SEA Competition Rigging Affair: Epilogue

Hello everyone,

as the SEA players probably remember, there was a huge affair lately with the SEA competition rigging, gathering enormous amount of rage.

Well, WG responded – the investigation is running and the culprit’s replay was submitted for scrutiny.

Strangely enough, while the culprits have been caught and the whole MP “gang” gets a 7 day ban, they will not (unlike on US server) be banned from further WG events. That’s weird – remember KingAlphyn? He actually was banned from any future events.

Anyway, apparently there is an automated anti-cheat system now in place. Let’s hope it doesn’t repeat itself.

47 thoughts on “SEA Competition Rigging Affair: Epilogue

  1. Investigation seems to have finished. The guys have been banned.
    Although they dont seem to be banned from further events, I think that they will be closely monitored.

    • Gotta love rig contests…

      How about the idea of making event(s) where one has to achieve certain amount of XP or damage to actually get a reward? Or in other words, making tough but greatly rewarding missions…

  2. apparently there is an automated anti-cheat system now in place
    How many times this sentence was used by WG for any matter xD

  3. Cheating, rigging and unfair play by members of [MP]? Shocking! /sarcasm

    Both [MP] and [SMP] should be blocked from all events and competitions on the SEA server because they pull shit like this all the time and it’s never from the same few bad eggs but from all of them working together to fuck people over in one way or another.

  4. Well if it works as well as the automated-bot system and automated-TeamKiller system forgive me for thinking jack shit is going to be done to these cheats in the future.

  5. MP gets a slap on the wrist because it’s MP.

    Brannor must be fuming that they got any sort of punishment at all.

    • On the 18th of October Brannor left MP. 2 days later he joined DPS.

      I think you may have the cause of fuming wrong there.

  6. If you don’t permanently ban a player who has been proven of cheeting, but you only give him a mild “slap on the hand”…what in my opinion this short term ban is..this only shows that you have more chances to get a reward from WG for cheeting than for playing fair… Holy shit..i must have been playing this game wrong all the time…i guess it’s time to start hacking, platooning with tier 10′s(and me in my little itsy bitsy matilda), rigging competitions…maybe i’ll get me a type 59 in the near future. WG (as a company) is such a FAIL…..shame on them…and yes..I think SerB is an asshole too..never liked the guy…and the reason for his trolling is a pure bullshit…if he doesn’t have the nerves for his job..THAN DON’T DO IT…
    Good night everybody ;)

    • THat’s completely unfair! DPS gets away with 1 player winning 10 LT comps and MP get a ban for a week! Just because several players PHail on SEAtard server doesn’t mean you have to tarnish every player on the server with the same brush.

  7. the MP-trolling drama they stirred up is even more satisfying then having them perma-banned.

  8. 7 day is not long enough, all MP should be permanently banned after they all think this was smart thing to do.

    Bad mans.

  9. Let them have it all it’s gona get back at them these assholes being greedy of an internet tank game, proud of their made up stats and WG gona pay for it, disgusting.

    • “Content Removed”…

      “waa waa.. we cheated, we got found out, we got a 7 day ban.. waa waa.. UNFAIR!!! …… WAA WAA..!!..”


  10. Play this game for free forever let these corrupt assholes feed their corrupt company. It’s the same people in those “randoms” playing from their “hired” icafes in the philippines, singapore, etc… you think those “random” games are random at all? and now they have allowed multiple accounts, why? because it was them who were breaking there own rules in the first place.

  11. to ans this

    Strangely enough, while the culprits have been caught and the whole MP “gang” gets a 7 day ban, they will not (unlike on US server) be banned from further WG events. That’s weird – remember KingAlphyn? He actually was banned from any future events.

    Ans : WG asia is corrupted !!!! those mob and staff is linking with the so call top clan player. thats why.. fuck them!!!

  12. best thing is that the so call top clan MP / SMP did not even kick those bastard out of clan whahaha.

    thats just show how “great” is the clan