Patch 8.10 will bring new Japanese-themed map for testing: “Hidden village”
28 thoughts on “8.10 New Map”
First picture is Pearl River.
That damn EU supertesters can’t even leak properly…
Someone posted that image of Pearl River in reply to Storm’s “leak” of the minimap and asked whether it will look the same, Storm said no.
I’m pretty sure the first image is Pearl River.
Oh boy!. And thats their idea of a city map?
Nope, 3 city maps are just being developed but they’re european ones (2 Russian and 1 German)
Looks like the first picture is wrong.
The first one is the Pearl River which is actually implemented already.
I though SerB admitted that Asian maps aren’t generally liked…..
And 1/4 of the map is not usable?
My thoughts exactly. -__-
same here, its a half new map.
First thing that came to my mind. Didn’t they learn with Serene Coast?
This is what I thought… And again looks like small “close” map. I want 2km x 2 km maps with half city and half plain with forest…
We are doing stuff! Here comes new 2/3 of map!
Who wants every map to be a boring square? thats why parts of maps are inaccessable…
btw SS, 1st pic isnt a new map, its pearl river ;)
it looks like a citymap to me :D 40% city :P
33% mountain, 40% fields/hills/stuff, 27% city?
Mountain covers up a good 1/3 of them map… Wonder why they didn’t add in more winding roads that would zig zag over the mountain.
Could be an interesting assault map.
Ye, I was too quick to post the first picture. Will fix later.
WHY WHY WHY must they keep making maps that are %30+ impassable terrain? JUST MAKE SMALLER MAPS! there is nothing intuitive about a HUGE mountainous area that you CENT GOING IN let alone SEE! why waste all that potential skill/money/art? just give us true physics already, i want to do barrel rolls n back flips and shit! TRICK SHOTS!
I spotted the village on the minimap, ergo clearly Hellcat >>>>> Village at mad invisitank skillz :P
Feels like a modified Lakeville. Interesting for Assault or Encounter games.
Hmmm … half a map. Let’s hope it’s a real big one (like 600 x 600 ;)). That should be interesting in the high tiers …
Too symmetrical.. but then… if this map was like campinovka size…. my LTs gonna have a hard time… dat town on tiny island… not big enough.
LOL they could fit another town in the mountain area rather then making a total waste of space rofl…
First picture is Pearl River.
That damn EU supertesters can’t even leak properly…
Someone posted that image of Pearl River in reply to Storm’s “leak” of the minimap and asked whether it will look the same, Storm said no.
I’m pretty sure the first image is Pearl River.
Oh boy!. And thats their idea of a city map?
Nope, 3 city maps are just being developed but they’re european ones (2 Russian and 1 German)
Looks like the first picture is wrong.
The first one is the Pearl River which is actually implemented already.
I though SerB admitted that Asian maps aren’t generally liked…..
And 1/4 of the map is not usable?
My thoughts exactly. -__-
same here, its a half new map.
First thing that came to my mind. Didn’t they learn with Serene Coast?
This is what I thought… And again looks like small “close” map. I want 2km x 2 km maps with half city and half plain with forest…
We are doing stuff! Here comes new 2/3 of map!
Who wants every map to be a boring square? thats why parts of maps are inaccessable…
btw SS, 1st pic isnt a new map, its pearl river ;)
it looks like a citymap to me :D 40% city :P
33% mountain, 40% fields/hills/stuff, 27% city?
Mountain covers up a good 1/3 of them map… Wonder why they didn’t add in more winding roads that would zig zag over the mountain.
Could be an interesting assault map.
Ye, I was too quick to post the first picture. Will fix later.
WHY WHY WHY must they keep making maps that are %30+ impassable terrain? JUST MAKE SMALLER MAPS! there is nothing intuitive about a HUGE mountainous area that you CENT GOING IN let alone SEE! why waste all that potential skill/money/art? just give us true physics already, i want to do barrel rolls n back flips and shit! TRICK SHOTS!
I spotted the village on the minimap, ergo clearly Hellcat >>>>> Village at mad invisitank skillz :P
Feels like a modified Lakeville. Interesting for Assault or Encounter games.
Hmmm … half a map. Let’s hope it’s a real big one (like 600 x 600 ;)). That should be interesting in the high tiers …
Too symmetrical.. but then… if this map was like campinovka size…. my LTs gonna have a hard time… dat town on tiny island… not big enough.
LOL they could fit another town in the mountain area rather then making a total waste of space rofl…