Source: Wargaming RU
Hello everyone,
apparently, the test 8.10 will start on either 27.11. or 28.11. (next week Thursday or Friday). The date for the patch itself is not set yet from what I know, but it has been confirmed to appear “before Christmas”, so I’d expect 3rd week of December.
That too fast!!
I didn’t ready my Japanes Crews’s skill yet!
nobody cares!
I do! Or…actually…maybe…maybe not…no…yeah, you’re right, I dont.
Won’t they add a Christmas Gift vehicle in this patch? Are they willing to do so? Cause they’ve already gave us the shitty T7 that can’t penetrate the tanks that have only a bit of an armour…
Probably yes, as with these dates the patch will come for christmas literally
The Mk VI Light Tank?
I’ve got bad news for you, the christmas gift is already ingame: It’s a brittish t2 light tank armed with the BESA gun and a pretty weak engine.
Bad or good tank who cares ? looking forward for a free garage slot ;)
More pewpewpew tank?
I don’t mind as much, It will be fun while it last
Finally a crew trainer for my british light tanks
Because there is such a strong demand for UK LT trainers.
Hey, that cruiser mk 2 crew isn’t going to train itself
Yep T7 is totaly shit its totaly unplayable its most shit gift ever made by WG. TOTAL FAIL.
Dont look a gift horse in the mouth….
Yes, that’s why I haven’t sold any of those gift tanks (too bad I started WoT too late to get the T1E6).
T1E6 is pure love, didn’t understand why everyone leashed on it. Same with LTP, really.
The same reason they unleash on other tanks. They simply don’t learn to appreciate its strengths. Instead of taking the time to figure it out, they rage sell it.
But hey, Tetrarch, T1E6 or LTP are a different story. T1E6 can destroy anything that stands in his way, but needs to pay attention not to get into way with T18, but i’ve destroyed a couple of these TDs from the front, aiming the weak spots. T7 is a different story, since it has 0 penetration and is fairly slow.
Never sell my Tetrarch. I have 10 kill in one battle in this tank. It’s like Hellcat in tier 2
Don’t like it? Don’t play it~
The problem with T7 CC and T1E6 is the shitty penetration. T1E6 at least has premium ammo as a last resort.
T7 CC had some meaning when there were a lot of them and other paper tanks, now it got sorted out and it is totally outgunned. It will have serious problems with Pz35(t), PzII and other tanks with over 20mm of amor.
And don’t forget the sealclubbers vehicle of choice – the T18! (well, you can forget that, no penning that :)
Otherwise both of them would be fun to play with…lack of armor or speed doesn’t usually make a vehicle totally useless, lack of pen does.
Sorry but T7 its a joy for “bedobearings”, take micro maus, t18 and powns all ALONE, here i cam kolobanov medal :P
Wha wha wha! I don’t like free stuff! I want free stuff to be good! Wha wha wha! Give me good things for free so I can kill people who are in tanks they had to earn or buy using my tank that was given to me for free!
Yay. Exactly on my brithday
Thursday is 28. and Friday 29.
the sooner the better, i can’t wait!
been waiting for japanese tanks for a long time,
after this i’ll be waiting for the EU tech tree!
Silenstalker, can you get in touch in with your contacts in the KGB / Mossad / Bundesnachrichtendienst and leak some stats for the high tier Japanese tenks please? (:
Silly humen, he has contacts in the NKVD, not the silly hamsters in the KGB :3
Aaaaaw yiiiisss ;D Hulldown-ese are coming! (Of course, like everything coming out from WG lately, they will fail too.)
Any word on the T44-85?
The T7CC was 170k and 300 gold. I’ll take that gift every holiday. Would I prefer a Tet heck yeah but I’ll take the money too.
I just hope they’ll put T10 on sale for Xmas. I have 2 to buy.
I highly doubt it since they are already doing with the 30% T10 discounts :)
They aren’t done with T10 30% discounts, they’ve got a few more left.
I remember the Golden Joystick reward from last year. Tier 10 at Tier 9 prices. That was a sweet deal.
And I as always won’t test new tanks on test server. I prefer “checking” tanks I’m grinding now :)
Whoop whoop