2700 recent WN8 guy.

      • Of course, let me see how you flank on Severogorsk, pearl river, Abbey, Hidden Valley and 9001 other FRONTAL SHOTS ONLY maps, tough guy.

        Or maybe you’re another of the 1200 wn8 guys that claim 150 pen is enough against tier 8s ? k

        • Why on earth would you mention your own WN8 at the end of your post? Do you honestly think people will automaticly assume everyone will read your words as gospel? Or are you that unsure about your own bluster? And yes, 150 pen is mroe then enough. You are not supposed to hit heavies frontally anyway.

          But what do i know right? I am a 1200 WN8 scrub according to you.

          As for flanking:

          Severogorsk: Easy
          Pearl River: Easy
          Abbey: Ridiculously Easy
          Hidden Valley: Bitch please….

          Signed: someone with 2,5k recent WN8 and over 1k E-25 battles.( inbe4 you go full apeshit on that )

          • I mentioned my WN8 because claims need some credibility. If I said OMG E-25 SUPER IMBA with 40% WR and 200 WN8, it would be meaningless.

            If flanking on Seveorogorsk is “easy” to you, you should have 5000 WN8, not less than me. Because the greatest super purples struggle on that maps in anything that isn’t a HT or hard TD. But of course you miraculously pop out of nowhere and act tough, claiming that you somewhat do what the best players can’t.

            Check how many good games there are posted on Abbey, Severogorsk, hidden valley for E-25 on wotreplays? A few, and all top tier + shooting idiots in KV-1 and bots. As opposed to TONS of games on Malinovkas and Prokhorovkas.

            It’s a camo sniper. A hardcore one. In brawling meta.

            But sure, dismiss it. Say 4000 recent WN8 guys are wrong with “brawling meta” and go on how you crushed the system with your E-25 with 100% AP.

            Get real, man.

            • ”If flanking on Seveorogorsk is “easy” to you, you should have 5000 WN8, not less than me. ”

              Yes, it’s easy to me, doesn’t mean i have dickhard purple WN8 now, does it?

              Someone can have the highest possible WN8 for what i care and still not know how to handle the E-25, i will be the first person to admit that i suck with mediums and (heavy)TD’s and are average at best with heavies, my specialty lies with nimble tanks like the E-25, perhaps i play it differently then the 4k WN8 people that allows me to somehow do give a strong performance on ”heavy brawling” maps? I don’t know.

              ”As opposed to TONS of games on Malinovkas and Prokhorovkas.”

              Name me one tank above tier 5 that doesn’t have a ton of mindbreaking game replays posted there? Malinovka and Prokhorovka’s are camp/snipe heaven for a very good reason : they encourage camping for the untrained mind and easy to exploit ( if that’s how you can call it ) for the more skilled player.

              ”It’s a camo sniper. A hardcore one. In brawling meta.”

              Glad we can agree on that part. But admit: we both know how abominable stupid the average ”woitek23525_PL” pubbie is. But instead of giving up/losing hope, i adapt to the situation and still manage to pull my weight on corridor maps like Ruinberg/Himmelsdorf and the likes.

              Statistics on a tank is one thing. How to play according to the situation and knowing what you can and cannot pull off is another.

              Feel free to dissagree with me or completely dismiss my statement. YOu are fully entitled to your opinion as i am to mine.

              • Thing is, mate, that I’m really good at fast camo-based tanks. For example, I’m nearing 1100 DPG in T67, I have 3 marks of excellence in it and almost 68% WR (100% solo) in over 700 games.

                And I find E-25 terrible, at the same time.

                Do you mind posting your DPB in E-25? It’s not some e-cock stroking, I’m honestly just curious how well did you adapt.

                • 1349 average damage a game, not as mindbogglingly high as i’d like. But i never, ever use APCR on it, if that offsets anything. I could get 1,5k average damage easily, but more often then not i sometimes go full donkey when a match is entering a stalemate or i get bored. I might or might not get a 2nd mark on it, but a 3rd MoE will be near impossible unless i platoon, ( which i rarely do ) or if i use some APCR, which i utterly refuse to do.

                  Haven’t played much lately either due to reasons. Anyway, some screencaps for you to check out.


            • Buy it.


              That game in an e25 was;
              2,510 damage dealt,
              5 kills,
              998 base exp (it was a x3 day so with premium gave 4,788 exp)
              62,538 silver gross, after ammo etc profit of 54,140
              Spartan & High Calibre medals.

              I love my e25. Best used in platoons where it is OP. Solo it’s just above average.

          • “Flanking” mentioned in the same sentence with Severogorsk, Pearl River or Hidden Valley.

            Special K.

            Pro-tip: flanking is NOT avoiding one full corridor to reach its end and try to backstab.

        • Leave him be. Idiots like these probably still think that Nashorn is OP because it has the long 88.
          And that TDs in general as just as bad as arty.
          Or any other BS that tomatoes like to blurt out.

          • Nashorn is VERY strong thanks to that long 88 gun, but it blows up when someone looks at it funnily + no camo. cons outweigh the pros imo.

            • e25 stats for me
              damage ratio 1.39
              destruction ratio 1.74
              exp ave 676
              Damage ave 909
              dam received 654
              damage on my spot ave 306.63
              spotted ave 1.33
              destroyed ave 1.07
              max exp 1,806
              max dam 3,696
              max destroy 6

              So clearly I am below the expected WN8 with it which is
              destruction ratio 1.34
              damage 1,079
              spotted ave 1.4

              I’m still glad I bought it.

              • Yuri dude don’t get upset ,but everything below purple winrate overall(not including reroll idiots) is shit in this game.Winrate is most important and only purple,only those guys are “great players” and they know what they are doing.Im not one of them ,but im trying to get there and that’s the fun and challenge in this game!

                • ”but everything below purple winrate overall(not including reroll idiots) is shit in this game”

                  Kill yourself, please.

  19. Yay I allready bought it on sale. Too bad I don’t know how to use the high RoF. Still I don’t know what makes it soo OP. It takes a skilled player to make it work, like new light tanks. The gun has low pen, low alpha. High RoF, but targets will often fall behind cover after the first shot. Hold your fire for them to get in the open? nope, my team will scare them off.

    • Try to track them, its gun is very accurate.
      If you track them, then you giving your team in position to take more damage on them. Worst case , he will use his repair kit. Damage done :P

  20. This is another good example of why ‘free-to-play’ games are fundamentally not in the interest of players. Whatever WG says about the future of gaming, hopefully customers will come to their senses in a few years and the concept will fail.

  21. Warthunder is adding content at fast rate , wg take one years to add half of that the other half to correct the bugs. With the gold shell this game lost all its skill value and experience anyway, armor is useless , random is too influent .
    They don’t even respect their customer for god sake , they take them for idiot , i hope wg crahs and burn with the ruble ,…

      • APCR ammo in WT is actually a bad idea most of the time, because the shell will often go straight through your target doing minimal to no damage (if you don’t clip a module or crew member, you can punch holes in the tank all day long without damaging it). Plus, its not a “premium” ammo in that game….its a standard ammo choice, along with up to 7 others on some tanks, all having different characteristics. Unlike WoT, ammo choice is massively important in WT…and the only time APCR is useful is when you have a very low pen gun against something with very good armor (as an example, getting stuck with a tier 1 Panzer IV variant and having to put holes in a KV-1 from the front…then, APCR is great because it won’t overpenetrate, but otherwise regular APHE is better (standard AP in WT has an explosive component that goes off after the shell penetrates the armor, doing massive damage inside of the target).

  22. Marketing failed.

    I would have bought it at the time of the discount with buying additional gold. Now i won’t. And no, I wont pay full price for it.

    I will buy su100y instead from already earned gold. WG lost 10 euro. And I think I am not the only one who planned it this way.

  23. I sense a great disturbance in the Force….like thousands of credit cards suddenly screamed in pain, then were snuffed out.

    Seriously though…I’ve got my E25, and it is a bit OP, so I have no problem with this. Going to be funny in 6+ months when they start getting less common, and all the noobs start bitching about not being able to buy one!

  24. I’ll add +1 to list of people who get sick of the sarcasm and toxicity toward WG policy. Yes, it’s a moneygrabbing method, just like every single marketing method in the world. If you want to buy it, you could still buy it, possibly with gold given to you for FREE from CW and stuffs. If people want to buy it with real money, it’s good, those paying ppl are the one who pay for our free time. If you don’t want to buy/already have it anyway, why are you even complaining?

    It’s not discounted? Oh lol, since when they have an obligation to discount everything conveniently so you can have a discount whenever you want to? They have discounted it before, if you don’t buy it at that time, your loss.

      • Aye, it could be worse.

        This has been coming for a while, and its not that long ago since it was on discount, “you” could have bought it then.

  25. Just bought mine today. I’ve been without a computer for 3 weeks and haven’t been able to play, but figured I better get it now! My friend’s building me a desktop. I had an Acer laptop that took a dump. Now I will have 3.5 ghz 6-core, GTX-660, 1 terabyte HD, 8 gig RAM…but shitty Hughes Net.

  26. This is overly negative reporting. If WG just withdrew it without giving any warning then people would go apeshit. Makes perfect sense to give people a couple of week’s notice to buy before its removed.

  27. i knew i was doing right when was first told of e 25 being removed so i bought it to make sure!

  28. Well, think like this:
    “We will gonna evict you from this house but we’ll give you some time to find new place and get rid your belongings from this place.”

    Anyone who want buy E25 before it got evicted will buy it, and anyone who not interested (like me) will regard this as GOOD RIDDANCE and still not buying it.

  29. They need cash before the ruble is nyet. Apple stopped online sales in Russia due to instability.

  30. c mon guys. i think every money earning company makes these kind of things.
    actually removing it from the game makes them lose money in long term. so they want to reduce that lose with announcing the removal 1 month ago.

    besides, i have e25 for 1 year or sth. agree it was a little op before map changes. but now really too few maps are suitable for it. you should hide and shoot from 250+ meters if you dont want to get spotted. and when you are spotted, you should run for at least 10-12 seconds to be able to shoot again. and after you make 1 or 2 more shots with 150 alpha and then you should hide again too. not even mentioning that corridors most of the maps have now.

    believe me it’s not worth to buy anymore, comparing to su-122-44, i would chose su. it’s too hard to kill a SU 122 with an e25 especially on a head-on battle.

  31. When they remove it they should give E25 its old camo factor back!!!
    Now this paper tank is too easy to spot and you have absolutely no other defense but camo.

  32. Clearly the reason for the date for removal from the tech tree is the date the new patch will come out. That will keep them from having to micro patch the game later to get the E25 out of the tech tree. Since the patch doesn’t always drop on the same day on all servers the E25 might be available in game for a discount somewhere. Or, it might not.

    Cash grab or not, this isn’t the first time a premium has been removed and a warning issued beforehand. The French premium arty, LeFiFi B2 (as I like to call it), was removed in 8.6. It was announced with some warning (it was in the Wiki, don’t know about elsewhere) during 8.5. The last weekend before 8.6 came out, it was on sale for 50% off. I got mine for, IIRC, 425 gold the weekend before it was removed. I’m not an arty player, but I’m extremely pleased I bought it. It didn’t get nerfed with the great arty rebalance, so it is pretty OP for a tier 5 arty. I understand why it was pulled.

  33. They did this 2 times with type-59 and type-62 in the past. As well as the KV-5. This is a business, and the taxes in cyprus must be high on the building =).

    They must have a bunch of new TD’s in the works from Germany they want us to buy. You notice the 122-44 which is a much better vehicle and is Russian is not being removed. A little bit of hippocracy no. (parton my spelling)

    • Plus they are leveling uneven ground in several maps to help with bad Russian gun depression.

  34. WG must make place in the premium tanks market for upcoming relases ?
    What will follow ? “too many Lowe” or ‘too many T34″ LOLz

  35. Seriously… its just business…. a big PR stunt… to make more ppl buy it and then in the future, it will become a reward/special event tank.
    Its just WG milking the cow… as usual, no news there. Take a seat and laugh at all those who fall for the stunt…. :)

  36. To ensure that they generate enough doomsday/collector interest in buying it:

    “Therefore, rather than put the E 25 through drastic rebalancing, we made the difficult decision to gradually withdraw the vehicle from sales, and grant it the status of an exclusive Premium vehicle — just like the Type 59, KV-5, and several others.” – this was posted on the NA server today.

  37. Most importance part of the news at WoT page:

    “Thus we cannot rule out the possibility that the E 25 will be able to be obtained in the Premium Shop during special events or as a reward for participation in competitions in the future.”

    KV-5 says hi?! ;)

  38. I seriously don’t get it. Yes, the E25 is good, really good in capable hands, yet still, you do not see it in every match, platooned in 3, twice per team. What makes this tank so wierdly ubiquitous that it needs to be pulled?