
- account to account gold transfer (SS: apart from the gift shop) won’t be implemented, as it holds no advantage for WG
- SerB on tanks without healthbars (SS: as in, any hit could potentially kill a tank): “This variant has been tested and scrapped a long time ago. It was tried like that during one part of the alpha test. The gameplay was worse than it is now, the influence of skill was even smaller and the influence of luck was greater. It won’t be implemented. As an example of this, I suggest reading the mass whining of War Thunder players about their planes incomprehensibly ‘eating’ damage.”
- in 0.8.8, 112 and T-34-3 tanks will not be available via the ingame shop, only via gift shop (SS: the question is related to RU server, but it’s likely this will happen everywhere) temporarily, because the developers want to “control the amount of these vehicles in game and taking them down from the shop is easier, removing them out of the ingame shop requires a micropatch”.

- Q: “Will the T-34-3 and 112 not be in the ingame shop in order not to allow the Superpershing sellers to buy new tanks straight away?” A:”Conspiracy!!!!”
- apparently, premium Soviet medium tank will appear in 0.8.9
- WG can track, what settings is the player client using
- tier 8 tanks dropping too often to hightier battles after patch 0.8.5? “They are always whining” (SS: SerB quotes someone, not sure who)
- SerB watched the Russian tank biathlon movie, he liked it
- serial AFKers are being tracked, but random AFKers won’t be punished (for example by kicking them out of the game), because SerB acknowledges that people can get into various normal situations, that can make them go AFK (such as kids peeing, mum calling for lunch etc.)
- the new chat system will work on the same platform as the WoWp chat, but both will also recieve improvements
- at some point the Dragon Ridge will return (SS: not sure when)
- SerB states that World of Tanks didn’t start the use of F2P model trend – on the contrary, the trend was there earlier and WoT used it, but the success of WoT did have influence on its popularity
- the developers tried to implement the ingame voice chat without having to press buttons (just like in skype), but there was a lot of sound interference, if this is fixed, permanently activated voice chat might come
- according to SerB (but he’s not totally sure), tier 8 RU251 German LT won’t have a separate radioman, like the Leopard 1
- it’s not yet sure, if/when T-34-100 will return to the game, WG is still looking for more info in the archives (SS: not sure if info on it, or info on other tanks for a branch it could be a part of)
- in the future, there will be some development of the combat missions/quests (SS: possibly in a form of dailies)
- for now, there are no plans to introduce special premium tanks, that would instead of extra credits give extra free/crew XP, as the matter is being handled by different means
- new additional modules (SS: here I am not sure whether the player means modules, or equipment) might be implemented, but it’s not guaranteed
- WG is considering at the moment in ALL the crews without the radioman to move the radioman function on the loader (SS: in all vehicles without radiomen, loaders would act like radiomen), but it’s just an idea for now
- in 8.8, E-50 top speed will remain the same
- it’s not yet decided, whether (when the option is implemented) installing another tank hull module will increase tank HP
- a lot (most) mods will not work in 8.8, as WoT is moving on new version of ActionScript
- more mods being “officially implemented” into WoT? “We will implement what we consider needed. However, we don’t consider a whole lot of things needed.”
- it’s not planned to make crew killable by engine fires
- AMX M4 Mle.48 – “when it’s done it’s done”
- main difference between new and old French heavy branches? “New one won’t have autoloaders.”
- various sides’ winrate on various maps has not changed significantly after the arty nerf
- which tanks will recieve the possibility to mount additional armor equipment? “Those that need it and where it is historical”
- Kanonenjagdpanzer is not in WG plans for now
- RU251 will come soon, modelling work is finishing
- in historical battles, Ferdinand won’t be separated into Ferdinand and Elefant and it won’t have 128mm gun, Maus will not appear and IS-3 will appear only if Arab-Israeli conflicts are implemented into historical battles, historical battles will be separated most likely not by years, but by significant battles.
- in historical battles, “coalitions” (US+USSR vs Germany) apparently won’t be implemented, but Churchill tanks might appear (in their historical 6pdr configuration) in Soviet ranks
- captured tanks will probably appear in historical battles
- M60 won’t be awarded for combat missions, combat missions will get other reward tanks (SS: first one possibly being the T-44-122, just my guess)
- captured tanks won’t have researchable modules and crew-wise they will work like premium tanks most likely, but no more details are available, according to SerB there are many variants for them, including giving them out as rewards for historical battles

137 thoughts on “20.8.2013

  1. - SerB on tanks without healthbars (SS: as in, any hit could potentially kill a tank).

    Thats a module damage system I think. WT is going to have one (expect insta-ammo rack deaths).
    Both systems have their pluses and minuses.

    • “…mass whining of War Thunder players about their planes incomprehensibly ‘eating’ damage.”
      My Beufighter got chased by 6 planes, all plane parts damaged critically, Im flying in circles, already should have got Steel Wall (Kite?) medal :D Died from crash.

      • I was chased by 6 planes with my 109… I hit the deck as fast as I could, dodging and weaving, lost two under a bridge, my allies came to my aid, the other pulled off…
        And then…
        I pulled off one of my famous 450KMPH speed landings… I did indeed nose over, but I repaired.

        • I think SerB couldve gotten his point across if he said something more like: I suggest reading about WarThunder mass whining about insta-dead pilots.

          But actually, I accept the possibility of tanks/airplanes being killed in a single hit if it is logical rather than the WoT approach of necessitating several hits on a player until his health runs out taking away a large portion of your advantage in surprise attacks as well as negating any realism.
          It just takes away any possibility to kill a tank without taking any damage to your tank, because the enemy tank as is the case now can and WILL fire back (assuming he isnt already that badly damaged that a single hit would kill him)

          • Its so annoying to lose a crucial part of plane on first burst of enemy fire.
            As I said: both systems have their pluses and minuses.

          • I am kind of confused why they use the module damage concept in WT as accuracy on planes are pretty bad and it’s more like spraying lots of bullets and hope a few hits. So any one shot kills are pure luck.

            Using it for tanks sounds like a bad idea for the opposit reason. Tanks have pretty good accuracy, so if you take your time aiming at that spot you know will kill a tanks so can you one shot people consistently and that is not very popular on the reciving end.

          • But WoT is an arcade style game while war thunder is more of a sim. WoT does not try to be realistic.

            • Neither does WT in arcade mode, the one mode that is popular among the fans or else it tried and failed badly.

  2. - in 0.8.8, 112 and T-34-3 tanks will not be available via the ingame shop, only via gift shop (SS: the question is related to RU server, but it’s likely this will happen everywhere) temporarily, because the developers want to “control the amount of these vehicles in game and taking them down from the shop is easier, removing them out of the ingame shop requires a micropatch”.

    wonderful all the gold I saved up is gonna be all for not
    these tanks won’t be that good so I don’t understand why not have them in the store

    • I imagine that those siemas or those who dont tracks the news probably would think that T343 is new Type, and 112 is awesome also. So they are preventing big flood.

      • This is an artifical “problem”. They could simply do a limited edition of these tanks (by limited, let’s say 20 thousands avaliable at first), and later sell another such portion (bigger/smaller) or not, depending how they will evaluate the success and impact on the gameplay. There could even be a counter showing the amount of left tanks, that would also help selling them (mental pressure). Seriosly, WG look like the first company, that says no to inflow of money, while the solution is so easy…

        • IMO that would be even worse than just making them a temporary gift-shop exclusive.

          Getting snubbed out of a tank you really want because you couldn’t get to your computer fast enough would just be awful.

          • I was snubbed out of a tank I really wanted because of the god-awful indien panzer. LOVED the 3002DB though.

  3. “- in 0.8.8, 112 and T-34-3 tanks will not be available via the ingame shop, only via gift shop (SS: the question is related to RU server, but it’s likely this will happen everywhere) temporarily, because the developers want to “control the amount of these vehicles in game and taking them down from the shop is easier, removing them out of the ingame shop requires a micropatch”.”

    well thats just bullshit, so those that wanna sell the SP and get that instead will have to pay the full retail price instead. just fuck off, WG. Im waiting till its available ingame, not gonna make get any more money than necessary from me

  4. - main difference between new and old French heavy branches? “New one won’t have autoloaders.”

    Do want. And how they look I expect some heavy frontal armors – AMX 65t dont have much protection, but compensate with high RoF and mobility (like FV215b).

  5. Oh, I love the idea of being able to win a captured version of a vehicle in HB, for example the battle of Kursk, if the Germans win – they get captured T-34s, if the Soviets – Pz. IVs… Would be awesome ^^

    • that has nothing to do with this.

      and it would NEVER be implemented as it would be too complicated

      • Why would it? They already have miniquests, so what’s the problem with making one like ‘Win a battle on the Soviet side in the historical battle” with a captured tank as a reward? Or maybe rather “Win X battles on the Soviet side in HB”.

  6. - in 0.8.8, 112 and T-34-3 tanks will not be available via the ingame shop, only via gift shop (SS: the question is related to RU server, but it’s likely this will happen everywhere) temporarily, because the developers want to “control the amount of these vehicles in game and taking them down from the shop is easier, removing them out of the ingame shop requires a micropatch”.

    Haha, not buying any of them then. Screw you WG.

  7. the day dragon ridge comes back is the day I begin playing WOT again.

    as that’s the only thing that would tempt me back with the low FPS I have and constant disconnections.

      • That’s funny as Dragon Ridge was one of the hardest maps for me with regards to FPS dropping badly (Fjords is pretty dramatic aswell). I want more city and Steppe like maps though… no problem at all on those. I can atleast get by decently with my, lol, 6-10 fps…

  8. - in 0.8.8, 112 and T-34-3 tanks will not be available via the ingame shop, only via gift shop (SS: the question is related to RU server, but it’s likely this will happen everywhere) temporarily, because the developers want to “control the amount of these vehicles in game and taking them down from the shop is easier, removing them out of the ingame shop requires a micropatch”
    Are you fucking kidding me?

    • 112 and T-34-3, tanks I absolutely don’t care about, it’s an IS-6 and a WZ-120, why are you awaiting them so much?


      • i am thinking that exists any sense buyong this . its true 112 is copy of is6 with weaker armor and t343 is just wz120 with derpy 122

      • I love Chinese tanks. I am excited for the T-34-3 even though it looks like crap. I’ve been wanting a Chinese premium medium since the Chinese patch came out.

  9. - AMX M4 Mle.48 – “when it’s done it’s done”

    I’m so waiting for this day, secondary branches for Heavies and Meds for French… it will be a glorious day

  10. “- it’s not yet sure, if/when T-34-100 will return to the game, WG is still looking for more info in the archives (SS: not sure if info on it, or info on other tanks for a branch it could be a part of)”

    Why do I have the feeling this will be like the Pz IV debacle, it’ll get bumped up a tier.

    • Of course it will get bumped up a tier, the reason why the T-34-85 was given the 100 mm gun was because it used to face Tier 9s before Patch 7.5.

  11. So when you can’t trick WG by selling the SuperPershing and buying for the same gold a T-34-3 by example people start to complain?
    Because they cannot trick, cheat on WG?

  12. - in 0.8.8, 112 and T-34-3 tanks will not be available via the ingame shop, only via gift shop (SS: the question is related to RU server, but it’s likely this will happen everywhere) temporarily, because the developers want to “control the amount of these vehicles in game and taking them down from the shop is easier, removing them out of the ingame shop requires a micropatch”.

    Why? Because good clans earn gold with owning provinces, and this is not a profit for WG. One less sold premium from me. Good job FWG. (fuck you wargaming)

    • No, because a lot of players would sell their shitty SPs and buy 112 or T-34-3 by paying only for ~5k additional gold. Greedy bastards.

    • Oh Jesus Christ. Just wait until 8.9 to buy your Chinese premium then. No need to start crying.

  13. it’s not yet sure, if/when T-34-100 will return to the game, WG is still looking for more info in the archives

    WG is constantly whining about historical or technical accuracy, so here I’m sharing some info about T-34-100′s history;

    Historical accuracy; a couple prototypes with different guns of same caliber -100mm- was tested in 1945 at Kubinka proving grounds.

    Realism; Reached prototype stage and went through State acceptance tests… But the war was already over when it was undergoing test phase.

    One last thing; why the he*l are we still waiting for a solid answer about the T-34-100?

  14. - serial AFKers are being tracked, but random AFKers won’t be punished
    Question: Curious how WG determines what differentiates the two?

    - RU251 will come soon, modelling work is finishing

    • Answer: Players not moving, doing dmg, etc. in high amount of matches are easily recognizable even for us players. Average dmg, etc when you open their “profile” ingame. You can try it yourself, all you need is a nick of someone who was AFK in the last match – preferably with hightier tank – and then check his profile. If his avg. dmg. is really low, there’s high probability of that player AFK-ing his matches and playing from time to time – thus at least some dmg.

        • Pretty much, as even poor players could, on average, deal 25% of their health in damage, but if the average damage shows that all the damage dealt was from people ramming them, well, then it indicates a large amount of AFK.

  15. - a lot (most) mods will not work in 8.8, as WoT is moving on new version of ActionScript

    Will that include visual skin mods? Because that would really suck….

    If its just a reference to other mods, nothing new there. They all require an update after every patch…

        • I’ll update my mod for it ^^ only old ones won’t work anymore.
          Pretty much every mod that includes a *.swf file needs to be recreated from scratch code wise.

    • Not every mod does need an update, I’m running several that were made for 8.6 and I think one made for 8.3 or so.

      • By this I mean update every time the game updates.

        Times like these, I wish I could edit posts.

        • Thanks for the reply J1mB091, I have been using your mod for a very long time. Thank you for making it and keeping it updated, your a legend.

  16. - a lot (most) mods will not work in 8.8, as WoT is moving on new version of ActionScript
    It’s not like we are not used to this already. They change(screw up) mods with every patch. If it ain’t broken DON’T fix it.

  17. 112 only in gift shop? And it has “nothing to do with SP”. Yea right. This is as greedy move as it can be.

    • Your complaints would have some merit if they weren’t going to be introduced to the in-game shop eventually anyway. But they are, so stop complaining.

  18. You can tell that they’re finally concerned with War Thunder over there. They like to talk about it a lot anymore. But, it killed WoWP before it even left alpha, so they have to take notice. Then those pics were released of the tanks, which looked vastly superior to WoT, and was said that it was an early alpha shot and end visuals will look better, lol.

      • I read the notes here, and see it on the various forums. And now Sony just showed off WT for the PS4 at Gamescom, while WG put their ducks in the puddle that is the 360… lol.

        • Its normal that approach of competition causes such.
          And on consoles – I have flashed X360 and Im a pirate – could not care less :D

  19. T34-3 and 112 not ingame shop. Fuck you WG, I still have gold left and there is nothing that is worth buying.

    I have all the premium tanks that i like and still 170 days premium account.

    It’s bullshit too, because china has been ingame for about half a year and still they have no ingame gold tanks.

    Typ-59->ingame shop
    Type 62-> ingame shop
    Wz-111-> only SEA
    112-> ingame shop
    T34-3 -> ingame shop

    Are they retarded ?

    Meanwhile britain has tons of gold tanks ingame.

    Also there are almost no french premium tanks too. No medium tank! It was the 4th race ingame

  20. in 0.8.8, 112 and T-34-3 tanks will not be available via the ingame shop, only via gift shop (SS: the question is related to RU server, but it’s likely this will happen everywhere) temporarily, because the developers want to “control the amount of these vehicles in game and taking them down from the shop is easier, removing them out of the ingame shop requires a micropatch”

    This is complete BS.
    So the 30k gold i saved from CW and tourny are a total waste?
    Thanks WG

  21. - WG is considering at the moment in ALL the crews without the radioman to move the radioman function on the loader (SS: in all vehicles without radiomen, loaders would act like radiomen), but it’s just an idea for now

    Yes please. This seems like a good idea.

  22. “- account to account gold transfer (SS: apart from the gift shop) won’t be implemented, as it holds no advantage for WG”

    Strange that they used this answer and not the more PR-friendly(and equally legitimate) one that it would be open to all kinds of abuse. Eg. Gold-selling, stealing gold from hacked accounts, even coercing or tricking people into handing over gold, etc.

  23. I am looked forward the month on the T-34-3 !!! :-(
    I even bought golds !!!
    And now nothing?
    Are you fucking kidding me?
    Sorry for my bad English. :-(

    • I didn’t doubt that you were bad at English, it seems that a lot of people here can’t read properly either.
      They said “TEMPORARILY”! Which is to say: “for a limited time only” ; “not permanently” ; “You will be able to buy in the in-game store later!”

    • They really are a skeezy developer. Look at their giftshop bundles even to see this much. Charge $10 more for a tank because they added 3 pcs of equipment? GTFO trash.

      • I take it you weren’t playing Neverwinter when the devs really fleeced all the stupid Drizzt fanbois with the appallingly expensive and virtually pointless Drow package…
        Was always fun to play “spot the sucker” in the main town area by counting the spider-riding Drow toons. :D

  24. Finally some info on RU251, it’s been ages since last time we heard anything important about it.

  25. I hope you guys realize that the 112 and T-34-3 aren’t going to be gift-shop only FOREVER.

    • I hope most consumers aren’t as blind as you. If you can’t see what they’re doing here, you’re incredibly naive, the perfect sheeple.

      • What? The pattern of introducing a new premium to the gift shop first, and then to the in-game store later?


        Why don’t you just try being patient for once?

      • Redacting previous comment.

        Pointlessly caustic and snide.

        Dude, you just gotta wait. This really isn’t that big of an issue.

        • You’re talking to Gino; caustic and snide is never pointless and ALWAYS warranted. :P

  26. Well, gift shop is one way for WG to drain real money from player. Why don’t they make thing easier? Remove in-game shop and let players buy everything in Gift Shop with gold in their account? People already put money to buy gold will stuck with their gold forever???

    One more thing, anyone have realize that in 8.7, WG seem tried to ninja nerf the gun accuracy back??? It’s worked great in 8.6 and I fell great improvement in accuracy but I missed my shot a lot recently when they update to 8.7.

      • I don’t think you are playing the same game as I am. Since 8.6, I find it 70 times harder to dodge shells in my light tanks now. I get so pissed now because shots that should never have hit manage to hit anyway. And I’m not just talking about me swerving side to side and them hitting me. I see some people moving and turning their turrets when they fire or stop moving 0.5 seconds before they fire while im swerving side to side randomly at 60 kph and they hit me perfectly and damage my ammo rack and tracks and maybe set me on fire. Unless their aim time is 0.5 seconds, they shouldn’t be hitting me like that. They made tanks literal bullet magnets now I swear. I hate the accuracy buff

  27. “in 0.8.8, 112 and T-34-3 tanks will not be available via the ingame shop, only via gift shop (SS: the question is related to RU server, but it’s likely this will happen everywhere) temporarily, because the developers want to “control the amount of these vehicles in game and taking them down from the shop is easier, removing them out of the ingame shop requires a micropatch”.”

    If Wargaming is going to put in a tank for premium, then dammit do so. If not, then don’t. Makeup your minds, War Gaming!

      • explain to me one thing: how do you know they are going to be available in in-game store in 8.9 update?

      • Hi Woras

        Do you know anyone can do in-game accuracy test? I suspect some nerf in 8.7 accuracy.

    • how about they don’T create tanks than, that may cause a flood.

      Then again you never know. It’s still a fuckin stupid decision.

      Why would there be a new flood, because it’s a chinese tank ? What is the reasoning. They released all the other premium tanks ingame and there was no flood.

      Was there a flood of the sexton I ?, or of the excelsior, or the tog?, come off it.

      • They are worried about a flood because of how the type 59 is the most desired tank. Many people who don’t read the wiki or news articles about the vehicle will think its just as good as the type 59 and they will all start getting it.

  28. “in 0.8.8, 112 and T-34-3 tanks will not be available via the ingame shop, only via gift shop

    They should at least add the, in to in game shops on test server, so people can get a chance to test it. But IMO I don’t like Type 59, Im a person that likes alpha and I would probably enjoy the T-34-3.

    Does anyone know the differences between the T-34-2 and T-34-3. If there’s an article on it can you link me to it?

  29. - according to SerB (but he’s not totally sure), tier 8 RU251 German LT won’t have a separate radioman, like the Leopard 1

    So I have to unlock it from Aufkl Panther, I guess?

    • leo1 does not have seperate radioman… and RU will be researched via Aufklasdfsdfs Panther.

  30. Also what’s all this bitch and whine going on about the premiums only being in the gift store. It’s a smart business move and it’s not gonna be like that forever. Everyone here is complaining about their stockpile of gold from CW and tournaments, yet you realize they don’t even need to give you those gold. Be happy they even do that.

    • +1. The community sometimes gets very tiring. WG is far from perfect and they certainly do botch up things, like with the whole “Stalin rage”, but for some people they seem to be unable to do anything right. If you think it’s that bad then for example go play another game.

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