Test 8.10: It’s the little things…

Hello everyone:

I kinda thought it would be useful to actually make the list of small miscellaneous things that changed in 8.10 and that I liked or disliked, so you know what’s waiting out there for you :)


- smooth zoom: the transition between zoom levels by moving the mouse wheel is now smoother, that’s really nice actually
- debriefing screen now shows not only the names of missions completed, but also the rewards you get


- when you select equipment in garage, it shows (a small percent icon) that they are on discount. That’s also quite convenient.
- I like how the discounts are now shown in missions window, but they really should get a separate tab, because at this moment, the mission window is somewhat confusing and with the shitloads of various discounts running at the same time, the player will be spammed by info (not that discounts are a bad thing, but sometimes it’s too much)
- installing the Ventilation makes now all the crewmembers to show that 5 skill extra (105 skill in case you have a 100 percent crew)
- service record window looks actually somewhat more organized now, haven’t checked what exactly they changed, but it looks smoother


- the client screwed the graphic settings. For some reason, everything was set on max. When set on the same settings as I had in 8.9, there was roughly a 10-15 FPS drop compared to 8.9, had to set everything even lower. Nasty.
- my first impression is that graphic filters add very little, either have no positive effect at all, or (in worst case, such as the 1940 cinematic filter) make the game look even uglier. Ugh.
- pointless INSANE FPS drops when more tanks are banded together, never had that before, makes the game practically unplayable. Testing did not reveal any corellation with settings. Before, I played on medium settings. Now the game is unplayable even if I disable pretty much everything.
- really bad lag when switching windows in garage, it takes like a second to load, that wasn’t in 8.9 either
- some lag when accessing the previous messages (button in lower right corner of the garage), also new
- apparently the smoke/mist/dust effect was reworked, it also causes MASSIVE FPS drops, I had to disable that altogether. Not sure what WG did, but it was a bad idea

58 thoughts on “Test 8.10: It’s the little things…

  1. I think the Smoke/Dust/Mist stuff I really like (I have a very fast computer) though even then I get low FPS and that blur effect is terrible that’s the only thing I dont like :P

    • Blur looks kinda okay when set to low. med and high is disturbing, but while on low, the game looks kinda smoother on the move.

  2. I dunno, I only noticed some FPS drops at the start of the battle, but was quickly gone. Still playing on maximum settings and haven’t noticed all those problems.

    • I play on medium/high (with shadows disabled) in 8.9 with 30-40 FPS. In 8.10 I drop to 5 FPS whenever there are more than three tanks or objects on the screen even on lowest settings.

      • exactly!
        40-50fps when I’m alone, 15-20fps when in a group. Drives me crazy at the start of the battle, its like powerpoint presentation.

  3. I tried recording a video earlier, which usually results in ~50 fps while actively playing (no replay).
    With the motion blur active it dropped down to 20 fps which is almost unbearable for me.

    Without the motion blur it’s up to 45 fps while recording and playing.
    Plus in quick and action packed close combat it makes me a little bit sick, too.

    Other than that the fps are alright, I don’t need 70+ fps thus I’ll keep the settings on highest possible and deactivate only the obnoxious motion blur.

  4. I play everthing maxed on 8.9 with avg 60 fps. on 8.10 everything maxed 14 fps on somemaps

    • It changed from world of tanks graphics to world of warplanes… the smoke/blur/lighting etc.

      I think for it with the blur setting without it to get you dizzy you will have to play with 40 fps or more.

  5. SS why so much “dislike” mood on Graphical settings ? This is the first day of the test. I can remember pretty same situation when patch 8.0 comes out. Please stop crying. Do this summarization last day of the test. It will be different :/

        • When 8.0 comes out, I had the same FPS drop, the same problem with switching windows. And only one who is whining here is you ” Thats baad, useless, faaaail” etc ..

          • Dude, this is a FEEDBACK topic, not judging patch based on its iteration. I hope they will fix it, but I have to write it so they know SOME players have a problem. So be so kind and shut the fuck up with your bullshit.

          • He is only giving his experience . If fps drops so drastically we will and should complain . It means the devs will look to optimise it.

            • Guys, if you think they do not know it from the start, you must be silly. They are already working on it even without any feedback. I appreciate SS job, like this pages etc, but I really don’t like so much hate againts WG and how much fucked it is first day after the patch is released, because its only testing.

                • Sorry but I wont accept it. This is not spamming, I just want to ensure all other ppl, there is nothing to be worry about. And if you are tired of this, you can easily ignore me. And I dont care about any ban. I will create new account anyway.

  6. wow… I was in queue to enter the Test Server, 12k people trying to enter at same time! this took me over half an hour! :P

  7. Let’s just hope that: 1) Minsk got more feedback like this 2) they know how to deal with it 3) fix it before launch.

  8. Every single update brings FPS drop on my computer. Soon it will be unplayable. I do not understand that. My computer is not the top one, but also not a relic.

  9. I still wonder why WG keeps on adding new features while their game is clearly in a dire need of optimisation.

    I’m very concerned about the ” pointless INSANE FPS drops when more tanks are banded together” because I’m (we are) already experiencing drops in other cases (like when the first few tanks are killed around the map), although I’m not worried about the graphical part like dust effects (because I’m already playing flawlessly at max settings).

    • “like when the first few tanks are killed around the map”

      I think that’s being fixed currently – I remember reading that they solved the issue (but the slight drops when new tank appears will stay, because the game needs to load its data)

  10. Time to collect PC Hardware stats or so?
    My setting:
    Intel Core I5 3570k @3.80 GHz
    8GB DDR3 1600 MHz
    Asus geforce Gtx 660 Ti
    Asrock Z77 extreme 4.

  11. Thats not nice to hear.

    I just know as they start telling us, you show us pictures, that i dont profit on all that new graphic things cause my ATI Radeon HD 4870 with this shit driver, has problems with shadows. Yeah I know old graphic, but I hope that a good graphic card, but old one, gets sometimes better implemented. Anyway, I hope they ll fix those bugs.

    Just a quick side node: SS maybe try to defrag ur HDD, so that maybe ur windows screwed up some data and that cause on loading those issues with tanks and objects. But else, at least that problem should be fixed really fast.
    Hope u then can see that smokes and Dusk. I cant, or I ve between 20 to 30fps since 8.0 (but i dont want that old graphic back, the new one is better)

    • I didn’t even bother to turn it on with the FPS drop I had. It’s probably nice, but not for low-end computers. Also, could mess up spatial awareness

      • I found it a bit confusing (and for me the setting to set it low/med/high seemed to do nothing), but over time it got a bit better. Feels more action like (good for videos of suicide scouts, I guess?), but most good players will turn it off, exactly because without it it seems more precise to aim.

  12. Has motion blur being added to a game (Or being in a game) ever made things better? Every game it’s in, 90% of the people hate it, so why do they keep forcing it on us?

  13. well, this graphics improvement won’t be a problem for me..since i’m using the old “Standard” Graphics settings, and WG said they won’t improve it anymore

    • Same here…..still having the same FPS and i don’t give a single fuck about changes….well i do actually…that smoother zooming in arcade mode is actually the only change i like so far and it works on standard graphics also..

    • Never go full retard….people with good PCs also had massive fps drops so think before you blabber out some nonsense

  14. “- pointless INSANE FPS drops when more tanks are banded together, never had that before, makes the game practically unplayable. Testing did not reveal any corellation with settings. Before, I played on medium settings. Now the game is unplayable even if I disable pretty much everything.”

    THANK YOU!!!
    I have exaxctly same problem….
    I thought its the new graphics settings – I will try it on the same settings as I had on 8.9.
    I was so worried my GTX770 isnt sufficient anymore. (crazy, right ? the game still looks like year ~2000-2001)
    I’m so glad its not only me. Hopefully they will fix this.

  15. “- my first impression is that graphic filters add very little, either have no positive effect at all, or (in worst case, such as the 1940 cinematic filter) make the game look even uglier. Ugh.”

    I actually like the 1940 cinematic filter… Am I weird?