Free XP to Crew XP Conversion on RU Server

Hello everyone,

the Russians are celebrating the Defender of the Fatherland Day and to commemorate this event, apart from a video with girls in uniforms, Wargaming prepared a special mechanism – converting the free XP to crew XP!

Okay, the video first.



Basically, it’s really simple – you can convert your free XP to crew XP (to one specific crewmber) for free – using the ratio of 1 free XP point for 5 crew XP points. Every tanker’s profile has this one button, that serves this very purpose

And the EU/US server? Well… you know the answer to that, don’t you :P

Okay, to be completely honest: it would make no sense not to introduce this mechanism to EU and US as well, so we’ll prolly get it eventually too – I have little faith in WG EU, but these decisions are usually taken in Minsk. Other than that, the event is pretty awesome too (Russians are going all out this year with the 70th anniversary of the end of the war) – it includes:

- x5 for first victory
- x2 crew XP (for tier 4-10 vehicles)
- 15 percent discount on all tier 8-10
- 15 percent discount on tier 8 premium tanks, 30 percent on tier 6-7 and 50 percent on tier 2-5
- 50 percent discount on equipment
- 50 percent discount on premium shells
- 25 percent discount on consumables (50 percent for gold ones)
- 25 percent discount on crew retraining (50 percent if you use gold)
- 25 percent discount on skill reset (50 percent if you use gold)
- 90 percent discount on changing crewmember names and faces

68 thoughts on “Free XP to Crew XP Conversion on RU Server

  1. Well, I am pretty sure we won’t have such special on EU server too. We never get so good specials during the regular days of the year except WG/WoT anniversary and christmas.

    • Limited-time offer:
      Convert Free EXP to
      Crew EXP!
      Lastly, we’re excited to
      announce that for the
      first time ever in World
      of Tanks, you’ll now be
      able to convert your
      Free EXP directly to
      Crew EXP and training
      up your crew.
      To do this, simply
      access the Personal File
      of the crewmember
      you wish to spend your
      Free EXP on and click on
      the ‘Increase’ button at
      the Skills and Perks
      This function won’t be
      around forever, so
      make sure you convert
      as much Free EXP as
      you need before it’s
      Note: The exchange
      rate is set as 1 Free
      EXP : 5 Crew EXP

  2. who cares about the xp conversion

    “- 50 percent discount on premium shells”
    amusing event :P

    • It has been a LONG time since we had those discounts on EU… I remember them in the past… I tend to use about 80/20 on most of my tanks, so it would be nice to stack up some premium ammo!

          • I think two skills is the minimum to make a tank playable, past tier 5 anyway. One needs the usual set of specific skills (for me that is usually sixth sense, snap shot, smooth ride, situational awareness (If there is a RO), and safe stowage. Second set is generally either repairs or camo for everyone depending on the tank. Third skill is either drop second for BiA and retrain everyone in repairs or camo, or a second set of crew specific skills, depending on the tank.

            • Come on… the button will come, however I think EU will cost gold… like… NO FREE CONVERTING FOR YOU CAPITALISTS!!! ;)

            • 100% basic skill is all you need to make a tank playable.
              And on the low tiers 75% crews work fine too.

              Other than that, on all my heavies and medium tanks the first batch of skills is always sixth sense + repairs.

              • EU has the largest paying customer base per capita compared to russia. We scandinavian white EU players are paying for all scrubs to play free (similar to welfare in sweden etc. where regular people pay for others enjoyments).

                Good judeo-bohemic idea, let the rich white fuckers pay for the others….

                • Monaco has highest GDP per capita too, still too small to be significant. Same with EU playerbase.

                  “Good judeo-bohemic idea, let the rich white fuckers pay for the others…”

                  … btw I didn’t know that Sweden is Jewish/Slavic country ?! Or simply Swedish blindly implemented Jewish/Slavic ideas? Why when they are so frustrated about it. There’s probably something very strange in Sweden… And congratulation that you are a white fucker who pays for everyone. I always wondered who these people are, now it’s clear – they are Swedish!!! (which they can’t even do properly so they ‘naturalize’ super-rich ex-Yugoslavian football players…)

  3. Anyone using Tank Inspector here ? A week ago I made an account and havent received any confirmation email. So I made another account for my second email adress and nothing. Week have passed and I havent got any email to either of my two adresses. I wrote to the email adress given in the FAQ but had no response

    Or maybe they mail sender refuses to send confirmation emails to PL mail providers ?

  4. Holy shiet! Time to start farming free xp with toptier lights (still best for that AFAIK) so later on I can have sixth sense on every freaking tank in my collection including BT-7 and similar lowtier derpwagons I keep for lulz and cant be bothered to grind the crew xp with the tanks themselves.

  5. well. this mechanism appear in CHN servers for a long time (about 2 year?)
    you can also buy a Type 59 by 20 US dollar.
    If you super rich and no skill just pay 600 US dollar for T55A or pay 1100 dollar for Obj. 260
    link for T55a:
    link for Obj 260:
    you also can buy every Limited Tank in CHN servers! Pz. II J BT-SV PzV/IV and so on

    • you know what would be fun >) CONVERT CREW XP TO FREE XP i would waste my useless crews sitting in brracks for it

      it costs a lot of xp tho
      over 700k free exp to make a crew member have 2 %100 skills
      i would rather get the girl crews they have SoS and 2 skills already (that makes 3) and it will be faster to train women crew because of hidden 3rd skil(SoS)

    • It depends on your situation. I play primarily on NA, and with the exception of arty I have worked my way up most of the lines to tier 9 or 10. I have a lot more limited use for free XP to unlock modules, but I am a tank hoarder. That means I am constantly short of quality crews to run my 150+ tanks. If this comes to NA, I’ll probably use some of my free XP to train up some crew members. I won’t pay gold to convert XP to train crews, but what I have sitting around I’ll use.

  6. Well this is bullshit.. 6 skill crew ment respect and dedication, but now it’ll mean shit, because you could just buy it..

  7. Where does it mention 50% discount on premium shells?

    I can’t see that on the RU website; have they removed that bit?

  8. I don’t see a big problem with this appearing on EU, even forever. To get the amount of needed freexp to convert you will either need shi*load of time to collect it or shi*load of money to convert this freexp (and time as well, cause you still need to grind this xp on elite tanks). Some people will use it probably to get at least this sixth sense, but I don’t expect massive buying six perks crew. It will be too expensive.

  9. Pingback: Ve WoT půjde nově změnit free XP na XP posádky!

  10. This is another step in pay to win. So now people can just buy their crews and not even play the tanks…. FUCKING GREAT!

          • Do you not play the game? The last 8Bit mode, if played right just gave everyone a million convertible for almost zero real effort. My point is this basically gives people a way to max out perks on T10 tanks without paying their dues. Honestly though, I don’t blame them. WG found another way to make more quick money off people.

            • It also gave you some very skilled crews. So you are upset that people will pay gold to convert XP to convert to crew XP, but it is OK that they played 8-bit mode and got multiple skill crews for free doing that? If someone was so foolish as to not turn on accelerated crew training in 8-bit mode, then pays actual money to convert that XP to free XP, and then uses said free XP to purchase crew XP, then I say we let them and not worry about it. They are paying for something that everyone else had the opportunity to get for free playing 8-bit mode.

    • This isn’t pay to win, nothing in WoT is pay to win. It will have an improvement on your tank but won’t increase win rate

  11. Just to clarify – if I, say, convert 100 000 free exp to a single crew with ACT on (elite tank), is it 100 000 exp per crewmember + 200 000 exp for the one getting ACT, OR is it distributed evenly among the crew depending on the number of tankers (ie divided by 3/4/5/6)?

    Cause in first case = awesome sauce and no brainer for girl crews
    But in second one = pretty much useless, getting 33k max (for French lights/meds for example) is crap

    • Your 100K free XP would convert to 500K crew XP. You then choose crew members to apply it to. For example, you could give each member of a 5 man crew 100K crew XP or a single member 500k XP. A four man (or woman) crew could get 125k crew XP each.

  12. nice painted whores they got there, yam, yam, eat them all!

    PS SS why don’t you promote Medieval Engineers, it’s a new game and they have Tanks and all?

  13. All these folks arguing about the exp conversion system and I’m just here admiring the beautiful Russian ladies. Much like the beloved type 59, something I will never get my hands on. :P