
- WoT Generals account MIGHT be unified with the WoT one
- for now, the option to disable certain maps you don’t want to play won’t be implemented – on one hand, the developers have more serious matters to attend to, on the other hand, there are more variants how to solve this
- on the 8.7 matchmaker fixed: “No comment for now, because the final patchnotes aren’t written yet”
- SerB thinks that the most “esthetical” (prettiest) tank is T-44
- neither SerB nor Storm watch Golden League streams
- 112 was delayed till 0.8.8
- Superpershing changes were also delayed till 0.8.8
- KV-1S D-2-5T 122mm gun is historical
- SerB doesn’t fear that the British arty will be too unpopular
- the moving and shooting penalties to your camo do add up to one another
- in far future (when Wargaming does some other game), SerB will probably stick with new evolution of the BigWorld engine, he said that even now, the only thing left from the BigWorld WG started with is the rendering of dynamic objects
- World of Tanks doesn’t have (apart from China) the so-called “luxury segment” (SS: whatever that is in games), because (apart from China) it’s unprofitable
- Q: “Is it true that the T-50-2 was removed, because it was causing butthurt to one of the developers?” A: “No. Judging by your questions, one of the developers is obviously not the one with butthurt. I suggest you put a ventilator under your chair!”
- it’s theoretically possible that if one tier 10 tank tankes two tier 1 tanks into a platoon and those tier 1′s do nothing else but detrack, they will recieve a lot of XP due to the detrack assist bonus
- it’s not possible to show how much exactly XP you earned during the battle, because a part of the XP award is calculated after the battle itself
- Q: “Is the T-90AM equal to Leopard 2A6, or already 2A7?” A: “War will show”

41 thoughts on “5.7.2013

  1. - SerB thinks that the most “esthetical” (prettiest) tank is T-44

    Damn serb stop liking what I like

  2. - Q: “Is the T-90AM equal to Leopard 2A6, or already 2A7?” A: “War will show”

    Sensible answer as usual from SerB.

  3. Q: “Is the T-90AM equal to Leopard 2A6, or already 2A7?” A: “War will show”


  4. “- World of Tanks doesn’t have (apart from China) the so-called “luxury segment” (SS: whatever that is in games), because (apart from China) it’s unprofitable”

    Easy. Sell a gold Type 59 for 500$ and it is luxury.

    • nope, the luxury segment is that players change their credits into some token (in high ratio, like 1000some credits for 1 token), and buying things (low tier premium tanks or gold consumables) in segment via tokens.

      Chinese WoT is a special version in 2 ways, first the agent(KDW) decides what in-game function is available for players, so Chinese players cant buy premium item for credits, but ream money only.
      and second, KDW allows botting quietly, so many players sit with hundreds of million credits. the luxury segment is used to recycle credits from players.

      • Can I ask you, what exactly is KWD in China? Isn’t it something like KGB, is it? ;)

        BTW, I have spotted similiar thing in CrossFire, an FPS game made by Koreans. There was a thing called ‘Black Market’, where one could buy a lottery ticket to win some unique stuff.

        • It’s KDW not KWD, and it has nothing to do with the authority, it’s just a nickname for the WOT Chinese agent company. The real name is kongzhong.com, in Chinese “Kong Zhong Wang” (空中网, in short “KZW”). But now players often refer to the company as “Keng Die Wang” (坑爹网, in short “KDW”).

          Regrettably I’m not able to translate the essence of this name, so I’ll just put it like that: KDW = Goddamn Company. I hope you can get the point.

      • I must admit that at first I didn’t quite get what “luxury segment” was (though I am a Chinese player).

        But yes there is a special shopping segment called Jin Zuan Shang Cheng (金钻商城, literally the “Golden-Diamond Shopping Mall”), where players can exchange 32000 credits into 1 token (the “Golden-Diamond”, quite rediculous name).

        Low tier premium vehicles were only available at first, at an outrageous price. As far as I can recall, the A-32 that was once given out for free cost nearly a billion credits there (don’t be surprised, A-32 is still available for purchase here in China, the current price is 120 yuan (RMB)).

        Later on that shopping segment featured gold ammo and consumables for tokens (in other word, for silver), but there’s a quota (40 to 80 gold ammo of each kind per day for each player), and not all kinds of gold ammo was available. Still the gold ammo was often out of stock. This was not settled until the arrive of patch 0.8.6, when the gold ammo/consumables for silver feature is finally implemented ingame for Chinese players.

        Ironically, the patch actually get some players whine about botting. It is true that the agent (KDW) allows botting quietly, but while botters were just noobs before the patch, they’re now shooting prem ammo and using prem consumables only (when they decide to play occasionally instead of farming with bot programs) and pwning normal players as hell. The luxury segment never managed to recycle credits from botters, and now the problem is critical.

        Now the Chinese WOT is like Resident Evil, your main job is killing zombies. Every day late at night, battles will be like 5 players vs. 20 bots + 5 noobs. Experienced player would stay beside the bot programs’ route and find themselves unable to kill all bots due to ROF limit. Arty players would ignore the intruding bots, run to arty cover, and take their time to aim and one-shot these bots (better do it quick, coz the new-and-improved bot programs are able to auto-aim and attack).

        In Chinese WOT, whether you win or lose in a tier 8 battle doesn’t depend on your skill. If you’re lucky, there’ll be 10 bots in your enemy team and only 5 in yours, in which case you can farm lots of credits as well as win the game. But if you’re in the Team of Bots, then no one can save you from losing. The only thing to do is to read in mind “I play t8 prem for farming, victory/defeat doesn’t matter” 100 times.

        Now with gold ammo, botters have even greater advantages, I have seen many times how E-100 players with 1200+ efficiency rate got penned to death by some 200+ noobs driving Foch 155 using gold ammo. While normal players try their best to win a game, botters just keeps farming, making his team lose, in order to gather enough credits for his gold ammo solo. This is just totally unfair, yet KDW does nothing to stop it.

        I guess what I mean by telling you guys all these things is that there’s no need to be jealous about anything special on the Chinese server (unlimited Type 59 supply, etc). There’re so many problems here that EU segment looks like paradise.

  5. World of Tanks doesn’t have (apart from China) the so-called “luxury segment” (SS: whatever that is in games), because (apart from China) it’s unprofitable

    Might be the golden Type 59?

  6. “esthetical” is missing an A, should be “Aesthetical”

    - World of Tanks doesn’t have (apart from China) the so-called “luxury segment” (SS: whatever that is in games), because (apart from China) it’s unprofitable

    Refers to ‘pay2win’, the Chinese like being able to pay for whatever advantage they want, so their MMO’s are heavily imbalanced towards p2w

  7. “SerB doesn’t fear that the British arty will be too unpopular”

    They said the same thing about the British tanks when they were released, and they are by far the rarest tanks in the game. After all, when was the last time you saw an FV4202 more than once in an evening of Tier 10s unless I was playing mine–even during this British medium special?

    • Actually I’ve been seeing quite a few Centurions on the field recently, the arty nerf and accuracy buff has really increased their usefulness.

    • Tbh i see lots of centurions in randoms – both T8 and T9 (i play almost exclusively T10s and T9s +my lowe for farm), though i do see your point about the chieftain – it’s pretty rare.
      Though i’ll say that the heavies are a lot more rare than the meds or TDs, i see lots of FV215-183s or the lower-tier ATs but i hardly see any conquerors or 215b (only my own 215b =3).
      That said – the arty WILL be underplayed and pretty rare because it doesn’t have any substantial bonus when compared to other arty, the best i could think of was the greater horizontal traverse angle that was promised, but that hardly makes up for a crappy gun on the T10 arty.

  8. - SerB doesn’t fear that the British arty will be too unpopular

    Mainly because he doesn’t care about the British.

    • Mainly because the whole *point* of the wholesale arty nerf in 8.6 was culling their numbers, I’d imagine.

      Though that said, who *does* care about the British except the navel-gazing islanders themselves anyway? :v

  9. - it’s theoretically possible that if one tier 10 tank tankes two tier 1 tanks into a platoon and those tier 1′s do nothing else but detrack, they will recieve a lot of XP due to the detrack assist bonus

    Most of the time those brainless orangutans that platoons with T10-T1 tanks are “i play for fun” idiots who don’t even know what “detrack” means in this game, so i don’t give a fuck about their assist. Just limit the platoons to -/+ 2 tiers or slightly more if it’s about scout or SPG. Even with -/+2 tiers it’s possible that for example T7 heavy(Tiger) can pull T5(KV-1) to a T9 battle whereas KV-1 can’t even see T8 battles in standard pub matches due to MM chart.

    • P.S And every normal player knows that it’s best to platoon with same tiers, but those siemkas can’t even differentiate tank tiers

  10. “- SerB thinks that the most “esthetical” (prettiest) tank is T-44″

    I agree, one of most beautiful tanks.

  11. -Serb doesn’t fear that the british arty will be too unpopular.
    Nah, add an exp event with a huge amount of prizes and voila, people will swarm those reversed tanks.
    -T-44 as prettiest tank…wtf, Serb forgot the sexy Leo 1?

  12. ‘KV-1S D-2-5T 122mm gun is historical’

    It might be historical but at tier 6 its a joke. Anyway I don’t give a shit anymore, I’ve rebought one and played about 20 battles in the past couple of weeks and have a 71% w/r on it. Going to just keep raping the middle tiers with it and increasing my global w/r with the biggest joke tank in the game until they finally do something about it.

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