Hello everyone,
a few invite codes from… well, someone (guys, write your nicknames) :) Much appreciated.
There are still plenty of invite codes left on Alienware site too.
PS: Also, speaking of bonus codes, several people linked me to “Razer”. Please note that the company “Razer” is banned from FTR for spamming:
(from the banned users comment folder – Razer posted dozens of these under many posts)
Smart move about the Razer spam. It got really annoying O.o Oh btw SS, 2 days ago, you were talking about 2, 3 posts about some very interesting fails( i think). How is that going?
Well, those were the MM Wargaming update and Chieftain’s stream… well, at least I hope they were interesting… :)
Ohh, ye, they were nice :) :) is from Poland(PL) in region Eastern Europe LOL
Template is:
Start mining for invite codes :o
I hope SS bannes your ass….
Or rather bans*
Why? I actually laughed :)
Well, ye, i bet we’ll be gettin a lot of comments like that :P :P EHR MY GAWD, LETS FARM CODZZZ :D :D
Off topic:
You would make a rather great WoT Forums moderator with that attitude.
nice try
If you want to waste your time mining invite codes which are given free to everyone en-masse you need a doctor sir…
I can (sort of) understand mining for bonus codes, but invite codes mining? Really? Nice trolling move…
OFF TOPIC: how the hell do i change my picture on WP acount ?!
Thanks mate !
I appreciate it
Thats not the company razer spamming… its just some idiot spamming… because when you register for that wot shit you receive a link to give to other people, more people who register using your link the best chances you have of winning… why the hell would you ever think the company Razer would be spamming your blog????
SS sometimes you disapoint me… sometimes.
I know it’s not “the company”, doesn’t changed the fact I banned the word “razer” from comments (your comment with the word appeared only because I specifically went to spam folder and approved it). There is no other solution, I banned the guy once already and he just came back from different IP. Although I personally don’t see, why someone would spam “Razer” in comments anyway – to damage them? Why bother?
cause its fun ;)
uh SS. you DO realize that the codes are already swallowed by viewers under 1 sec after post is seen, right?
Have you noticed that the Razer company has sent a bonus code with a plane and free garage slot to all its subscribers?
I’m looking for an invite code for the NA server for my son… Does anyone know of any offers or websites where I might be able to get one?
Alienware site… use it. =)
Duh! I mis-read, and thought those were for EU only! Lol. Thanks
yea right….SS will end your suffer!!