Hello everyone,
you probably remember the T-44-85, the Soviet tier 7 premium tank, that was supposed to come last patch, but it was postponed, because it was imbalanced?
Well, as you know, it’s not coming in 8.10 either, but Wargaming did rebalance the vehicle somewhat – probably not its final form, but to show where this is going:
- hitpoints were reduced from 1150 to 1100
- traverse nerfed from 56 deg/s to 54 deg/s
- terrain resistance nerfed from 0,8/0,9/1,8 to 0,9/1/2
- gun penetration was improved from 126/167/43 to 147/210/43
- gun damage was improved from 160/160/280 to 200/200/300
- ROF changed from 12,5 RPM to 9,52 RPM, lowering DPM from 2000 to 1908
- the price of regular AP shells increased from 109 to 175 credits
- the price of gold shells increased from 7 to 8 gold
- the price of HE shells increased from 98 to 139
- both the AP and gold shells have marginally higher velocity
Overall, it’s hard to say whether it’s a nerf or not. The vehicle will be less mobile, but it will penetrate more. Time will tell how it will end up, but personally, mobility nerf makes the tank less attractive for me, because earlier I really liked its speed.
Im more angered by the fact that the Jap tanks had their color changed to a green colour so dark you cant really see them…
That’s the point of camo, i suppose – and it works fine.
Yet its unhistorical and it looks ugly as fuck.
Actually, IMO, it looks way better now. Definetly better green shade than the chinese.
Where’s your source to challenge its historicity?
Eh, leave him. Kazomir is just a insulting troll, nothing more :)
What is the match making for it?
7, 8 it was
IF it now gets ordinary MM (7, 8, 9) i will buy it. Could be my very first tier7 keeper.
And its still better in every aspect than T-43. So much for the Premiums should be better logic.
Ofc it’s better. It’s not a prototype proposal of upgrading T-34/76 but a completely new and a lot more modern tank than T-43. It wouldn’t make sense for it to be worse.
Except for the fact that they are both on the same tier and the Elite normal tier 7 should be better.
Else it’s pay2win.
Damn ninjas! :))
has better profile, but gun parameters will be worse than t-43(longer aimtime, bigger dispersion) and probably will have a 580 hp(or even lower) engine while the t-43 has a 700hp one.
premiums are “worse” than regular tier tanks, but some regular tanks are so bad even premiums are better, that could be one of them since i find the t-43 really bad compared to the high rof low pen t7 mids like the comet.
Yeah but… if a premium tank is better than a regular tank at the same tier and class, WoT enters the pay-to-win category of games. A category that Wargaming said they will avoid.
A premium tank should be better that the stock version of a regular tank of the same class and tier but worse that the fully upgraded regular tank.
Stock T-43 < T-44-85 < elite T-43
And let's not forget the KV-13 at the same tier.
SU-122-44 is allready lots better than SU-152.
Don`t mention the SU-100M1 ;)
I can second that. I have a SU-122-44, but after ~130 battles my WR is around 65% (overall ~56%) and my crew doesn’t even have their second skills. I deliver ~2000-2500 dmg in almost every battle without too much effort. I don’t even consider SU-152 is an enemy.
Clearly OP, but I love it.
Give the T-43 back the D10T.
As for KV-13, drop it to tier 6?
KV 13 at tier 6 ? that thing gonna blow every f**king tier 6 heavy tank out of the window.
The KV-13 is the better teir 7 Soviet med (A great Teir 7 actually), and you want it to be dropped to teir 6?
It can be nerfed down suitably. The gun choice is already poor for tier 7, just give it less hitpoints and *ahem*historical*ahem* speed and mobility.
Gun choice …poor?
You mean decent accuracy, pen, alpha(which is higher than most tier 7 medium except the one that has worst dpm) is supposed to be poor choice?
Unless you are using 122mm…
In that case you won’t mind the T-43 getting the 100mm back. :)
Actually the 100mm was terrible.
Accuracy is subpar(as see on T-34-1), slow to aim, bloom is huge…etc. And very low dpm.
It’s hard to make a premium worse than everything, you know?
It will still be worse than A-44 and KV-13 most probably. And I won’t agree it will be so much better than T-43. It will seem OP in good hands as every premium tank.
The only OP premiums I’ve seen so far are SU-122-44 (I love playing it but hence, it’s better than SU-100M1 in close combat, try a sniping duel – SU-100M1 can easly bounce some 175mm pen shots) and E25 (I hate it whether it’s on my team or another – too fast and low profile with that rof…).
I would have bought it as it was, I could live with the low pen on a nimble platform. Will have to try it again to decide.
Agreed. I probably won’t buy it now that the mobility has been nerfed. I knew that would happen when the whiners got their way since they are incapable of aiming at weakspots or flanking.
Major Buff. Mobility shouldn’t be too bad even after the slight nerf, and the gun has been majorly improved. Its actually far superior to T43. Only decent players could make the old T44-85 work with its enhanced mobility and crappy gun pen, but now even noobs can ruin your day, specially with such high APCR (210) penetration.
I think they should nerf the Premium ammo pen to 180 max, otherwise its OP.
Are you all so stupid or you are just unable to understand why even “on paper stats” T43 elite is better than this tank? Quit your whining!
It will have better engine, better radio, better DPM (like 3-4 more Round per minute), better camo, better view range, better terrain resistance, better traverse …pretty much can bet on better aim time and accuracy.
SO YEAH – pay to win and OP type 59!!!!!!!1
Cry much?
Except this one has more alpha, more pen, and actually comparable dpm(but still higher than kv-13).
better radio – This already is proof T-43 is better
so unless the aim time and accuracy are really terrible, the gun should be better then the T-43 one.
probably aim time will be 2.9 and 0.38 accuracy if this thing should be balanced!
Accuracy was 0,42 on the test, and 2,3 sec aim that felt really poor for a tank with that speed
I played the original T-44-85 and thought it’s gun was just terrible. I did like it’s mobility. Now they’re giving it a good gun and seemingly poorer mobility. It’ll be a different tank from the one they originally envisioned, but I do look forward to it.
Don’t know why people are butt hurt. Soviet mediums are fun to play, and there should be an adequate crew trainer for them. The T-43 is not only going to be faster with higher DPM, more accuracy. It will also have better gun depression and elevation, and turret traverse. The KV-13 will still likely be one of the best tier 7 mediums.
Now i want a BUFF of penn in my panther/M10 it penn 150/194/38 now the gold is worst than the soviet 85. Thanks trollgaming
whatever,t-44-85 is a sad story in chinese server.
Hmm, maybe the T-44-85 will get Chinese-level gun depression now to balance it out? o_o
Nope, it gets 6 degrees
Why nerf an already horrible tank? Should have just given it a gun buff and leave it at that.
With the massive increase in firepower, I wouldn’t call this a nerf.
Does this mean the ZiS-S-53 gun will be buffed for the T-34/85 and T-43 as well?
What kind of gun is this thing sporting?
The same one as it used to, just with new shells.
This tank be a super star. Hopefully the next T59, I am so going to get one.
T44 on par with T43
Better frontal turret armor 115>90
Better terrain resistance
Better hull traverse by far. 54<38
Same aim time 2.3
Better pen
Same hit points
Worse hpt 16.77<20.8
Worse depression -6 -8
Worse dispersion .24<.22
Worse turret traverse 40<46
Worse accuracy .47<.37
To say that the T4485 is better is tough as these tanks will play a little different. T4485 will be able to hull down a little better. Still not a brawler. If it can carry vert and have limited mm it will be very good though.
Just because the T-44-85 is better than the T-43 doesn’t mean that its pay-to-win. Its pay to win if its better than every single Tier 7 medium tank. And at the very least I do believe its still worse than Comet.