Repair changes are percentual (-5 = 5 percent cheaper to repair f.x.)
E-75 | -5 |
VK4502B | -5 |
E-100 | -5 |
Maus | -5 |
E-50M | -7 |
Bison | 82 |
Sturmpanzer II | 40 |
GW Tiger | 20 |
SU-14-2 | 111 |
212A | 31 |
IS-8 | -5 |
ST-1 | -5 |
IS-4 | -10 |
T-62A | -3 |
M2LT | 200 |
T2MT | 200 |
M103 | -5 |
T110E5 | -5 |
T30 | -10 |
M7 Priest | -25 |
M37 | 38 |
M40/43 | -20 |
Great Britain
Tortoise | -5 |
Conqueror | -5 |
FV215b HT | -10 |
AMX50 120 | -5 |
Batchat25t | -5 |
AMX13 105AM | -13 |
Lorraine155 51 | -20 |
WZ111 1-4 | -5 |
Pretty good news, though my M2 LT just got 200% more expensive to repair. Ah well… :)
Isnt it 400%? as 100 would actually mean a double?
and the 50b?
If it’s not here, then there was no change.
Ar ju fakin kidin mi???
Tortoise 5% cheaper to repair, might mean it will become a bit more profitable.
Man… they sure don’t like the Bison.
Are you sure with +111% on Su-14? It wasnt that cheap to begin with and other arties in that range see nothing even close to this (m40/43 actually gets cheaper).
Is the T2 LT and T2 MT accurate? 200%? O.O