Hello everyone,
the second round of the test 9.6 is live. It is cca 127 MB large compared to Test 1. The list of changes is available in Russian (will translate it if it doesn’t show up on portal today, but I am sure it will). The biggest changes:
You can now test AMX CDC and STA-2 :) So enjoy.
Edit: English patchnotes are here now.
Woot! Come here CDC!!!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn271kr_ks0 :D WW2 Abrams tanks LOL
The Germans only had Leopard 1s thats why they lost the war. :P
He was kidding about WW2 tank, he ain’t that stupid..
lol… actually he wasn’t (i think?), because the video had nothing to do with WWII.
I have a question : Storm said they will never introduce tank with pref MM anymore, so ISU130 dont have pref.MM too, right ?
the SU-130 is for admins only, so it is kind of irrelevant if it has a pref. MM or not :D
Also .. gimme my STA-2 or else ! :D
well, he gonna get one :D
And AMX 13-57? is it there?
In patch notes there are mentioned only CDC and STA-2 :(
Really? First patch they mentioned 13/57 as well… before removing it all because they realised they had none of them.
There is no 13/57.
Sadness. Out of the three, that was the one I wanted most.
Same here, I don’t want the “everything that makes the STA-1 bad but none of what makes it good” or the “WEEEEEE… what’s a turn?”
I wanted a “poke, poke, poke, poke, you dead yet? no? poke, poke, poke”
yeah the amx 13/57 is not on the test server. :(
apparently they are still balancing it and it will come when 9.6 goes live, kinda like the panther 88
Here are the notes for those, who read Russian:
Most interesting – crew role change now costs 500 gold. But still no possibility to retrain them for silver. :(
Aaaand they changed something in gameplay on Mines map.. AGAIN.
Im not home yet!
CDC I want you
CDC rocks hard.
my polar bear crew will like this tank :)
Why is everybody so hyped about a tank that nobody know how it was IRL or in game?
bcs it seems so sexy.
Played the CDC, the aim time and bloom on movement and turret rotation are pretty bad. For now you’ll need to equip her with items that reduce this effect IMO. (VS+GLD)
She feels a little sluggish getting up to speed compared to the 50t, but that could be the difference in crews. Could always supplement some oil.
All-in-all not bad, not as great as the hype might make you think it is.
It’s a fast as fuck sexy premium beast with a lot of hitpoints,great gun depression, good penetration and dirt cheap shells on an accurate gun that doesn’t require you to aim for 5 fucking minutes.
Hello newest bestest credit farmer
Except it has been stealth-nerfed according to people on forums who checked stats. It’s dispersion on the move isn’t great, but it’s ground resist is atrocious now.
I should probably download Tank Inspector and check for myself, though I have little reason to doubt this info.
idk how people think this tank looks good, to me, looks as bad as an arl 44 with the stock turret, i do agree with people saying it looks sleek, but not so much sexy, i much prefer the looks of the STA-2
i don’t need testing, i will buy that tank anyway.
CDC is love
CDC is life
Inb4 it gets removed from the shop 2 days after the 9.6 release
Why the fuck should they remove a average tier 8 tank two days after release? It’s nothing special at all. Baddies will suck hard in this tank.
well that’s pretty much what happened with the Su-76I
you can buy m4a2e4 LOL
M4A2E4 is a regular premium tank on russian server.
never saw you could buy it on testserver then lol
I … don’t remember, I have this Sherman so I never searched it on test server.
AFAIK it’s always been on test server because it’s based on the RU server.
someone in CN server has already played sta-2 for a while…..
also 1357..very nice t7 lt with awesome dpm
yeah, in china server you can pay to test out the new tanks, even the IM tanks.
http://i.imgur.com/pM8zuov.jpg xD
Teasing us with new premiums uh WG ?
Now take that xD
why the hell is the CDC so popular??? it’s not even that good…
1 thing for sure is that it definitely doesn’t look good, sta-2 looks much better.
I like the STA-2 so far, it’s feels like a weaker Pershing, speed and armor wise but it’s gun is a bit better.
same LOL, ik it’s not that good of a tank… but there’s something about it, pulling me in…. probably the looks of it LOL.
AMX Chasseur De Chars = AMX “Tank hunter” = AMX Tank Destroyer
In game —> Medium tank
Seems legit.
Really?! There are things like the WTE-100 in the game, and you complain about this?
Read again.
I’m not complaining.
Fair enough. But still, there is a valid reason why CDC is a medium(amx 30 line crew trainer), so I dont see a reason to bring that up.
Several tanks are misclassed, what’s your point?
The ELC AMX is the same way. IIRC it was also planned to be a TD.
and the CDC has the performance of a LT… can’t forget that one.
People don’t seem aware that the ground resistance for AMX CDC was horribly nerfed, almost doubled :) from 0,867 on medium ground or smth like that to 1,63, meaning it has less hp/t now than Obj416 :)
Well, there was no post on FTR about it. I only know it from your forum thread.
Maybe but the old “2s to get to 50km/h” isnt there anymore.
It had 30hp/t last time we heard of it
“Fixed the playback of the “That was close” sound notification when player’s own vehicle was damaged.”
Come on, i liked this bug :(
where tf is amx 13-57?
still being balanced, will come out when 9.6 goes live.
After testing a bit, AMX CDC and STA-2 are decent tier 8 vehicles. Along the T-34-3, Type 59 and the Panther 8.8, they make a nice picture of how good or bad the tier 8 MT should be. The questions are: When will the US receive a decent tier 8 premium MT? The SuperPershing is crap compared to the above mentioned tanks. Also, when will UK receive their Centurion variant?
Edit: And yes, I know the answer is Soon™ but I’m still asking :P
What Centurion variant? AFAIK UK will have FV4202 as their tier 8 medium premium.
US now has a reward tank, the T95E2. It doesn’t make premium credits, but it does get premium XP bonuses. I haven’t played it, but I understand it plays more like a medium than the SP. Getting one is as “simple” as recruiting a new player or rerolling and grinding to tier 10.
Oh yeah… that could work but isn’t it tier 9?
I totally forgot about the FV moving to tier 8.
he means the fv4202, it will be renamed the Centurion action X, you can look at pictures of the turret on google from bovington.
the action X is pretty much a 4202 with some very small minor changes to the shape of he turret. (and maybe some small differances with the hull)
So according to the patch notes: “Substantially changed the distribution of hits in the aiming circle (insignificantly reduced the number of hits at the very center of the reticle).”
Now the definition of substantially is: “large in amount, size, or number”.
And the definition if insignificantly is: “small or unimportant, not significant”.
So, was accuracy changed by a large and yet insignificant amount? Or by an unimportantly large amount?
Just came here to post exactly the same thing.
They had better hurry up with that explanation article – and make it properly detailed.
Imagine a circle with a 5cm radius. Now let’s say 50% of your shots go into the center, 5% go to the edge, and the rest of the shots (45%)go 3cm away from the center. Then the distribution changes so that 45% of the shots go to the center, and the rest is made so that the shots go evenly around the center. What you have in this situation is insignificant change of shots going to the center, but the distribution is significatly changed.
Ah, this makes more sense now. thanks
Good that it isnt like with the 8.8 Panther… At least you can Try these.
Is the Panther 88 the only premium that will appear in the tech tree in 9.6?
AMX CDC and STA-2 will appear in the tech tree in 9.7, in 9.6: only gift shop.
Time to warm up my wallet for the CDC. I don’t really care if they nerfed it, it is a French medium premium.
Löwe damage model was changed again in the second test ?? WHY???
its in the new patchnotes…
Do somebody know how?
Before you download the 8gb, myself and a bunch of others can’t login to the Test Server (the password field isn’t working properly and tells you that your password must contain specific characters/numbers/symbols, all of which my password contains already). And, of course, nothing works (restarting the game, restarting your computer, changing your password, using your old password, etc…).
Just brilliant WarGaming!…
OK, here’s the fix…
It’s a problem with the auto-fill.
1. Exit the game.
2. Restart the game.
3. Uncheck ‘remember my password’
4. Delete the auto-filled password
5. Re-enter your password (the one you were using 2 weeks ago).
Then, it will work.