What follows is a list of the detailed historical battles changes from Test 1 to Test 2 (or HB Test to Test 1, if you like it like that). Thanks to Maiorboltach for posting them.
- changed the MM weight point range of historical battles from 180-200 to 280-300 in order to increase the amount of tanks in historical battles
- rebalanced the amounts of various types of shells carried by HB tanks
- added the possibility to start on random bases (SS: as in, Germans in Kursk won’t start always near the southern base)
- rebalanced MM weights of tanks
- added special missions for weak (lowtier) tanks
Balaton changes:
- added SU-85, Jagdpanzer IV, Nashorn
- removed SU-76 and Jagdtiger
Changes in ammo configuration (AP/gold/HE):
T-34-85 – was 32/3/21, became 40/5/11
IS – was 16/2/10, became 21/2/5
ISU-152 – was 16/2/10, became 21/2/5
SU-100 – was 25/3/16, became 35/3/6
T-34 – was 44/3/30, became 62/5/10
Tiger II – was 43/1/28, became 63/1/8
Jagdpanther – was 33/2/22, became 48/2/7
Panther – was 47/3/31, became 67/3/11
Panzer IV – was 50/3/34, became 70/3/14
StuG 40 Ausf.G – was 25/3/16, became 35/3/6
Kursk changes:
- added Soviet Churchill III
- removed Panzer II (SS: this one was not in the official list, but I think that’s an ommission)
Changes in ammo configuration (AP/gold/HE):
T-34 – was 45/3/29, became 55/5/17
SU-152 – was 10/1/15, became 7/2/17
KV-1S – was 55/3/39, became 75/5/17
T-70 – was 52/3/35, became 70/5/15
SU-76 – was 34/3/23, became 44/5/11
Ferdinand – was 30/1/19, became 40/1/9
Panther – was 47/3/31, became 67/3/11
Tiger I – was 54/2/36, became 74/2/16
Panzer III – was 54/3/36, became 74/3/16
Panzer IV – was 50/3/34, became 70/3/14
StuG – was 25/3/16, became 35/3/6
Ardennes changes:
- added Sherman (105mm)
- removed Tiger I
- switched M4A3E8 gun from 75mm to 76mm M1A1
- switched Panzer IV gun from L/43 to L/48
- switched Panzer IV engine from HL120TR to HL120TRM
Changes in ammo configuration (AP/gold/HE):
Wolverine – was 30/3/21, became 40/3/11
Hellcat – was 25/3/17, became 35/3/7
Jackson – was 26/3/18, became 36/3/8
Jumbo Sherman – was 61/3/40, became 81/3/20
Jagdpanther – was 35/1/21, became 45/1/11
Panther – was 47/3/31, became 67/3/11
StuG – was 25/3/16, became 35/3/6
Tiger II – was 43/1/28, became 63/1/8
Balaton changes:
- added SU-85, Jagdpanzer IV, Nashorn
- removed SU-76 and Jagdtiger
Boooo! Just because I killed the entire enemy team in my re-purchased JagdTiger doesn’t make it OP… does it?
I mean c’mon! It wasn’t easy fending off the 6 IS tanks that wiped out my KT and Tiger team-mates, leaving me alone. They could have just as easily swarmed and rammed my sides and shot me to hell. :(
You still have the ardennes to own in your JT :)
Ardennes changes:
- added Sherman (105mm)
- removed Tiger I
- switched M4A3E8 gun from 75mm to 76mm M1A1
- switched Panzer IV gun from L/43 to L/48
- switched Panzer IV engine from HL120TR to HL120TRM
So much for “Historical Battles” with the removal of the Tiger, there is no Battle of the Bulge.
Germans use Tiger II in battle of the bulge
I don’t think Battle of the Bulge saw much of the Tiger. Tiger 2 yes.
sPz Abt 301 was allegedly in the area
“There were only 2 units with Tiger Is in the area of the Ardennes but only one of them saw action in the battles. ”
Eh? Hadn’t they mostly upgraded to tiger 2 by then?
Yesterday panther/m10 could fight in the Battle of Ardennes, seems they removed it though.
Fail, I was looking forward to playing my Panther M10. facepalm @ WG
As much as I loved playing the JagdTiger on historical mode, it was hideously overpowered and few things (in my gaming experience anyway) could take it out.
Though it was fun to watch the russian side flounder trying…
They need to add the Chaffee to the Ardennes and Nashorn to Kursk.
Chaffee (obvious first engine, turrent, gun) would be very cool in Ardennes, though I supect they will wait till after it’s incomming mega-nerf.
M5 Stuart was also in Ardennes. Marder 38t, Hummel and Wespe were also at Kursk.
We could really use a scout on the US side there.
They seem to have made the decision to leave arty out of HB. Unsurprising since it iwll lead to teams with arty vs teams without (soviet spg line has like 1 vehicle that saw action with a prototype once or something stupid like that) and they have always hated that (special MM rules on it in randoms).
Actually they can give soviet theyr fucking real spgs like su-122 and ISU-152 instead searching for stupid prototypes
Those are both already in game as tank destroyers.
Yeah i know i have both in garage lol. Well the ISU-152 ok but the su-122 can be placed removing that silly su122b(correct me il the name is wrong) like “splitting the actual su-85 in su-85 and su-122 no?
German tanks are still so dark that they’re nearly black, even if you use custom paint?
They already startd “balancing” HBs by adding slightly more gold shells to some tanks. I’m affraid this will happen much more in future due to “balance” reasons. Few more of those shells and you can already infulence the outcome of the battle much more than you could do right now. Less HE-more AP seems reasonable since only derp tanks uses HE, otherwise it’s useless to have that much HE shells.
Why are you so against 2 more gold shells on ridiculusly inferior soviet tanks? I mean, they have a lot of trouble anyway . And they’ve reduced the ammount of HE shells, if you hadn’t noticed
HB died today. now it is just another dull and boring game mode. meh..
Agreed. I mean, the HE loadout is too low and it’s not historical. LOLZ.
Is that because they removed jagdtiger ipwnmobile or because they gave T-34 two extra apcr?
Nice so the Russian tanks all get more gold shells, while the Germans (even crap like Panzer IVs and Panzer IIIs) stay the same.
Usual Russian bias.
The Pz III and Pz IV have enough pen to deal with most russian tanks they come up against. The Panzers deal with T-34 (45/45/40), KV-1S (75/60/60) and SU-152 (75/60/60). The Pz III gets the L60 with 67mm of pen and the Pz IV gets the L48 with 110mm of pen.
The Russian tanks have to deal with Tiger IIs (150/80/80), Tigers (100/80/80) , Ferdinands (200/80/80) and Panthers (85/50/40). The T-34 gets the F-34 with 86mm of pen, the KV-1S gets ZiS-5 with also 86mm of pen and the SU-76 gets the ZiS-3 with 78mm of pen.
So while the Panzer III may need a little bit of help, the Russians need it more. The Pz IV has more then enough AP pen to deal with the russians.
Oh piss off.
German cannons with standard AP are, tank for tank, stronger anyway.
The Soviets getting some extra gold shells is not, in any way, unjustified.
Tested HB today…. Another useless and boring game mode implemented by WG. The only upside, it’s less retarded than Team Battles.
Sure, you lost a lot in team battle?:D
Good thing they increase the MM weight limit, 3 vs 7 on Balaton was quite boring. And why did they reduce the number of AP shells on SU-152?? It was so easy to pen Tigers frontally with those, HE are required only if you have to shoot a Ferdi frontally.
15v15 HB are just how Confrontation mode should’ve been.
urgh i’m hating this patch more and more, it’s all HB this, HB that, HB the other. oh also maybe an HD model screen.. yeah….. nice patch there…
FUCK HB to hell and back, i dont have any of the HB tanks, i dont care for them nor i will ever care because it’s low tier trash mostly(or germans, yuk)
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Seriously though, HB are the only good things in this patch (an turrets flying off). If you want to play HB just buy a tier 7 when it’s on discount (Panther, Tiger, IS, SU-152) and use it to play, it’s good enough.
i dont want tier 7s(i have only 1, and that’s one too many for me), nor do i care for “historical”(awful) setups either.
oh yeah, forgot about flying turrets, that is fun, but i hate how this entire patch is essentially delayed for this shit HB failture(not a feature)
Why would you say HB are a failure? They can’t use what tanks you have because they’re historical, they use historical tanks. And setups are quite ok (I think Americans are UP at Ardennes though), otherwise they’re quite balanced.
of course it is, the first couple of days was fine now HB is so broken.
T10 tomato?
I get disconnected on both servers all the time, how about you guys?
Tiger tank removed because noob players complained? Typical WoT
The Tiger I got removed because very few or none at all participated in the Ardennes offensive. It made absolutely no sense for them to be there.
An additional question that someone might be able to answer:
They claim these are “Historical” Battles.
Fair enough, but with all the changes going on, it seems no one at WG did any historical research before implementing this mode.
I mean how hard is it to find out if the Ferdinand was in a battle or not?
Ditto with the rest of the tanks.
Seems to me WG is not putting a whole lot of thought (Team Battles) into a new mode before they implement it,and let the users do all the testing and finding out the bugs, imperfections, etc.
A whole lotta sloppy going on over at WG…
Why on earth do you object in them getting us to test it?
I’d rather 10 rounds of testing that just putting it live hald-baked.
Confrontation says hi
I also hate how they change the ammo loadouts. It’s called a historical for a f*cking reason, If people want to run around AP/prem olny, Random Battles are there, live and still kicking. I think they sould stick to the historical ammo loadout, no matter what balance problems it causes, there are lots of other factors they can change, while keeping the battle historical, that would balance out the ammo loadouts problems.
But WG as usual, prefers gameplay over historical accuracy. Makes the whole point of historical battles … kinda pointless
” I mean how hard is it to find out if the Ferdinand was in a battle or not? ”
If they want to truly recreate HB’s with Ferdis shouldn’t there be a 33% chance they will start burning at the start of each game?
That would be far more accurate…
Why does the scoreboard get stuck when you press “TAB”??? Its a fucking bug or what?
Not liking QB, well ok, but why shout it out every now and then?
“SU-152 – was 10/1/15, became 7/2/17″
I would make 12/2/12. AP shells are very effective most of the time.