Test 8.10: Improved WoT Graphics

Source: http://world-of-ru.livejournal.com/2841135.html
Author: fan_of_Bulba

A few screenies to show new graphic effects. However, not sure how is it for others, but for me those came with a sharp FPS drop.






66 thoughts on “Test 8.10: Improved WoT Graphics

    • Well, it needs fancy graphics for the young players, they usually have pretty strong PCs… BTW if you can turn off these things, or they will optimize it before the release that will be great

      • Ye, you can turn it off. At least, on the test server you can. I mean, its annoying as hell, because it looks really awesome, but since WG uses such a shitty engine, its no wonder you need a strong graphics card for it :/ But the FPS drop is too much of a gameplay difference for me..

        • I have a Nvidia GTX 680 (which is a very good GPU) which allows me to run pretty much every game I have on max settings no problem, however WoT lately has started giving me problems. I have barely been pushing 20 FPS and though I only played a bit on the test server (I will probably play some more today and see if things are any different) my system was having a difficult time keeping up with the graphics improvements. Bottom line, WG sucks when it comes to graphics optimization.

    • I have HD 7770 OC and on max settings i have 30-40 FPS. Yes, i have drops but it’s not so bad. I hope they’ll optimize it better.

      • At what resolution? 1280 x 720 lol?

        7770 is a good budget card but I really doubt you can ‘max out’ the setting @ 1080p(the standard gaming resolution these days)

    • its still running on 1 cpu core. You can have quad SLI GTX Titan cards and the fps will be still poor.
      The engine is garbage. Its just good looking but smelly pile of horse excrement.

    • Confirm FPS drop a lot.

      i7 4770K @ 3.5Ghz (For now, watercooling coming)
      16GB DDR3 @ 2400
      EVGA nVidia 780 Ti SC

      I can still run it above 80fps normally with some dips but compared to live server, I do notice the difference.

      • Thats about the same FPS I get with my FX8350 @ 4.0 GHZ with 16gb @1886 and an MSI R7870. The weird thing about this game is that it doesn’t have a logical path to performance gain based upon hardware, unlike every other game on the planet lol. My 6 year old Phenom was only marginally worse performance than my brand new system :(

  1. Yep, Radeon 7850 OC and i7 2600K stock clock user here, went from 40-60 FPS on 8.9 to 20-30 with the same graphical settings in 8.10. I really hope they optimise it before release or I’m going to have to turn everything from High/Maximum to Medium/Low from now on :(

  2. The test feedback forum has a lot of people mentioning the FPS drop. Someone suggested that it was because they were running some sort of debugging while it was live but most people found it better without the blur effect and track effects on.

    This may have changed since I last looked.

  3. The test server seems to override usable settings from ones profile and opt for very nice but unplayable ones on first startup. Many first games fucked up i am sure and having to restart to activate usable settings when you have to fight to get on the TS will bring joy to the hearts of everyone – How terrible.

  4. Nvidia GTX770 2gb
    16GB RAM

    and massive fps dropps.
    on live server everything is ok .. 60 fps @ vsync on.

    max settings..

  5. My fps dropped from 50 to 20-25.

    The particle effects (dust, mist) messing up the FPS ENORMOUS.

  6. Still waiting for multicore support. WoT is one of the worst optimalised game that i know.

    • I worry it will never come.
      multicore would help a lot. people playing on low would be able turn it all the way up to high while maintaing fps. The engine is a joke.

      I’m waitng for 9.0 If there isnt multicore support, im done with wot.
      And by “multicore” I dont mean 2 cores – one for everything and one for havok.
      If they want to do a gaming business, they should hire actual programmers. Not just “new tank modellers”

    • Ye, its horrible… I don’t know why is it so hard for WG to just get a new engine… They cant expect to be updating and upgrading the same piece of crap they have now… Unless we all get ubber 2000€ PCs, this game will become unplayable since they wont be updating the old render anymore -.-

      • Spoken like someone that has never ever had to write a piece of code in their life.

        Come back when you’ve done some coding and tell me EXACTLY how easy it is to migrate from one engine to another in a reasonable amount of time…

        Also, read-up on Duke Nukem Forever and Daikatana to find out how chopping and changing engines every year helped those games turn out super-awesome!!!

        • It seems that such people think that the engine takes care only of the graphics :)

          While BigWorld is not the best looking one, the network layer must be nicely done and that’s imho why WG is sticking to it.

          • Correction here: It is not the BigWorld engine any more. It may have started out as the BigWorld engine but WG has said several times that it has been re-written so much that there is next to no original code left in the current engine from the original BigWorld engine.


        • I don’t care about how to write a piece of code, im not a developer. But those people at WG have an income of over million cash. So its too hard for them to invest into a game engine that is good? Why do you think other big name game companies dont use the engine WG has?

            • And your brain obviously can’t process sarcasm. The engine is being developed it does not happen overnight .. So please stop with the hurr durr new engine ! bs.

          • Correct me If I’m wrong, but multiplayer in games like Battlefield or CoD is considerably less complex.

            > Why do you think other big name game companies dont use the engine WG has?

            Do they have spotting checks?
            Do they need to calculate angles of impact and penetration?
            Do they transfer the non-linear shellpath or are the bullets/shells travelling there at SoL with straight paths?
            How many hitzones with different parameters are they using?

            And many other things I don’t recall right now :)

            > So its too hard for them to invest into a game engine that is good?

            They have the money, but they would essentially have to create a separate team of programmers, reimplement all the scripts, layers etc to basically recreate the whole game (minus the models, textures, some algorithsm etc.). That would take a huge amount of resources. And I think somebody over WG did the calculations and found out that this is completely ineffective in terms of “price vs gain” :)

            Maybe they are regretting BigWorld now, maybe they aren’t, but IMHO it’s too late for any changes of this magnitude.

            • @Gappa

              If you every say “It’s too late to change our game engine now and we’ll stick with this one for eternity”, this is when you take your first step towards eventual failure. In order to stay fresh and competitive in any market you have to adapt and actually progress. Sticking with any engine will always have a disadvantage.

              With the above being said, it is a great undertaking to change or adapt the engine so to expect them to quickly overcome the limitations of their current engine is foolish. It will take time but they should be planning for it; which they might already be planning for it – be that WoT 2 or an engine overhaul, the former is more likely.

              Let me say that other games also have a lot to consider and calculate in as far as network based communication goes, so don’t think that somehow WG made/bought the best game engine ever. I think they are doing well but on the graphics side heavy optimization is needed.

        • nobody says its easy. For f.cks sake, we pay them.

          of course its hard for them because there isnt single person who can use stupid fork();
          All they are doing is modeling new vehicles.
          Last time they copy-pasted russian line and rewrite the name to china. There isnt one “unique” tank in that line.

      • WG paid big bucks for Bigworld. I don’t think they will throw it away lightly and use a new engine.

  7. I Looks awsome but I have a good GPU I could play wot 8.9 beteween 50-70 fps. But now on testserver i have on some maps 30 fps and on other maps 14 fps. This is just sick.

  8. When I got into the first battle I was like “damn, that looks nice”, but when I started to rotate the camera the FPS weren’t so nice :)

    It reset my graphics settings so it was maxed out – after turning off every annonying effect it returned to normal – both FPS and image quality.

    One thing that I find quite annoying so far is the new animated zoom-in/out when in third person view – feels a bit slower to change the zoom level…but that very well maybe just a perception thing.

  9. Actually my FPS went up in the 8.10 test from around 30 in 8.9 to 60-70 in the test server. My PC is Phenom II X4 965, Radeon 7870, 12GB RAM…but i’m afraid that after insalling mods it will drop to 10 :P

  10. Yeah, FPS drops here too. I hope WG can optimize it, and they will hurry with their “real multicore support”.

  11. I play with medium enhanced graphic settings and I have 50 FPS at average. I guess I will have to lower something but still pretty good :)

    • Tbh I always play with 40-50 FPS. Even when they improve the graphics I don’t have to lower anything … we will see later :)

  12. I HATE the blur when you rotate the camera. It was 20 seconds into first battle and I felt as if I’m going to puke.

  13. Running fine and smooth. Like the new more fluent camera zooming. FPS got a bit hit (i760@3.2GHz, Sapphire Vapor-X 7970 GHz Edition, 16GB RAM, 1 TB SSDs), but still running good.

  14. finally the game is starting to SLIGHTLY resemble the promo (fake) videos they’ve been using for years….

    But moblur is the first thing to go…, i mean, i can see it’s uses when playing back REPLAYS so you can get all that “WHOAH SPEEEEEEEED” effect for your fraps recording, but on regular gameplay?, fuck off…

  15. The graphics improvement is welcome the fps drop feels but still over 55 fps on any map max out with i5 2500k 4.5ghz + r9 280x 1100/6300.

  16. Hey guys, here’s a tip: turn off Decal quality. For some reason, decal quality really screws the FPS over, yet if I turn it completely off and leave everything maxed, it’s fine. Not sure if other people also have this, but it’d be interesting to see.

  17. With the optimization that WoT has(none), i’ll need a new GPU in order to run the game properly with the new features…

  18. Japanese tanks are great, but….. I have a big problems with FPS too…

    PC Specs:
    i5 2500K OC @ 4,2Ghz
    8GB RAM
    GTX660 Ti OC
    (all drivers up to date)..

    Patch 8.9: 80-120FPS in all situations on Full HD res. and Max details (without shadows, grass and special effects in sniper mod)

    Test 8.10: (same graphics settings) 20-40FPS with spikes and lags (40FPS behaves as 20FPS) in battle or in move with more than 4 tanks and normal 20FPS in sniper mod.. More than 80FPS I have only at the start of the battle…
    If I want to play on the same FPS as in the 8.9 patch, I must have all settings almost on low… Other games are working perfectly! I hope, that is only some problem/bug in optimization code and that will be fixed to the final version..

  19. To me with blur they tried to copy WT ground forces look…they have that shitty blur effect and WG exactly tried to do it also….not also how those colour presets are also trying to make the game look more like other games(BF3 feeling, WT etc)