WZ-132 photos

Courtesy of Daigensui

Hello everyone,

Chinese tank pictures are not that easy to come by, so here are three, depicting the WZ-132 Chinese tank.

With a 76mm 54-76TG (autoloader development was never finished according to Daigensui)



85mm version


28 thoughts on “WZ-132 photos

  1. These pictures come from a Chinese website. I’ll post the link when I get onto my computer.

    • Here: http://www.mdc.idv.tw/mdc/
      Everything’s in Chinese unfortunately. Click the tank picture to get to the tank pages. The stuff on Chinese tanks (I haven’t looked at the rest) is well written, but I can’t guarantee the accuracy of any of it.

          • Am I reading this right, the 1970 model had a 100mm smoothbore and the 1967 version has an 85mm smoothbore?

            • Yeah you got it right.
              And there are some sort of menu pages, Dominatus. Some of the buttons on the homepage will lead you there (for example “陸軍專區” will lead you to army weaponry menu page)

  2. “在131方案的基础上,1959年6月又推出了“132型”轻型坦克设计方案。新方案改用了12150L型柴油机(430马力),解决了发动机问题。到9月底132制造出第一辆样车并开始测试。11月该样车受到了解放军的好评并作为国庆参阅装备。1960年工厂按照图纸制造出了28辆该型坦克。到此为止还算比较顺利,但是该车的火力却拖了后腿,计划配备自动装弹机的76炮火力系统。其自动装弹机没有完成研制,射击实验无法进行。该型坦克成了半成品。之后在132的基础上,为了尽快服役,又推出了132A方案,作为132的简化版本132A去掉了一些设备(例如自动测距仪),乘员从3人增加到了4人。后来因为火炮不过关,观瞄镜没有落实,内部空间较小。132A方案也不理想。1961年4月,专家组召开了定案会议,决定不再安装那些无法落实的装备,使用成熟的85mm坦克炮,适当扩大车体。这就是132B方案。1961年8月完成设计工作,次年3月制造出3辆样车,样车在测试中表现良好。1962年12月,132B正式定型为62式轻型坦克(WZ131)。开始其服役生涯。并且对外出口装备多个国家。”


    • Wow thanks for the info! I am forced to use google translate since I have no better program- and so the translation is choppy- But thanks a lot for this very interesting and elightening post!

    • For those who can’t be arsed to google translate (it’s a clunky translation anyway)

      >On the basis of the plans for the 131, the plan for the 132 light tank was released in June 1959. The new plan called for the use of the 12150L-type gasoline engine (450 hp), solving the problem of the engine. At the end of september the first prototype of the 132 was manufactured and tested. By november the tank had recieved good reviews from the PLA and became a lauded piece of equipment. In 1960 factories manufactured 28 of these tanks from blueprints. Until then all went smoothly, but the firepower was underwhelming–the 76mm autoloader remained incomplete, and so firing tests could not be executed. The prototype had become a half-complete product. Afterwards, in order to quickly press the tank into service, the 132A was proposed as a simplified version of the 132 (with some features removed, such as the automatic rangefinder), with the crew increased from three to four men. Problems with the gun and the impractical rangefinder meant that the internal space was reduced. The 132A was not a perfect fit either. In April of 1961 a group of specialists decided in a meeting that these impractical modules would no longer be installed and opted to expanded the size of the tank to accomodate the tried-and-true 85mm tank gun, forming the 132B proposal. In August of 1961 planning was completed, and three prototypes were made in march, all of which performed well in tests. In December 1962, the 132B was officially designated as the type light tank WZ-131, and began its service, with exports to many nations. The first photo is the 132, which is NOT the WZ-132.