Hello everyone,
so, the patchnotes are out (tried to look for them in Czech, but apparently, having them translated in time is waaaaaay too difficult). There’s a surprise though – looks like the patch will bring TWO tier 10 Soviet mediums, according to Czech portal!
(nah, just one, Czech portal is full of fail as usual). The mission looks interesting – 250 battles in three days? Whoa.
- IS-4 mantlet is 250mm thick
- WT RhB did have its 128mm gun model changed in 8.10 (it’s now longer), Storm states that they didn’t change its camo factor though
- players are reporting massive FPS drops in Japanese tier 1 battles (the tanks have machineguns), Storm advises to write a support ticket and to try to change graphic settings
- the crew of StuG III is historical (SS: apparently there is a bug that if you move a StuG group to E-25, the radioman perk gets messed up)
A Russian player proposed an interesting method of balancing tank winrate (taking into account not the vehicle winrate, but the tank/player winrate corellation), Storm commented and stated he passed it to WG statistics specialists. Could be interesting, as this method could potentially reduce the assessment time (whether the vehicle is OP or not) to 2-3 weeks.
- the reason why the destructable objects being penetrable by AP/APCR now were implemented is “to make gameplay more diverse”
http://worldoftanks.eu/en/news/46/version-810-release/ is published already
- the reason why the destructable objects being penetrable by AP/APCR now were implemented is “to make gameplay more diverse”
Now you can have a chance to reset the cap in maps like Airfield, where the cap zones are full of destructible houses.
“A Russian player proposed an interesting method of balancing tank winrate (taking into account not the vehicle winrate, but the tank/player winrate corellation), Storm commented and stated he passed it to WG statistics specialists.”
So that Russian player’s opinion is very important to Wargaming? What the hell? oO
Foot 2/3 of the bill and you get to choose what everyone has for dinner.
Dont forget balancing low tier tanks is harder since good players can bash noobs with even medicore tanks.
The tank/player winrate correlation is the most important aspect deciding whether a tank is “OP” or “UP”, much more than winrate alone. If the tank WR is higher than the overall player WR, then the tank tends to be OP, and vice versa:
Example for bad tank:
Pz.Sfl. V = WR tank: 51.5%, WR player: 54.6%
Example for good tank:
KV-1S = WR tank: 56.5%, WR player: 54.2%
One should always be careful about the data used, as most users of sites like Noobmeter are well above average. Results for average players (who are obviously the most important group) may be very different.
This is what I was thinking as well. A tank’s “noob friendliness” is not necessarily proportional to its potential in the hands of a capable player…and we all know which group of players is more prevalent in this game.
If you balance game based on bad majority; you would lose the people who actually know how to play the game.
And if you don’t; bad players would not notice any difference…
And wg cares a lot about players who know how to play (they don’t care about better players at all)
I don’t think that it’s a Russian player is the surprising part, that’s just numbers and that they read those forums where it might get lost on NA or EU, the surprising thought to me is that ANY player had what they thought was a good idea.
“WT RhB did have its 128mm gun model changed in 8.10 (it’s now longer), Storm states that they didn’t change its camo factor though”
I can confirm. Tested it alot on test server and same camo. Before and after shooting.
Is there any armor behind is4 mantlet?
Yes, behind the very edges there is 250mm, mid between edge and center is a strip of 230mm, the rectangular area immediate around gun has no armor but the Mantlet itself is not all 250mm. Only the circular area with screws and cross-shape is 250mm. The sloped part around it is 160mm and very edges are 140mm. Basically gold shells won’t come through unless you’re firing at very center of mantlet which in turn may be blocked by gun’s saving throw. However if you shoot at a side of mantlet, you may deal damage because you may get through 160mm with angle negated and empty space right inside tank.
Gee I’m really bored today…
A Russian player proposed an interesting method of balancing tank winrate (taking into account not the vehicle winrate, but the tank/player winrate corellation), Storm commented and stated he passed it to WG statistics specialists. Could be interesting, as this method could potentially reduce the assessment time (whether the vehicle is OP or not) to 2-3 weeks.
how can you ever balance tanks by winrate if you dont correct it for difference in player skill
True. What a shame for WG that they did not yet use when balancing tanks.
The tank/player winrate correlation is the most important aspect deciding whether a tank is “OP” or “UP”, much more than winrate alone. If the tank WR is higher than the overall player WR, then the tank tends to be OP, and vice versa:
Example for bad tank:
Pz.Sfl. V = WR tank: 51.5%, WR player: 54.6%
Example for good tank:
KV-1S = WR tank: 56.5%, WR player: 54.2%
IIRC whenever new tanks were added they waited 4+ weeks to assure enough average players unlocked them before taking statistics seriously.
I think they were using the WR/playerWR ratio when gathering detailed data (in cases of tank statistics being significantly different from average, or in preparation for a tank rebalance, for example), but not as a general tool for every tank.
“- players are reporting massive FPS drops in Japanese tier 1 battles (the tanks have machineguns), Storm advises to write a support ticket and to try to change graphic settings”
Or try clean your computer, or use defragmenting- SerB said xD
Or maybe they could get some graphics professionals who know how to better optimize the game. I can run any game on max settings with my computer and yet my FPS in WoT is usually around 20fps or less. It isn’t the computers, it’s the graphics engine. (I know SerB said that and not you, just saying)
Because WoT is NOT support muticore yet. So even you use Core i7, WoT use only 1 core to calculate. So right now the best way to run WoT is use a Pentium IV CPU , because it single core is more powerful than a single of our 2~3~5~7 core lol
Reminds me of 15 vs 15 T7 car battles…
‘to make gameplay more diverse’
yeah by messing up all strategies on maps which included a destructable building
e.g you cant hide now in sand river cap circle when you play an encounter..or prokhorovka, village is useless as a defense…and port will be the funniest :D
Play men of war and you will see what AP ammo does with buildings and tanks behind them.
Port removed, and it’s about damn time.
Strategies involving destructible buildings?
Strategies other than wait to die?
Play 250 battles over Christmas
WG worried the servers will be empty and need to encourage bots?
I know what my reward for playing 250 games over that period would be, and it would be painful.
There are two new russian tanks comming in 8.10
or atleast they were on the EU test server..
here is a video of their stats.
im sorry it is in danish but didnt think it would be neccesary to make it english:D
Yes, but only one is level 10, and it was, by a mistake, stated that both are tier X’s. That is the whole fail.
Ok guys and gals…. read the issues with v8.10. But, what are the upsides? Haven’t read many positive comments. Thanks.
Port is going.
Japanese tanks.
Port is going.
You will be able to shoot through (some) walls/fences/etc.
Port is going.
hmmm… what else?
Port is going.
Oh yes, they fixed the decal positions on the PzV/IV
Port is going.
LOL…. so if I read this right Homer… Port is going. Make me smile mate.
I heard that supposedly port is going. Am i rite?
port? bho its not a bad map for me
why are they doing the gun longer of WT RMB ???
its a L55 and looks correct. soon it will look like the L61 …
the barrel is supposed to be 7 meters long, it sure as hell doesn’t look correct as it is now