
Check out Listy’s article on the famous Finnish BT-42 SPG, pretty interesting stuff

- as was mentioned before, currently, WoWp average battle time is roughly 4 minutes (which is about half of that of WoT). SerB states that the XP income will be set so that tier 10 can be reached roughly within the same amount of battles as in WoT

- Taiwanese TD’s in Chinese tree? “Unfortunately, we haven’t found any yet”
- if you unlock Object 140 in 8.8, you will still have it unlocked when Object 430 comes (SS: but you won’t have 430 unlocked automatically as well)
- Q: “Will Maus characteristics be changed? And please answer without trolling.” A:”……….. (here there was supposed to be the trolling, but you asked for no trolling, so…)”
- the engine compensation for E50/75 (previously WG firmly said there will be no compensation) was a result of a “little discussion”

- Q: “Why do you make special missions and awards only for good players (max damage, max exp in battle -> reward), so they gain more exp/credits, grind faster and become more stronger? Don’t you want to support low-skilled players?”

A: “The strong will became more advanced, while the weak will receive additional impulse to become strong. We’ll not grind nor think for weak.”

- SerB states that the T15E2 gun penetration is historical, it was only recalculated according to Soviet standards (SS: for those not versed in this: Soviets used different methodology than the Americans or Germans, when it came to calculating penetrating hits. In other words, if a Soviet test ended with 170mm penetration, it does NOT equal an American 170mm test result. Recalculations must be made.)
- additionally (regarding the case above), there is no need to point out Hunnicutt results to the developers, they know about his books, SerB states that the method of result recalculation is definitely correct
- T-50-2 was not changed (thrown out) sooner simply because WG didn’t get to do it

76 thoughts on “1.9.2013

  1. - SerB on why they buffed already strong tanks: “The strong will become (SS: not stronger, but) more elaborate/advanced, while the weak will recieve additional impulse to become strong”

    Nonsense is STRONK in this one.

    • No, it’s not nonsense. It’s logical. Do you know why the MM spread is 2 tiers and not 1 tier? Simple, because it’s part of the desing for players to play against much stronger opponents, it’s an incentive to get better. This is the same principle.

      In a way, it’s a big fraud, you always get thrown towards stronger opponents and you strive to get better and better tank, until you reach tier 10, when you are finally the “top dog” – but ouch, now it puts you mostly in batters where everyone is equal to you, so this gain is just an illusion.

      • And if you get to be the top dog, you are gonna lose money on it, as battling weaker enemies has been made less profitable. So yeah, you’re chasing an illusion, and it’s better not to catch it at all.

      • LOL no.. the reason for having a 2 tier MM spread is for players of lower tiers to envy those who have cooler and stronger tanks, thus it gives them incentive to keep playing the game and grinding through, which eventually leads them into buying gold, it has nothing to do with getting better.

        If WG was bout players getting better then they would intro a skilled based MM along with 1 tier spread max.

        • 2 Tier 10 in garage, I’ve only spent gold on few garage slots.
          They forced me so hard to buy it(I’ve bought it for few fun-tanks like PzIc), oh my god.

      • I think that might be true if there were only one tech tree, and you couldn’t go back and play the lower tiers, but that is not the case.

        If you enjoy the grind in WoT, there is plenty to go around. I, for one, like playing with and against stronger opponents (not all the time, but definitely on a regular basis).

  2. - T-50-2 was not changed (thrown out) sooner simply because WG didn’t get to do it

    I remember they’ve been saying that they were gonna get rid of it since around 7.2. So it happens 1 and a half years later…

  3. - Q: “Will Maus characteristics be changed? And please answer without trolling.” A:”……….. (here there was supposed to be the trolling, but you asked for no trolling, so…)”

    What a retarded answer. How is he a developer?

  4. - SerB on why they buffed already strong tanks: “The strong will become (SS: not stronger, but) more elaborate/advanced, while the weak will receive additional impulse to become strong”

    I’m sorry SS, but I really don’t understand what is said here. Does SerB mean to say they’re making strong tanks more specialized or they’re improving certain attributes of theirs to make their roles more diverse?

    As for the weak tanks, is he saying that the sole purpose behind buffing a weak tank is making it competitive again? I really can’t follow.

    • Strong tanks become more elaborate, that means it just take more to learn how to play and master them while weak tanks have been made easier to do so.

    • It’s not about tanks at all, it’s about players. Skilled players will become more powerful through exp and credits from missions. Noob players will want to become skilled for the extra exp and credits from missions.

  5. - SerB states that the T15E2 gun penetration is historical, it was only recalculated according to Soviet standards (SS: for those not versed in this: Soviets used different methodology than the Americans or Germans, when it came to calculating penetrating hits. In other words, if a Soviet test ended with 170mm penetration, it does NOT equal an American 170mm test result. Recalculations must be made.)
    - additionally (regarding the case above), there is no need to point out Hunnicutt results to the developers, they know about his books, SerB states that the method of result recalculation is definitely correct

    Could you SS post an article explaining the difference in those formulas and penetration tests.
    I feel in my gut there’s going to be remarkable whining about russian bias and “shitty russian methodology”.

    You know… just to make your audience calm and informed.

    • And write if there is any simple formula of recalculating or something so complicated that it’s beyond our imagination.

    • IIRC Soviet required 80% of the projectile to go through a target while American test required 50% or something like that.

    • I can post the general differences between US and RU penetration tests, but I have no idea how exactly did they recalculated it. But fair enough, will look into it.

        • Those are the yanks you’re talking about, ain’t I right? I mean, they use a different measurement system just to feel more special and “exceptional”.

        • That’s a bit ironic as US is the one who likes to use their own standards.

          The problem is that the diffrent countries standards are diffrent in multiple ways, so it’s not that easy to simply recalculate them.

          • The Germans, US, Russians, French and iirc UK all had their own standards on how to test their guns (artillery and tanks) and how to evaluate them. Taking all of the test results and then trying to compare them is not easy on the best of days.

  6. Pingback: 1.9.2013 | WoTRomania

  7. Sorry but will there be a connection between Object 430 and Object 140 in the research tree? Otherwise i cant see the point why is it mentioned, so there must be, but i cant find this information here. Probably because Im small… Thanks for the answer

      • As far i understand it Object 140 is supposed to be an alternative to the T62A but as they are now introducing a new mediumline up to tier 8 they kind of promoted that said line is leading to 140.

        When Object 430 is added they will delete the connection between the new tier 8 medium and T54 with Object 430 being the new tier 10 med of the “new” medium line.

        Again thats how i understand it plz correct me if im wrong

        • I assumed that Object 430 is planed to be tier 9 and replace the temporary link over T-54, making the two medium branches indipendent of each other.

          • compare the 2 tanks with each other and you will notice that 430 is superior in nearly every way. IF all 140 could be the tier 9 leading to 430 but that wont happen.

            Some say that we will get the Object 430U variant wich was an improved 430 with better armor. wanna now my ssource?! … FTR

  8. “Check out Listy’s article on the famous Finnish BT-42 SPG, pretty interesting stuff”

    Oh no! I cant! Tank have swastika on it!
    It is so bad that it hurts my eyes! At least that whats wg say…

    • Only to the uneducated ;)

      The Finnish army device is utterly different in just about every design respect than the German ones.

      The Airforce ones are harder to differentiate.

    • It’s the ugliness of that turret which hurts my eyes, I wouldn’t fight any “continuation wars” if I have to use such terrible assets…

      • Considering the Finnish armoured forces had, besides those, like a handful of captured T-28s and KVs… good thing the terrain here is more infantry-centric anyway.
        But then again were it even halfway decent “tank country” the Red Army would’ve steamrolled us already in ’39 and there’d never have been a Continuation War anyway.

    • It’s a mirrored swastika, not the one that Nazis used. I am interested on whether WG will implement those on Finnish tanks.

  9. - the engine compensation for E50/75 (previously WG firmly said there will be no compensation) was a result of a “little discussion”

    I imagine wot developers who yelling at each other…

        • - the engine compensation for E50/75 (previously WG firmly said there will be no compensation) was a result of a “little discussion”
          SerB: “Fuck those retards! Don’t give them anything.”
          Rest of the team: “SerB, eat a Snickers.”
          SerB: “Why?”
          Rest of the team: “Because you tend to talk bullshit when you are hungry.”
          *SerB omnoming the Snickers*
          Rest of the team: “Better?”
          SerB: “Better!”
          *SerB giving out 25k free exp to everyone*


          • More like:
            SerB: “Let’s give them full 50k compensation in free xp!”
            Rest: “SerB, eat a Snickers”
            SerB: “Why?”
            Rest: “Because you tend to talk bullshit when you are hungry”
            SerB: “No compensation for those fuckers!”
            Rest: “Let’s wait until he’s hungry again…”

  10. What are they saying about obj 430? Is it to replace obj 140 or wat.? I dont understand the answer…

  11. About the different standards:

    Western: 50% penetration 50% of the time (using random selected shells)
    Soviet: 80% penetration 75% of the time (using random selected shells)
    German: 100% penetration five times in a row (using shells of perfect quality)

    • For those interested to compare Soviet data
      US data for 100mm D-10 with BR-412B – 8.25″(210mm)@0deg@100yards
      US data for 122mm D-25 with BR-471B AP – 8″(203mm)@0deg”@100yards

      So definitely lower criteria then Soviet ones (too lazy to s search for their data but IIRC 175 and 165mm@0deg@100m).

      Where we run into problems are US tests of 88/71 those gave result of 9″(228mm)@0deg@100yards with shells shetering and 8″(203mm)@0deg@100yards with projectile detonating behind armor.
      Now, 1st value is almost identical to German data, so US criteria was identical IN PRACTICAL RESULTS with German, when 88/71 is concerned.
      Yugo test in early ’60s give 88/71 being able to just penetrate T-54A turret at short range (450m IIRC), so result matches US and German data (US 50/50 criteria was used).

      For those interested in Yugo test here they are:
      It is probably only place we can find US, German and Soviet guns tested using same criteria.

    • Well then with distribution +-25% WG should use Western standard results. Soviet results would be ok if WG would use Gaussian distribution for penetration (which AFAIK they are not)

      • Penetration follows the same RNG as aiming and damage. So it does follow Gaussian distribution. Average values are more common then the extremes.

        • Wrong.
          It was on ftr long time ago. – SerB states that (SS: unlike the accuracy), the penetration value within the 25 percent from average is distributed randomly (SS: in other words, with average pen 100, you have the same chance to get 78 pen and 100 pen, the average value is not advantaged anyhow)

          Only accuracy is Gaussian. Unless they changed it.

    • Except, that’s not a test table. It’s a theoretical table calculated from DeMarre equation, derived from shell weight and muzzle velocity, based on Soviet shell performance. It does not and can not account for differences in shell design. It’s just a guideline for armor designers for expected performance of enemy guns, giving a ‘ballpark’ figure.

      I tested myself, values given are within ~1% from theoretical. No practical test can give that kind of consistency. Especially considering Soviet shells were quite different from German shells at the time.

  12. Taiwanese TD in Chinese tree?
    No. There are NO Nationalist TDs. Because we see them as turretless tanks, instead of a TD. Its the doctrine of Nationalist Panzer troops, we need no specified TD, all tracked combat vehicles goes to tank troops. So there are no Nationalist Chinese TDs.
    We have hellcat and Jackson “tanks”, they are “medium tanks”, not TDs.

    But I think some of my tanks can revive with the name of “TD”, maybe.

  13. Sorry, but I think you’ve misunderstood something in Serb’s words.

    - SerB on why they buffed already strong tanks: “The strong will become (SS: not stronger, but) more
    elaborate/advanced, while the weak will recieve additional impulse to become strong”

    The full question (not cutted by SerB) was (not literally) this:
    “Why do you make special missions and awards only for good players (max damage, max exp in battle -> reward), so they gain more exp/credits, grind faster and become more stronger? Don’t you want to support low-skilled players?”
    And the answer was (look at the last line!):
    “The strong will became more advanced, while the weak will receive additional impulse to become strong. We’ll not grind nor think for weak.”

    Sorry for my English :(

  14. can it be, in the near future that obj 140 will be nerf and downgrade to the tier IX (under the T 62A i suppose) and obj 430 will be put in the tier X as a successor of the T 54 and the owner of the obj 140 will be granted a free obj 430?