World of Tanks with RC models


Okay, this is seriously cool. There is a Panzer Warriors RC club in Tokyo, where you can basically experience a “first person view tank shooter” with RC tanks. They have minicameras and tanks have three crew members (gunner, driver, commander) and… this is how it looks :)



More info (in English) and pictures in the source post.

16 thoughts on “World of Tanks with RC models

  1. Why does it look like that tank is more walking than driving?
    *cough cough women cough cough*

    But it looks like a lot of fun.

  2. wtf

    nondote, nandate ote andate nondo nandate ajshi ha ondote nanda ate ondo ondo nanda OMG !

  3. you know if the Japs are also into Tanks and if one of their triple A game devs will go for it, you will have a very stronk Tank game.