
- in order for a little known (but real) tank to be implemented into the game, the developers need the photos and projections (drawings, blueprints). If there are no blueprints od drawings, developers will build it according to available data
- apparently, Russian players are moaning that they didn’t get some events/free stuff for the US Independence Day
- there was a rumor that as a part of “free-to-win” business concept, some premium tanks will be available for credits. It’s just a rumor, they won’t – SerB explains that the premium tanks are for farming, not for winning and the game model is “free to win”, not “free to farm”.
- dynamic tank characteristics in garage: “when it’s done it’s done”
- apparently, the T-44-122 indeed will be a part of the Soviet 2nd medium branch, its appearance does not mean the regular T-44 loses its 122mm gun
- apparently, SerB shares V.Putin’s idea that the breakup of USSR is nothing worth celebrating
- apparently, Chaffee will be rebalanced just like the other tier 5 scouts were (no guarantees about anything tho)
- the developers do have the idea to unify WoWp and WoT clanwars via clan consumables, such as “air strike”
- WoWp airplanes earn too little XP? “How terrible…”
- no plans to rebalance the WoT farming mechanism
- a player was complaining that when you train your crew for example from 75 skill to 100 skill for gold, the price is the same as if you train from 95 skill to 100 skill for gold and suggests the XP you pay for should transfer to perks. SerB answers: “It doesn’t matter how well you for example can drive – when you go to driving school, the price will be the same”
- if your T-50-2 crew had for example 75 skill, when it gets transferred, it won’t automatically recieve 100 skill on MT-25, only the new crewmember (radioman) is added with 100 skill
- althought the Ersatz Panther had the US stars painted on the front hull and on the turret roof, according to WW2 photos, those won’t be added to the WoT vehicle
- Ersatz Panther metal sheets (“fake armor”) don’t act as spaced armor, they are too thin for that
- the fact that Ersatz Panther doesn’t have a muzzle brake is historical
- the reason Ersatz Panther doesn’t have better camo factor than regular Panther (despite the “camouflage”) is that this “disguise” didn’t work in real life either, the tanks were spotted, recognized and destroyed
- new ingame soundtrack will slowly be added, according to the possibilities of WG sound department
- the intended Panther rebalance is made to make the game more historical, Panther mobility will remain the same, only unhistorical engines will be removed
- trollplatoons won’t be limited
- the WoWs multiturret mechanism has nothing to do with the WoT one (eg. WoWs multiturret development won’d influence the WoT one)
- the gold consumable reduced price (10k atm) is active only until 8.7 comes out
- SerB considers the situation where T10 mediums and TD’s penetrate T10 HT frontal armor “normal”
- the T-50-2 XP points will transfer to MT-25, T-50 XP points will transfer to KV-1S
- multiturret mechanism, bigger maps and historical battles are all planned and will eventually be introduced
- E-25 price 7000g? “If the price seems too high to you, it of course means the tank is not worth buying” (SS: in other words, it’s not just a test price, it will stay probably)
- on his T-44, SerB uses wet ammo rack, rammer and stabilizer
- no plans to reset player’s statistics
- after your tank is destroyed in battle, on the damage panel all modules appear as destroyed, even though ALL of them count as destroyed only during ammorack explosion or drowning. This is so that players aren’t confused, why some of their modules are not destroyed while their tank is dead
- new Soviet medium branch is going to be starting from T-34 in 8.9? “No comment”
- for now, there is no candidate for tier 5 Soviet light tank
- ingame FV4202 does correspond to real life data the developers have, apparently there will be no FV4202 changes
- FV4201 won’t appear in British medium branch, because it wasn’t a medium tank
- WoT: Generals will probably be available for mobile platforms too
- you get a XP bonus by detracking the opponent, but not by destroying his engine
- SerB states that WoWp balancing is better than it was in WoT, when WoT was brand new
- SerB states not so many people play WoWp, because WG doesn’t need crowds of people to play WoWp at this stage, they are still testing stuff. When they desire crowds, they will put more emphasis on PR. Generally, WG expects only one fourth of players WoT have to play WoWp, because 3D space is more problematic than 2D
- fallen trees without leaves (on winter maps) don’t give any camo bonus

152 thoughts on “6.7.2013

  1. - apparently, Russian players are moaning that they didn’t get some events/free stuff for the US Independence Day


  2. - apparently, Russian players are moaning that they didn’t get some events/free stuff for the US Independence Day

    Yes but we did not get Bagration event either!!!! Although Barbarosa event would have been splendid.

  3. - apparently, SerB shares V.Putin’s idea that the breakup of USSR is nothing worth celebrating

    • SerB sympathizes with the idea of a modern ruler (Putin has a lot of properties, but he has no democratic legitimacy) that the breakup of an evil empire and despotism like the USSR is actually sad? SerB is ideologically blinded nothing but a communist, and he even admits this in public. SerB has to learn something about democracy and human rights quite soon.

          • Haha gotta love Nitty.

            The Wehrmacth committed notorious warcrimes too, just like the Red Army and others.

            Also, that’s Max Wünsche in a 12th Waffen-SS Division “Hitlerjugend” uniform. Sounds Nazi-like.

      • So agreeing with Putin makes you a communist? Wait, what? Does Ziuganov know this? :P

        And the Soviet Union was evil, granted, but the break up wasn’t very convenient for a lot of people and made their lives harsher, so there’s a lot of (very debatable) nostalgy for that matter… I mean, it was a poorly planned (if actually planned at all) transition and the immediate results were just as awful.

        • “And the Soviet Union was evil, granted, but the break up wasn’t very convenient for a lot of people and made their lives harsher, ”

          How terrible…

        • One should also pay attention to what Putin was saying, the quote that I’ve seen is:

          “Above all, we should acknowledge that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a major geopolitical disaster of the century. As for the Russian nation, it became a genuine drama. Tens of millions of our co-citizens and compatriots found themselves outside Russian territory. Moreover, the epidemic of disintegration infected Russia itself.
          Individual savings were depreciated, and old ideals destroyed. Many institutions were disbanded or reformed carelessly. Terrorist intervention and the Khasavyurt capitulation that followed damaged the country’s integrity. Oligarchic groups — possessing absolute control over information channels — served exclusively their own corporate interests. Mass poverty began to be seen as the norm. And all this was happening against the backdrop of a dramatic economic downturn, unstable finances, and the paralysis of the social sphere.
          Many thought or seemed to think at the time that our young democracy was not a continuation of Russian statehood, but its ultimate collapse, the prolonged agony of the Soviet system.
          But they were mistaken.
          That was precisely the period when the significant developments took place in Russia. Our society was generating not only the energy of self-preservation, but also the will for a new and free life. ”

          So I’m fairly certain that Putin was saying that the way it collapsed was bad, not that it did.

          • That whole piece is wonderfully ambigious and could be interpreted either way. Whatever else one might think of El Presidente V. Putin, at least he knows his politics.

            Naturally, he’s also being blatantly hypocritical there given that the rank kleptocracy that is the People’s Republic of Putinistan isn’t exactly better but what he says about the borderline anarchy that followed the fall of the USSR seems basically correct to me.

        • What if some feel nostalgia about the Romanovs? The Imperial Russia?

          • Let me guess. The last tzar was known for:
            Engaging in wars Russia couldn’t win
            Repressing the opposition(on a scale similar to the post Khrushchev era USSR)
            Letting people trample themselves during his wedding
            Not giving sh/t about their living conditions
            Definitely-not working hard (which was a fail of their propaganda – he had sick son, they could just publish it and people would understand that)
            Trusting some self-proclaimed monk to make wartime decisions
            Same “mediocrity” as every Victoria’s grandchild presented

            As for USSR – Read Orwell – basically thing he wrote in “1984″ is fully true in this case – of course, soviet union gave same tyranny, repressions on much LARGER scale(especially during Stalin reign), mass armament, but on the other time the quality of living have risen – it was Lenin who electrified Russian, communist gave them public education(quite important in country where literacy was below 20%), better(and free) healthcare, reduced unemployment to 0% etc.
            People feel nostalgia for the thing that was good for them, Tzars were politically nearly as restrictive as communists, but communists gave something instead – and that’s why nobody feels nostalgia for monarchs.

      • Well if u find USSR as evil empire, same goes for USA too, they r now evil empire…
        “SerB has to learn something about democracy and human rights quite soon.”
        Oh I know! I know! Lets bomb shit out of WG headquarters in Minsk.

          • Ask people from Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and many more countries around the world, they will tell you how evil US empire is (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Lai_Massacre). Everything has two sides. The USSR could be bad in some aspects but that doesn’t mean they didn’t have anything good.

          • USA is quite evil… Learn history, learn about its ‘wars’ and how they does their stuff… how unhappy the federations are and how they are mustering money to the senate and towards juries just to get money rolling… They care little of people if their profit is hampered. Read more and talk less there is press everywhere showing places where USA does bad and that list is quite long…

          • Haha I seriously hope that’s some sort of joke… does nobody remember Vietnam (4 millon killed), the infamous “Cuban Project”, o the infinite amounts of coup d’état (or attemps of) USA executed or had a direct involvement in (Iran in 1953, Guatemala in 1954, Bahía de Cochinos in 1961, Indonesia in 1965, Dominican Republic in 1966, Chile in 1973, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua in the 80s, Libia in 1986, Granada in 1989, Panamá in 1990…)?
            Or maybe genocide (Hiroshima, Nagasaki) and the abhorrable game played in the UN on any topic susceptible of altering their supremacy (such as supporting the Indonesian genocide against East Timor, Iraq – simply put, the international role played in the Rwandan genocie, the many, many cases in which supported Israel against international laws and bilateral teatries…)? We can also speculate about their influence in economic crisis and decisions, be it local and assisted by the IMF (take a look at the “Corralito” and the absolute impoverishment caused in Sri Lanka, Jamaica, Costa Rica and others) or by simply neglecting the counter-measures and restrictions their banking system needed, but that’s way more questionable and we know the US isn’t the only player.

            All in all, we can think the USA has been, at least, somewhat “evil” in their actions in the past. Heck, they even brutally and arbitrary invaded Haiti under Wilson’s rule…

          • Stalin and other SU leaders murdered a lot of people of their own country, there is a main difference

          • Yeah, their own blood is always worth more than any other country’s – like a 1:100.000 equivalence if we’re talking about dark-skinned, Occidental-hating “terrorists”…

            You also have to take into account that the Soviet Union was a dictatorship, and as such, relied in repression and violence to make itself sustainable internally. The US doesn’t, and I find disgusting that such a prosperous and “egalitarian”, “democratic” country has to resort to violence and brutality to fulfill its goals and safeguard its interests – whatever these are, wherever they are disputed.

          • Good luck finding empires that WEREN’T “evil” to one degree or another. The damn things tend not get built by being very nice.

    • Look at the shitstorm you started, Awruk! Bad Awruk!

      (Scroll down for the full pissing contest between village idiots)

  4. - new Soviet medium branch starting from 8.9? “No comment”

    What? I thought devs already declared that 2nd Soviet medium branch will come in 8.8?

  5. - FV4201 won’t appear in British medium branch, because it wasn’t a medium tank

    That pretty much confirms it will be a part of the heavy line. And probably FV215B will be rebalanced as a TD. Glad i havent gone up to FV215B for nothing.

      • This^

        Calling a tank without a 183mm gun a FV215b is incorrect as that’s what makes it a FV215b

        from wiki:
        “FV215b: 183mm gun on Conqueror heavy tank chassis. Project cancelled 1950s”

  6. - apparently, Russian players are moaning that they didn’t get some events/free stuff for the US Independence Day

    Meanwhile in NA server we do not even get access to some of the Russian only premium tanks, but how terrible for them.

  7. “It doesn’t matter how well you for example can drive – when you go to driving school, the price will be the same”

    Actually if you drive very well you need less lessons and thus it’d be cheaper.
    Then again driving isn’t Russia’s (And prettymuch all other former soviet states) strong point is it?

    • If you suck at driving you need more lessons… In some countries they allow you to get a card with only a test. In some countries there is minimum of lessons needed before participation to the tests is even possible. So the price is same, if you are not bad learner, those must pay extra … ‘How terrible’ :P

    • And here i was thinking that if you’re going to DRIVING SCHOOL you’re paying a fixed price for the 2-3-6 months you’ll spend there, which is the exact opposite of paying for DRIVING LESSONS with a tutor that you’d pay every lesson…

    • There is a minimal limit on hours you have to spend practicing in driving school in Russia before you can take a test for license.

  8. - WoWs airplanes earn too little XP? “How terrible…”

    seriously, WoWS?

  9. “ingame FV4202 does correspond to real life data the developers have, apparently there will be no FV4202 changes”

    Nonsense. The 4202′s ginormous commander’s hatch is double the height of the 4202 at Bovington.

    • The_Challenger even went to re-check the specifications of the vehicle. He proved WG wrong, yet they wont change it….

      • So basically their own employee went to examine the only vehicles in existence, obtained documentation proving his findings and yet they claim all is fine and dandy??? Paraphrasing: If the facts do not match our “real life” data, than worse for the facts.

  10. “Panther” “unhistorical” “engine”. So historical injection engines that werent produced because of simplification are unhistorical.
    UW0TM8.jpg ??

    • Hey SS or someone can make screencaps of the new panther/Panther 2 JP/JP2 mondules if tehre are any? And is the manuverability/terran passing ability stayd the same?

    • The engine in the panther was developed to 700hp. Planned for a hopeful 900 with fuel injection. Turbines would put this out to 1150 but there were lots of development issues that needed to be solved and fuel injection added to mechanical complexity’s for the tank and it didn’t need any more of that nor did it need a slower production line. The numbers of tanks in production was more important then adding to the engines horsepower.

  11. - SerB states not so many people play WoWp, because WG doesn’t need crowds of people to play WoWp at this stage, they are still testing stuff.

    Yea sure, and it’s not because game sucks ballz and there is much better game with same thematic that owns them. Yea, we are “testing” stuff. Lame excuses for a lame game.

    • I’m pretty sure the reason he is unhappy of the dissolution of the USSR is that now they actually have competiton, something they can’t afford.

  12. - trollplatoons won’t be limited <– fuck u WG, big time! WG does everything to get the good players out of the game…

    • it would be sooooo easy to fix this, WG still does not give a fuck….

  13. “-unhistorical engines will be removed”
    OK. German PZIII and IV more slowly.

    • Original quote is: “the intended Panther rebalance is made to make the game more historical, Panther mobility will remain the same, only unhistorical engines will be removed”.

      Why should PzKpfw III and IV move slower? What did I miss?

      • They had 300HP engines in RL, unlike WOT (400+HP). This is a gameplay and balance issue and can be seen in most of tanks in the game.

  14. “- dynamic tank characteristics in garage: “when it’s done it’s done””
    WG should done this at the moment they released WoT…

  15. “- apparently, SerB shares V.Putin’s idea that the breakup of USSR is nothing worth celebrating”


  16. - apparently, Chaffee will be rebalanced just like the other tier 5 scouts were (no guarantees about anything tho)
    Chaffee losing the fugly turret would be a real plus appearance-wise.

    - the fact that Ersatz Panther doesn’t have a muzzle brake is historical
    Googling “Ersatz Panther” images actually shows some of them with a muzzle brake =/

    • And it shows some without. So it is “historical” and WG can just leave it without as it is currently in game.

  17. As for poll with gt101, e75 doesnt already have 1200hp engine, the same as e50? I think only kt and panther 1/2 need it

      • The turbine could conceivably fit into any bay that the Panthers engine could fit into…

        However it would make sense to make it a direct replacement for any HL230 P30 engine. Anything beyond that would need some other unlockable turbine. Although I have not heard of it being proposed for any other tank other then the Jadgtiger, which it was supposed to be tested on. If only for developmental testing and fitting.

  18. Awruk are you seriously calling the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings genocide? They are not even close to the definition of genocide. I think you need to read into the preparations Japan was making for the US invasion (things like teaching children to roll under tanks to plant explosives). Not only was Japan planing on using EVERY life at their disposal to make the invasion horrific but they refused to surrender AFTER the first bomb was dropped. The US told Japan they would continue bombing unless Japan unilaterally surrendered, Japan didn’t believe them and refused.

    • oops this was meant to be a reply to Awruk’s “evil US empire” rant above

    • “Article 2 of the United Nations Convention on the
      Prevention and Punishment
      of the Crime of Genocide.

      In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
      (a) Killing members of the group;
      (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
      (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
      (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
      (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”

      Now tell me how can you justify killing 300.000 CIVILIANS deliberately and undiscriminately, without even a formal ultimatum, living more than 400.000 sterile and a contaminated, unusable landscape for decades, plus the psychologic impact that should not be understimated. Are you telling me that all that people were trained, prepared soldiers that should not be considered civilans and as such should not be regarded by the proper international treaties? Are you even aware of what a nuclear strike is, and how much collateral damage that causes?
      Hell, even the Nazis didn’t use their gas reserves against the allies when facing the breakdown of all their fronts, even if we take the chance of a reprisal into account…

      It’s interesting how shooting up to 25.000 Polish officers and civilians (probably more) in the back of the neck is a genocide, or exterminating 2 million people in Auschwitz in sub-human conditions… Yet killing hundreds of millions of innocents, some instantly, others painfully as their skin melts, the luckiest left infertile for the rest of their lives, is considered acceptable and, “by all means”, not a genocide.

        • So pray tell what *exactly* were the Japanese themselves doing in mainland Asia at the same time? The main reason they got nukes inna face in the first place is that they were being delusionally obstinate in the preliminary negotiations and insisting on terms that included keeping their little “Co-Prosperity Sphere” which rather obviously nobody was ever going to accept.

          Also by your criteria virtually any act of war that doesn’t solely and explicitly hit military personnel is “genocide”, which is bullshit right in the face of it. (Also fairly sure Katyn doesn’t actually ranks as genocide so no strawmen plox.)
          Oh, and Hiroshima and Nagasaki were rebuilt and -populated right soon afterwards thanks.

          As for gas, bitch please. Nobody even seriously considered using the stuff against seriously equipped armies for the very simple reason it wasn’t worth the trouble; late WW1 countermeasures already rendered war gases more a nuisance than a real threat, and for the same effort high explosive gave better results.
          Which is why in the period that crap was only used against patently under-equipped adversaries; AFAIK the RAF cheerfully dropped mustard gas onto Iraqi rebels and Afghani troublemakers alike between the wars, both the Spanish and Italians used gas in Africa – and wouldn’t you know, the Japanese used it in China. (They ALSO used *biological* weapons there… a dubious distinction if there ever was one.)

          • I’m not defending the Japanese – and even in that case, is that a justification for the bombings? Two wrongs don’t make a right. But sure, we can say that the best way to fight evil is through evil, and disregard all international laws (and common morale) for that matter.

            Not only “my” criteria – failry certain you can find a considerable number of authors calling genocide what others think is “unfortunate mistake committed by autonomously lead troops”, in many cases. In this specific case, we’re talking about massive *national group* that was killed deliberately and in order to exterminate its whole presence in that given zone. Granted, that wasn’t the main goal, but rather an effect of the by-pass to make Japan surrender – but since when the mobile exclusively defines the crime? I’m not the only one considering the bombings genocide, and as mistaken as I may be by just posting here and expressing my humble opinion, I know of more authors considering it as such. I followed you in the forums and I’m convinced that’s no news for you.
            Plus, no strawman there – all Polish sources I can think about consider the Katyn incident a clear example of genocide. Now if it actually was can be discussed, but I sure can take back that example if it’s not adequate.

            I seriously do not know why you think I’m defending the Japanese, or if I’m Japanese myself. They had their own warcrimes, just as despicable as anyone else’s, but I can’t see how that makes the bombings any more justifiable. We could talk about Dresde, too, or about the massive rapes wave committed by the Red Army as “payback warcrimes”, but that’s just as pollemic and I’m not as knowledgeable about them…

            “Worth the trouble”? Sure the Volkssturm was worth the trouble, or blowing up vehicles and strongholds… I do think the situation was desperate, and as useless as it might be using gas against an equipped enemy, sounds like a not so bad idea when in a completely hopeless situation. Yet again, they didn’t, and I’m pretty sure it would have had its effect – as insignificant as that would have been – taking into account the quantity and quality we’re talking about. And needless to say, the possibility was considered both by Allies and Germans alike as a potential factor during the war… but sure, let’s drop that idea if you think it’s not worth discussing, you’re probably more knowledgeable about that too.

            By the way, they sure were rebuilt, but the effects caused by radiation lasted for at least two decades in the environment in abnormal levels, causing diseases strictly linked to this kind of agents (please check H. Kato and I. Shigematsu “Late Effects of the Atomic Bomb: Hiroshima and Nagasaki”).

      • Killing a dangerous murderer is NOT murder. Killings thousands of genocidal gooks is NOT genocide – it’s justice. Japs should be thankful they were bombed, USA brought real culture and civilization to those disgusting mongoloids (no offense towards other Asian people – Chinese and Koreans are very noble and cultured nations, but Japanese were never anything more than inbred apes).

        • what about Guantanamo bay? The american way of saying: “Human rights dont apply for U” and of course America doesn’t need to proof that someone’s guilty … Heil to the president…

    • I would like Awruk to tell us what would have happened in Japan if the two atomic bombs were not used, since he appears to be an expert in the subject.

      While he is at it he can tell us if those two cities were valid military targets.

      • First of all, I’m not an expert. I’m commenting based on my knowledge, which comes from sources I found reliable. They might not be reliable and I might be wrong, granted – that’s why I consider discussion about details on whether it should be considered genocide or not, for instance, always interesting if they’re civil.
        Now tell me how killing 300.000 people is justifiable under any point of view. The end doesn’t justify the means, and disgusts me how lightly people talk about mass-murdering like it was a duty rather than a crime. If it was the most fitting solution at the moment (which is also debatable) that doesn’t make it any less of a crime.

        And for you to know, whilst Hiroshima hosted an important military headquarter, the bomb missed by far that specific target, hitting (oh surprise) dead center in the urban area itself. The bombs were never intended to knock out important military targets, they were designed, ordered and deployed in order to leave as many civil casualties as possible – hence why parameters such as the height and the position were given so much thought. It was an airburst strike, and its only purpose is to inflict as much damage as possible in whatever place you drop it. They always wanted a deterrent effect on the Japanese as well as an international mediatic impact from the new weapon, and for that same reason, some of the aims of the committee in charge of designating the targets were to make sure the cities were relevant, densely populated cities.

        • “Now tell me how killing 300.000 people is justifiable under any point of view.”
          No one says that people dying in war is a good thing, so what makes those people more special than any of the other tens of millions who died during WW2. If anything trying to claim those two cities as genocide is almost hilariously disrespectful to other peoples and places who died in far greater numbers.

          “The end doesn’t justify the means, and disgusts me how lightly people talk about mass-murdering like it was a duty rather than a crime.”
          You dodged my question because the ends, while not pretty, were a far better alternative than what was going to happen within the next year and the long term results of such actions and all the parties involved.

          “It was an airburst strike”
          I hope you are not implying that a groundburst would have been better after making specific note of long term radiation effects.

          • We’re not talking about the normal course of a war. We’re talking about hundreds of thousands of civilians dying together and for very questionable reasons. It’s a war crime. And no, it’s not “hilariously disrespectful” because we can call other cases “genocide” too, if needed, one at a time. It’s not the same, not at all, and I advise you to learn the difference.

            I didn’t dodge anything. We could argue if the resistance against a land invasion would be fierce and bloody to the last of men, which probably would; yet I didn’t see anyone using nuclear weapons against Hitler. We cannot defend a hideous war crime by using such a moot argument. Others who committed war crimes had to face trial, they had causes too, but tell that to the judges.

            I’m implying it was intended to maximize blast effects, and yes, minimize radiation. Why? Because of a potentially upcoming American invasion, according to some sources (I can only think of Nichols now, “The Road to Trinity”).
            Eradicate them yet leave it somewhat habitable.

            Regarding the designation of the targets: http://www.dannen.com/decision/targets.html

          • Tell me what do you need sources on and I will gladly provide them if I have them available, random hater ;)

        • The city’s were left unbombed during the war so that the atomic bombs could be tested, if it ever came to that, on an unbombed and undamaged city so that the effects of the bombs could be observed with as few variables on the city’s destruction as possible.

  19. Q: “SerB, how can you explain your childhood?”
    A: “How terrible…”

    Q: “What does your name – SerB – exactly means?”
    A: “Ser_iously B_rainless”

    • “Nice” job for nerfing… on scouts now.
      Arty nerfed to death, now the next targets are scouts…
      Just play 8.7 common test.

        • Some arty are more OP than before 8.6. An Obj 212A facing against tier 7… No comment…

          An M40/43 – before 8.6 it fought against tier 10 – no in tier 8…

        • The British spg line is going to be causing major butt hurt in normal game play. Although the spgs get good on one tier and then get rather bad for a tier over and over… makes grinding a bit more challenging. But interesting… =)

  20. SerB explains that the premium tanks are for farming, not for winning and the game model is “free to win”, not “free to farm”.


    “Premium vehicles typically have advanced capabilities compared to other vehicles of similar tiers, and may be allowed only into a lower range of battle levels than standard vehicles of a similar tier level, thereby encouraging users to obtain premium vehicles”

    • free to win haha keep lie more

      also premium/gold ammo ammo still pay to win

      i have money / buy premium ammo can penetrate high armor

      i have money / don’t buy premium ammo can’t penetrate high armor

    • I haven’t put a single coin into premium, gold ammo or tier 8 premium tanks. Yet I still have winrate of 61% SOLO.
      Maybe it’s not the game being pay2win, maybe it’s you sucking so hard you have to whine about it constantly instead of trying to get better?

  21. Pingback: 【Developer Q&A 】2013/7/5, 7/6 -Zimmad | XVM战绩插件中文化团队

  22. “a player was complaining that when you train your crew for example from 75 skill to 100 skill for gold, the price is the same as if you train from 95 skill to 100 skill for gold and suggests the XP you pay for should transfer to perks. SerB answers: “It doesn’t matter how well you for example can drive – when you go to driving school, the price will be the same”

    pz III/IV + pz IV almost same tank probably very similar to drive
    radio man uses radio model only which is same for both

    changing this would get less gold for WG thats why

  23. Yes, the big bomb droppings in Japan were evil… But I guess to limit more US bloodshed from a full invasion was evil. But it was all cool when they killed innocents at pearl harbor? The japs got what they had coming for their actions, deal with it.

    And you shitty euros/ruskies calling our holiday shitty, u jelly? You jelly that we’re the boss? You mad that when something bad happens in the world that the ppl in need hope the US shows up and not the “UN” lol. It has been proven in the past that we take care of shit much quicker than the UN who fumbled around waiting on their earl gray to show up before they went in to fight.

    That’s the truth, and well documented. Deal with it haters.

    • Considering the US was among the prime culprits ensuring the UN would NOT have much meaningful intervention capability, cool story bro.

      Also kinda telling the sole thing you can think of people being jealous of is Murrica’s naked military power, which the last I checked was ruinously expensive well beyond what its economy allowed, MIC’d six ways to Sunday and generally employed in a disticntly ill-thought and unproductive fashion.
      I mean, how’s that Iraq thing worked out for you?

      • Working out just fine since we put on the big boys pants. How’d that WW2 go for you guys before we intervened? That’s what I thought. Owned. Now if you can figure out how a toothbrush would work for you.

        Thousands of lives lost because of “tea time” for the UN. Its been well documented, and why when conflict arises they hope the US acts, not anyone else. Because they know we’ll act fast, and get the job done. Deal with it.

    • lol americans are really as stupid as they show on TV?
      But u have to love them, they are so funny when they’re proud of their country and try to justify why..

      • Yeah we’re stupid, that’s why we’re one of the few last true superpowers in the world. Once someone comes knocking in your euro-door again we’ll see who you come crawling for help from… Yet again. Brush your teeth so you look presentable this time at least.

          • reading all the stuff you have been posting as anon I have to ask you the same question

        • without america there wouldnt be half the problems in the world we have right now…

          • without America you guys might still be fighting the The Great War… And might not have gotten around, ever, to a second war because the first one would last forever. Which is a scary thought. IE an endless war…

            It is interesting that when America is not involved and not around that Europe starts to shoot at eachother… Just look at all of the past conflicts from 1776 onward in Europe and look at where America was when they all started… Europe, admittedly, did take care of their Napoleon problem… but after how many years of conflict? 12 years roughly (1803-1815)

          • >without america there wouldnt be half the problems in the world we have right now…

            Maybe, but someone else would fill in the power void and there are no way to know if the replacement is any better.

        • yeap ur so clever…

          every day hundreds of ppl get shot “We need our guns, we love our guns”

          every day u spill on human right in Guantanamo bay

          every day climate change gets more critically , but ” we need our big SUV, we love our big SUV”

          u invest billions of dollars in military while thousands of ppl die for not having food or a place to live

          The oil and gas on earth gets low? But we love our SUV, “dont worry we can start a new war and claim to fight against a dictator who produces weapons of mass destruction”

          yeah u r a country of clever ppl , everyone should act the way america does… NOT

          • Hi. Our SUVs and trucks get pretty good mpg now. In fact we’re pretty on par with euroland mpg avg wise. So yeah. Stop chewing on rocks, start brushing your teeth, and pull your head out of your egotistical asses. Europe isn’t the worlds jewel anymore, for almost 200 years, and fell off the map. If it wasnt for Germany, Europe would be basically irrelevant in today’s world.

          • “and pull your head out of your egotistical asses.”
            Stupid americans can u start with that one pls?

          • This is pathetic. Another pissing contest on the internet from trolls(regardless of nationalities).

      • taking a random kid on the internet trying to troll you that seriously is not the best indicator of intelligence

      • >lol americans are really as stupid as they show on TV?

        No, only the really loud one. lol

        No need for the sweeping generalization/stereotype. This idiot is doing all the hard work for us by embarrassing himself.

  24. America is the greatest nation in the World, you should kiss her feet every day when you wake up and play in the fucking internet and drive your cars.

    without american, Russian would milk cows for a living.
    Germans would hunt in the woods like rabid animals.
    Britons would hang around in pubs all day drinking & fucking.
    Asians would do what ever they used to do.

    so shut the fuck up morons and turn over and bend so i could rape your brains out.

    • “Britons would hang around in pubs all day drinking & fucking.” but what is wrong with that? I was fine with all day drinking.Why you had to screw that up and bring us “civilization” to europe?

      • And what are Americans doing now?…Well,they are eating the whole day and on the end of it,they are spying their neighbours and citizens…Go fuck yourself stupid egocentric bitch nation(as known as America) >)

    • thank u for living in a better world.. all hail to the mighty USA…
      Do u realize that a nazi scientist’s design could make u to be the first on the moon?
      Do u realize that a hungarian scientist helped u to build the first atomic reactor up?
      Do u realize that those tanks which u fought the WWI in were french ones?
      endless list, mixed shit egoist nation.

      • Unlike Europe and Asia, the US knows when someone’s smarter and we get them to better ourselves. Instead of being smug and not accepting the fact that others may be/have something better and live in the dark ages becoming irrelevant to the world, like most of European countries, and Russia.

        Deal with it haters. We’re not perfect, but we’re sure as hell better than you smug bitches.

      • NEVER FEED MURRICAN TROLLS! They’ll just keep getting even more fat than what they already are.

  25. “the reason Ersatz Panther doesn’t have better camo factor than regular Panther (despite the “camouflage”) is that this “disguise” didn’t work in real life either, the tanks were spotted, recognized and destroyed”

    Utter bullshit since almost none tank (under)performs in-game as it did in RL.

  26. Reminder: during open beta (at later stages) there will be a chance to “farm” in-game gold in WoWP and spend it acquiring unified/single premium account for all (currently 2) WG games.

    anybody about this?

  27. Interesting, Obama said spying and hacking the US is an act of war. US was just caught doing both of them things to a number of countries with the entire NSA scandal, does that mean the US just went to war with the entire world? :v

    • Does that mean the other countries who were caught at the same time also went to war with the entire world?

      • Pretty much. We caught the Brits, Germans, Chinese, Iran, Russia, and north Korea spying on us while we watched them. Big fucking deal. Though we have nothing to learn or be afraid of with the Brits, so behind the times in the world.

        • Spying… it’s what every country does to every other country since the dawn of country’s and empires. Nothing really surprising… The only thing that changes is the scale and the depth of the spying going on. If that.

          • What they did with the European governments isn’t really out of scale, it’s just a little reminder that Cold War may have ended (for some) but Amerifats still need to keep in check their whores in Yurop. It’s the reaction of some European leaders that was out of proportion, we should disband NATO and rely on ourselves if we really want to act tough, as long as we’ll keep depending on the US for something as basic as our defence there’s no room for criticism.

            But again, what was this blog about?

    • That might actually be French or Spanish.

      We did invent a better light bulb and a better, somewhat safer and more reliable, form of AC current then what had existed previously. We also have the telephone and the first mass produced automobile, the Oldsmobile Curved Dash with something like ~8k of them produced in the early part of the 20th century. No, it’s not the Model T. Mr Ford can’t have it all… =)

  28. Mister Awruk. Japan was given 2 weeks notice before the nuking. They named terms that no one would buy, and they got their nose bloodied. More Japanese died in the firebombing of Tokyo than Hiro and Nag combined. Look it up. The US estimated a 1 million man task force would be needed to take the country. I suggest you read Flags of our Fathers about Iwo Jima. It’s quite good.

  29. - ingame FV4202 does correspond to real life data the developers have, apparently there will be no FV4202 changes


    not believing the words of your own military specialist… nice one!