
Not much today, but with coming patch and holidays, developers will have less time to answer (like last year)

- apparently, Object 268 is not OP, it has worse winrate than Maus
- the way of balancing tanks by winrate is correct according to Storm
- according to Chieftain, the roaming feature is not yet ready, they are still working on fixing some bugs

47 thoughts on “15.12.2013

  1. It seems to imply that they acknowledge the Maus to be underpowered. Or perhaps i’m reading too much into it.

    • You slightly misread, as far as I understand, they know Maus is ->perceived<- as weak and they explain that obj.268 actually performs worse than that.

      • You don’t see or you don’t want to see? This is TD with higly accurate gun, good RoF and aiming time. And this is combined with great camo, mobility and very good armor. I think lower WR is the result of recommending USSR tanks for newbies (as more noobfriendly tanks). And then we have.

        BTW. Compare it with “OP” Foch 155, which gun is so damn inaccurate, aiming is long like hell, reticle circle is going big when moved. And which can be nemezis only for short-middle distance. And after 3 shots (15 s and very likely 1 miss or bounce) 48 s of free frag mode. But sure. Foch 155 is the one OP here, not obj 268 ;)

        • Foch is even more mobile and well-armoured. Also, the first shot is loaded at the beginning, so a clip dump takes 10 secs… many of the slower guns won’t even get off a second shot before it throws out 2550 damage.

          My main problem with the 268 is that its armour is obscene for domething so well-armed, fast, and stealthy. The prior TDs are paper as long as you avoid the few trollbounce areas.

          • More mobile? In which way? Foch 155 is just 2 kmph faster than Obj. 268. But 5 kmph slower backward (13 vs 18). Terrain resistance is also better for obj. 268. More armored? Only if you aim at higher part of UFP. If you aim at the lower part aiming angle is better and armor is easier to penetrate (this is flat plate at some angle). And Obj. 268? Slopes, slopes everywhere. To use foch at 100% you have to be relatively close to the enemy. And you have to wait 3 s for aim. In that time weakspots on the top (machine gun turret and rangefinder turret) can be easly penetrate). And going back to accuraccy of this gun on Foch 155. This is not 0,36 for sure… T110E3 is more accurate with accuracy. Even bat chat 25t with 0,38 feels to be more accurate. And Obj 268 (with 263) has most accurate gun, with best RoF.

            • -Reverse speed is one of the less important mobility stats
              -Terrain resistance means jack shit when the F155 has the P/W ratio of a light tank

              -90% of its front is ~280 effective head on, Obj 268 equivalent areas are maybe 250ish?
              -Even if you aim down 5 degrees on the upper plate (max depression of most RU high tier meds, for example) it’ still ~252 against AP. Oh, and this forces you within extremely short range (10 meters or so?), you know, IN FRONT OF A 155mm AUTOLOADING GUN

              -Are you implying that getting close to people with that armour and speed is difficult? And regardless, the new shot distribution significantly alleviates the issues with the derpy gun
              -Unless you are in a peekaboom situation, people being able to nail you in the weakspots doesn’t matter because they are about to die while inflicting minimal damage to you anyway

              -Devs say that all guns have the same shot distribution within the reticule. They might be lying (but why would they?), and in any case you have absolutely no conrete evidence. Unless proven otherwise, your claim is just confirmation bias.

              • This right here.
                268 OP…not likely, remember it has crappy gun traverse angles, it needs to reset it’s aim and cammo quite often if it wants to hit something. Also, the armor? I’ve snapshot the damned thing to oblivion quite often, can’t really believe I’m THAT lucky that every shot fired in desperation went through.

                Now let’s talk about the FOCH. Armor side, yeah…it has weakspots, if those weakspots don’t ding as fuck. Had 5 shots from the T28 Prot(248mm pen) ding off the damned viewing device.
                As for mobility? Try to circle that thing in a medium…unless you put one in his tracks, he’s gonna pivot faster than you can circle.

                And the cannon? Standard MO: go in point blank as you won’t be killed, nothing does that much dmg that fast to you if and only if the target doesn’t ding you(and sure as fuck it will), derp him 3x 850 (on average) shots to the face in 10 seconds(i.e. before a damn OBJ 268 has even the chance to reload a 2nd shot!), turn tail and run or back away and scoot.

        • Sorry, but it seems like you don’t have a 268 by yourself and just don’t know what you are talking about…

          Yes it’s mobile
          Yes it got good camo
          Yes it got a relative good gun

          So and now to the cons which makes it a balanced tank:

          - It’s armor is paper, if you fail to pen a 268 you just have no plan how to play
          -The gun is not as good as you think, it misses a lot because of the really slow shell
          velocity. Also it’s only accurate on paper, it’s nearly the same troll gun as the BL-10 just a
          bit better
          - Gun depression / traverse is nearly not there
          - Because it’s so light you have to be carefully where you driving at, already the smallest
          bumps in the ground can make you jump and damage you

          I can’t hear this 268 is OP discussion anymore, it’s one of the only balanced T10 tanks in the game and by balanced I mean not to good nor to bad.

          And to this: “I think lower WR is the result of recommending USSR tanks for newbies”

          So, why does it then have the lowest WR of all of my T10 tanks, mhh?

          I think with 1833 overall WN7 I am not a noob… Also just search on the EU forums, other unicum players have the same problems with it…

          • I concur, Obj.268 is the most balanced TD on X and I’ll go even further sying that it’s the most well-rounded TD on high-tiers, a jack-of-all-trades. Srsly, just check it out people.

          • >It’s armor is paper

            Armour test from 7.5 –> http://wotarmory.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/object-268-front-armor-scheme1.jpg

            That means 7 bounces in a row with 225 pen on all the large areas of the front, from looking at the other armour tests it seems that effective armour is ~10-15% higher than the “immunity”- and that is before the 8.0 normalisation nerfs. It’s not godly or anything, bu it’s enough to either force you to aim for weakspots (which are tiny) or gamble with most stadard rounds.

            >Misses a lot because of the really slow shell

            Fair enough, but this only applies to distant and moving targets.

            >Also it’s only accurate on paper

            See my other reply.


            Get legitimate data. Nothing backs up your statement, I might as well say I met Elvis Presley yesterday if we don’t need any kind of proof.

            >Gun depression / traverse is nearly not there

            This is the main drawback compared to the 704, but other than that, it’s vastly superior as a platform.

            >Because it’s so light you have to be carefully where you driving at

            It weighs fucking 50 tons.

            Besides, that issue is rarely encountered, and pretty much only scouts/fast meds face it.

            • Man, 225mm is just a little bit more than the tier VIII (!!) MEDIUM Indien Panzer has with its REGULAR ammo.

              Driving my Leo 1 I have no problem with 268. When even slightly angled all shots go through, and if it stays head on to you you just shoot the LFP and kill it easily. Still, cause of the mobility+alpha, I want to get this thing.

          • Also, almost all unis I’ve come across agree that the 268 is between very strong and OP, same as F155 and the Waffle100.

          • So, why does it then have the lowest WR of all of my T10 tanks, mhh?
            Because you are noob… hueheuheueheu :D

            • I don’t get the fuss about the Foch 155 and WTF E-100…
              They are autoloaders, fine… but when you are driving head on in a fully loaded Foch or whatever, then you deserve what you get!

              The problem with the 268 is:
              It’s TOO stealthy and the reload is a tad too fast for 303 pen and 850 average damage (just look at the E3 for example in comparison)

              The armor is trollish, yes, but still far from invincible. The spaced armor is holding this thing together…

              The gun… apart from reload, alpha and pen, is still quite accurate even with the low shell velocity (hellooooo JG E-100)

              but 450 HEAT pen COME ON!!!

          • as a superunicum I have to say: OP268 is OP as hell, although the Foch155 is even more OP
            14,04s reload with rammer + extra rations
            good aimtime, good accuracy
            great camo (have you ever spotted an OP 268 on 445m? I dont, but Ive spotted JE100 and WTF100 on 445m … Damn dat thing doesnt even pop up at 380m vs. 490m ViewRange)
            I solo and yolo that shit at 70% WR and ~ 4k avg Damage. And im bad in TDs!
            and if you ask in the “elitist channel” (unicums only) what T10 TDs are OP: Foch 155, OP268 and maybe even WTF100.
            Everytime I touch the 268 I feel dirty for using an OP tank

    • 268 is good, but certainly not op. The shell speed is low enough that it’s not a reliable BVR sniper, nor does it have the ability 1 shot vehicles. The armour will bounce shots, but is nowhere nearly as trolly as the Foch. It’s strong, but relatively worse than the 704, and not nearly as good as 155s or WTFE100s

      • 268′s nominal 850 alpha can easily roll over 1000 hp and will definitely one-shot lower tier TDs like ISU or AC 48. I’ve been least once on receiving end.

        Armour can also be damn troll-bouncy. Yesterday I emptied Bat-Chat clip on 286 on the other side of El-Halluf. That damn thing bounced every shot. Accordingly vbaddicts stats 268 bounces 26% shots at it, or more than any medium. T11E4 bounces 28%.

    • you think Obj. 268 is OP?

      have you ever seen a Obj. 263?
      that thing just simply annihilates everything on its way

      awesome armor
      awesome gun ( seriously that RoF )
      awesome mobility
      what else you want?

      • Haver u ever seen Obj 263 urself? no? Ask urslef why so.

        Imo its not that bad like his rep. But still far from OP. LFP even weaker than E100 ones. Plus the beatiful fact that 90% of every T9+ hit on ur Autoaimtarget, the gun mantlet, pens you. Together with that awsome sidearmor which cant bounce shots even @10° and those HEAT spamming shits on the hulltop. Spaced bitch ass 268 armor is laughing about that.

        U cant angle it. U have nearly 0 depression. Traverse same shit. Fat ass weakspots even for noobs.

        There is a reason why 263 is one of the least played T10 tanks. together with 113 and Maus. Since a while IS-4 is joining this group. (no idea why)

        • Agreed. Owerlord has no idea what he is talking about.

          The ROF may be high but it is gets outplayed by the alpha TDs. Maybe once WG nerfs their 850 alpha to 750, maybe. And the lower glacis causes engine damage and fire. One way Soviet tank players can feel how German players get to feel.

          Furthermore, to get the 263, you have to play a line of mediocre vehicles. They are nice to play but they can’t carry like other tanks.

          • Not to mention the 263 and the awesome open top it has. If arty sneezes in your general direction, you’ll be pushing up daisies.

  2. Well I don’t think its OP but the armour is a bit troll for the amount it has even when you try to shoot weak spots its still trolls you its like when you bounce a shell from a batchat and serb comes out and stick out his middle finger at you and nerds your tank that kinda troll.

  3. Server winrate is stupid because it does not account for playerbase. Easy to play/OP tanks tend to attract flocks of baddies, and the sheer numbers mean that those tanks are more likely to end up on both teams, which partially cancels out their OPness. Furthermore, a tank that is weak in the hands of pubbies may be extremely powerful when used by skilled players who know how to exploit its features, or when goldspam is used.

  4. It’s not OP. Average damage on paper is 850, but you’ll often deal below 750. Its armor is trollish; one game you get penetrated 3 times in a row by Tiger 2, one game you bounce Foch 155′s premium ammo. And RNG is not its friend most of the time. It’s a “meh” TD.

  5. Ok so most of people here are discussing is the 268 OP or not or is it more or less OP than other T10 TDs. But, here it was mentioned how it’s even worse than a Maus which is imo complete and utter bullshit. First of all 268 is a lot easier to grind out than Maus line. Second, a lot more people go for Soviet TD line than for Maus line. Maus is so rare today that judging it’s performance based on WR is the single most retarded thing to do. Maus is usually driven by good players, problably in platoon with other good players and those are people who actually mastered driving that behemoth. On the other hand you see a lot more 268s in random battles and they are not so rarely driven by complete noobs or mediocre players at best. Ofc there are good players driving it also, but there is a LOT more bad players driving them than driving Mauses. And this is why WR is completely irrelevant stat for rating tank’s performance.

    • i read nothing about flipping tanks ;)
      but didn’t it say in patchnotes that the ammorack physics would be changed, i hope turret pops off ;P
      and lets not forget the ability to destroy objects and hit them with the first AP or APCR rounds instead of a picketfence stopping a AP shells cold in its tracks.