Hello everyone,
here are the active EU missions for today.
The Way to Glory – win 15 victories, get 250k credits once per day
Learning by Doing – be one of the top 3 XP earners in your team (no matther whether you win or lose), get 20 percent more crew XP
Know your Trade – earn 50k XP per day, get 1 day of premium account (once per day)
Small but Deadly – kill 30 enemies with your tier 4+ light tank from 3rd to 7th September, get 1x ventilation and 10 gold repair kits, can be done only once per account
Featherweight for Victory! – win 10 battles with your tier 4+ light tank (you can use more light tanks to fulfill the criteria, it adds up), get 50k credits – once per day
Consumables are no longer on discount.
yea and i forgot yesterday to buy -_-
yes you have right i just checked cause i thought the same but SS confused me xD
Back from Holidays Special ended today 7:10 so no more 3X crew and discounts +Seeing the summer and Hard to learn, easy to fight is over too
Arght. Will fix.
I guess that 10 victories and 30 kills for lights are over as well?
yes small but deadly and featherlight aren’t working anymore either
Meh.. and I was planning some Friday Night crew levelling :(