“To nejlepší” od cNNk

Attention! For once (and this time only), this post is in Czech, because I honestly won’t translate this garbage. Wouldn’t make much sense anyway. If you understand it, so be it. If you don’t, maybe it’s better this way.

Tenhle post je česky, aby se na mne zas nenadávalo, že zbytečně kopu do české komunity. Vím že ten obrázek je staršího data, ale cNNk to postnul na FB stránce FTR. Tohle mi fakt hlava nebere. Jako taky nadávám ve hře občas, ale…


A tohle je ještě lepší:

Jak to chodi u nas

Když mi tohle povídal ClearEvil v Lešanech, tak jsem se smál, protože mi to přišlo vtipný, ale ono to není vtipný vůbec.

A to nemluvím o těch sprosťárnách v CW chatu, který zdá se nikdo nemoderuje (alespoň jsem tam nikoho neviděl). Hlavně že má WG “vyslance”…

97 thoughts on ““To nejlepší” od cNNk

  1. Czech language is very similiar to my retarded Klingon language, meaning that Czech is a Klingon retarded language, but I won’t read all inscriptions and just go ahead with question, why o why do you post in Klingon retard language SS??? :) :) :)

      • I’m a Serb, meaning that I’m a retard as all people from Balkans :) :) :) Balkanians or ex-Yugoslavians are worthless shits, who don’t speak any language excепt our Balkanic tribal tongues :) :) :) I speak Serbian, the very retarded language, and I love to compare it to Klingon, because it’s the usual in WOT to call unidentified language Klingon :) :) :) It doesn’t ends there, beside the fact Serbs and Serbian language are from Balkan, we are also Slavs, like all our retarded brothers: Croats, Slovenians, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Polaks, Czechs, Russians and all other Slavic tribes that we call ex Soviets, but naturally Serbs are the most retarded of all :) :) :). All our brothers also speak their respected retarded Klingon languages, and we all can understand about 5-10% of these beautiful Klingon retarded tongues :) :) :)

        So whenever I have a chance to read some brotherly language I get sick and throwing up is always an option, hence PLS don’t write/type in our lovely Slavic languages :) :) :)

        And now for something completely the same, to answer your question, I’m an Eskimo speaking Esperanto or Experanto, never drinking espresso or experesso nor beer, but with all sexual feelings/healings for Veronika Zemanova, so I asked this Zemanova girl about her last name and she told me it the wife of knight, funny but I always thought of the name Zuzana to be Hungarian (like my Hungarian aunt) but Zuzana Drabinova taught me the opposite :) :) :)

        All in all, as SS said: “I no understand I only czech good beer pretti girls škoda prague budweiser!” I understand some Czech, I hate beer, I have 3 Skodas or Škodas, never been to Prague but I love Veronika and Zuzana :) :) :)

        p.s. Imagine it, we use all the retarded carons in our retarded Klingon language like all of you guys do :) :) :) ŠĐČĆŽ or even some АБВГДЂЕЖ…

  2. Takovej upgrade starsiho obrazku, takze neco je stary jen par dnu :D Samozrejme clovek nestiha screenovat vsechno, protoze chat sleduju pri hrani minimalne :D Je to spis pro pobaveni. Nervy ujedou kazdymu, kazdopadne jak je videt, tak nekterym ujizdej pokazdy … nastesti je clovek potka jen jednou za par mesicu

    • No jako masakr… na jakém serveru hraješ? Nebo je to z rot? Protože já takové retardy zas tak často nepotkávám. Na druhou stranu se zas teď vynořuje fenomén “českých nácků” – docela často mi chodí screeny s hajlujícími Čechy (proč si každý dává do nicku CZ?), “poláci do plynu” a podobné sračky. Lidem už asi jebe.

      • Na tohle bych ukázal na českou youtube komunitu páč tam je to samé rejpání do poláků.Celá věda je v tom, že poláků hraje kupa – víc špatnejch hráčů, ale i víc dobrejch a myslím si, že minimálně 50% poláků je schopno zahrát líp než ti, co do nich v jednom kuse rejpou :)

      • Je to vetsinou z randomu, samozrejme tohle vypada silene, ale taky je to nasbirany za velice dlouhej cas

  3. I’m Polish and I understood most of that, however one thing is unclear, who/what is cNNk? And why is one name on the screenshot singled out?

    • SS, can you just breifyl explain what the first thing is about? Im Slovenian, so pardon if my czech is horrible XD I did understood the nuclear bomb one, but….what the hell is the problem with those guys? Oo

    • how similar are Polish, Czech and Slovak? is it like Serbian, Croatian and Slovenian (Serbian and Croatian being interchangeable and Slovenian being significantly different but understandable for basic communication)?

      • Czech and Slovak are mostly what Polish language was give or take 300 years ago.
        You could say that they were really similar but then they (present cz/sk) had their upper classes slaughtered, which changed (slowed down) the language development.
        Many words are similar, some are identical, many are completely different. While Slovak seems to be “closer” to Polish, Czech in many cases sounds to Poles like you were speaking Polish, but using very funny words for it (I’m not sure how to describe it, but imagine the words that 3-4 years old kids, that are still learning to speak, make up with funny sounds when they don’t know the actual word).
        Also, it seems to upset the Slovaks when you tell them that their language sounds similar to Russian, which is true in a historical context, with Polish being the farthest from Russian and Czech “in the middle”, which is also caused by the development “arrest” I talked about in the beginning. And yes, it seems to suit your Serbian/Croatian/Slovenian pattern pretty well.

        • Oh and then there are dialects, which make for example the Czech sound really different in different areas, same for Slovaks – I spoke with a Slovak girl (well, more than spoke, but that’s a story for another time ;) ), and me being Polish, we had no problem in communicating, and then I talked to her (my assumption) Czech friend and I couldn’t understand a single word he was saying and I said to her “damn I can’t understand a word of his Czech” and she was like “Czech? He’s Slovak like me… but he’s from another part of the country”. She had a very “soft” pronunciation while his way of speaking was hard, almost German-like. So go figure.

          • He was from the west. She was most likely from the middle. Or east, but the middle is more likely -> “soft pronunciation”

        • never let a polish guy destribe the differences between western slavic languages xD just to provide a contrast since you say czech and slovak is 300years behind polish which is just retarded… dobře/dobrze? to many of czechs i know polish sounds ilike a drunk and teethless czech.. so it is really hot when a pretty girl speaks polish xD seriously!
          and another note, slovak doesnt sound like russian.. so thats why it upsets ppl when you tell them it does
          btw as a silesian czech, just a few kms from polish border.. i wouldnt say i speak polish but i understand quite a bit more than an average turd from prague… i have some friends in the north of poland and most of the time im on mumble with them i understand their polish and answer in english

          • He didn’t say that Czech and slovak languages are 300 years behind Polish, but that 300 years ago they were more similar to each other, and that’s a difference :)
            Anyway, even nowadays it’s quite easy to understand those languages, but I’m from Silesia region in Poland where we have a dialect that consists of Polish, Czech and German words (or at least they origin from those countries). You only have to beware of so called “false friends” but otherwise it’s not that hard to understand.
            And on a topic of that screenies – I can see that amount of retards is even on both sides of border :D
            Greetings from Poland.

        • You see, I would say it is completely different. Polish is the closest language to Russian from Western Slavic Languages. Slovak is in the middle and Czech the furthest. Polish have many words very similar to Russian. The only thing the guy said that is true is that Slovak is closer to Polish than Czech. And Czech and Slovak are quite different. Foreigners who learn Czech do not really understand Slovak any better than Polish. However since Czechs and Slovaks formed one country not long ago there is still very strong cultural interchange and thus most Slovaks speak and understand fluent Czech. Czechs have a little more problems understanding Slovak, but still manage. As to 300 years behind Polish? Hmmm, since there were no Slovak elites 300 years ago as there was no Slovakia what elites are you talking about? The first slaughtering of Czech and Slovak elites started with the nationalisation of the Austrian Hungarian empire in 1850s. The difference between the Western Slavic languages is due to much stronger foreign influences on Slovaks and Czechs due to the fact that they had no country of their own. Thus these languages developed much faster than Polish, who remained more isolated and thus still stays closer to Russian.

        • Im Slovak and I never got upset that my language is similar to Russian and never really met someone who would be. Dont mind me I just got intrigued that there is such a case of butthurt in our ranks.

          • Well, Slovak is similar to Russian. It is a Slavic language after all. Whoever says something different is an idiot. Czech sounds less similar. Polish more. But they are all Slavic languages and all sound similar in a way. Same as Dutch and German. I speak German and I can very well understand written and spoken Dutch. Since they are both Germanic languages I would not expect a normal Dutch person being offended for me telling him that Dutch sounds similar to German.

            • You missed my point. I was simply surprised by the statement that slovaks gets mad at being told that our language is similar to russian.

      • to dumben down what guy above said, czech and slovak are extremely similar (afaik they can talk to each other without any troubles) and polish czech/slovak communication is “understandable for basic communication”. Slovak seems a litttle more similar to polish for me.

        It depends on a region tho, I met czech people from PL/CZ border region who basicly spoke polish only with diffrent accent, I met polish people from the same region who, at first, I thought were speaking czech, but it was this same polish with czech accent or something.

  4. Kinda wierd that Czechs hate Poles so much. Here in Poland, you guys are depicted as friendly neighbors, and in game youre much more hostile than stereotypical Russian. Actually often Russians are quite nice.

    I guess its the same story in both our countries, nicknames ending with CZ or PL are 14 years old punchbags letting off steam in the only safe way they know. I never respond to that shit, i feel sorry for them. ( Maybe a lil bit when i had a few and in mood for trolls ;) )

    • Its problem of the age and mannerlines whatever our youtube community is bad too few guys are good but 3/4 are “polish haters” from my look. After 3K battles i see much more polish competent players than czech competent players .

      Good luck


    • Not all Czechs hates Polish players. Im Czech and i was in Polish clan, and i play in Polish ESL team. From my experience CZ and PL people are almost the same. Its not about nation, it’s about stupid people that are all over the world

      • I’m from Poland. I live near Cieszyn (Tesin), 15km from Czech border. I love “buchta” (knedlicki?) with “omasta” and Czech beer.

        To conclude: Polish people do like Czech people ;)

      • Hey i am Czech too and for me its about personal look and its true that there are many stupid people all over the world :)

  5. Ahhhh!!!! this looks so juicy and controversial, why did my education system fail me in not teaching me eastern european languages!

      • perhaps he meant culturally. ever since russia and the us took over europe there is – culturally – almost only east and west. central europe is just some memories and maybe a few fragile new flowers…

        • The Communist takeover is far too recent (and short-lived) for that, blame centuries of serf-abusing neofeudalism instead.

  6. That’s some prime douchbagerry.

    Reading czech is always so much fun ^^ your language is… well cute :3

      • those letters and signs above them, damn, Azbuka and Abeceda that is used by southern Slavs is clean and nice…

      • that’s the way to make words shorter, because the “garbage” alows us Czechs to have words with doubled letters ;)
        Let me explain:
        Take the famous “most-dificult-to-say” name form one film from Poland (link here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlOoSsfU6cM):
        Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz
        Now rewrite it, with keeping the pronounciation, into “modified” Czech language, that has no interpunction/”garbage” to modify letters:
        Grzegorz Brzencziszczikijevicz
        And, at the end, change it into actual Czech language:
        Gřegoř Břenčiščikievič
        You see? :)
        Best regards,

  7. I see.
    You don’t have to rage in klingon, just because you ran out of cookies.
    get some pudding instead!

  8. This sound interesting…..seems to be another community issue…
    Appearantly about fraud, scam, you name it

    I know, translating that is hard, but I guess this might be interesting for some non-CZ players too..

  9. Someone who’s PC is in that native language, should be able to use OCR to copy the image back into text, and then stick it in Google Translate..

    I know it will be shitty, but it will give the rest of us some idea as to whats going on…

    (Bad translations can often be funnier than real ones.. )

  10. oh I’m sorry, I thought this wasn’t a racist nationalistic piece of shit site made by kids.

    Why are you being an ignorant, dumb, racist, nationalistic little kid, ss? If these morons don’t know how to speak english, they are too dumb/lazy/kids so they clearly have nothing good to say. If they think czech is clearly so much better than english on the internet, then again, they are dumb, but also racist/nationalists/bigots for saying such a stupid thing, and yet YOU PROMOTE THIS.

    Let’s remember this day, the day when silentstalker was a promoter of nationalism/racism/stupidity/kiddy behaviour/bigotry

    You think we like it? what if EVERYONE here started talking in 100 different languages, any except english? you wouldn’t like it, would you, smartass

  11. já se s českou komunitou neseru, na to mi stačí zapnout televizi.
    odměňovat moderátory, by mě zajímalo, kdo s takovou iniciativou přišel.. nakopat mu prdel ..
    co se týká té koláže sraček… velmi přehledné! bohužel kontext je klasický, hatery máme všude… než se podívat na sebe, radši nadávají na jiné.

    2 days ago i was amazed by a comment on the rddt channel.. the guy was something like… “some asshole pushed me and i got shot dead because of it” … “no wonder he was czech” ” im fucked everytime when theres a polish, czech or dutch” … its a world of rage, nazis and prototypes :)
    and yes if there was such a thing as satan, SerB would definitely be its manifestation

  12. Tanky ve War Thunder nemuzou prijit dost brzo, snad tam bude lepsi komunita (mimo arcade battles). Komplexnejsi hra vetsinou odrazuje tyhle mlade retardy.

    • I don’t think war thunder community will have smaller percentage of retards. No matter how complicated the game is – if it has multiplayer, there will be douchebags.

      This reminds me of one match I played in mechwarrior 4 mercenaries released by metkek (due to very small playerbase there weren’t that many retards, but still). Important info: legging your enemy (destroying mechs by blowing their legs off) was seen by most of the community as pure evil. Now, there was this guy in his raven (light mech) doing hit and run near my teams spawn point. It was annoying, but acceptable. However, he just couldn’t stop talking bullshit… I got pissed off, disengaged, chased him in my very fast heavy (iirc thor with twin lbxac20) to the corner of the map (kilometers away from my spawn point and ever further away from where the combat was taking place), disabled one of his legs (even the fastest mech without a leg is as slow as snail) and… Left him there. And there’s a very large penalty for suicide. I’m way beyond of what you call “evil” hehehe :D

  13. Hey SS, so if i understood this(Serbian is Slavic so i think i understood something from that text), practically Czech moderators are pieces of shit, and they also want(or ask for) donations? top lel.

    Actually all this Czech reminded me of my high school 4 day trip to Prague, fun times. I remember some hot chick asking me and my mate by mistake for some news if we like the life in Prague(she tought we were exchange students), and cause she was hot we were listening to her and her questions for couple of minutes, nodding, going ano ano but we told her later we weren’t students actually xD

    Anyway Czech girls are hot.

  14. Z těchhle důvodů nepoužívám v takhle exponovaných hrách CZ za jménem – musel bych se za tyhle lidi stydět.

  15. Anthropoid: “chcipni ty žide” … ach jo… proč se někdo s takovejma názorama pojmenuje jak výsadková skupina, která zabila Heidricha, to fakt nepochopím… Příjde mi to trochu jako urážka Gabčíka, Kubiše, Valčíka a dalších…