Hello everyone,
first, thanks to everyone for sending me messages that the servers are crashed, according to Erissa, it should all be fixed by now, 30 mins of downtime or so, so not really a big inconvenience – good :)
Now, allow me to post a public reminder:
On 15.1.2015, the E-25 will be removed from the premium shop (it was removed from the ingame shop on 22.12.2014). So, if you want it, you can still get it, because after that, it’s going to be handed out only during events and within year or so, it will be “another Type 59″ probably.
Personally, I hate that vehicle… or rather, I hate fighting against it. It’s fast, has very good camo and generally is a nuisance. It doesn’t sit well with me (I tested it), but I really hate fighting it and a skilled player can make a HUGE mess with that tank destroyer. I also hate there are so many of them lately in battles, but I would be a poor blogger, if I did not mention the deadline slowly running out.
:) where you meet so many E25′s, some secret server? when driving my own, I meet 1 other, rarely 2, 1time per day 3e25′s and usually they are on platoon then. and dont forget MM tends to be like mirror…
Because of the E25 deadline, I have played on the NA server with 4 or 5 a side in matches It is a popular premium TD since the withdrawal notice has been given. Nothing generates WG sales more than removal from the market.
I play on EU as SS also, so cant comment on NA.
When playing tier 6-7 I see them quite a bit. On average I’d say every second battle there’s one or more E 25s.
You mean per match right? Try tier 7/8 battles instead of 9/10 only…
Yesterday, 3 E-25s on each team. Seeing 4 in one match isn’t even something special anymore.
According to wot-news, over 32k e-25s were bought in the last 4 weeks on the EU server. The total number of E-25s is over 150k on the EU compared to some 92k su-122-44 and 78k type 59.
IMO e25 never was or is op vehicle, especially in average or bad players’ hands, but is rather good when it is played by person who knows how game works, but is not every tank good then, even the mighty M3 Lee? However I like how Wg made that big hype about e25 and will earn money on it.
M3 Lee is a good T4 tank…
E25 is too stealthy, with camo net and tank camo and 100% camo skill (most E25 do), i can shoot a tiger at 250m without any concealment(i.e. no bushes) and stay unspotted.
Well, I did get it on the last round of discounts, thanks to your warnings, so thank you for that.
(and yes, it was on my wishlist anyhow).
So far I’m loving it… whenever RNGesus conspires against me, it’s a fun tank to take a break. :)
My SU-122 eats them buggers for brunch :)
if you can see them of course :-P
That is true. SU-122-44 is vastly superior machine with only downside – normal mm. Which is actually quite huge thing.
SU is certainly strong, but it can’t really spot for itself, which makes it bad for carrying games.
BIA + Ventilation + both Recon skills + Bino = 451,95 View range.
It’s sufficient viewrange for spot.
Binos+Vents on 122-44? And what are you sacrificing then? Reload speed or aim time, because both of them are much more important for this vehicle as to make it not so blind.
I recently bought it too and now I understand why people say, it is OP. The DPM is just insane – I had several cases in just few battles, when I won a 1vs1 situations vs Tier8 heavy tanks only because of DPM and the fact that with BIA+Rammer+Vents it can keep tanks of not so experienced players permatracked and do a f**ing 390 damage with every shot instead of 240 what JT88 in similar situation does.
E-25 with its DPM and camo serious problem if i meet it in for example with Firefly …or another tier 6……but in clasic duel with my SU-122-44…..is without chance……i usualy richochet most of its shots…..simetimes all….
It’s true. In classic close combat duel full HP E25 and SU-122-44 is SU superior. E25 go down on 2 shots after 6,5 sec. It shots max 4 rounds.
Apcr is your friend in the e25 almost exclusively for the tiger 2, is6, and su 12244. Oh, and black prince. Maybe a bit of is3. But even though thats a long list,i only carry fifteen apcr
thing is e 25 is a good tank but depends too much on occasions, stealth, speed, and the team, in fact it’s a support tank, it’s not a stand alone tank! su 122 44 is!
I got this premium tank one year ago. I dont play TDs too much these days but I recently got my ace badge on this tank. It is one of those tanks that do well in some maps but it struggles on all the city/corridor maps — and there are many these days
I’m a quite good player on EU server, but not a very good one. I recently purchased the E-25 and played 230 matches with this little tank. The result: it does not suit me, it is difficult to master. In the hand of a very good or superior player, this tank is great and may even be OP, but when driven by a good/average/bad player, this tank is mediocre and not OP at all.
IMHO, the SU-122-44 is much easier to play and closer being OP than the E-25 – when using gold ammo.
because E25 is so much map-dependent. You get something like Pearl river with it and you can stick it up in your ass because you cant do much unless you are facing some utter retards.. Malinovka/Prokhorovka on the other hand.. ))
I really hate the E-25, mostly not because the good players that you cant see, but noobs/inexperienced players who rush your t5/6 with the thing. They get themselves killed, but not before the stupid RoF has either killed you or damaged you quite badly. Specially when the track you twice and you just have to change shots with them untill one of you dies.
I once managed to solo kill a T29 in my E-25. In a platoon of 3, it is *fantastically* powerful, and with BIA + Rammer + Vents you can fire a shot once every 2.48 seconds. Most tanks can’t even turn their guns and aim at you by the time your second shot has left the barrel. and thats if they even spot you.
E-25 platoon wolfpacks are particularly effective, and as much an OP scourge as Hellcat wolfpacks or Type 59 wolfpacks (used to be).
I saw one platoon last night take 8 kills in a Tier 8 game, plus inflict a mass of damage on the remainder of the enemy team. They were pretty much unspotted for most of the game (Fisherman’s Bay).
haha that was actually me and some buddies yeah it was a good game. still think the 122 is more op imo but whatevs I get a rare tank finally I suppose
Coming up next will be the big nerf of the E-25 because once everyone buys one it will time to start a new gold rush.
they are much afraid of making type 59 HD cause they know they will have to nerf it! that’s why they don’t touch prem tanks ,afraid people will want money back!
One problem with E-25 is, that if you have only high level German TD crews to train, then you will have to make a dedicated crew just for the E-25 or for a Nashorn/Borsig/Waffle Pz4 to use in it. Because E-25 has to have a full camo crew, but for JP or WT E100 camo is the last skill to train on the crew because.. yeah.
“Personally, I hate that vehicle… or rather, I hate fighting against it. It’s fast, has very good camo and generally is a nuisance.”
Same as fighting anything with retardly good camo… Camo is just imba skill/part of the game, as you can do nothing to negate this advantage – technically high view range should help but it’s reduced by percentage, if it’s ~50% camo factor no matter how good your view range is…
And you can see how retarded this camo is in last Woras G.E.R.
Only a day and a half left to be able to buy at the discount price.
I’m fine with it being removed. What bothers me is that WG’s removing the E-25 but leaving the other overperforming tier 7 TD (SU-122-44) in the game. Seriously, the amount of success I’ve had in that thing is ridiculous, but no, WG leaves it in, because it’s Russian, and Germany isn’t allowed to have good premiums.