So yes, you might have heard about the bad screwup of the weekend event on US server. Basically, this time US server dropped the ball and screwed the event description: instead of tier 6-7 tanks being on 30 percent discount, they in fact earn 30 percent more credits (which is actually better). EU server has it right this time strangely enough (although I am sure we will see some sort of fail tomorrow).
As you can see, it has already been corrected on the portal, but it means tier 6 and 7 vehicles are NOT discounted (which is kinda weird, because tier 8 vehicles are – 15 percent), so before you buy anything, doublecheck the price and decide whether you are okay with that!
Again, discounts are:
Tier 2-5 – 50 percent
Tier 8 – 15 percent
Tier 6-7 – nothing!
Once again…WG fail…
Working as Intended!
:/ and I hoped that the T20 will have two discounts :/
there are never 2 discounts, its always the higher disocunt not both. :)
Only one counts – there was one such case
Well that is actually great for me. I am going to be grinding my T25 AT this weekend to finish unlocking the T28 and planned to sell the T25 AT this weekend. This means for the 20k exp I am grinding out this weekend I will earn 30% more credits and will earn about an extra 200k credits when I sell the T25 AT since its not on sale.
The more of these fails i see, the more i am convinced that someone in Minsk does these intentionally and laughs his ass off afterwards…
*cough* SerB *cough*
Worked fine for me, sold a seven at (full Selling price) price back, bought an 8 discounted. :)
t8 premium or regular vehicles 15% discount?
For WG fail is the new working-as-normal.
Aw I just hoped for the 30% discount and not +30% credits. I have 1 tier 6 and 2 tuer 7′s to buy :P
seem the WG read your web to feed you with their fails .. :D
Sweet Tier 2-5 – 50 percent.
I thought it was only tier 2-4. makes things more interesting. =)
I was gonna buy myself a T29 and AMX 13 75… My game has been leggy so I can’t play… Why WGNA Why?
Quick Heads Up:
If you bought a tier 6/7 *before they announced* the change, you can submit a ticket and they will honor the 30% off and refund you the amount. I did it for 2 tanks.
i usually dont bother submitting tickets since they never seem to want to refund for their mistakes, but since u said u got ur refund decided to try anyway… well surprise surprise.. they didnt honor the 30% discount with me and i bought the tanks before they changed it on the site to 30% credit bonus….
shouldve known better i guess… sigh
I have an unrelated question. If i ask the support in a very kind way, will they give me 4 gold? (the game refunded 2 gold ammo not from credits but gold, and only 4 needed to buy barracks)
Crew training does also mean REtraining?!
Yes, it is always so
Another WG Fail…advertising this:
30% discount on all Tier V-VII premium vehicles*
…or grab a nice credit-earner for 30% less!
*Please note that the premium vehicles’ discounts will also apply to the Premium Shop offers for the duration of the special. However, please bear in mind that the discount in the Premium Shop only applies to the vehicle and the prices of any additional package contents (such as a Garage Slot) remain the same.
Yet the packages of the Type 64 and Chi-Nu-Kai are not discounted. Way to to WG!
So, I will be waiting for T29 to be on sale once again. If I remember correctly, it was last time on sale sometime at summer, and due my military service then… No chance. I will wait more…
Well, I wouldn’t worry about it at all since we are in December again and Christmas and New Year are getting close and we are bound to get massive discounts around then again and I very much expect tier 7 and 8 tanks to be a part of that just like last year.
I have unlocked and not bought at least five 7th lvl tanks, which are waiting for some discounts, so it’s a shame.
But not everything is bad, as I still get the AT15 and IS-3 cheaper :)
I’m actually pondering buying 2 tier 8′s or waiting a little longer till Christmas and New Year roll around. I think I’m going to gamble on tier 8′s getting discounted more (30% or something) around that time….
Totally hate what they did. I initially also read that tier 6-7 tanks are getting a 30% discount and was prepared to buy a Comet and a T71, but when I went to buy ‘em I see no discount, so I check the event page and see that they’re only getting a 30% bonus credit income, I was furious.