Video: a tank gets stuck in mud

Hello everyone,

this video was posted by Yuri Pasholok on his blog. Basically, what happens in it: during the November 2013 airsoft session in Alabino (Moscow), there were military tanks present on the range for some reason. One of the tanks managed to get stuck in a pit full of mud and water – it had to be towed out by another tank. The video actually shows really nicely how rugged the vehicle is and how the engine struggles to get the 40 ton beast from the watery trap. I wouldn’t want to be the guy cleaning it afterwards…


67 thoughts on “Video: a tank gets stuck in mud

      • Scrub driver. RIGHT lateral. The left track “had” tracksion and he could have pivited and got out but he kept going at the same angle over and over and eventualy dug into the soft ground. NOOOOOD

        • Take it from someone who’s driven tanks, the driver did everything right, except that he should have been more aggressive and gotten more momentum going back and forth.

          Pivoting in mud, or on rough ground in general is the most stupid thing you can do as a tanker, as it’s guaranteed to shove plenty of crap into your tracks and cause them to pop off.

    • Hes absolutely pr0, he just dug himself a better hulldown position. Couple more minutes and it would become great turret down position, you know like ninjas jumping out of bushes or snow.

      • Uparmored leo2 is well known for self-detracking in harsh terrain. Canadians had a lot of problems with them in Afghanistan.

        • Its our german protecting system.
          If anyone others than a german uses an Leo 2
          It detracks itself for protecting us germans if wwiii comes :3

          • Yeah because this time Germans will not be aggressors…unlike the last two times, right?

            • Actually, WW1 was started by Serbia and Austria-Hungary, then followed by Russia and THEN Germany joined it, after what France and England decided to get involved as well.

            • very thin line to walk on … there were dozens of wars in the last 5000 years. And all you do is blaming the germans because they were the last … wait we werent the last. Vietnam, Afghanistan, Irak … the germans started them too right? Now you will refer to World Wars because there were only two. The word itself exist since 400-500 years.

    • No tank wouldn’t get out of that by it self. Sure go try that with Leopard 2 if you are idiot as you sound like.

  1. Now that’s a familiar sight. :)
    I was a driver on an ARV(Armored recovery vehicle) during service, and we were never short on stuck tanks and APC’s to pull out.

    It’s usually the commanders fault. “Drive along the low ground over there! That’ll give us concealment.”, failing to consider that is the kind of spots where water gather and things often get a bit mushy… Couple minutes later you often have them turret-ring deep in the bog, wondering what the hell went wrong.

  2. Why didnt they, when they were on good, more solid ground to do so, turn, and go towards the camera?

    • Really? There are plenty of videos of Leopard 2 and M1A2 Abrams getting stuck in far smaller mud holes.

      The tank does not get a grip, and the driver seems incompetent. Blaming the machine is just pure delusional, its not a God almighty super machine, its a tank.

  3. RE – TAR – DED driver. You can not drive thru this kind of muddhole with 40-ton machine at THIS speed.

    Russian kids playing… facepalm

  4. I did not know that the Armed Forces of Russian supported the assclownery of airsoft.

        • Screws only ever worked on perfectly flat ICE.

          The USA tried the same idea at about the same time and had the same problems. In fact there was an attachment made that added ICE screws to a Ford Model T. (There was also one for a half track like config).

          Screws DO NOT work very well in snow, slush, water, mud, sand, hard ground, gravel, etc…

          There is a reason why they never caught on. (Pun intended)

          • Ehm, no did you even bother to watch the video I linked? The screw driven ZiL goes trough pretty half of what you denied it does not.

            It goes trough snow, slush, water too, mud yes, sand? Have not seen a video of it drive on sand, hard ground yes it will if its flat and not up a hill, gravel? If it goes on sand it goes on gravel.

    • oh… my bad, I have mistaken the placement of the exhaust… that’s T-90, or some really modernized version of T-72

  5. Lets see, a video about a tank being involved in some kind of incident? Yup, its definitely going to be from Russia.

  6. Damn, I love that engine sound! Too bad we have to rely on mods to get that kind of thing in WoT…

  7. If they had the standard issue Soviet log then none of this would’ve happened.

    • But this is not Soviet Union, this is Russia a poor little country cannot afford enough Logs for their T-90 and apparently cannot afford proper drivers for their tanks either.