- there is no accuracy penalty when shooting enemies, that were scouted (lit up) by someone else and not you
- Storm on 8.8 MM balancing issues: “It has confirmed that the waiting times are longer and that the matchmaker tends to compose the teams with different MM weights within the 10 pecent difference limit, depite being able to make the team MM weight difference smaller.”
- three new city maps are planned (“Will tell when the time is right” – SS: possibly Minsk, Kharkov and Moscow/Stalingrad)
- high tier battle dynamic and battle duration has not changed in last 6 months, devs are okay with this situation
- T110E3 and T110E4 historical data can be found in Hunnicutt: Firepower
- British premium tier 8 vehicle? “If we add it, we’ll tell you”
- it’s likely that the tier 9 Object 430 prototype turret traverse will be the same as Object 416 has now
- bot player bans are not being published (SS: that does not mean they are not getting banned. Without any details or names, I had two player writing me for being banned for botting)
- FV215b rebalance? “Wait for test patchnotes”
- Chinese Type 79 (Type 69 with L7 gun) won’t appear in the game, it’s too new
- historical battles will not come this year
- Russian “proposal” forum section has pre-moderation (SS: proposals have to be allowed by a moderator), because (SerB) “Most of the proposals were either proposed before, or they are… eeeee…. not very smart”
- there have been no major changes in battle dynamic since the arty nerf according to SerB
- WoWp light attack planes nation characteristics according to SerB:
Germans – “one pass haul ass”
British – universal
American – many bombs and rockets
- WG tanks and planes on one map playing with each other? “Theoretically, yes. Practically, I think it’s pointless. A tank cannot harm an airplane, unless it reaches the airport. Considering the speed of the airplanes, to place airfiends a few kilometers from one another makes no sense. Accordingly, the tanks would have to travel at least 10 kilometers under fire from air. That’s garbage” – the same goes for ships and airplanes on one map: “And would you like to be cannon fodder in your airplane? Because one capital ship generally carries dozens of airplanes – that’s also garbage.”
- it’s possible the developers will implement the track links hanging on the hull acting as temporary armor (falls off when hit) (SS: this is tied to the Havok physics I think)
- historical battles will work as random battles at first and if that works fine, historical company battles will be implemented
- Storm confirms that client physics (Havok) will use all the cores of multicore processors
- (if I understand it correctly) the scouting damage (you scout, allies damage) will be added to the achievement table
- lighting on all maps will be strongly reworked in 0.9.0
- it will not be possible to select one light filter for all the maps (SS: for example so all the maps have the same brightness as South Coast)
- Q: “Has the whining about 15:0 wins/losses intensified?” A (Storm): “There is such a whine for two years already.” SerB: “Four years”
- live and dead tanks do not act as line of sight (spotting) obstacles
- tanks are buffed/nerfed according to statistics. Q: “What statistics?” A: “Combat statistics.”
- SerB regarding one site that sells accounts: “It’s a database of accounts we’ll ban for account trading”
- more realistic tank movement (for example the tank tilting slightly backwards when accelerating) will be added gradually
- after the physics improvement (independent suspension), it will be possible to turn the tanks over on their roof, it will improve gameplay apparently
- after the physics improvement (independent suspension), it will be possible to turn the tanks over on their roof, it will improve gameplay apparently
Get ready for Scouts upside down :P
And significant increase in noob suicides.
“Do a barrel roll!”
You mean aileron roll ;)
Yes, now that you reminded me, you are correct.
Normally I’m with you but seeing as how tanks have no ailerons and it’s funnier to think of it as “barreling down the mountain”…
El Halluef is gonna be funny as hell when that comes into play.
speaking of which, why is that map in the game? It’s terrible and ends in too many draws.
you must suck for your team to draw then
Z or R twice ;)
While there may be downsides, it’ll also deliver lulzy moments. Imagine doing a full flip any which way over an enemy!
I’m already thinking about a spot on Sand River where I could corkscrew an ELC AMX and land back on the tracks,
And somebody shoots you at that moment.
Shell goes right under. Matrix style.
Shooting back while inverted LOL.
Old physics trailer with backflipping Leopard VK1602 anyone?
Can’t wait
well if you go full speed downhill with a hellcat on karilla base and jump of the ledge there is a small bump just before that makes you do a nose dive now and then tilts you back because you can actually make a somersault atm….. should be fun when this is implemented :trollface:
This is most interesting to me in that if you need to know why the T-50-2 had to die this is the reason.
I look forward to people who are bad drivers complaining about how unfair the implementation of Havok is.
Its implementation will truly bring Havok… see what i did there? :P
Yes, because you put this into the conversation about as subtly as a kick to the face.
I’m picturing a scout going downhill on el campuf …while at full speed goes through some sort of destructible terrain(such a fence) :D. With Havok physics(and how well that thing works at times, specially when coded by WG)…it’ll be a case of “round and round he goes, where he stops…who cares?”
some nice stuff here, looking forward to the physics improvements, and the spotting damage will probably make the WN ratings a lot better for scouts
Yeah, just wondering why such a crucial stat was not there in the first place.
The stat being in the achievement window doesn’t equal the stat being published in the API.
Maybe that’s their way to make their crappy player rating stand out among WN, EF, PE etc. – only the built-in rating will have access to that value…
Yeeh just like the dmg taken stat for “Soak”- Tanks like Maus
- after the physics improvement (independent suspension), it will be possible to turn the tanks over on their roof, it will improve gameplay apparently
So you can flip over tanks to render them inoperable? (Right now, ingame tanks always manage to land on the tracks somehow, even though it would flip over IRL)
How would that work ingame?
I will breakdance on turret roof, that how it will work :D
Like so?
Did someone say breakdance?
Flip over a heavy, park a light on it, then use the extra oomph to catapult the light.
But you should be able to flip a tank back again…
Probably same as drowned tanks. There would still be HP left, but the tank would count as dead. That’s just my assumption.
It should rather be as if the tank was on fire, would make much more sense.
Yes, that could work also, but at the end you would be dead. But that fire thing would work better to prevent other players to shoot already dead tanks in hope to earn some free credits. Same as they shoot drowned tanks eventough they don’t provide you credits nor count as damage.
Why assume the tank would be inoperable? Seems to me you should still be able to shoot wherever your gun is pointing. Just need a team mate to come try to flip you back over :)
Really??? How do you think, would it work IRL :) ?
Sure it would, do you really think all flipped tanks are just left for scrap ? They are turned over, the spilled coffee in the compartment is cleaned up and they are good to go again ..
So, you can go into next battle when “repaired” your “destroyed” by flipping over tank.
Once again: can you shoot a flipped over tank IRL? Can you use it upside down?
Like really? I thought that FTR is sort of elite… And there are as many retards here as anywhere in WoT…
You must be new here. :|
Anyway, don’t see why the gun wouldn’t shoot upside down aside from the gunner having fallen on his head and broken his damn neck. Reloading might be a bit difficult granted.
Hopefully I run faster than donkeys :P
Nvm, page updated- I’m safe \o/
Safe – you keep using that word…
Implying he wants the donkey to use a condom…
- there is no accuracy penalty when shooting enemies, that were scouted (lit up) by someone else and not you
But there is XP/silver penalty, same as for distance to target > 200m.
Nah. Not spotting for yourself halves XP, the “close combat bonus” is just a small boost that applies when simply being near enemies and is not related to damage AFAIK.
Nah nah. “Not spotting for yourself halves XP” AND silver.
CQC bonus is given for damage dealt, as in damage dealt at close range gives more slightly XP.
Quote from Wiki:
“Close combat bonus – Damaging enemy tanks at under 200m range gives a very small bonus”
Just being close to them won’t grant that bonus, but in most cases you will generally earn more by just being close to reds due to spotting.
awk ‘{sub(“more slightly”, “slightly more’)}”
Actually you gain cumulative exp for just being close to ( you can draw line of sight ) your enemies even thou no one does damage to them. IF someone does damage to them ( other than you, even if they spot themselves ) you gain portion of CC damage, because you’re in a fight…
Brawling brings you more exp, period. Even if you do close to nothing in there you gain cumulative experience for being close. This is not told in wiki, this is experience talking, also there has been hints from devs about it too so it is not far fetched, wiki is not absolute, there is no REAL WoT wiki to be honest.
Sounds like that penalty is just a way to fuck over all tanks balanced for long-range play… Like all TDs and most German and British tanks.
- T110E3 and T110E4 historical data can be found in Hunnicutt: Firepower
“And we stay with OUR interpretation” -WG ;)
Its complete BS. I have that book and the E3 layout is different and should have a 120mm gun. Also the E4 looks NOTHING like the one we have ingame.
And E4 was a turretless. I wish there was a T58 (M103 chassis with 155 mm gun and 3 rounds clip). With proper loading, aiming time and pause between shots it would be much more better than current T11E4…
I’m looking forward to the physics improvements. But not so much to the heavy reworks on map. Now I play the game on 5 FPS with lowest settings, so no idea what 9.0 will do to me :(
Time to throw away that wooden PC (nobody will buy it anyways).
I can’t afford a new PC that’s any better. Just to tell you how poor I am:
My iPad Mini is most expensive thing in my house
Im seriously not into Fruit merchandise – so names dont ring a bell at all.
Eyepad? You have problem with sight?
Or maybe time to stop spending moneyz for cigarettes/alcohol :D
I’m 13, I know you’re going to say “Oh look another retarded kid”, but I’m not like that. I can’t get any paper rounds in my area, and my family is poor. So this wooden PC is the best I got
“I’m 13, I know you’re going to say “Oh look another retarded kid”…..”
You’re not even close :D And you dont know me.
1. Make paper out of that wooden PC
2. ???
Dude you have an IPad Mini and you can’t buy a decent computer? I detect BS.
Solution: Stop spending on Apple products and save up for a PC.
Wood-pulp paper took serious industrial infrastructure to produce the last I checked – and I actually study this shit – so that’s a wash I’m afrad. Old-style textile-based paper you could pretty much make in your bathroom OTOH.
PROTIP: next time you’re shopping for a crappy comp look in the stuffed-toys section instead of furniture.
upgrade your abacus to a calculator
stop being douchebags with all your “advices”
Go to work…… Realy find work in some bar or something do this i’m also a teenager but I have worked after week of work during holidays I earned about 500 zl (I’m from Poland and it’s about 150 euro) after month of work I could by new quite good pc and if your from western Europe you have cheaper computers and my father earn much but I don’t have iPad because it’s quite useless in my opinion and I would buy a pc instead of it
And fuck my phone it should be “something like that” “work for a week”
Hate when it’s correcting me
Can’t get more then 5FPS? Can’t afford better PC? Don’t fucking play the game then, it’s not a job it’s entertainment. Stupid kids nowadays
I concur.
I didnt play games for like 5 years after release because i waited to get new machine, hell i played DOOM 2 in 2005 because i couldnt run anything better… there is no rush, games will still be here
or one could simply become a hooker and sell your body 4 money
Because noone here is offering decent advice. We have all been there when your young you have no money and its tough but the best thing to do is to either save up through birthdays, Christmas pocket money etc. until you can afford what you want in life. try applying for jobs around your area in the local paper on the internet try to do things for family members etc. thats all i have for advice. I remember when i was your age and i use to play on an old shitty dell fast forward 7 years i can now buy what i want. Education is key
One of the most sensible advice I had read here so far. Good job helping that kid out.
“Education is key”
In general – yes. But there are some places where having a degree doesn’t really help. Also – you have to fit the mainstream – there are many IT guys and cooks/chefs wanted where I live, too bad I’m neither. :P
So I’d say that the RIGHT education is a key.
- there is no accuracy penalty when shooting enemies, that were scouted (lit up) by someone else and not you
Who would even ask this?
*looks to our forums*
Yeah, I wonder who? Probably players with 1.8k+ WN7.
Fv215b rebalance I hope they don’t mess around with it to much
About 40k from unlocking it, will be interesting if the do something like give it a 133mm gun.
The gun itself is fine really.
For a rear turreted tank you are expected to side scrape with it, so more side armor will be good.
Also hat lower plate is absolutely pathetic for a tier 10 heavy, but then the lower plate is generally a weak spot anyway.
From a logical and historical standpoint, the FV215b is not fine.
Even in-game the tank makes no sense.
so tell us what it should like to be, please. in wot
The chieftain.
Indeed, Motherfucking Cheiftain.
Oh craap! what rebalance ? -> FV215b ? i like it how it is at the moment =)
Same I hope it’s not anything bad
I would expect that it would be a good re-balance since it has shit armor and can’t really side-scrape with its 76mm of true side armor in tier 10 games.
- FV215b rebalance? “Wait for test patchnotes”
What rebalance? wasnt at first a glass cannon with Tortoise rof like. Then REBALANCED to more armor and crappier rof?
What are they going to rebalance now?
the glass-dps was a feature
it was smth that i looked forward to, but the nerf-bat got me right when i was like 50k away on my conq
basically the 215 NOW is like an e5, but with that “hardmode” button pushed
you basically have a SLOW (as in – unable to get anywhere really fast) tank, with STABLE (as in constant) mobility, LOW alpha (pretty obvious) and an accurate gun
with the difference being better dps for the 215 – and better everything else for the e5 – it’s a bit more mobile (less agile, but who cares?) a lot smaller (area-wise) not much taller (the cupolas sort of single themselves out) and the e5 doesn’t have a battleship-deck in the front which is a decent landing spot for arty shells =)
giving it the old rof and insane dps – would actually make it a little more unique (as in – a HT having TD-level dps)
“live and dead tanks do not act as line of sight (spotting) obstacles”
WTF? That is really stupid.
Many things in the battle mechanics, which are worth knowing, would make you go “WTF?”.
It would stress server too much – look what happened with lag when new Service Record came in xD
It’s more likely due to the missions tracking, IMO.
Still, simple things and server goes bonkers.
And it won’t get fixed until 9.7
“A tank cannot harm an airplane” – SerB
Now that’s a big “I’M AN IDIOT” statement.
For those who wants to argue, here’s a video; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BL5t2TLEjl0
Aim is really not that smooth in WoT as in BF3. Plus there is RNG.
“Aim is really not that smooth in WoT as in BF3″
Aim is smooth as long as you’re using maxed out sniper zoom.
BF3? WTF… It worked perfectly in Bf1942 and Forgotten Hope (Secret Weapon) where ships, planes, tanks and infantry coexisted at one map without problem, not to mention the gameplay was far more enjoyable than in WoT
Seriously? You’re using BF3 as an example? The game that’s set in 2014?
What makes you think that WW2 tanks had the targeting capabilities of tanks now?!?!?
Hell, tanks back then couldn’t even fire on the move and you’re advocating firing at airplanes moving at 400+ km/h (Keeping in mind the fastest a tank can go currently is 92km/h)??!?!?!?!?!
Screw your head back on.
Correction: Fastest tank goes 79km/h so even worse compared to BF-109′s cruising speed of 590km/h…………………………
This is a GAME. BF3 is a GAME. Not some hardcore realistic military simulator like Armed Assault 3.
so we are quoting battlefield three for ‘what can be done IRL with tanks’?
you do realize that this is the same game that seems to imply that HEAT is just AP with splash?
If you guys can’t put a salvo on a plane with a tank in a game, then you’re a noob.
Yes, of course
Let’s use the tank that fires SAMs out of a smoothbore cannon with perfect guidance, and has a built-in radio control AA gun on top of it as an example of how a tank can fight planes.
You idiot. Nearly every gun in World of Tanks has a FRACTION of the velocity of even the normal shells, and the shells are nowhere near as accurate.
This sounds like a poor excuse to get the oft-demanded SPAAGs into the game. Yes, let’s have a class of vehicle that is totally worthless for actually combating tanks.
1150m/s shell speed sounds pretty fast for me :)
Yes please. I’d love a Wirbelwind or Kugelblitz.
Would give the hapless puny-ass scouts something to stomp on, sure.
Well, they could add AA tanks. I wouldn’t mind a Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind. That quad 20mm flak cannon would be fun. :D
Until the wimpiest scout ever comes by and totally murders you since you can barely scratch its paint with those peashooters. Hell, 20mm was barely sufficient for even AA duty which is why wartime flak gradually switched over to fewer and beefier guns in the 37-40mm range.
Yep, you are an idiot xD
Has anyone ever asked if WoT would support Oculus Rift?
they said it will some time ago. cant wait.
I have heard all sorts of things about how being a disembodied camera is a disorientating experience in the rift, so the camera view would have to be changed allot to work with the rift.
A dedicated cupola view might be required, something that would require a ‘huge’ amount of work (modeling the cupola of all of the tanks in the game) from the programmers.
Yes, I just skipped it, because how many people will use that, right? They answered it will be supported.
It’s not really possible to say what’s getting banned and what isn’t these days.
I’ve reported a guy with 30 afk battles in a row (could tell because he had 30 battles more on his game profile than his web profile, yet the damage was identical) – he wasn’t banned
I reported a guy for Sieg Heil in chat, wasn’t banned either.
So either WG stopped banning people outside of the TK system or there’s a really fucking lazy idiot sitting on their team (Pedro Videira maybe?) who’s just closing tickets without doing anything about it.
I wonder what they chose for tier 8 Brit prem hmm?
- Q: “Has the whining about 15:0 wins/losses intensified?” A (Storm): “There is such a whine for two years already.” SerB: “Four years”
Related to the skill based MM… how about they do something about it already.
- SerB regarding one site that sells accounts: “It’s a database of accounts we’ll ban for account trading”
Why shouldn’t we be able to sell our accounts, it’s our own time and money spent and it does no direct financial damage to WG.
Im pretty sure when you signed the agreement that lets you play the game that you are agreeing not to sell or purchase an account, that’s why you cant. As for their reasons for making you agree to that, well that’s a whole different discussion.
because the account is not yours, wg owns the account, your just “renting” the account from them.
You must be new to online gaming. Every single online game will ban you for account selling if they find proof of it.
And most people who sell accounts know that as you don’t see most list the name of the account when they sell it because then the game company can’t find out who owns the account if they can’t see a name.
Same with account sharing which is easier if you are sharing with people in different time zones as they would notice the location of your IP jumping reguarly. Had some friends on another game had a problem with that where they work on a Military base and are able to play the game at work but due to how the IP was they would travel 10 minutes from home to work but the IP of their military base was rerouted and showing as being in a completely separate location that was a few hours travel time.
“- WoWp light attack planes nation characteristics according to SerB:
Germans – “one pass haul ass”
British – universal
American – many bombs and rockets”
I’m a bit confused to this. Is WG going to add German, British, and American attack aircraft (similar to the existing Russian line)? Or is Serb referring to the general ground attack capabilities of the three tech trees (EG, German heavy fighters are fast and carry a small payload, while American (carrier) planes can carry lots of bombs/rockets)?
And if the former, what’s the point of “one pass” planes in a game where rearming is impossible?
I think what he means is that the German ones are capable of getting to the target and getting out of dodge very quickly, which is offset by their relative fragility. If they dawdle for a second pass on the same target, they’re going to be shredded.
Wonder if he isn’t referring to dive-bombers…? ‘Cause Henschel’s model 129 “flying tank” sure as Hell was neither agile nor fragile…
If there is such a scale problem with airplanes, tanks and ships, why are there aircraft carriers planned for wows? They were in all but I case 100+ miles away from the surface ship battles. They would be better off as off board artillery for the clan wars players.
It’s the dilemma faced by every naval war game, ever — on the one hand, you can’t NOT have aircraft carriers, but on the other hand, you can’t have REALISTIC aircraft carriers. The usual solution is to put all the ships in an arena large enough that the carriers have a powerful range advantage, but small enough that the battleships can still hunt them down. Battlestations:Midway and Pacific did it, Axis&Allies Naval Miniatures did it, there are probably others I don’t know about that did it.
It’s really a bit like how World of Tanks handled the range advantage artillery has over tanks…
They’ll be WoWs’s version of WoT’s arty.
I think the “scale” problem is more along the lines of firepower levels and the ability to harm other things. Look, there is no way a tank is a match for an Iowa or Yamato. One of those rounds wouldn’t need to even come close to hitting the tank with shrapnel, the compression wave formed from the explosion could easily turn a tank crews insides to jelly. I’m not 100% sure of the exact numbers, but think of it this way, people already complain about arty splash. Now put an arty in the game that basically splashes everything inside one of the the grid squares and you may get a rough idea of the level of firepower.
I can’t verify the source, but I did find this with a quick search, pay attention to how the New Jersey created a helicopter landing zone out of the jungle:
If even close to being true, what could that do to a tank? Oh yeah, broadside of 9 of these guns…
Heck, outside of implementing AA tanks as a gimmick, no tank can realistically be expected to engage an airplane at any semblance of fairness. I suppose you could limit the ships to DDs or CLs, but even then, while a tank would carry a single gun, a ship would carry 4+ times the firepower.
I guess in a pure game environment you could make it work, but it would be very goofy feeling, esp since WG may not have 100% accurate WW2-Korean War combat, they do try and keep it at least resembling something close.
One pass haul ass, haha I like it :D
” it’s possible the developers will implement the track links hanging on the hull acting as temporary armor”
Wasn’t it even explained here at FTR, that the armor effect of track-links beiung virtually unnoticable in the real world?
If they’re implemented as spaced armor than they’ll provide far more protection against Arty HE shells than they have any right to.
Oh they did have an effect on hits, but less than an equivalent increase in armor thickness. A track link is still around 5cm of solid steel, that can already deform shell tips so the impact angle on the actual armor plate changes
what about the british Tier VIII premium tank? is the FV4202 going to be the new tierVIII prem tank? so, if u have this tank in your garage you can have the british prem tank for “free”?
They said they won’t be repeating the decision they made with the T34 (it used to be a tier 9 US Heavy and the T30 was the tier 10. The T34 became a tier 8 premium heavy, the T30 became a tier 9 Tank Destroyer, and both were replaced on the Heavy line by the M103 and T110E5 respectively).
“WoWp light attack planes nation characteristics according to SerB:
American – many bombs and rockets”
We didn’t use that many bombs….. we’ll maybe we did but i mean look at japan..
still to early?
it will be always too early
Being able to flip tanks over….
Mhhh.This will be fun when driving ramming tanks like the E-50/E-50M or the Scoutpanther…Much to the annoyance of people driving 40-60 ton tanks with a relatively high center of mass.Do a Barrel Roll!
More city maps? Yes please!
- there is no accuracy penalty when shooting enemies, that were scouted (lit up) by someone else and not you
seriously, first question and it’s another of those make-belive bullshit “THE GAME IS AGAINST ME, I DON’T SUCK” come on, what’s with this obscure and idiotic question? And then people wonder why serb is so pissed off
so i’ll finally be able to do back-flips off bridges? YAY!
Pingback: 25.09.2013 | WoTRomania
- FV215b rebalance? “Wait for test patchnotes”
Just buff turret enough.
FV215b (120) turret is fine. He needs more side armor to perform good sidescrap.
“- after the physics improvement (independent suspension), it will be possible to turn the tanks over on their roof, it will improve gameplay apparently”
Sounds cool, can’t wait to do an Immelmann with my VK2801 ^^
- more realistic tank movement (for example the tank tilting slightly backwards when accelerating) will be added gradually
- after the physics improvement (independent suspension), it will be possible to turn the tanks over on their roof, it will improve gameplay apparently
I am soooo Waiting for this!!!
- it will not be possible to select one light filter for all the maps (SS: for example so all the maps have the same brightness as South Coast)
Why setting own filters overall???
I can’t turn off the sun in BF3 also? It’s bright if I stare in it. And in each other game i can not set own light filters… I think this is useless.. And people who cpmlain about lightning filters have different problems to be solved than getting a filter option.