Hello everyone,
here’s another version of reworked Karelia from supertest. Developers are clearly working with several variants, this is like third of fourth one already. Anyway, what’s wrong with current Karelia? I like the map as it is…
The red zone (1) is newly opened zone of attack (accessible to players). Yellow zones (2) were reworked (rebalanced, some cover changed etc.)
If they do open 1 up it will make the map bigger so that should be a good thing.
SS, WG fucks up good standard battle maps due encounters and assaults like the chgs on sand river which were specifically made for assaults (which i never play).
Can U ask Storm why WG cant have an assault version of Karelia, or any map, and a standard battle one also? Would this be so hard?
wait wait, i can’t follow you, this is getting too complicated ;P
The thing wrong with karelia is that there is only one part of the map that matters, and you are at a HUGE advantage if you have a big speed advantage. It’s a good map, but there is much room for improvement.
Circle render range would help this map. You could fight north-west part of a map without being shot from a hill.
Yea, agreed. Its change that would make sense and its also good for this map..
Don’t worry, Circle render range will come in the near future! I would say 2018, if the developers work very efficient as per usual.
Then they will look at statistics regarding the circle render range. If there is an 0.5% increase in damage, TD’s will have their ground resistance on rough terrain nerfed and lights their dispersion upon turning whilst driving uphill.
Weesh, you are EXACTLY correct. The problem with Karelia (standard version) is that only one spot on the map that matters. Control that and the chances of victory go way, WAY up.
Personally, I think that the best way to improve this map would be to completely remove that sniper’s nest area in the SE. Make the SE mountain ridge one solid (curved) line that was unusable. Alternatively, take that sniper’s nest area and lower its elevation so that it was barely above the level of the swamp land. This way it’d be a gap between the two halves of the mountain ridge. But without the elevation, it should lose a lot of its OP nature to control much of the map.
So the trend of fucking up good maps continues
If you like maps where only one flank matters and one side is heavily favored, then yeah, this one is a gem.
Nope. Karelia isn’t one of the good maps.
it was, but only because there are so many worse maps
Basically, the trend of fucking up a formerly good game continues…
One side has huge advantage in magic bush next to the big rock in the middle. You are completely invisible with every tank and they spot you after you hit someone and go back behind the rock.
Looks like a good change, as its a pretty one sided shitmap.. Its all about the hill in the right bottom corner, the rest of the map hardly matters.
what?….. in normal mode i always go by west and circle enemy….. west is more important than hill, only if you never tried it you say different
What tiers does that work then 3-6?
All it takes really are 2 tank destroyers camping in base to wreck your whole push on the west. And if you get spotted while pushing up there, you get shot from the hill as well.
You’re nuts. The sniper’s nest area is OP. Once you control it, your chances of winning fights in the north/west go way up because you have sniper’s constantly smacking any enemy tank that does the slightest little aggressive thing, like poking out to take a shot.
tier Xs….. E50M sniping from west to hill……. or just plain roll out to base to kill arty and circle enemy…… west is OP boys :D… no kidding, just try it…. you need like 3 mediums and you have very little chance to meet any enemy, which happens a LOT and you just surprise them….. everybody is thinking the same as you and all of you are wrong….. just go platoon to west youll see
The west can work but it does not negate the statement that the hill is by far the most important on the map. In theory if you take the hill, all you need is a few tanks on the west to negate a push while you get sniped from the hill. You are just abusing bad teams that over-neglect the west, if you do it enough people will learn that west needs a bit more force to run that delay tactic. Whatever you think, the fact is the team that takes the hill most often wins, and taking the hill is purely dependent on having the fastest high tier tanks.
I especially like the zone 1 up north and I find the current Karelia just awkward needs a rework
Love it. This map really sees all the action on one side. This looks much more interesting.
current Karelia has become somewhat predictable. 8/10 most of the main fighting occurs in the southeast corner, with faster mediums and light tanks either flanking around north or holding on to the ridge.
that red zone would be more noticeable and useful in assault modes. it would serve the defenders, particularly for the arty to camp in or as a second line of defense. if it were elevated it would be where snipers/campers use
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Whats wrong with this map?
The only place that matters is the Southeast, especially the hill, and that side is highly biased towards the South spawn with a much better approach to the hill and better positions on the low ground too. It might actually be the most biased map in the game after Mines north spawn.
The only reason that the SE matters so much is control of the sniper’s nest. If the sniper’s nest was removed, the value of the SE would go down considerably. It’d still be a great brawling area, but it wouldn’t be nearly as critical as it is today.
What’s wrong with Karelia is that the current meta ignores an entire side of the map. The field area needs more cover.
A simple line of bushes on the ridge between the high open ground and lower uppoer ground and things would already be much better.
This would reduce pressure on bottom heavy brawl zone. Seems good/interesting, I only fear some idiots on assault def would wander too much on north side. It would be nice if they did similar change to hidden village. Maybe like steep mountain terrain passable for heavies so there would be some kind “hill war”.
Reworking karelia is fine, but why can’t wg make changes to other utter trash maps? Like on sand river without gun dep you have absolutely no role, nortwest could use an improve aswell as south coast , sacred walley, malinovka obv. highway lakevill and mountin pass, and it’s sad that there are so many badly balnced/built maps
Improved legend:
Zone 1- Newly opened side corridor that can’t be shot from main map area.
Zone 2- Bushes and rocks eliminated to reduce sniping.
See a growing pattern there?
Anyway, what’s wrong with current Karelia?
I certainly don’t hate it but the fact that the only way to go is south might have something to do with the rewoks.
Still beats the shit out of prok/campinovka even in it’s current state
Oh more unrealistic corridors just what we need indirect Arty, TD, LT nerf and an indirect HT buff like they need it so much. Too bad i liked that realistic mountain good memories climbing it in training rooms but now its going to be replaced by skyscraper hills and rocks.