Pz.Sfl. IVc (tier 5)
- nerfed the FlaK 41 gun traverse from 7 degrees to each side to 5 degrees to each side
Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger (tier 8)
- turret turnrate nerfed from 24 to 18
- hitpoints nerfed by 50 (from 1150 to 1100)
- stock tracks: nerfed hard terrain resistance from 0,9 to 1, nerfed medium terrain resistance from 1,1 to 1,2
- stock tracks: nerfed hull turnrate from 38 to 34 deg/s
- stock tracks: accuracy spread from moving hull nerfed from 0,22 to 0,24
- stock tracks: accuracy spread from turning nerfed from 0,22 to 0,24
- elite tracks: nerfed hard terrain resistance from 0,8 to 0,9, nerfed medium terrain resistance from 1 to 1,1
- elite tracks: nerfed hull turnrate from 42 to 38 deg/s
- elite tracks: accuracy spread from moving hull nerfed from 0,2 to 0,22
- elite tracks: accuracy spread from turning nerfed from 0,2 to 0,22
- 12,8 cm K44 L/55: nerfed accuracy spread from moving turret from 0,08 to 0,12
- 12,8 cm K44 L/55: nerfed accuracy spread after shooting from 3 to 4
- 12,8 cm K44 L/55: nerfed reload time from 10,4s to 10,9s
- 12,8 cm K44 L/55: aimtime nerfed from 2,1s to 2,3s
- 15 cm Pak L/29.5: nerfed accuracy spread from moving turret from 0,12 to 0,16
- 15 cm Pak L/29.5: nerfed accuracy spread after shooting from 3,5 to 5
- 15 cm Pak L/29.5: nerfed reload time from 18s to 20s
- 15 cm Pak L/29.5: aimtime nerfed from 2,5s to 2,7s
Waffenträger auf Pz. IV (tier 9)
- reverse speed nerfed from 15 to 12km/h
- turret traverse rate nerfed from 24 to 18 deg/s
- stock tracks: nerfed hull turnrate from 36 to 32 deg/s
- stock tracks: accuracy spread from moving hull nerfed from 0,2 to 0,22
- stock tracks: accuracy spread from turning nerfed from 0,2 to 0,22
- elite tracks: nerfed hull turnrate from 40 to 36 deg/s
- elite tracks: accuracy spread from moving hull nerfed from 0,18 to 0,2
- elite tracks: accuracy spread from turning nerfed from 0,18 to 0,2
- 12,8 cm K44 L/55: nerfed accuracy spread from moving turret from 0,08 to 0,12
- 12,8 cm K44 L/55: nerfed accuracy spread after shooting from 3 to 4
- 12,8 cm K44 L/55: nerfed reload time from 9,5s to 10s
- 12,8 cm K44 L/55: aimtime nerfed from 1,7s to 2,1s
- 12,8 cm K44/2 L/61: nerfed accuracy spread from moving turret from 0,08 to 0,12
- 12,8 cm K44/2 L/61: nerfed accuracy spread after shooting from 3 to 4
- 12,8 cm K44/2 L/61: nerfed reload time from 10,7s to 10,9s
- 12,8 cm K44/2 L/61: aimtime nerfed from 1,7s to 2,1s
- 15 cm Pak L/29.5: nerfed accuracy spread from moving turret from 0,08 to 0,16
- 15 cm Pak L/29.5: nerfed accuracy spread after shooting from 3,5 to 5
- 15 cm Pak L/29.5: nerfed reload time from 15s to 16s
- 15 cm Pak L/29.5: aimtime nerfed from 2,1s to 2,5s
- 15 cm Pak L/38: nerfed accuracy spread from moving turret from 0,08 to 0,16
- 15 cm Pak L/38: nerfed accuracy spread after shooting from 3,5 to 5
- 15 cm Pak L/38: nerfed reload time from 15s to 16s
- 15 cm Pak L/38: aimtime nerfed from 2,1s to 2,5s
Also, for M2 Light Tank:
the AP shell (or rather, bullet) velocity of .50 M2HB machinegun increased from 887 to 895
T7 Combat Car
Penetration nerfed from 27 to 22
They nerfed all the German new TDs :(
Yes, because WG only adds 2 new german TDs…..
3 new*
Since when German have only 3 TD ?
Oops I misread that. *facepalm*
lol yeah you did
definitely worthy of a facepalm
The marder II ammo 76mm gold shells changed its pen and dmg…. does that mean i get a full refund of these ammo if i had some in my depot when 8.9 comes???
Sell your shells before the update. If they don’t give a refund.
why wud i do that? and lose 50% of what i paid? wtf
dont like selling gold shells before nerfing? dont play marder2 with 76 gold shells..
…the Marder *needs* prem shells for the 76mm? o.O
thats not my question dummy. im saying whats gonna happen to the shells i ALREADY have? i dont want to play it thats why im asking about the shells!!
They will be sold for their buying price in credits.
Lipolllll tier 8 raped
It was too good.
47 times nerf… well that is truely a nerf record compared to the number of vehicals…
Was going to start on this line. Now seriously reconsidering.
The tier 4, 6 & 10 are good, but the 5, 7, (and now) 8 & 9 are not pretty poor.
Oh my god, the Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger is more or less useless right now: WG stated that the new German TD line are glass cannon tanks: no armour, but great gun with great DPM and good mobility. Now, it is a mediocre gun with no armor and bad mobility.
Sorry, I’ll stop my grind at Tier 7 with the Sturer Emil. The balancing department of WG = epic fail.
Well, without Daigensui encouraging them to move they butts I wonder how long we would have had to wait till they actually start buffing German tanks to an acceptable level instead of leaving them broken for years (like the Tiger H)…
totally agree…. nerfed to beyond useless… based on russians moaning about them no doubt.
Germany fanboys get the most powerful tier ten in the game by far, and still they whine..
No use if you can’t through one of em along the way.
Waffle E100 is not nerf
schhh it gets nerved by release. BUt dont tell anybody! The motivation for this line would fall tremendiously!
Yes, because getting “nerved” sounds wonderful…
Im stoping at the Nashorn, no doubt about it.
Lol 8 and 9 have no armor. Mobility and gun are 2 of the only things these things can rely on(plus cammo and view range) and WG goes and nerfes these 2 things…
I hope they will burn in hell for that.
Their filthly comrades are already burning and same destiny waits for these fucking rotten communist pigs
Let me guess, the two of you also wish the players that killed you with a noob-tube on Call of Duty would get cancer? After you explain how homosexual they are how you had adultery with their mothers of course.
You have mistaken me for hall of shame guys….telling someone to get cancer is beyond retarded…but yes, i do hate commies
Then dont play their game.
PS We hate you too so it’s cool.
butbutbut medjed, you ARE the cancer. :c
communists are cancer in it’s pure form assholes.
Pretty sure both biologists and medical professionals would find this “pure form of cancer” quite curious already on conceptual level.
Also AFAIK “virus” was the usual pejorative, you fail history.
Oh you are proud to be a commie, good thats retarded but good ok… :D
Guess what ur history is a fucking joke, people like u are the pure human scum! >.<
I am glad Kellomies. It’s nice to know you hate me that much and that everything i post bothers you so much you think of me as of cancer. And to all haters here. I couldn’t give less fucks. I will openly say i hate commies and their fanbois. Can you do the same, or is the highlight of the day to blabber out some wannabe philosophical bullshit covering your hate towards anything that isn’t “red”.
pretty sure you will burn in hell you communist piece of shit!!! scums like you make me proud to know my grandfather fought against filthy scums like you and even knowing the outcome of the war i would if gladly done the same,
(was talking to the communist scum above Kellomies )
the AP shell (or rather, bullet) velocity of .50 M2HB machinegun increased from 887 to 895
who care about that ?
Those who drive M2 Light tanks.. isn’t it obvious?
Well… M2lts(and all american 0.50 actually) machineguns maximum range is ~400 meters. So shell reaches it’s target 1/3 second after you fire.
Now tell me… how much less shall I lead my fire when shell trave times decreases by 8/400=1/50 th of a second? Serwer lag matters 10 times more….
“Server lag matters 10 times more”
I play on both the NA and RU servers. The first game or two after switching from one to the other I miss my shots at moving targets.
they’re still good…………………………….
Maybe, but i tried the tier 8 before the second test round. It was ok, but the aim time wasnt really awesome, not like on tier 9 and 10. So i am scared of how bad the aiming is now…
i tested both on test one and test two.
my feedback:
the RBW(T8) is not that nice as before, but got much less spotted(think it has a better camo value)
Mobility is not much influenced, BUT the turret traverse is quite annoying now,
All in all: the tier 8 WT is still nice to play but you have to deal with slow turrettraverse and 17,3 seconds of reload time.
the T9 has not changed much, with the 150mm(wich i prefere because i loved the E100 gun)
it has 13.5 secs reloadtime (Rammer + BIA)
Turret turns like the T30´s turret, 18deg/s is very slow-,-.
AND NO i dont shoot goldammo. 234 penetration i way enough to penetrate most tanks in the game! even T10 heavys and TDs
yeah sure, as if anyone really believed there will be any german tanks OP in the game….pffff as long as it’s german you can expect 1000 more nerfs to come “if needed”
Yep, i think that nerf was not necessary. In my oppinion this was disgusting.
“Your opinion is very important to us” ^^
hehe, so freakin true. But i hope they will burn in hell 4 that.
WG Logic: lets make a decent german TD line , their current tier X TD sucks, but after 2 patches (while some players are still grinding the hell out of it for it) lets make sure to NERF THE SHIT OUT OF IT because it’s german and communist pigs simply make any decent/good german tank that ever was in this game useless/shit.
and mark my words, historical battles will only mean underpowered tigers and pan…. the hell with it, anything german will be killed by 2 tiers lower soviets in the name of “balance” because WW2 was all about balance and shit, mark my words.
Too much marking of words, disqualified on grounds of pretentiousness.
Tier8 TD? Just buy OP ISU
ISU isn’t OP, noob.
It has only 625m radio range!
It should get more alpha-damage, that’s for sure or a s a trade-off higher RoF and pen.
isu isn’t op…it should get a buff and so should KV1s. /sarcasm off
Would be really nice.
BL10 should be mounted on KV1s! You’re right.
WG plz buff russian tanks. BL10 on KV1s!
Huge quickly.
nope, BL-10 should be mounted on IS3. because KV-1S is not op with TD gun of T6, so IS3 wouldn’t be neither with TD gun of T8….right?
T10 was the only out of these new TDs to be considered OPish and they left it as it was and nerfed the t8 and t9 which were even on the first test server mediocre at best. They really never disappoint you when it’s about retarded decisions and changes.
Well ppl need a free exp dump and a prize waitng on it’s other end, don’t they? Economy>player opinion
don’t worry my friend, when it comes to german tanks they won’t miss nerfing anything ….. nothing stays in their way!!! only been playing for 1 year and realized that from the first 3 months.
why? because vodka drinkers like to smash germans and be proud of their soviets so don’t worry, there will never be an OP german tank in this game for long. (belo)russian game, (belo)russian rules.
Fail less, whine less.
Even if i say German T10 is OP you as proven usssr fanboi still can’t hold yourself Kellomies, can’t you? You just feel the unstoppable urge to leave your crap comment because of the simple fact it’s on my post. Wow, talking about whinning and failing.
he’s probably best friends with Serb , that would explain allot.
lol, likely true based off his/her comments
Too bad they’re making changes based on test server data where all the Russian dumb fucks just play like shit.
Better concept would be to do one test so you can try the new vehicles if they’re worth grinding and then
look at the stats on the LIVE server after some weeks…………..
It already happens?
They always nerf new tanks after 2 patches. Most of the time CWs have already been flooded with them before…
they haven’t nerfed the leopard
you mean they haven’t nerfed the leopard yet!!! not that many people have it and that’s the only reason.
the 2 patches stated did not see the nerf
The marder II ammo 76mm gold shells changed its pen and dmg…. does that mean i get a full refund of these ammo if i had some in my depot when 8.9 comes???
Maybe, I had the same thing with the Type 62 gold shells. (bought with credits) full refund on all shells.
First person that finds the word “buff” in the OP gets cookie.
M2lT shell speed can now race with it’s sound?
Just joking…
Lol these are glass cannons eh? So lets nerf the CANNON. Fuckin wg logic. Thank god.
Accuracy spread nerfed from 3.5 to 5 thats massive …
waffentragers with choco waffle armor nerfed? how terrible :)
the t8 t9 are over nerfd now. they did need a little nerf via track and turret traveres but now there isn’t mach reason to play them .. they had to be extremely good at camping large maps cos they were never going to be good in a city. now they are over nerfd
off topic, why are you posting a snuff video by pro-syrian dictator blogger – of a combat engagement of tanks killing its own citizens? I thought terrorists targeted civilians and not dictators.. isnt that what the happened in central europe( hungary,czech republic) in the 50/60s against the soviets? This is a very odd thing to post on your website and I would encourage you to take it down.
cry us a river you sissi.
FSA are terrorists.
This just bull they did not need that kind of NERF!!!! FU WG!!!
nerfs, nerfs everywhere! and the tier 3-9 tds german tds were shit to begin with
Need to test the tier 8 and 9 WTes…on paper they weren’t nerfed THAT hard…but those gun accuracy while moving/turning/shooting tweaks might be the problem.
definately, shooting spread of 5 means the circle gets 5 times as big after shooting.
And needs 2.5 seconds to shrink to a third of its size. That means after shooting it needs like 4 full seconds to aim again, feels like a pure derp gun after the patch.
For comparison an ISU152 with BL10 needs ~4,5seconds after a shot to fully aim again even though his aim time is 3.4. (Ofc everything with 100% crew without any equipment not skills)
I think they want to prevent the gun-and-run on the new TDs. They want them to be direct fire arty. And arty is not supposed to move all the time. So by nerfing the dynamics of the tank they force you into stationary play style.
ye and by that they completely ruined all the fun those tanks provided… now they are only playable if you just sit in one spot and dont move, otherwise the aimtimes are just too retarded: they truly pushed their gameplay to “shoot at shit from 450+ meters or cry how terrible the td is”
on paper it indeed doesnt seem that bad but in real game its terrible… the real aimtime on the t9 was increased by like 1.5s compared to test 1 (fully aiming after moving hull and gun). Also, which this post doesnt say – sturers dispersion after gun movement and after shot were also nerfed and shot dispersion after shot was buffed on wt auf E100 on both guns and the 150mm dispersion on turret traverse was buffed
Wait, WTF?
Even after the nerf, the WT Panzer IV still has BETTER accuracy on the move than most tier 8 mediums!?
Did these medium tanks have a vert. stabilizer?
These tanks deserve the nerfs because they alreaddy had advantages the ferdie and JT didnt have in their respective tiers, like better mobilty, camo value, turret and view range. Some can say the ferdie and JT have good armor, but with the bad camo rating and apparent weak spots, their armor is pretty much useless anyways.
Also, who says the 2nd line german TDs suppose to be better than the 1st line anyways? Think about that. If you want a little better armor, you go for the 1st line without doubt (not that it matters, but for balancing reasons). Also, I dont see how the guns are nerfed because they all have similar or better stats even after the nerfs compared to 1st line german TDs. Even the stock guns are slightly buffed.
Since the tier 8 and 9 2nd german alreaddy have better mobilty, turret and camo value, theres no fucking need for armor, since you should no be seen (and even if u were that would be any differance beeing in a ferdie of JT), also no need for better guns compared to 1st liners.
Obviously the 2nd germans were badly implemented. Just because some tanks have bad armor and a slow engine on paper, doesnt mean it should be benefitted with extremely good guns.- I mean if they wanted to buff german tanks, buff the ones alreaddy existing.
One could also argue that if the second line shouldnt be better than the first one, then the first line shouldnt be bettar than the second one.
What I see is Paper TD’s with bad mobility, wich if spotted (wich happens all the time, even to the best TD players) dies immediately. At least the ferdinand ant JT have the armor to take one or two hits before retreating for cover. And theese paper TD’s dont really have better guns to compensate that with.
That being said, Right now i think they are a bit over-nerfed. They nerfed the tier 8 and 9 mobility, thats fine, but nerfing the cannon on a supposed glass-cannon? Thats illogical.
JT and FERDI also had VERY GOOD GUNDEPRESSION, those new tds got nearly NOTHING. In my opinion of a player who can make good use of GUNDEPRESSION, this was already enough, together with the no armor they got.
No nerf for the T10 german TD?
so much nerf
To be fair, those two TDs felt very good in my hands. Usually I am a noob when it comes to tank destroyers, but these two were awesome in my hands (having a turret might help, I liked turret TDs)
This is mainly an agility nerf and a slight gun nerf (the guns were insanely good in test 1). Not tested yet, have to wait for a place in the test server.
I guess this is supposed to prevent using these TDs as 1st line glass cannons. The reverse speed nerf on the Pz4 was probably there so you didnt go in reverse (which had some adavantages due rear turret).
I am not sure if test server gameplay is accurate since everyone is using these glass cannons.
The nerf on the tier 5 TD was not needed, now its indeed a tier 5 ARL V39. Unless you use the stock gun. Really, the stock gun works fine at tier 5.
in short, they are not supposed to be played like meds and they did take care of that….not sure if its good
its not good
SOVIET BIAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh my dear u pussies. yes it is a nerf. and how much? a little bit… most of u fail in every tank so this nerf hasnt any consequences for u. but only whining…
Its never the player… all german players are the best super über players at the world (of tanks)… how can u say, that its a problem with the players?!?!? It must be the tanks that suck for sure!!!
Again these russain players.
oh no…. i´m a bavarian… no russian. and i´m no fanboy of any tanks. the upcoming t5-t7WT will be badass. and t8-t10 will be great to. but these nerfs are the same like “nerfed acuracy while moving of arty xyz”…. doesnt matter… how often u are shooting with an arty while moving?
I always wonder why do they make such riddiculs vehicles in the first place and then have to nerf them. I guess WG is a veeeeery slow learner.
T7 Combat Car
Penetration nerfed from 27 to 22
Oh the humanity! WG this is the nail in the coffin. GG guys this games is all kinds of fucked up.
compared to ISU this T8 new TD is like a shit
Given the crazy match-ups on the test server, I’m surprised they were able to come to any sort of real conclusions.
In the end though, what matters is whether you like a tank and it suits your playing style and if you’re playing well. (Doesn’t matter how a tank is balanced if you play it stupid.)
Nooo, they nerfed the flak bus and its piss poor traverse.
Them tier 8 and 9 tds must be working as intended now.