How much XP will you need for the Japanese branch?


Hello everyone,

American player TheAlaskan calculated, how much XP you need for the XP branch – this article is posted with his permission. The numbers are to simply get to that tier, not elited. For example: Tier 2: 230 exp. That is the experience required to unlock the tier 2 (110 exp) including the modules required in tier 1 (120 exp). It’s like this:

Light Tanks

  • Tier 1: 0 exp
  • Tier 2: 230 exp
  • Tier 3: 1,645 exp
  • Tier 4: 6,035 exp
  • Tier 5: 23,035 exp

Medium Tanks

  • Tier 1: 0 exp
  • Tier 2: 180 exp
  • Tier 3: 1,820 exp
  • Tier 4: 7,090 exp
  • Tier 5: 24,040 exp
  • Tier 6: 66,040 exp
  • Tier 7: 124,190 exp
  • Tier 8: 256,590 exp
  • Tier 9: 483,590 exp
  • Tier 10: 818,590 exp

*Authors note: You save 1005 exp if you research the tier 5 through the light line.

21 thoughts on “How much XP will you need for the Japanese branch?

      • Looking a little more closely I’m not sure he has it quite right, or maybe WG need to make some adjustments. Most med lines are around 700k

        Not unusual for them to change the exp costs of something right on patch release though so I’ll wait for to update.

        • I would not rely on that much anymore these days. They got quite a lot of values mixed up and seems like they do not respond to emails nor to forum posts to fix them. For instants, long 8,8cm gun from JP/Nashorn, or some of X tier tanks cost 1 million less than they actually do.. There are really plenty more of small, annoying and confusing errors.

  1. I don’t know… this listed XP just tells me something in a negative way, but i don’t quite get why ._.

    • It tells you that you have to give up around 3 months of your personal life if you want to get that feel of accomplishment of reaching and owning top tank in that line. Games like this needs such measures to keep players interested and playing. Else there is not much to offer to many of players, after tens of thousands repetitive battles. And WG needs more that players who play only once per week to enjoy few battles in their favorite StuG III, M4, Foch or anything else. They need us grinding something all the time and we keep running for the top tank because we are supposed to do so. We are taught by society that we must reach set goals and get to that finish line, no matter if we or someone else set it for us :) Simple psychology. It works, people know about it and yet they follow that path. It is in our blood. We know it is bad but we can not help it, one way or another we just do it.

  2. So, it would take only around 800-1000 battles to get to tier 10 with premium account; that does not seem so bad; if other modules cost around 400k XP, then probably more like 1500 battles; but still, at rate of average 20 battles per day, it is doable in around 3 months; well, now it does seem like a lot :)
    Luckily, I am losing my interest in WoT once again, so 3 months of dedication to grinding that is saved, for now :)

    • Nah, the total amount of XP needed to elite the whole medium line is 993.695. So in comparison to the stock amount it’s just an additional 175.105 XP.

  3. You will lose interest in WOT if you consider playing it a GRIND. Why not enjoy the battles of each tier. In my opinion the tier 10 battles are one of the most boring ones ever.

    • I did the free xp up to WT auf. E 100.
      Due to completion of the first TD line, I “only” had to use 725.000 free xp.
      (Potentially I already got 600k to convert already) but already again is too far expensive. Nonetheless, I got 23k free xp = enough to skip to tier 5. I never play below tier 5.