Some things that were missing in the 8.8 patchnotes:
- reworked the way determining the ramming culprit (initiator) works: now the one, whose tank is moving faster will be considered the culprit (SS: this is mostly for determining team damage from rams)
- added automatic relogin to another server, if platoon/company invite came from it
- added the possibility of removing or moving the crew to or from a destroyed tank
- added the option to enable inverse turning directions, when going backwards (reverse), you can enable it to move the tank the opposite way when going backwards
- spall liner now reduces the chance of crewmen getting killed: light by 20 percent, medium by 25 percent, heavy by 30 percent, superheavy by 50 percent
- added the possibility to shoot automatically if you keep the fire button pressed (“autofire”)
- a warning window in the loging screen about entering the password with wrong keyboard setting or wrong letters
More Spall Liner Buffs? Interesting…
The buffs are needed as right now Spall Liner is only useful for tanks with thick armor all around.
Tanks like KV-4, KV-5, Maus, E-100 etc.
It is pretty much completely useless for high tier British and US and Chinese heavy tanks.
The way it works in game is it makes the armor “thicker” when calculating HE (non-pen) damage.
So 30% thicker paper is still paper.
Also protecting the Crew and Modules from spall (pieces of metal that gets blown off inside the hull from explosions) is exactly what it is suppose to do in real life.
Might this make it worthwhile to risk not carrying a first-aid kit on german tier Xs? (And perhaps carry rations or large repair kits instead. hmmm)
No. Better replace the spall liner with other actually useful equipment. The only tank that has a possibility (doesnt need stabilizer that much) and a point (gets primaried by arty and no way to escape) to use it is Maus. Other tanks it’s either no space to fit it or no point (gets most of the damage from AP).
And then you get shot by an AP shell :/
My JPE crew will love this
- added the possibility to shoot automatically if you keep the fire button pressed (“autofire”)
I guess the top gun on the Pz1C won’t wear out your mouse anymore, eh?
that would make a nice inscription for the 1C…
my mouse is already wrecked… :( I need a new one, :D:D
funny that there are mods that allows your to “auto fire” which gives “an advantage over other autoloaders” and is banned. Now they are implanting it.
I thought the exact same thing.
I feel like that if WG can not prevent users from using these mods, they just implement a similar functionality to the game (fire extinguishers and now this) .
FireBursts and simillar mods are not banned.
- added the possibility to shoot automatically if you keep the fire button pressed (“autofire”)
Hello there Pz I C…. I guess that this one is the only tank that can really use this new feature…
Not really. It’s useful in those split second standoffs…. “FFSLOADFFSCLICKCLICKCLICK….”
Eh, there was a mod which enabled this function but in the end I never tried it. It’s nice to see that they’re implementing it directly in the game, I think that I’ll try it out.
Well, it will just make things harder:
Example: you’re in a 1v1 with someone else. You’re holding the button waiting for the autofire to kick off, but in the split second when you’re almost loaded the enemy tank moves, or rotates, or whatever and it’s too late for you to lift your finger from the button.
If you just click to kill you will make sure that you won’t get your aim messed up.
I’d probably be using this in situations where I’d otherwise be frantically clicking the mouse as the gun finishes loading, so it wouldn’t really make much of a difference.
Would help in rapid-fire tanks like Cromwell and Easy Eight – you don’t have to spam-click in anticipation for the reload to finish…
that spall buff liner could actually make *FRENCH* crew damage not so bad
Yeah I want my crew to hold their white flag up for a bit longer
Spall Liner works only if the armor isn’t penetrated, am I right?
I think we will finally see french autoloaders use spall liners…
As opposed to the vents-GLD-vstab triad needed to deal with the nasty aiming characteristics of the guns?
my KV-5′s radioman is very happy
I think, it is very usefull to keep my KV-4 driver alive. This poor guy always dies first.
Isn’t the spall liner only for HE damage? I mostly shoot AP on the KV-5 r2d2, so spall liner should not be of great help…
Also, the crew already have a saving throw to take damage or not. This new percentage is additive or multiplicative? I bet multiplicative because it would be impossible for a superheavy crew to die from an HE shell if it was multiplicative (50+50 = 100% chance not being hit)
“- spall liner now reduces the chance of crewmen getting killed: light by 20 percent, medium by 25 percent, heavy by 30 percent, superheavy by 50 percent”
I’m sorry, but now I have to demount my spall liner from the KV-5.
After all I renamed my radioman to SerB, and a game where he survives is a “terrible” game.
Hahahaha :D
hehe nice…btw just a side note – 50k gold and 175days of prem ? srlsy? =)
u mad cuz u jelly? :D
“- added the option to enable reverse movement inversion, you can enable it to move the tank the opposite way when going backwards”
I don’t quite get what this is supposed to mean. Can we do moonwalks with our tanks now, or something? o_O
Because “moving the tank the opposite way when going backwards” in my understanding means moving forward, which could be achieved just as easily by *actually* moving forward instead of inverting moving backwards…
I bet it is for the British arty based on the crusader. The gun is mounted backward, so it goes fast in reverse. Maybe to prepare for the Archer too.
Or does this mean you can switch inverse *turning* directions on and off now while driving backwards? I’d get the sense with that option if you can’t or don’t want to wrap your head around that little issue.
Ok, that cleared it up then.
Not that moonwalking tanks wouldn’t be fun, or anything. :D
my bet is on turning. so pressing “d” turns the tank always clockwise, no matter if you drive forwards or backwards
The french tanks finally getting that long awaited buff so they can turn the correct way while running.
I lol’d
“- added the possibility of removing or moving the crew to or from a destroyed tank”
Does it mean that if i get killed in battle and returned to hangar…. i can use my crew from this tank [still in battle] in another tank [like premium or smth] ??
Not necessarily, I think it is more like you are able to move crew from destroyed tank which is in the hangar (tank without “auto repair” enabled)
This rather applies to tank you can’t afford to repair.
This means that you can remove a crew from tank that has been damaged in battle and hasnt been repaired because you either didnt enable automatic repair or didnt have enough credits.
Apparently the reload timer isn’t coming in 8.8 either as they encountered some bugs and don’t have time to fix it.
Lol.Why am I not surprised…
One of the more useful additions it would have been.
My kv5 will appreciate this update… reverse driving
now you can headbutt and assbutt
Or the legendary ass side scrape will be easier.
posted in the forums
Combining this ‘spall liner’ buff to crew safety with Serb and Storm’s prior comments about a ‘bright future’ for artillery it seems that a global artillery rebalance is in the works for the near future. Remember the premium large first aid kit also gives a percentage buff to crew safety.
Granted I do wonder if these crew safety buffs will have the same effect for HESH and HE ammunition types? Or will there be a difference?
Question will ‘spall liner’ effect the ‘deadeye’ gunner’s perk as a counter? My understanding is ‘deadeye’ perk works only with AP, HEAT, ACPR ammunition types presently. Assumption is ‘spall liner’ crew safety buffs won’t effect ‘deadeye’ perk effects, is this wrong?
Sure seems tanks that fire AP, HEAT or ACPR will be in even greater demand.
At the moment, HESH and HE use the same mechanics; HESH is basically just high(er)-penetration, high-damage HE shells. So yea, the buff should apply against them as well.
Even when they give HESH its own mechanic (which they’ve said they’re going to at least once in the past IIRC), non-penetrating hits should act roughly the same way that non-penetrating HE hits do; impact the armor plating and cause bits on the other side to fly off, which spall liners realistically are supposed to reduce or stop.
tl;dr Yes it will affect HESH as well, probably continue to do so even after HESH is reworked.
As far as Deadeye goes, you have it right; spall liners do nothing, and will continue to do nothing, since Deadeye only affects rounds that either penetrate or don’t.
Will the 8.8 test server come tomorrow? August 22th?
Autofire? Goodbye mad clicking like a madman to fire as soon as reloaded, I will miss you ;(
“- spall liner now reduces the chance of crewmen getting killed: light by 20 percent, medium by 25 percent, heavy by 30 percent, superheavy by 50 percent”
About time they added the effect that spall liners are supposed to have in the first place. My Matilda IV will appreciate the extra buffer against all the damn derp guns still running around.
” – added the possibility to shoot automatically if you keep the fire button pressed (“autofire”)”
Should help increase DPS slightly for tanks with very fast reloads, since invariably rapid clicking misses the exact moment that the round is available for firing. I know some of my lower-tier tanks will appreciate it quite a bit.
“- added the option to enable inverse turning directions, when going backwards (reverse), you can enable it to move the tank the opposite way when going backwards”
TOG sidescraping made easy? Or any other longish tank with a front-mounted turret and decent side armor, really.
“added automatic relogin to another server, if platoon/company invite came from it”
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