….or it could be called “how Wargaming EU screwed us once again”
Hello everyone,
well, here’s something nice. Remember that Veteran tanker charity? Well, the news got to one of the biggest Czech newspapers, MF Dnes (and its internet portal, iDnes) and the reporter made an interview with the organizer of the entire event, Carramba66.
In the interview, carramba66 (don’t bother looking for him on the forums, he got permabanned recently for an argument with Wargaming staff) states that:
- the charity drive is meant for the tankers, who fought both in the west and in the east
- there will be more recipients than just one, as the charity exceeded its goals already
- the money will go to the veterans through their own organization, ČSLO (Czechoslovak Legionnaire Community)
- ČSLO did not expect this to succeed at first (SS: noone did!) and is very happy about it :)
- ČSLO representative was surprised that young people playing computer games can not only organize it, but also finish what they started
- even foreign people donated via FTR
- Carramba states that it would be a bit strange for players from other countries to give money to a Czech veteran, therefore efforts are being made and coordinated to start similiar initiative for example in Poland
- the money will in the end not go for a spa treatment (like we intended before), because health-wise the veterans are too frail already and it was not recommended by their doctor, instead – new medical aid devices (SS: for example hearing aid) will be purchased from the money (SS: so much for “free healthcare”).
And, of course the last part about Wargaming is also interesting:
“The internet tanker (Carramba66) was very surprised by the attitude of the Czech branch of the company that runs the game. ‘We only wanted them to publish the info about the charity, but they didn’t bother talking to us at all. Only when they found out, what kind of positive feedback the charity has, they came with an offer, which was so laughable we sent them to hell with it. We invest from our own sources in it, there is a special ingame vehicle waiting for the person, who donates the most.”
Good job, Wargaming EU. A player telling how it is on main Czech portal, that’s some nice PR. Of course, Wargaming EU doesn’t care about veterans or charity, just about PR and tax deductions (Wargaming US actually does donate to American veterans and I think the Russians do too).
The charity is still running (thanks to everyone, who donated!) and its goals have already been met, but this post did mean the influx of new donators, money already started pouring in from all over. It’s very impressive, really. Thank you all! I think two or more ex-tankers (depending on how much is collected in the end) will have really nice Christmas.
good job everyone ! Let’s show to the world that communities can make everything better
Or worse.
Or both.
WG saw the opportunity to play the angel-like nice helper company once again, but the community didn’t take it.
GJ Czech’s, now you guys have my positive impression :D
Dobrá práce!
This made WG EU sad and depressed, so why don’t you SS start a charity for WG EU Czech employees :) :) :)
Insert Wallmart employee joke >>
We are not muricans.
Replace Walmart with Tesco…
Or REWE for the germans.
Or Maxima for lithuanians.
Or popestore
for illuminati
Ah, so that’s why WG hurried and looked for another charoty thing and donated to Warchild UK… pathetic.
Wargaming has been donating to charities for quite awhile.
How dare they support children from Africa and the Middle East whose lives have been nearly ruined by, you know, actual war.
So pathetic.
They have no even a bit of dignity nor they are ashamed of anything. I can’t believe how they can day by day make fails, dumb moves and still be arrogant and saucy
Minsk should’ve nuked Paris office long time ago, really. Then picked few players at random and hired them – voila! New, better Paris staff.
The Ftr Community (not the spammers/retards/cunts/whiners) would do it fine!
Hell, SS alone would make better job than all their current staff at Minsk
Sometimes i miss the +1 button on this posts
Great work! :D
Oh look, SS bashing Wargaming again. That never happens. Opinions about other stuff are totally what I want to read about on a site I go to for information.
How terrible.
I guess if you want to alienate some of your readers, go right ahead.
Vandrel, i like all post on the blog!
If u don’t like them, don’t read them!
>>>Ftr Rules<<<
I guess some people just enjoy constant negativity for whatever reason.
If you don’t like FTR, then try the Russian WoT forum QA.
Doesn’t your Ghost whisper to you now? (:
Sorry but are you aware what a Blog is?
A blog is a place for a person to post their opinion on things For The Record is SS’s blog. SS can post his opinion about what ever he wants doesn’t even have to be related to video games. If you don’t like it go ahead and go find another site that posts as much information as SS posts.
If you just want information then ignore any post that isn’t an actual information post. No one is making you read the extra posts that SS makes.
Jeesus another WG bashing post, what about posting some interesting stuff instead of channeling missplaced hatred on a game you actively play (ironicaly).
This blog has been going downhill for a while because of it.
And while it s all good helping your own vets WG’s position is also understable, to anyone that can think properly anyway.
Lay off the WG whine/bashing and let ftr be a good blog about the wot game like it s suppose to be.
Freedom of speech, freedom of opinion. WG screwed up.
Sure , everyone s entitled to whine but when it s daily it s just childish and tedious, and more importantly it will drive readers away.
Just checked site stats for today, haven’t noticed any reader drop beyond the usual fluctuation. The thing is, there is no point in crying now, FTR was like this from the very beginning. Only the amount of WG screwups somehow increased.
Well maybe you should accept that they re human and not god ?and because of that they re prone to screw up?
The odd WG bash is fine but consistently on petty stuff is just going overboard, after you play their game because you enjoy it, so they must be doing something right.
That said I enjoy your blog, just that lately the amount of missplaced (imo) wg bashing gone a bit high.
The sad part is, I don’t report even half of what WoT players send me. But you are right, WoT is a fine game and I like it. That’s why I don’t generally bash Wargaming, only its EU office, that is according to my opinion full of twats.
If I don’t call them on bullshit, who will, mate?
Don’t worry SS the players who are stupid enough to complain about you posting what you want on your own blog can quit viewing it and you won’t even notice any difference. Almost everyone who reads this blog are smart enough to figure out if we don’t want to see extra stuff that all we have to do is not read the posts that aren’t actual WG informational posts.
And about 99% of us understand that this is your blog and you can post what you want.
That s called constructive feedback, you should try it.
Fair enough,I guess i am just bored about wg.eu screw up.
Anyway just giving feedback, I still like your blog as it’s full of good info too , keep up the good work.
It sure ain’t the game those cocksuckers in Paris made, but crazy belarusians. So he is not playing their game because it isn’t theirs. And you really think we should just ignore the failes twats in Paris do on a daily basis? They make enough screw ups even with SS constantly criticizing them. Now imagine if no one criticized them what it would look like. Like a fucking Zoo. Unlike RU and NA these cunts should be sacked right now for not doing the job they are paid for.
I wonder what’s the argument that caused Carramba’s permaban on forum. And now they are surprised of gamers can do something like this :)
Oh, you’d have to ask him.
This FTR’s post from world of tanks forums. Way to be literally worse than a Nazi. I have this question, though. Why can’t Czech society support its own vets, then? Your logic.
FTR said: “I am sometimes astounded by the lack of common sense in Europe and USA. No, they do not need European money. In fact, this money will most likely not reach them, it will end up split between the charity itself and some local corrupted officials, as it always did before.
And EVEN if these “child soldiers” recieved the money, what then? Will it make their lives suddenly better? Or will it get spent and it’s the same old shit over and over?
It’s THEIR problems. They need to deal with it, within their society. If their society creates child soldiers, it’s that society’s fault, not ours.”
Yes, and I stand by my opinions. Problem?
Go be liberal-butthurt somewhere else. If you want to give money to Africans (who will surely use them wisely as they did in last several decades – oh wait), that’s your problem.
Edit: also, Czech society in fact DOES support its vets. What we need is the right incentive. By now, over 5600 USD has been collected for people who served their country and achieved something – speaking of achievements, places with “child soldiers” are still shitholes, nothing has changed in decades and after millions of dollars thrown out of the window.
THEY have to want to change. No amount of money will fix that.
No problems at all. It is your prerogative to be a right wing extremist, just as much as it is my right to express my distaste towards your warped views about “one’s worth for aid” and your sheer dishonesty in regards to your alleged good intentions. You are just bitter WGEU chose to promote a charity for children, as if that is automatically mutually exclusive with charities for war veterans (charities which WG ran quite a bit too).
You keep bringing up child soldiers (specific to Sierra Leone and Angola). Mind you, Iraq and Afganistan are not in Africa. A lot has changed and may yet change for the better there, it is just that you are terribly insensitive and ignorant about it.
Do me a favor next time you meet a war veteran (who will readily give his life ten times over to save a child if asked to) that you yelled on some forum on the internet how children are not deserving of any help because charities suck, and that you chose to say insensitive garbage in regards to such initiatives and encouraged people not to donate because you personally decided war veterans are more deserving. See how they’ll react to that.
Have a nice day!
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