Useful Mods: Mav’s Clan Message Center

Hello everyone,

today, I am starting… well, maybe series, we’ll see how it goes and what the feedback is. The goal is to introduce new and/or interesting mods. Let’s start with this one – many thanks to PlazmaKeks for recommending it.

This mod from MaverickBlue from the Roughnecks XVM modder page (if you have a bit of time, check that site out, they have some interesting mods out there – you need to register to see the content, but that’s not that big of a deal).

Basically, what this mod does is allow your clan to post clan messages to be read by everyone in the clan, a useful function known from many other MMO’s.


Official description:

Tired of chasing after clanmates to let them know about meetings, clan wars, tournaments, etc? Can’t get your members to sign into a clan forum? Do your members skip over teamspeak host messages out of habit, or just plain forget to pass messages on to others? Even if you answered no to all of the above you may still find this mod makes things conveniently simpler, because now you can send notifications directly through the game upon startup.

What it does:

When signing into the game, at the top of the notification center(the menu that opens when you click the little button in the bottom right corner), a list appears of all the messages you want your clan to see. Optional fields are MOTD, clan meetings, tournaments, and clan wars. Any and all fields can be disabled, and if you’d like optional secondary tournament and clan wars messages can be enabled if you want to segregate control without giving access to higher ranking clan messages(everbody has been in that one clan with more drama than a woman’s soap opera…).


You need a webserver to host the configuration files containing message details to broadcast in game. If you don’t have one, you can use or a similar service. If you’re using remote header/divider images you will need a direct link to the image files. If you don’t have your own webserver, works well(ex:

Download from:



Extract all of the files to an empty folder first. Open primary.xml in notepad or some other text editor. Make sure you keep your edits between the angle brackets.

Example: <some_option>keep text between the pointy things at the ends of this sentence

Whatever you put in the “Author” field will be tagged after the MOTD if “Show_MOTD_Message” is enabled. To enable certain messages, set <show_whichever_message> to “yes” without the quotes and lowercase is important. To disable a message, set it to anything else, like “no” or “AMX-40″.

For tournament and clan wars there are extended configuration options to allow secondary messages if you’re feeling adventurous. For my clan I use a private webserver to control which configuration files are available based on the login used. You could share a free pastebin account login. If you wish to use them, secondary-clan-wars.xml and secondary-tourney.xml are configured exactly the same as primary.xml, except all non-relevant sections have been removed(and no they won’t work if somebody adds those sections back). It’s up to you to figure out how to distribute secondary messages.

Option 1 – upload your resulting file to a webserver
Option 2 – copy the contents and use a free account at pastebin or some similar service to paste them. If you paste without logging in you won’t be able to edit it later…

Almost done now. Copy the url for wherever you uploaded. If you’re using pastebin, you need to copy the “RAW” URL in order for it to work(ex: Then locate msg-ctr.xml in 0.9.5\scripts\client\mods\ and open it in notepad. Paste whatever you copied into the <Primary_Message_Address> section. If you want to use a local header or divider image(the easier method) change <Header_Graphic> and/or <Divider_Graphic> to “img://scripts/client/mods/msg-ctr/some-image-file.png” without the quotes, and change “some-image-file.png” to whatever you named the file(s) you’re going to use, and place your file(s) in 0.9.5/scripts/client/mods/msg-ctr/. For convenience, there is a msg-ctr-header.png located in the folder with this readme that you can copy and paste your clan logo onto. If you want to keep the transparency, don’t use Windows Paint. ;)

Zip the 0.9.5 folder and distribute to your clan, have them place it in their res_mods folder. If they already use other mods that put things in the scripts folder, it’s best if they don’t replace CameraNode.pyc or __init__.pyc. They’re only included because the mod will not load without them. This mod should continue working with other versions being used by different mods, but not all mods may work with the version included. Replace at your own risk.

Edit your paste or upload new copies of your primary.xml to change what messages will show when they open their game.

Trouble with installation?

Check the official mod page (needs registering), perhaps ask the modder himself in comments.

16 thoughts on “Useful Mods: Mav’s Clan Message Center

    • The purpose of the mod is great, but I agree about the color part – why do all the mod makers think, that super glowy pink, lime and cyan colors are the best to use when you want to display some text? I just looks like kindergarden and makes the eyes hurt.

      • I felt the MOTD should be seared into the retinas of my clanmates so they wouldn’t miss it, and the red dividers and the header graphic can be swapped out for whatever you want(such as white, black, grey, beige, tan, charcoal, whatever you can find).

        Seriously tho, I did consider putting in the option to choose your own colors for the text, and I may still do so in a future update if enough people want it. I’d probably be motivated to work quicker if people found the donate button on the page for my other mod on curse… ;)

  1. I need this mod :)

    I also need the rest of the clan to get it too…

    Shame there isn’t a way to push clan messages in vanilla like this.

  2. It’s enough to install it only me, for the rest of the members to see the messages, or it must be installed by all the clan members?

    • Learn to read:

      Zip the 0.9.5 folder and distribute to your clan, have them place it in their res_mods folder. If they already use other mods that put things in the scripts folder, it’s best if they don’t replace CameraNode.pyc or __init__.pyc. They’re only included because the mod will not load without them. This mod should continue working with other versions being used by different mods, but not all mods may work with the version included. Replace at your own risk.

  3. Where was this mod while I was getting burned out as a commander by (amongst other reasons) WoT’s ridiculous lack of internal clan communication…?