Hello everyone,
alright, here’s the deal. I have a problem. I am really not very good at making map reviews – in particular since I actually don’t remember the position of every little stone, so at some points I have hard time checking what was changed and what was not (unless it specifically concerns my favourite spots). What it means that I have usually rely on someone else’s reviews.
Unfortunately, there’s not that big a choice – basically, I’ve seen two reviews so far: Quickybaby’s and Jingles’ one. Since I really, REALLY dislike Quickybaby lately (what a whiner that one is), leaves me only one option, so here’s Jingles’ review of the map changes – I think it’s actually a pretty good review. I would personally prefer him doing it without that… “company”, but, yea, we can’t have everything now, can we?
So – enjoy :)
PS: very special thanks to Rita, who actually pointed out to me such a video exists in the first place
Thanks for not using QuickyBaby! <3
Yep, have my plus as well.
ENVY…… one of the 7 deadly sins.
whiteknighting………….one of the internet sins
Not relevant.
I think QB map revieuws are good as well
Why do you dislike quickybaby?
how can anyone like an arogant whining stuck up child???
( he really is a good player, but fame is getting into his head )
I hate that guy too… he is so arogant and self-lovish. He thinks he eat all brains and that he is best player on the world (so fcn pathetic), but most I hate when he commands other when he is in platoon.
Now, how the hell is he arrogant or whining? Cause he ain’t no child for sure (don’t know exact age, 25-26 I guess since he’s making PhD atm).
whining,if he gets shot they are just gold spaming noobs,if he gets owend they are screen sniping noobs,he screams at anyone in his team if they do anything he thinks they shoud’nt do,and as for a child what would you call someone who picks his nose in front of 3k+ people???
I like Jingles… i dont mind some stupid errors
I was thinking I never got this from his YouTube, but I’m guessing it is more visible on the livestream (only ever watched one of those).
I don’t really whine about gold (don’t play heavily armoured tanks so much), even though it is irritating, but I definitely do whine if my team turns in a below average effort when I was playing at least average myself. It’s called stress relief, and because I’m on Asia server most of the people don’t understand me anyway. :-D
It’s kind of against natural selection to find a highly skilled player that is a ‘nice guy’, because nice guys are not obsessed with competition or servicing their e-peen.
I’d like know what you mean with ”what a whiner that one is”. Haven’t really noticed anything like that myself. I’m not here to excuse for QB or whatever, it’s everyone’s own opinion what they think of him, I’d just like to know what you mean by that.
I found QB’s assessment of the various map changes way more informative and interesting than this effort. Jingles was wrong that the trees heading up to the hill on the north side (Malinovka) went up as far as he thought. The biggest omission was south side spawners that used to camp in the woods in the trees just south of the little building (church) will no longer be able to hit tanks in the woods on the north side, there is a huge mound there now that takes away most of their field of fire, which is a good thing.
QB’s qualities or lack thereof notwithstanding, I also found his review more useful. The one thing (as far as I can tell) that QB missed are the changes to the south-western corner of Malinovka; very important changes in my view, as the map layout there previously gave the northern team a huge advantage in flanking the enemy base (in standard mode) from the south. That has been changed as seen in Maxwell’s review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmVaptsWi1U.
It’s laughable that SilentStalker would put his personal issues with QB ahead of providing the most relevant and informative review for his blog readers, I come to this blog to be reater informed not to be fall victim to SS “issues”.
Describing QB as a whiner is like the “pot calling the kettle black” jeeez SS lighten up be useful put your personal “issues” aside.
Fortunately there is youtube so we can watch the actual useful review done by QB. I guess SS has not seen jingles rage & whine, or I guess he has but thats funny because jingles is 40+ so that sh!ts hilarious…… go figure.
SS your blog is becoming ridiculous of late if its not for you becoming a Nazi hunter its this bs, perhaps the “fame” gone to your head or is it just the jealousy????
This is his blog and he can write here his opinion about anything I think. It is not up to you what he is doing with his free time and what is he thinking. You are not happy with that? your problem – nobody will cry…
I thought SS only dislikes Jingles. I have no idea he abhors QuickyBaby too. Interesting.
Here’s a silver lining for you – at least that TotalBiscuit fellow doesn’t play WoT. Good lord that guy is a massive twat. One of the worst gaming personalities on Youtube.
He makes good points, and often good analysis and DOES seem to actually care for *PC* gamers (others too, mostly PC, the BEST platform for sure :D ).
He is dead right on FoV, options menus and ports.
HOWEVER, I really dont like the absoluteness he has on games. His opinion, whilst often well informed, is NOT the be all end all, and whilst I believe he knows that as well, the very tone can cause flame wars.
And how stubborn he can be, for an example on comments after Google + integration into YouTube.
Yeah, He doesn’t take criticism well. I heard he had mental breakdowns and had to step away from Reddit because he took everything so personally.
He’s had to step away from his comments, yeah. He has some issues with getting too emotionally invested in the opinions of others, a failing I share sometimes.
But he has admitted it, and has been trying to pull back from it. And his willingness to admit his own faults is IMO a demonstration of good character.
He doesn’t take criticism terribly, but he doesn’t take it amazing either.
I remember that thread, and he does take things personally very often because the reason he does what he does is because he loves it. It’s his passion and he cares about the people who care about him. Unfortunately, with the amount of access that today’s technology gives, the amount of trolls, haters, and twisted people seem to be exponentially larger than their actual numbers, and negative remarks stand out more than comments.
In his thread he pretty much said that his passion started to turn into something he dreaded. He said that he hates when he releases videos(mainly hearthstone) for his own amusement and for the amusement of others who like those kinds of videos because of the amount of negative comments that follow it up. He would just mess around with his awesome legendary deck (definitely not a good deck, but that wasn’t the point).
What if you love WoT and you start making videos of amazingly good games and release guides, but the moment you try to relax, mess around in a match, or choose to do something for your own amusement, a number of the people who follow you lash out at you. Repeat that process for years and eventually it’ll wear you down.
Not everyone is capable of emotionally shedding off what others say and not everyone is capable of learning to purposelly ignore everything that makes them uncomfortable. Some people are “pleasers” by nature; that’s something that just cannot be changed.
I think his reaction was extremely normal. You grow up doing something and love it so much you could never see it being bad. Somehow, someway you managed to make the thing you love most in this world into a job, and then a couple years into sharing your passion you realize there’s a lot of people out there who hate you without much of a reason, but they vehemently hate you. When that stuff gets in the way of passion, I can understand why he responded with “I need to step away for a while, this is too much”. It truly shows that he cares about what he does and that he tries really hard to not upset the gaming community.
Hopefully this gives a little more insight into that post.
I think most people dislike the tone of his voice mainly above all else. He makes valid points that make sense but his voice comes off as sounding quite arrogant and bitchy. Still moslty don’t see much wrong with his content aside from him taking himself too seriously sometimes.
I don’t think he’s all too absolute on his game reviews. He always states that what he says in his videos are just his opinion from his first look at the game, and and doesn’t give scores or anything like that. Its just a raw output what he liked or disliked about it, and why he thinks that. He even encourages you to look at other people’s reviews to be the most informed consumer possible. He only really blasts a game for having game breakingly broken **** in it.
Hate him or love him, but you can’t argue that TB’s content is probably among the best on Youtube.
I don’t know. IMO TB took that cynical Brit personality to the extreme. I know that’s his shtick but it’s too over the top. Angry Joe managed to do his pissed off review thing without turning a lot of people off. Joe found the right balance of information, humor and gimmick.
I like both actually and usually round it up with some Yahtzee.
TB has the habit of running himself into a dead end when he gets too invested,
but in my opinion that is both good and bad.
Since he is highly invested he will do whatever necessary, however sometimes (or almost always) he takes even the smallest (even unrelated) things too serious.
He still does a lot of good for his viewers and the videogame community in general.
That’s why I wrote “Hate him or love him, but his content is among the best”
It is well presented and well thought out.
Okay, TotalBiscuit is a cynic, and that rubs some people the wrong way.
But he’s open and honest, and willing to admit his mistakes. He could do a lot worse. So far, I like him better than QuickieBaby.
Although I haven’t been following QuickieBaby very long; I just watch his informative videos, I haven’t watched the rest of his content.
What drugs are you on? That guy has done more for gaming than any other YouTube personality ever has and no other gaming-focused personality has released more quality videos than TB.
You can dislike his style, that’s just a personal preference… it belongs to you, but going out of your way to bring him into this debate and then call him the “worst gaming personality” and a “twat”? If you honestly think this than you are twat yourself, and a stupid one at that.
I dislike Jingles :) .
Unlike QuickyBaby, he makes a LOT, and I do mean A LOT of factual errors and has even done some mostly… incorrect as hell videos (IS-3 when it had its model changed… for an example…)… he also often messes up stats that can EASILY be looked up on other sites, the wiki or even here on the blog.
Also, can act as a great know it all asshole at times…
Though at least he is entertaining and speaks well. And not a bad person per se, just not the one I would rely on when it comes down to WoT.
He’s a funny well talking guy, but I feel like his replays/reviews cant really tell me anything I couldn’t find out/do my self. As a player, he’s just a bit over average IMO.
True that. But that aint really the problem IMO. Its him feeding BS/bad info into other people.
He also does not take criticism well, even if it was at the time presented… well.
He usually points out his errors in his videos with onscreen text.
Not always :P . And sometimes, the very VIDEO is an error *IS-3 got buffed in 8.7? yeah right….*
maxwell has done some quite good map rewiews , buy hey tnx for pointing that one out
Im not a fan of Quickybaby myself, but his 9.0 map review is spot on perfect and very well presented… Why don’t you link to both and let people make up their own opinion? I like having WoT news presented to me and then I can make up my own opinion.
But he did. He mentioned both reviews. If someone is curious enough one can find it with very little effort.
His blog, his rules.
Gotta love SS argument… “Because he’s a whiner I don’t watch his review…”
Well you self said it that you suck at making them… so imho you lose all right to talk shit about other people reviews :P
I like QB’s videos but damn, you sound like you sucked his dick or something.
Not mentioning QB 1 time..
Just saying.. Talking shit is always easy.. :/
Like I could say: It’s not because you think of his dick all the time that I do too… see talking shit.. really easy :)
Well, more people read what I write than watch what he says, so that kinda evens it out, no? :)
Dont get on ur high horses again pls…
Tt3az, really, don’t push it.
SS dont let QB’s fanboys to get in your head… they just cant handle the HEAT.
Wow, so TT3Az isn’t allowed to voice his opinion but the countless haters can just throw around shit like retards? I didn’t expect such a double standard from you, SS.
I dunno, big warhorse plus full combat regalia tends to look pretty badass. Especially if Dürer draws you like one of his German knights: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/23/Knight-Death-and-the-Devil.jpg
No hate from me SS, I like FTR and I enjoy watching QB’s streams and vids.
Then watch whatever the fuck you want. Stop sucking up.
Could you be possibly any more grown-up and polite by hating on others who aren’t such braindead QB-haters like yourself, Medjed?
Why exactly do you dislike QB? I’m not much of a fan of his, but he knows what he’s doing, he is a very good player.
It’s actually a nice balance between QB and Jingles. QB is a great player, knows what he’s talking about, but he’s rather boring. Jingles is old, forgetful and makes mistakes, but he’s absolutely hilarious. :)
When I want to see a map change I just do it by myself…
Althought QB has a lot of game knowledge I just don’t like him…don’t ask me why, I just don’t.
And Jingles…he’s an good entertainer, but an average player.
Hmm, and in case you don’t like any of QB/Jingles reviews you can try to watch Highflyer reviews…he’s not the best reviewer, but he’s good.(no advertising intended)
“REALLY dislike Quickybaby lately (what a whiner that one is)”
- SS, you’d make an excellent team with QB. Same kind of whining.
Lol no, SS dont make adult videos.
remember QB claimed some idiotic “SS stole my article where is my fame” thingy…all lies…his fault…if you do this prepare for people not being friendly at all to you anymore…Exceptions being obvious fanbois
as far as i know there was a post on ftr what was thought to be ‘stolen’ from qb’s site, and he whined about it too..
SS probably meant this, he could explain it the comments though :P
Pretty much.
I do not lose my time on such things :)
I hate whiners in general anyway :P
AFAIK it was related to the Historical Battles, I know he made a topic in which he brought “Exclusive” info. Really forgot which was first to put it up, tbh and unbiased
”WHAT THE FUCK? How can u not like QB he is THE BEST player in the world… u nub SS… l2p. QB is the most popular wot streamer on twitch!!! STRONK!”
*sarcasm off
Caps lock right at the beginning gave you away :D
oooh, streamers debate?? time to polish Rita’s *** in a PS. isn’t it SS?
The QB map review is far better, why let personal feelings get in the way of providing the best to your readers?
Oh btw, no I won’t disable adblock , I hate whiny ” please suck up my spam so I can get paid ” requests ;)
See how silly it is?
Cutting your nose off to spite your face is never a good idea, and in business, it is suicide!
This is not for-profit business.. this is blog about a hobby. That being said, it’s his site. It’s his hobby. He does whatever the hell he wants with it. If you care so much about finding the ‘best’ content, be the judge of that and go look for it yourself.
Ohhh choosing not to disable AdBlock, damn I suspect SS is trembling in fear!
I bet he is disabling it for QB on his stream and watch all that retarded commercials lel
when i hear QB name i always think about it as quickyfaggot lol
World of Tunnels.
Next time, SS, why don’t you try to be a bit more professional and just say: “Here guys, I really liked Jingles 9.0 Map Change video, so here it is for you to watch” instead of random hating on other persons? It makes your otherwise excellent blog a little bit preposterous.
Also, the amount of childish anti-QB comments are too damn high.
Besides, whining that someone whines? Go home SS, you’re drunk XD
Aye. Finally some reasonable opinion.
At least if you’re defining “reasonable” as “matching your opinion”…
Seriously, you guys sound like shippers getting all hot under the collar over favourite pairings.
SS’s free to do what he wants, he’s not a company with “pleasure the reader policy” he can and should do what he feels like, he’s a free man not some corporate tool.
p.s I really like QB and jingles since all other reviewers suck balls.
if you dont like the blog then gtfo bro
Where did I say I don’t like the blog? I like it very much; I come here often to read the articles. Right now, I’m merely stating some constructive criticism that hopefully helps SS to become and even better “journalist” (if you can classify informatical blogging as journalism).
Your statement of quote “[...] gtfo [...]” however doesn’t relate to my post, isn’t contructive in any way, and merely speaks of your capabilities to induct development into this conversation.
Thanks SS for the video will defiantly watch it
“(what a whiner that one is)”
That’s it SS. I’m gonna enable Adblock, because i have no respect for you anymore after you said that from my personal favorite WoT streamer.
@Ouncle Sam you’re going to enable adblock but still going to read ftr blog? what a hypocrite POS are you arent you?
If you have favorite streamers then you need to get a life little kid.
Please ad irony tag, people just dont get it otherwise i fear (hope its irony)
/rage mode off
o wow it seem some people cant take other peoples opinions about certain person’s too much
Much Democrasy fills these guys it seems cause SS said something we have hords of pointless comments above
SS you can MaxwellSRG reviews of all the maps which seperate videos and also points certain changes
covers the maps more then jingles did
P.S Relax guys it’s not the end of the world about saying something about certain persons!
Because why not explore maps with the SLOWEST TANKS EVER? Good job, Jingles.
My thoughts exactly. When its down to my personal exploration of new map features, 1C/T49 is combo for results. 1C for quick dash thru, T49 for detailed hulldown/sniping spots, and testing of access to certain positions.
great workk talking s**t of others without any constructive criticism. You could have just pointed to jingles video, but you chose to start this kind of stupid flamewars that doesn’t help anyone, I first thought you were trolling but…
Worst post ever.(the jingle video aside)
Agree 100%…
I like your blog very much SS, but what’s even the point of this entry? To remind us yet again about who you do not like? It’s getting old…
wait, he chose to start? better remember the thing where he was accused of “stealing” an article qb claimed of being from himself – which was outright lie…I also saw the redshire changes vid from qb and had to puke cuz he actually claimed all the changes made where because he told WG to do so…in this case, THX FOR MAKING THE MAP WORSE THAN BEFORE QB xD
He called QB stooge in the first place… I’m just saying this kind of posts where he is outright attacking someone publicly because of some past issues doesn’t help much to the community, it only generates pointless flame wars.
I’m detecting a high concentration of fanbois with hurt feelings in this sector, captain!
‘S kind of like watching sports fans argue over whose favourite player is better.
Merlanthous for the win!!!! :)
This sucks and anyone who doesn’t agree that it sucks is a fanboi. I’m also very cool because I spell fanboy with an i…
And here we have Exhibit A of Missing the Point.
Also stupid.
lel detection level rising to insane heights!
Hello all,
Actually after watching the all the Quickybaby and Jingles videos about 9.0 I have to say that Quickybaby´s are much better.
I agree that Quickybaby´s is more and more a kind of a movie star (or at least he behaves like that a little) but his work is very good.
So, I put aside the starlet side of Quickybaby and just take advantage of his knowledge and good video production..:)
Map MALINOVKA, no changes to K3/K4, what a letdown.
O_o Guys, wtf? Why so much flame, whine and shit in the comments?
SS doesn’t like QB? Oh well… I guess the latter can live with that. Besides – PERSONAL PREFERENCES!!!!!!!!!1 To me, it doesn’t really matter who SS prefers, because… I LIKE THEM ALL: SS, Jingles and QB (Kyubey?… :O). Triple win!