Thanks to Dominatus for this one.
Hello everyone,
Operation Supply Drop is an American military charity, founded by a former soldier Stephen Machuga to support the American troops, active in combat operations by bringing them entertainment in the form of videogames. You can read about it here.
American branch of Wargaming was active in supporting this charity in the past (for example via charity streams and bundles, where players could actually choose to support this particular charity). Recently (13.1.2015), a new “ambassador program” was launched, consisting of various gaming world celebrities supporting the cause. Their task is to – quoting the article:
…fund-raising, program education, veteran-owned business startup mentoring, as well as job and career networking assistance. The Operation Supply Drop Ambassadors will also support the charity’s Thank You Deployment program, which enables wounded veterans to attend video game events to gain a behind-the-scenes insider look and experience first-hand what goes into making and promoting some of their favorite titles.
One of these ambassadors is now Wargaming’s own US server historian Nicholas “Chieftain” Moran, known best for his “Chieftain’s Hatch” article/video series about tanks. So, congratulations, Chieftain and good luck!
Why the fuck is Jessica Chobot there tho… kinda thought she has poor rep in gaming world after that ME3 crap…
What is a Jessica Chobot? Never heard of it.. is it like a Choad that has been named?
You did mean she has poor rep, not he.
Anyway, after she went to Nerdist news, it kinda went up again and she is not hated again. ;)
Ah typo, fixed :)
Who’s that Jessica? Never heard of her.
Diana Allers in ME3.