Hello everyone,
it just got confirmed to me that WG EU is planning to start their own QA too, possibly soon. Like a regular one, not that Quasar joke. Good move I guess, took them long enough to create (1,5 years if I recall correctly, ever since Overlord stopped posting).
Of course, being the incompetent bums they are, there is a chance this will be a massive failure, but of course, there is a chance it will simply be exactly what they promise: the same thing for EU as for the RU server. I have my doubts, but let’s for the discussion’s sake pretend it’s going to work as intended. As I wrote before, this is the real reason FTR QA got cut: WG EU whine.
So, what then? Would there still be interest in RU translations? Would that make FTR obsolete? I doubt that, FTR is way too big for that, plus there will always be new info coming from Russia (although the developers take it slow these days). But it might require a change of pace and perhaps style.
What my two first thoughts were:
- perhaps a daily summary of what was answered in the EU thread, so you don’t have to go through the garbage every day? (by “garbage” I mean pointless player posts to look for answers) plus continuing the translations?
- moving completely away from wot-news in order to profile the blog as completely WG hostile? Not my first choice, but there has to be something to write about.
- stopping altogether surfaced of course, but I do feel the obligation for the promises I made during the donation event
So, I guess the answer stands and falls with the question, whether fully-functional WG EU QA would make FTR obsolete. That’s not a question I can answer of course, that’s a question YOU have to answer. In advertisement terms, FTR is probably viable even with one half of its current reader base, but beyond that, it would be… problematic. Of course, there is the possibility that WG EU QA will actually INCREASE the FTR reader base, since you guys won’t be going there (apart from asking questions) – why dig through it, when you can read a summary, right?
So what are your thoughts?
Go for it man!
FTR… FTW…. (Just keep up the good work SS).
>mfw the new EU QA will be Quasars personal talk show with imaginary friends about SerB’s mustache.
Mark my words bros, mark my words.
Don’t go WG hostile, while we all like a joke at their expense, sometime we do actually have to admit that they do things right. Just treat them as an annoying housemate, who you have to get on with for sake of unity, but still joke about whenever they’ve gone
>sometime we do actually have to admit that they do things right.
>admit that they do things right.
>do things right
>do right
The great language random is ridiculous on EU site and the fact that some tank discounts are omitted in event descriptions makes me distrust the EU office. Especially this little sabotage on SS’s QA project.
That really grinds my gears.
Well, first of all lets see what WG EU brings up….Its WG EU right, they find a way to screw it.
Other than that, FTR is not only RU transaltions, which u should continue either way. u provide Info from much more sources than that. Historical articles, test server news, “leaks”
Damn u made 200 articles every month recently….
“Of course, there is the possibility that WG EU QA will actually INCREASE the FTR reader base, since you guys won’t be going there (apart from asking questions) – why dig through it, when you can read a summary, right?”
This…I know I wouldn’t. FTR is atm the only source about everything WoT related out there I need.
So go with it. :)
I don’t think FTR will become obsolete, it’s an important blog for many WoT fans who want info and input from other sources than the random stuff that WGEU struggles to give us.
It’s also far more… responsive (?) than anything WG manages to do.
Would you be able to provide the same insight on what WG is up to if you decided to stop playing on their terms?
Hard question. I would be able to publish some stuff I agreed not to, but screwing WG RU is not exactly what I want to do, believe it or not, there are some really nice people there. Same goes for US server. The only actual people I think are complete idiots are Quasar and Ectar, the first for being simply dumb and the latter for being self-righteous asshat. Plus I don’t want to screw Edrard either, he helped me and FTR a lot.
SS, tell me, how the hell did a guy like Quasar get the job he has? I mean, there are regular players who have more knowledge on the historical aspect of the tanks and the game than him… :P
My guess? Nepotism. It’s somewhat common in Russia.
Keep it going. The EU QA will be spammed with questions, every FTR reader can answer. And why ask EU when there is a reliable source for info from the russian server. A daily summary of EU QA would make sense, only if the EU players would ask new questions. I doubt that.
So feed us with russian info and other stuff like hall of shame :)
“The EU QA will be spammed with questions, every FTR reader can answer.”
This will be the understatement of the year. But that is EXACTLY what will happen.
Every time I go to NA nobody seems to know about FTR. So I usually end up answering questions and telling them about it for an hour (or more) in Gen Chat. The EU QA will be this dark rabbit hole that I will not ever enter. Now the WoWs QA (NA) is beautiful and could not be better but then there is a very low constent base of players asking questions.
Guess why… A year of waiting made some of us bored. How long can you post (or ask) about a game that isn’t even available yet?
And no, i didn’t get to alpha, sadly.
Gathering the best parts from the EU thread seems like a good idea, and I would definitely come to read them, but please continue your translations atleast! You always provide good info, and I and propably everyone else really appreciates it.
I don’t have EU acc, nor have interest to bother to visit there. So please continue this!
You dont want to visit “there”.
EU forum – the place where brain farts are the pinnacle of 20 page threads and every mouth breathing, window licking donkey can become moderator by providing “services” to donkeys and other creatures.
the more you suck at the game and the lower your IQ is, bigger the chance to become moderator on EU
so who’s going to answer the questions on EU Q&A?
and there are a lot of other stuff on FTR than just Q&A, so that wouldn’t make me visit here less!
the most thing I like about FTR is getting tanks statistics, patch notes and dates, leaks and the stuff that comes directly from Storm!
My guess (just guess)? One “lower developer” guy with access to common WG system. No big deal with it. I doubt it will be Storm or SerB personally, but it’s an option.
- perhaps a daily summary of what was answered in the EU thread, so you don’t have to go through the garbage every day? (by “garbage” I mean pointless player posts to look for answers) plus continuing the translations?
If you have time and energy, I would be happy, to read it.
- moving completely away from wot-news in order to profile the blog as completely WG hostile? Not my first choice, but there has to be something to write about.
What do you mean by “WG hostile”? Publishing leaks, telling us how big retards are some WG employees? If that so, don’t worth it in my opinion. After the leaks are made public on other sites you can post them here without turning against WG right?
- stopping altogether surfaced of course, but I do feel the obligation for the promises I made during the donation event
Well, if you absolute really have to, then stop, but your absence will leave a huge impact on the readers of your page.
What the hell WordPress? I wanted to post this as a new comment, not a reply. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I wouldn’t even dream for SerB or Storm, besides isn’t it that SerB can barely find time for the russian Q&A?
My personal feeling is, internet websites are never mutually exclusive with each other in viewership, since it takes literally 2 seconds to load up an additional website to have a quick glance. People can read the official FAQ as well as seeing what you have to write on that subject.
What I like about the FTR is the good mix of historical facts and in-game ideas – like what and how certain historical vehicles can be implemented. It had grown out of the original FAQ idea I guess, and therefore I think FTR will have no problem going alongside the official FAQ… should it actually works.
Just continue doing what you do now :) I mean, there is a chance the EU Q&A will be a fail, like everything else… it depends on which devs will be the ones in it. And since WG RU don’t like the EU office too much, it’s also a matter of how clean the info will be, so my advice is: continue doing what you do best ;)
Talked to a US WG office guy, he thinks there is no way it’s going to work properly, but considering FTR is allegedly a somewhat pain in the ass… :)
:P Lol, well at least my info from iScending was correct xD
But ye, a pain in the ass can be, considering that players rather check this site out than the WG Forums( i know i do)
Why would i check again that dictatorship forum lead by brainless monkeys when i am
permabanned there because i posted a fucking picture of a grumpy cat and go warning. WG EU is the biggest bunch of cocksuckers with very few people who actually are doing their job as all of them should. FTR>EU forum any day.
Well FTR fills a void that WG EU cannot and I don’t see WG EU succeeding in filling the void any time soon. WG EU is too stuck in their ways to change and make an impact at this point.
I would definitely keep on going, especially because it can get very messy on WoT Forums.
I don’t exactly like to go through those forum pages because usually there’s a great deal of unnecessary comments or rants that we definitely do not need to know.
Having your site available for us relieves us from having to deal with this.
Another notable thing is that you’re basically a radar for new information.
A lot of the information you provide for us usually are pretty hard to get.
You tell us of things 3-6 months in advance before they’re even officially announced.
Knowing things ahead of times helps us players be more dynamic with the game.
Not only are you a reliable resource, but you’ve been a great host.
You keep your readers interested, whether it’s info posts, blogs about what’s going on, or just the random haters posts.
It’s a very convenient and entertaining site, though I will respect your decision to change or close.
Best Regards & Happy Holidays,
~Ultiyplayer, North American Server
I would still think the RU would give more info, and more accurate at that.
Just keep on going man. Your blog is great and many people like reading it, even when they’re not putting out any commets. I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and just registerd for comments. Please just keep going en leave WG EU a sight.
- perhaps a daily summary of what was answered in the EU thread, so you don’t have to go through the garbage every day? (by “garbage” I mean pointless player posts to look for answers) plus continuing the translations?
Yes, please!
Summarized Q&A-Stuff would be good, maybe with comments of yours. And still more translated stuff from the russian Q&A, of course. FTR is the best and most reliable source for EU-Players in my opionion. I provide my clan with infos from here.
- moving completely away from wot-news in order to profile the blog as completely WG hostile? Not my first choice, but there has to be something to write about.
Really hostile? What for? Can’t you just stay sceptic regarding the stuff that WG is doing?
- stopping altogether surfaced of course, but I do feel the obligation for the promises I made during the donation event
Please, don’t! FTR is a good source for early news, and besides that has a nice mixture of historical and entertaining stuff!
In short: Stay what and who you are!
Being from the ASIA server, I’m aware that I myself and my opinion is in the minority, but I’ll put it out there anyway.
- moving completely away from wot-news in order to profile the blog as completely WG hostile?
Reading about WG EU fails is sometimes amusing, or informative (like when the official page language bug came, which happened in a lot of servers) but in most cases I just skip them. If they become more frequent and/or aggressive, I think I wouldn’t come here as often as I do now, nor enjoy them.
I love how you give us early news and historical tank info among other things. I hope you’ll keep this site running, and that I’ll enjoy reading as much as ever.
WG EU have devs?…
I think they sit in the office next to the super testers.
ST dont have office.
Oh snap! hahaha
yep… we’re all in Maggie’s Army…
SS, as long as there is information available, this is by far the best place to go for it, as all the “garbage” is filtered by you and the juicy stuff is all together in one post.
No way I’m going to read the EU QA (maybe to post questions myself) but I’ll wait for them answers here, and I believe I’m not the only one.
Furthermore, this blog is not only a QA blog, by gathering all sorts of articles related to WOT, this is the best source/blog to read as an WOT enthusiast and deserves at least a daily visit even without the QA.
keep the good work,
Henriques (EU)
If my opinion counts for anything, do continue with at least a summary. I can’t be bother to even open the WG forums, it’s a waste of time mostly, but I do check here daily. I’m fairly sure there’s quite some people who do this as well.
Stop over-thinking stuff, thank you. Keep up the good work and FTR will keep thriving.
Never change a winning team. So far – so good.
SS, I would definitely better come here and read all the QA in one place then dig around the internet and try to figure out staff by myself.
So, please continue as you do now, and if there really is going to be an official EU QA in forums, then bring them to your page too!
At this point you shouldn’t need reassurance. Rock on dude,
for me FTR is the russian translation of WG forums.
so.. regadles of what EU and US might do, FTR has a place on the web to translate all the russian devs post (for all WG games)
Don’t believe in WGEU, believe in the WGEU that believes in delivering the worst experience possible.
Just hold out, you know they are going to fall flat on their face hard. It’s just a matter of when.
FTR not just a blog for translated Q-A from RU. I always seen FTR as a good blog for more infors about real life tank/ prototype, historical tank batle etc etc. And post from other authors like EE, Sion, Zarax, Dai, S-Dragon is always a good read.
So i thing a EU QA thread will make FTR to be more famous.
Translate the Russian developer Q&A and add in the EU Q&A in a orderly format (just like what you mentioned), so people won’t have to dig through WG forum with tons of useless posts and questions.
Btw I don’t doubt that we will get different answers on some of the same questions very soon, which would be entertaining, typically WG and offcourse interesting.
You’ll be allright, SS. Your blog isn’t in any real danger IMHO if you play it smart (which you will).
“Of course, being the incompetent bums they are, there is a chance this will be a massive failure”
It is working as intent, is not a failure its a feature.
I dont think WG EU takes alot of FTR readers, even if they read the EU QA they will come to check the facts ;)
I came to FTR because of the QA, and its kind of the only reason I stay here. I understand WG EU is made up of a bunch of little bitches, but I would really appreciate it if you would keep doing these SS. I had a suggestion also, why not just do QA every other day? We all still want QA but we understand WGEU is bad.
Also, please keep doing WGRU translations
I think questions of RU forum will be different so keep them. And perhaps summary of EU forum QA would be also nice.
Without the QA I likly would visit the blog less. A distilled EU QA along with translated RU QA would be great.
I do read most of the other posts but the reason I read everyday is for the dev news.
“pretend it’s going to work as intended”
>working as intended
i c wut u did thar…
Anyway, I doubt that a EU Q&A will reduce your readership, because it will be made to 50% of lies, guessing and trolling. I don’t even bother with the WG forum nowadays anymore, You’ll sum up the essentials anyway and you will comment/question more bogus remarks, and I’m happy with that.
Even IF WGEU manages to do a good QA (and that is a big if), there will be still room for translations from RU. I know i won’t stop visiting FTR.
Hell, even if they start translating everything from RU themselves I would still come here to read about it. At least it will be here within a day after it is posted on RU and not days or weeks later.
so just keep on steaming along, also looking forward to the translation of WoWp QA, because there is even less info on the WoWp forum and FrontPage then there is on WoT
I think you should continue FTR. I don’t think that the EU QA will be the same as RU QA. Some post in RU QA will be interesting to see it translated, after all the dev are Russians.
Doing a summary can be good, if you can go through the garbage of EU. I dunno really how are RU, but EU can be very retarded.
>inb4 question already answered in RU.
>in4 OMFG German too OP, nerf it.
i dont gonna read the QA on there forum so keep up your great work ss.
you have a great forum and i hope when they do those QA you filter out the crap topics and give us the good things to read :-)
thx for all your work you put into this nice forum
I absolutely love your news blog. As a US player I’m not likely to go searching for the EU QA section. Besides, the translated Russian QA is likely to have the same stuff or more and be a whole lot more accurate straight from the horse’s mouth.
There is absolutely no reason to sop this blog. :)
[No reason to STOP this blog]
Ugh my spelling inadequacy hurts.
my thoughts?
SS you noob I aint reading FTR for the Q/A since a while now, the Q/A itself is boring and repetitive.
Even when the devs answer something “new” It doesnt mean its true, like I remember they said a trillion times fixing is4 front armor slope wont be done/is of very low priority and then bammm we fixord IS-4 (meanwhile FV4202 is unhistorical turd on tracks that cant do anything better than any of the other existing tenks)..
Gief intredasting articles about Israeli tenk modificationz plix plax plux plex plox plax plux?
Coming from NA.. I still look at FTR as a great resource to sort through all the topics out there
Why do Wargaming EU do this to themselves? Not interested, or perhaps capable, of creating a community of their own they have to try and steal your one in as petty a way as can imagined. And for what? Consider that even adding a fully-functional QA that’s as interesting as the RU one (it’s direct competiton assuming you continue translating it) is a nigh on impossible task if they were competent to begin with, which is a very debatable proposition.
Now consider what they are adding that QA to: a stagnant cesspool of hate, ignorance and downright brutish stupidity. To my mind thinking that adding a QA to this forum can fix it is directly akin to thinking fresh air and exercise is the cure for a gunshot to the face.
My opinion in all seriousness.
Don’t Quit! I’m an NA player and I’m always checking out your stuff. Maybe if, >if<, the Q&A is legit cut that part down, but NA and EU have nothing to do with the direction of the game, Minsk does.
I doubt a Q&A, even if done with full knowledge available to the outlying offices, and by a competent person, will ever be as informative (or as funny (come on, SerB is awesome)) as the direct translations from Minsk.
We need people like you to keep them honest, particularly in this Snib'less world. (nice homage to him here – http://forum.wotlabs.net/index.php?/topic/3400-help-kitti/page-2#entry57383)
So WG EU faggots are the reason why FTR QA got disband? Didn’t knew that until now. Did it ever occured in their hollow heads why devs from RU agreed to answer questions exclusively for FTR and not their official EU forums? Well if they aren’t that fucking stupid they would realise that they are failers who can’t do one single job without making tons of mistakes and fails and that RU devs see that and that’s why they liked more FTR than you cocksuckers. Not only they have to pay you salaries, but they also need to deal with your incompetence and stupidity. I still can’t believe they actually whined like a little cunts that they are to their bosses at Minsk because they cooperated with FTR and not with them xDDDD Bunch of fuckwits. :D
I think I need the summary rather than looking at multiple page on EU Q&A forums and will see almost everyday some redundant stupid questions. Besides RU Q&A is better since big guys are answering question directly over there with dev team. I think FTR won’t be obsolete since this is where most people check reliable information regarding about future wot development news.
I’m a russian player, and I tried a few times to read russian Q&A, and it’s FULL of stupid comments, unaswered questions…… So it was hard to read (at least for me)…
This is why I prefer FTR, where everything is nice and clean)
and lots of other info beside Q&A,.
If you have the time and the patience, you could try gather some info from the EU Q&A, but I gues there will be nothing new))
First of all, as an NA player I am definitely not going to go to the EU forums. Even if they did a QA on the NA forums I will not dig through it as it would be too arduous. Also, as many have previously stated you do so much more than just QA; historical articles, WG fails, tank reviews, news from other outlets, leaks, etc. therefore even if their QA was handled well you still provide other services. You have an extremely loyal viewership SS if anything all the donations you got during the advertisement debacle proved that fact. You have absolutely nothing to worry about SS, we aren’t going anywhere.
You will probably find that allot of RU players come here, or try to find a re-translated version of the FTR Q&A summary rather than did through the Russian thread to find answers.
It’s just so much more easier to have things like this is a blog format rather than going all over the forums… I would much rather come here to view the replies than deal with the EU forums!
We can even do a collaborated questions poll like you had intended with the RU Q&A before the very short lived FTR Exclusive Q&A…
For Ru there is wot-news.com where you can filter only developers posts, also live journal and other, youtube channels like KRAN, JOVE where streamers makes summary of Q/A.
Frank, you should expand: to other games.
Why not make summary of WoWs US Q&A thread? Most of your readers don’t know about it.
Why not prepare for WT Ground Forces? After all, you may even find this an entertaining game?
What about other titles? Star Citizen for example? That’s an unique enterprise and what it lacks now is localisation (even on their portal) – why not make fan portal with as many EU translations as possible?
You’re a part of the game, Silentstalker.
When you start playing WOT as a complete Newbie, you believe that stuff, WG-EU writes on the homepage (for example: The Skirts of the Panzer IV S which “save” you from HE-Shells).
When you get over the first tiers and the game becomes to get difficult (my shot bounced??? WTF???) and you are still interested in the game, you will go to the Wiki and soak up every information about weakspots and gamplay. So you get better (hopefully).
Now you are an interested player with perhaps 500-1000 battles and think: “I’ve read all the information on the wiki, where do i get more information about the game?” First you’ll probably end up at the forum;
reading trough several sites of trolling and flaming to get a piece of information which is at least obsolet, fake or outdated…
At some Point you read a post which refers to that misterious FTR and its SS… WTF??? So lets google it.
And you have arrived. The News, the Rumors, the WG-EU bashing, the historical info, the hall of shame… You don’t need more.
Like the other guys before stated: Not even dare to stop your Blog. Especially not because of the WG-EU-Office.
I read your blog every day and as long as I play the Game i will do so. I believe there is a plenty of guys out there who do exactly the same but don’t register just to tell you.