Littlefield Collection Sale

Hello everyone,

this post appeared on one of the smaller Russian communities (thanks to the US guys, who reposted it on US forums). As those of you, who follow this kind of stuff, know, Littlefield tank collection (possibly the largest private collection in the world, more than 100 vehicles) is getting sold in an auction to the highest bidder (each tank separately). It’s actually quite sad, it means noone will ever see the collection together ever again. So, how much money does it take to buy your very own private tank?

2pdr Carrier


Australian, made in 1942 in Melbourne, restored to working condition.

Estimated price per auction catalogue: 75k-100k USD

Conqueror Mk.II


Estimated price per auction catalogue: 150k-200k USD

Churchill Toad flail tank


VERY rare, only 42 were made and this is the last surviving tank in the world of this type.

Estimated price per auction catalogue: 500k-600k USD

Valentine Mk.V


Not restored.

Estimated price per auction catalogue: 100k-150k USD

Leopard 1A1A1 MBT


According to The_Chieftain, this is actually Leopard 1A1A2. Either way, it was built in late 1969 and is in perfect condition.

Estimated price per auction catalogue: 400k-450k USD



Post-war vehicle (October 1945), used for training, sold for scrap in 1989, completely restored

Estimated price per auction catalogue: 200k-250k USD

M3A1 Stuart


Made in September 1942, needs restoration

Estimated price per auction catalogue: 100k-150k USD

M4A3 HVSS Sherman with 105mm howitzer


In running condition, not completely restored

Estimated price per auction catalogue: 200k-250k USD

M50 Super Sherman


Completely restored!

Estimated price per auction catalogue: 300k-350k USD

You can find more info (and vehicles) on the auction company website.

36 thoughts on “Littlefield Collection Sale

  1. Hey SS, how about FTR raises some money for the 2pounder or the Churchill Flail? :D :D hehe, I bet there are a couple of enthusiasts who would love to see it ;)

  2. Not that it matters much, but I also sent you an article about it a few days ago on FTR contact, dunno if you guys check your mail… Either way, some interesting (and very good looking) vehicles there. M50 looks amazing.

      • Well, I can’t seem to check anywhere whether it was submitted, but I believe it did. But never mind, just thought it was something the readers would be interested in and now it’s here.

  3. Hmph, should have sold my soul and got a job in banking. That way I might have been able to afford one of beautiful pieces.

    • The A1A1 should be the one with some improved armor and changed gun mantle.
      The A1A2 should have improved NBC protection, gun stabilisation and night vision.

  4. SS, only about half the total collection is going on the auction block.

    Late last year the entire collection was transfered to the Collings Foundation. The auctioning of part of the collection will help fund the building of a new museum in Massachusetts, and transporting the remainder of the collection there. It is my understanding that the location the collection is at now just isn’t viable for a self sustaining museum do it is rather poor geographical location (I.E. it isn’t near any major highways or cities, as a result it would be hard to get people to actually go there).

    Fun fact: The current location of the collection is where The_Chieftain has filmed a bunch of his Inside the Hatch videos. My favorite was the one for the Conqueror.

    Here is a copy of the press release from when the transfer was made public:

    Wiki entry for the Collings Foundation:

  5. If I was some rich ass bastard i’d totally buy myself a conqueror and drive it around the neighborhood.

  6. That Conqueror is a steal. Wish someone could drive around with one and you know, conquer the neighborhood…

  7. Those are actually really good prices.

    There have been a couple M18s for sale here in the States for $350,000, and an M24 for $450,000.. One guy was selling an M41 for something like $500,000..

    I wouldn’t be surprised if the prices go way higher. Especially on the Leopard.

  8. I hope these vehicles find a good worthy collector. I’d love to get my hands on the Radar 1S12/1RL1238. Now if only I can win the lottery.

  9. Welp, here is to hoping my tax return will have more zeros on it than expected.

    “Hello? IRS? Why no I have no idea what you mean by there being a small error in my return. Whats that? No I did not buy something called a Humber Mark IV, you must have the wrong number. Good day sir!” *Click*