Hello everyone,
Spanish in Polish description fail? Not enough. Since yesterday, as you can see from the comment thread, there was no E-25 discount during the event – but in the USA it was. So much for similiar events.
Well, as it turns out, it was a (surprise!) mistake on WG EU part and now, E-25 is added to the list of the discounted vehicles as you can see in the backedited original post.
Lol, now this is a freaky friday for WG :D I wonder why they didn’t ad the Sturer Emil and Nashorn as discounted vehicles :P Too new?
Czech community organizer said that they don’t put new tech on discounts.
Eh, too bad :P Well, more time for my Nashorn crew to pwn tier 6,7 battles :D
Because the specials are made before the month start and the stuer Emil came out after November started.
Actually, the NA server had a Veteran’s Day weekend special where all Tier 5 and 6 tanks were 30% off, including the new German TDs. Many of us bought them then.
I got the JT 8.8 during the previous discount.
Do you think that this little thing is worth it to have in the garage? I hear its pretty fun to drive, but i just recently got a premium german TD, so… i am wondering if JT is better or this one. Whit this crap penetration :(
What do you think?
Well the E-25 is a great fun and also money tank. It shoots really fast, it has great cammo, the tank is speeeeeed. But if you already have the JT 8.8, hmm, you can still buy it if you got the gold. The tank is good.
I hope they mess up and make it 50% actual discount :)
Well bought JT 8.8 during previous special too. Well, can`t say much good of it. Uber-team dependent, slow speed/maneuverability – HT will circle you (seriously). While fighting distances – either you miss, either not pen, either don`t have targets to shoot. In the end – average WR getting lower and rage chance higher. When I bought T34 – it is such a game savior – really can shift the tide of the battle. This shit can barely shift its ass. It does have good money generation coefficient, but its so lame to play – such a boring tank… I generally don`t have any problems with slow td`s, but as you need to play them regularly in order to fulfill its aim. Well, considering I did waste only 8.5k – maybe it isn`t so bad :) Don`t rush to buy E-25 – watch youtubers to see its performance and most important – does it suits your play style. Read some topics in forums and so on. Balance pros with cons and then make choice depending on its price – is it worth it or not.
It’s worth it. But you have to understand your limitations and what you should do and what you shouldn’t be doing with it to be effective. Hull down in a chokepoint position that will offer you flank shots. If someone comes up on you on the corner, hit the tracks first, then shoot them, then shoot the tracks again, shoot them, tracks, etc, etc. It’s got the 203mm pen gun on it, which is somewhat low don’t get me wrong but the ROF on that gun with a trained crew is enough to make people rage. Even if you can’t damage them, perma-track and let the rest of the team take them out.
Plus look at it this way. It’s still a Jtiger in it’s armor scheme and it only see’s Tier 9. If you play to your strengths you can be a suitable roadblock or issue for an enemy team. Really good amount of ammo too so you can lay down supressing fire, lob a few shells at likely spots without having to worry. Great view range as well. But it’s slow, traverse is slow as well so the light and mediums will chew you up if they get close.
But it makes great credits, one of the best in the game as far as money making right now. this was my Mastery game in it, 8.8 I think. 4k damage, and some cap points. $129k total, netted $97k after repairs and reload.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wM57AYYxtlo (forgot the link :/ )
Yeah i bought it :) Down to 27 gold :( Cant even sell a tank and demount equipment now :)
But its worth it. This little bugger is such a ROFL machine ahaha. I wish i had more time to play it. JT makes a lot of money, and i mean A LOT, it has great credit making coefficient but this guy is 10 times the fun.
Cry harder EU. This is the first E-25 discount we’ve had and its only 30% when the others have gotten 50%.
Nobody is crying here. The problem is how WG EU fails when it comes to making discounts sinchronized with other servers(when it is suppose to be the same)
So basically crying .They are not obliged to give you the same discounts as us or vice versa. We got the e 25 on discount and you did not this time and your forums bitched and whined. So basically what draco said.. cry harder.
Only one i see crying here is you.
so the E-25 is on sale FOR REAL?
30% or 50%, doesn’t matter, I’m getting one. They are just so fun (been driving one on a friends account to test it).
And anyway, I’m expecting another WG fail like the TOGII last week: say 30% discount, but actually give 50% … :)
Im getting one too, cant resist the offer…
Bought one today. 30% off on NA.
+2 days of premium
Does E-25 have limited MM (max. meets tier 8) or I am making stuff up?
I think it only see’s Tier 8′s. I could be wrong on that though, haven’t payed much attention to the tier levels when I take mine out for a spin, focus more on what tanks they are Kv-5, IS-6 Tiger 2 etc.
FCM 36 PAK 40 not discounted as promised in The Thrill of The Hunt on the EU Server? Switch to the NA Server and it is! WTF?
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