51 thoughts on “No KV-220T for you, community contributors!

  1. Well, wording is nice and they haven’t lost much… Still, i would approve giving a beta tank to contributors – they DID contribute and it’s not selling anyway.

  2. I think this tank isnt exclusive anymore as they say. And most of them already had the tank afaik.

  3. O cmon, they did the fair thing this time. Yeah, they fucked up but they stood up to it and recompensated the (ekhem) ‘moral’ losses.

  4. I think the difference is the KV 220T has normal mm where as the kv220 has limited mm. I think this is a great example of how to fix a mistake.

  5. oh my god are they fucking retarded? sry I’m harsh, but every single day they fail, they fucking fail all the time, are they dumb, retarded? who gave them their jobs?!’!? OH MY FUCKING G

    • That’s like trying to fight a forest fire with a glass of water. An exercise in futility.

  6. Wasn’t this Foucault character the boss that benefited from Czechout’s “attention” ? The same guy that was trying to convince everyone on the forums that there was no contest fixing.

    How the fuck did he not lose his job?

  7. The kv-220 beta test was given to russian testers. Basically it is the m4a2e4 for the russians…
    Except they have it as a normal premium tank on their server, whilst we don’t have their kv 220 as a normal premium.

    Wargaming should make a M4a2E4 beta tank, give it to the EU and NA beta testers, sell the normal E4 as a normal premium tank and at least sell the normal kv-220 through the gift shop.

    And yeah, community contributors deserve a kv-220 beta just as much as the russian testers, if not more. They have certainly done stuff to deserve that status. Hell give em the panzer 5/4 alfa as well…

    • If you fail like this you get 500 euros for a bonus! That’s why wg eu fucks up everything they touch – they WANT to screw things up. And the worse the shitstorm gets, the better bj you get from mr “lead community manager”.

      Up to this point, eu office fails were quite funny, but this? “Hey guyz, I haz idea! Letz give away sum tankz to our community contributorz! K, kv-220 lookz nice & proper! *click* Awwwwwww shieeeeeeet, missclicked!” Really? REALLY!? Do they even breathe on their own?

      You know, it just crossed my mind – what if those community guys have something like xvm installed on the forums? And it shows that they’re all red… They’re all total noobs! 90% Fail ratio, -300 eff, avg brain lvl 0.0, accuracy (hitting right keys on their keyboards) 20%.

      And remember guys – it’s the last day of 2013 – wg eu STILL HAS TIME FOR AT LEAST ONE MORE FAIL!


  8. They should just disband the whole EU office and make English the only official language for EU and just make small office in Minsk(EU department) who will maintain EU portal on English. Those potatoes that doesn’t speak English can play the game if they want or quit it. After all English is the official in-game language for EU server. That way we would get info on time(no need to wait all those “community organizators” to translate articles into their native languages) and i’m pretty sure they could find few people in RU HQ who could maintain EU portal on English without so many fails. And they would even save some money from cutting of those slackers who aren’t doing anything right.

  9. LOL, EU WG just wouldn’t be themselves with out fails right? Seriously what a rolfcopter hahahaha
    I’m almost certain that they get bonuses in salary for the fails… Damn I think I’m gonna apply for job in WG, seems like you just can’t be fired in there even if you set office on fire

  10. It’s a FAIL post. The title says no kv220, but it is about getting the promised kv 220 instead of kv220 beta test.
    They got the kv220 + 3 days premium, whats the problem? lol.

  11. Apart from the usual fail it’s not a bad thing they changed it, but rather a good one.
    They’re basically the same tanks, only difference being the fact KV220T has regular MM and KV220 has premium MM.

    And also, I somewhat don’t care…killed already a “T” one today, looks good on my dossier.

    • They both have limited MM (Tier+1), the only difference are the name and the icon.

      It was not exclusive to RU server either, SEA beta testers were also given this tank

  12. To be honest, thats the right way to handle this: Apologize, name the one responsible and compensate the affected people.

    Ok, perhaps try to not fail again, but only time will tell …

  13. They need to hire some people who know what they are doing. These idiots who are “working” now for WG EU are total fails. Not all of them, but some.

    • WG EU will never do that. They hate competent people. As I said many times here on ftr – Paris office needs to be purged, bombed to hell, burned and then rebuilt. SerB, why u no do that? :|

  14. Just sitting here reading through all of these butt-hurt replies about how WG are a bunch of “failures” and “retards” and wondering why all of these people still play the game, and if they (for the few who) don’t, why they are reading this article.

    It was, at the end of the day, a pretty inconsequential mistake, and everyone seems to be going absolutely psycho over it. Chill out guys, really, unless you think you could create a more successful game than WOT and run it better than WG do.

    • People are criticizing WG EU. WG EU didn’t create WoT. Your argument is invalid. Try harder next time, shill.

      • My argument is not invalid – WG EU are the closest link to WG that we have. Most of the players commenting about WG EU are only going to know that much or even care if they are EU players themselves. And yet you still continue to play, dealing constantly with some people who you claim are incompetent. If they really are so bad, then you might as well stop playing to not have to put up with, and if you still want to play, then it clearly isn’t worth whining as much as people do.

        And really? Accusing me of being paid by WG to say nice things about them simply because I disagree with most of the bitching that goes their way? A baseless, and, frankly, stupid accusation.

        • you didn’t understand what he said at all

          We’re not “dealing constantly” with the inept idiots running WG EU just because we’re playing on their server.

          • He is desperately trying to justify these morons at WG EU. Try harder. They didn’t made this game, they are only failing on a daily basis about handling the info on that game etc. Stop sucking up to them. They fail all the time and all the bashing they are recieveing is well deserved.

            • So then why do you still play? As I said, if the game is good enough to put up with the people who manage it for you, then you might as well not complain, as it means you are overall happy with a FREE game. If not, then don’t play.

              Also, in what way am I sucking up to them, you idiot? It’s hardly as if I’m doing it for any gain or that I am doing it where they can see. If you think someone disagreeing with you is equivalent to sucking up, then you are moronically stupid.

          • It was a figure of speech. Practically every single event/etc that WG EU hold there is a legion of butthurt players complaining about how much of a shambles it all is. If so many players get so enraged at WG EU’s actions, why would they not stop playing so that they can be free of them for good?

  15. Hmm interesting.

    In my region is hard to find a good job but maybe I should try to get a job for EU WG, after all you can screw things up every single day and everything is OK anyway.

  16. It’s very strange, seeing as both the KV-220 and KV-220T are the same tank. In every single way.